#1. Unit 1 is at 100% RTP, when the following occurs: Core Thermal power drops 2% MWE has a corresponding drop MSL flow drops Core Plate Differential Pressure drops Total jet pump flow rises What is causing these indications?
#2. Unit 1 is at 100% RTP. 135X-2 AC feed breaker to 1A RPS MG set trips on overcurrent.How will the plant respond in the first 5 minutes?
#3. Unit 1 is in Mode 2 with IRMs on ranges 3 and 4. A loss of 1A 24/48 VDC battery bus and charger occurs.What are the effects, if any, on the RCMS (Rod Control Management System) and RPS (Reactor Protection System)?
#4. Unit 2 is at 23% RTP.A Spurious Power Load Unbalance signal is received, and the following is observed: All Main Stop Valves (MSVs) remain open All Control Valves (CVs) are closed The Combined Intermediate Valves (CIVs) are throttled openWhat is the status of reactor pressure control?
#5. Which RWLC interlock works in conjunction with the scram profile and what function does it provide for?
#6. RCIC is injecting due to an initiation signal CY tank level is at 3′ RCIC suction is from the suppression poolA control room evacuation was necessary, and the 1E51-F010/31/68 component transfer switch was placed into the Emergency position.What is the status of RCIC operation 2 minutes after this action?
#7. Unit 1 is in Mode 4: Reactor Coolant temperature is 150 F Alternate shutdown cooling is in operation with heat removal provided by the reactor water cleanup system 2 RT filter demineralizers are in service The B RWCU Non-Regenerative Heat Exchanger is in use to maintain vessel temperature, with the local D/P gauge 1PDI-WR028, reading of 10.0 psidTwo minutes later: The local RBCCW D/P gauge 1PDI-WR028, reads 2 psid The WR head tank level is steadyWhat is the significance in the change of this D/P reading and the consequence of this change?
#8. Which of the following Instrument Air/Instrument Nitrogen restoration activities REQUIRE operations to be performed outside of the Main Control Room?
#9. The reactor has been shutdown for 40 days after a 180 day run. RPV level is 50″ and steady. 1E12-F009 Shutdown cooling suction spuriously isolated and will not open. Reactor coolant temperature is currently 140°F and rising. Reactor recirculation pumps are not available. How long will it take to FIRST reach MODE 3?
#10. A fuel bundle was accidently dropped into the Unit 1 Spent Fuel Pool. What is the status of Unit 2 reactor building ventilation fans and release status?
#11. Which of the following describes the purpose of the Reactor Scram from High Drywell Pressure?
#12. Unit 1 was at 100% RTP when all CW pumps tripped and were unable to be restarted.Assuming no operator actions, after 60-minutes you would expect to observe tO automatically control reactor pressure.
#13. Unit 1 is at 100% RTP: A LOCA occurs Suppression pool temperature is 101 F and rising 2 F/min Reactor Pressure is 800 psig and lowering 10 psig/min All MSIVs are shut Drywell pressure is 8 psig and rising 0.2 psig/min Level is 20 and stable on Narrow Range with feedwaterPer LGA-003, PRIMARY CONTAINMENT CONTROL, if suppression pool temperature cannot be held below (1) all available pool cooling should be started.Given the plant conditions above, suppression pool cooling should be started (2)
#14. Unit 1 was manually scrammed due to a small break LOCA in the primary containment. Drywell pressure is 2.0 psig and slowly rising Drywell temperature is 215 F and slowly risingWhich of the following identifies the operational implications of using LGA-VP-01, PRIMARY CONTAINMENT TEMPERATURE REDUCTION?
#15. What is the reason that -18 feet was chosen for the Suppression Pool Level at which ADS may not be initiated?
#16. Unit 2 was at 100% RTP when a LOCA occurred in the drywell: Reactor Pressure is 825 psig and lowering slowly Drywell Pressure peaked and stabilized at 1.1 psig Reactor water level is -130″ and lowering slowly All low pressure ECCS pumps are runningWhat is the status of ADS?
#17. When Cold Shutdown Boron Weight has been added and mixed uniformly, the reactor will remain shut down under which of the following conditions:1. All control rods are fully withdrawn.2. The reactor core is at its most reactive exposure.3. No xenon is present in the reactor core.4. No voids are present in the reactor core.5. RPV water level is at the high level trip setpoint.
#18. Effluent radiation release rate is 5.30 e +8 uCi/sec from the Standby Gas Treatment Wide Range Gas Monitor.What color is the SPDS RAD RELEASE NORM (HIGH) status box?
#19. LOA-FX-101, UNIT 1 Safe Shutdown with a Fire in the MCR or AEER procedure directs you to OPEN RPS System A and B feed breakers (CB2A and CB2B) located at the (1) on the 749 foot elevation of the Auxiliary Building.These breakers are left open until recovery to (2)
#20. Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP. HPCS is running in full flow test for pump surveillance testing. A transient on the grid causes a grid voltage disturbance. Bus 243 voltage drops to 3800 volts.What will be the Division 3 system response to these conditions?The Bus will load shed 1 , to prevent damaging HPCS pump motor 2
#21. Per LGA-003, PRIMARY CONTAINMENT CONTROL, Low Suppression Pool Level leg, a level of (1) in the suppression pool, is the first level where (2)
#22. Per LGA-010, FAILURE TO SCRAM:You have (1) minutes to place (2) RHR Heat Exchanger(s) online during a power ATWS with all heat going to the primary containment.
#23. A 20 rod ATWS occurs on Unit 1.Per LGA-NB-01, ALTERNATE ROD INSERTION, which of the following steps must be completed to defeat any rod block(s) and insert control rods using theINSERT pushbutton?1) Bypass RWM 2) Bypass CRD drive flow trip circuit switch 3) Reset ARI 4) Reset RPS
#24. A leak in the RWCU system has occurred causing a high temperature isolation.This isolation occurred at a temperature of (1) measured in the (2)
#25. Which of the following will cause a Reactor Building Ventilation Hi Rad condition?
#26. Unit 2 is in Mode 5 VR isolated and shutdown. Refueling operations are in progress.Unit 1 is in Mode 1 A steam leak in the Unit 1 main steam tunnel causes a high differential pressure condition in the steam tunnel.Reactor Building Differential pressure will challenge the operability of secondary containment on (1) Standby Gas Treatment (2)
#27. Unit 1 is at 100% RTP.Fire Protection is leaking into the reactor building 694 elevation, southwest corner room. What are the operational implications to the HPCS system, due to rising water level?
#28. What are the normal and emergency power supplies to the 1A RHR Water Leg Pump?
#29. Unit 1 was at 100% power when the following occurs: Drywell pressure is 2 psig. 2 minutes later, Off-site power is lost on Unit 1.When the diesel generator output breakers close……
#30. Reactor Level is 20 on SHUTDOWN range. Reactor Coolant Temperature is 170 F. Shutdown cooling flow is 5000 GPM. Under these conditions, thermal stratification:
#31. Unit 1 is in MODE 5.’B RHR pump is operating in Shutdown Cooling mode.Considering BOTH loops of RHR, if theB’ RHR pump had a shaft shear, what function of RHR is unavailable?
#32. What conditions are REQUIRED for the LPCS Injection Valve (1E21-F005) to Automatically Open?1) ECCS Signal 2) Power to LPCS Pump 3) LPCS Pump Discharge Pressure 4) Pressure between the Injection Line check valve and Injection Valve is less than 500 psig 5) Reactor Pressure less than 500 psig
#33. HPCS is injecting to the Unit 1 RPV. HPCS Initiation Logic 125 VDC Control Power fuse F1 blows Reactor water level reaches 45 on wide range and is rising at 5 /minAssuming no operator action, after five minutes, the HPCS Pump will be and the HPCS Injection Valve 1E22-F004 will be
#34. HPCS is operating in full flow test for a surveillance.HPCS indicates 2200 GPM on the 1 H13-P601.The HPCS Injection Valve breaker is OOS for maintenance.A LOCA brings in a high drywell pressure signal.What is the status of the HPCS MIN FLOW VLV, 1 E22-F012, PRIOR to the LOCA signal? What is the status of the HPCS MIN FLOW VLV, 1 E22-F012, ONE MINUTE AFTER the LOCA signal?
#35. The plant is operating at 100% RTP. Instrument air was inadvertently isolated to the Standby Liquid Control (SBLC) system. Reactor Building temperature is 84 F and steady. No other evolutions are being performed on the SBLC system.Which of the following Control Room Annunciators, if any, initially alert the Control Room of this isolation?
#36. A 20% RTP ATWS occurs on Unit 1 and SBLC is manually initiated.Which of the following is confirmation that the 1C41-F004A, Standby Liquid Control Squib Valve, is open AND SBLC is injecting into the RPV?
#37. Unit 1 is at 100% RTP with LIS-NB-105A, UNIT 1 REACTOR HIGH PRESSURE SCRAM CHANNELS AAND C CALIBRATION, in progress.IMD has discovered the High Pressure Scram Channel 1B21-N023AA will not trip.1) What effect will this condition have on RPS if RPV pressure reaches a RPS scram setpoint?2) What is the status of LCO RPS Instrumentation?
#38. A reactor startup is in progress. IRM A reads 25 on Range 2. Reactor mode switch is in STARTUP.While selecting SRM detectors for withdrawal to maintain SRM Count rate between1 X 10e3 to 1 X 10e5 CPS, IRM A is also selected. The drive out pushbutton is then depressed and held depressed.The “A” IRM detector not full in limit switch will open causing…
#39. The mode switch is inSTARTUP. IRMs are all on range 5 or 6.During performance of a surveillance for the mode switch, SRMA is moved out ofOPERATE and placed in theSTANDBY position.Which of the following alarm response procedures must be entered?
#40. Then the following indication is discovered on channel “C” What effect will this have if the LPRM 6B-40-09 is placed into the bypass position on Unit 1?
#41. What is the trip setpoint for maximum disagreement between APRM flow comparator channels, and what signal is generated when it is reached?
#42. Unit 1 is at 100% RTP: The Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) turbine was started manually per LOS-RI-Q4 COLD QUICK START IN MODES 1, 2, AND 3 While raising turbine speed, a local operator reports steam leakage near the RCIC governor valveHow will the RCIC system respond, if at all, to the operator depressing the RCIC isolation pushbutton on the 1H13-P601 panel?
#43. Which of the following conditions require the ADS Inhibit Switches (S26A/S26B) to be placed inINHIBIT?1) A spurious ADS initiation occurs during a non ATWS scram IAW LGA-001, RPV CONTROL2) An ATWS is occurring with RPV water level being maintained -60 to -100 IAW LGA-010, FAILURE TO SCRAM3) A fire in the Main Control Room IAW LOA-FX-101, UNIT 1 SAFE SHUTDOWN WITH A FIRE IN THE CONTROL ROOM
#44. Unit 1 was operating at 100% RTP when a reactor level transient occurred: HPCS and RCIC automatically initiated LGA-001 was entered and RPV level is now being maintained between +20 and +50″ Drywell pressure is 0.1 psigYou have been directed to reset Group 2 isolations per LOA-PC-101 and have depressed the INBOARD and OUTBOARD isolation reset pushbuttons on the 1H13-P601 panel.Which of the following systems requires additional logic reset before the affected valves can be opened?
#45. What is the power supply to the SRV solenoids that are operated by the 13 hand switches in the MCR?
#46. Unit 1 is at 100% RTP: A TDRFP tripped offline The MDRFP failed to auto start Assuming no operator action…A Reactor Recirculation runback will occur
#47. The Standby Gas Treatment Cooling Fan starts (1) and the charcoal bed is designed to capture radioactive (2)
#48. With both Division 1 unit-tie breakers (1414 &; 2414) open, which of the following breakers must be closed to allow closing breaker 1414 from the Main Control Room?
#49. Unit 1 is at 100% RTP. The Unit 1 PPC UPS inverter has failed.What is currently powering the Unit 1 PPC UPS loads?
#50. The plant is operating at 100% RTP.A malfunction causes the 1A 24/48 VDC battery charger output voltage to change from the normal value to 22 VDC over one minute.Which of the following lists the status of 24/48 VDC battery “1A after the voltage change and the plant load that is affected by the change in voltage?
#51. While performing a unit startup in Mode 2, the SAT feed breaker to bus 142Y spuriously tripped.- The 1A Diesel Generator FAILED to automatically start- Attempts to start the 1A DG from the control room have NOT been successful1A DG was manually started locally and is running at 900 rpm. Attempts to raise DG output voltage above 3800 volts have been unsuccessful.With regards to the 1A Diesel Generator, what is the next procedurally required action?
#52. Unit 1 is at 100% RTP with the followin conditions:Which of the following describes the plant status?
#53. The following indications are present following a loss of 112Y. 1) Are these indications expected? 2) If the 1WR179/180 DW Equip RBCCW InIt/Otlt Inbd Isols Bypass Keylock Switch is taken to BYPASS and the 1WR179/180 Control Switch is taken to OPEN the valves will?
#54. While performing a startup with reactor pressure at 300 psig, what will be the major driving force for the Scram if the Scram Solenoid Pilot Valves lost power?
#55. Reactor coolant temperature is 220 F Both reactor recirculation pumps are secured. Rx Vessel Bottom Head metal temperature is 170 F as read from the CRD temperature recorder.The following indications are found at the 1H13-P602 panell# 1603MPOiiJT TE*1nELE.’EHFIf starting Reactor Recirculation under these conditions, what point of temperature measurement would you verify for the bottom head area and what issue does this address?
#56. Unit 1 is at 100% RTP with 1B RT Pump online.Two minutes later… The Reactor was scrammed due to a feedwater leak in the Main Steam Tunnel All rods remained out SBLC is injecting Reactor water level is at -30 on Wide Range lowering at 2″/min What is the status of the 1B RT Pump?
#57. Which of the following APRM and RBM Channel combinations will be affected by a downscale failure of FLOW UNITD?APRM Channel
#58. Unit 1 was scrammed due to a small unisolable feedwater leak.A RHR Pump is running in suppression pool cooling RCIC is injecting Suppression pool level is 1.5 feet below its normal operating level and stableWhich of the following are valid methods to monitor Suppression Pool Temperature from the Main Control Room?1) Suppression Pool Temperature Monitors (Numac)2) RCIC Discharge Temperature3) A RHR Heat Exchanger Inlet4) PPC
#59. Unit 1 is at 100% Power. LOS-RH-Q1, RHR (LPCI) AND RHR SERVICE WATER PUMP AND VALVE INSERVICE TEST FOR MODES 1, 2, 3, 4 AND 5, is in progress. 1E12-F027A RHR, Chamber Spray Valve, failed its exercise test and is unable to be opened remotely or locally.LCO (RHR Suppression Pool Spray) and applies in Modes
#60. Unit 1 is in MODE 2 at 3% RTP:At this power what will be the position of the Reactor Head Vents 1B21-F001 and 1B21-F002 and why?
#61. The following is displayed on the 1PM02J:With NO operator action, how will the plant respond?1) Turbine Trip2) Reactor Scram3) Reactor Recirc Pump Downshift4) ES Non-Return Check Valves Close
#62. What is the Power Supply to 1C Condensate/Condensate Booster Pump?
#63. What design feature of the Offgas system prevents the poisoning of the recombiner catalyst by the presence of water?
#64. Which of the following conditions could cause the VC Emergency Makeup Unit to automatically actuate?
#65. Units 1 and 2 are at 100% RTP. During a Fire Protection Surveillance, theA VC Charcoal train was accidently deluged.What are the required actions? Enter……1). LCO 3.7.4 for Control Room Area Filtration Inoperable2). LCO 3.7.5 for Control Room Area Ventilation Air Conditioning Inoperable 3). TRM 3.3.p for Fire Protection Instrumentation Inoperable4). TRM 3.7.k for Deluge Spray and Sprinkler System Inoperable
#66. Unit 1 is at 100% RTP: LIS-MS-305A, UNIT 1 MAIN STEAM LINE PIPE TUNNEL HIGH DIFFERENTIAL TEMPERATURE ISOLATION (DIV 1) FUNCTIONAL TEST is in progress. Alarms have been flagged.Subsequently: LOR-1H13-P601-F501, DIV 1 MSL PIPE TUNNEL DIFF TEMP HI Alarms. (The first annunciation of the shift). This alarm has no flag.What action(s) is/are required? Acknowledge the annunciator…
#67. Unit 2 is at 100% RTP: 2A and 2C CW pumps are running A loss of 211Y occursThe Assist NSO will dispatch the equipment operator to…
#68. Which of the following plant conditions is allowed to be communicated during the Scram Choreography? Updating the crew on a…
#69. The reactor water cleanup system is tagged out for maintenance.A valve that will have maintenance performed on it is discovered with an info tag placed on it. What action by the work supervisor is acceptable and why?
#70. Which of the following identifies a Tech Spec LCO condition which would require entry into the Required Action Statement and logged per OP-AA-111-101, OPERATING NARRATIVE LOGS AND RECORDS?
#71. Unit 2 is at 100% RTP: Reactor water level is +36 inches and stable Drywell pressure is 0.2 psig and stable The Division 1 ADS Manual Initiation pushbuttons (2B21-S32A and 2B21-S33A) are armed, depressed, and releasedTen seconds later the Division 1 ADS Low Level Logic Reset Pushbutton (2B21-S31A) is depressed and released.What is the status of the following relays?K4A K8A
Reference provided during examination: 1E-2-4201AB
#72. Unit 1 is at rated power and annunciator 1H13-P601-B110, Reactor Building Radiation HI is in alarm. Based on the given conditions, which indication would require entry into Emergency Operating Procedures?
#73. Unit 2 is at 5% RTP: The Reactor Mode Switch is in ‘STARTUP’. A Drywell entry is in progress with personnel currently investigating a suspected leak Subsequently A high worth Control Rod begins to drift OUT The crew will…
#74. During an emergency condition, Reactor Operator actions that DEVIATE from plant Technical Specifications are needed to protect the health and safety of the public.In accordance with HU-AA-104-101, Procedure Use and Adherence, these actions require…
#75. 1) Which emergency facility assumes responsibility for communications with offsite agencies including the NRC once it is activated?2) What is the lowest classification level that requires this facility’s activation during a non-security event?
#76. Unit 2 is at 100% RTP with the Division 1 Diesel Generator OOS: Loss of SAT occurs ACB 2415 FAILS to Fast Transfer Bus 242Y trips on overcurrent(1) What Attachment of LOA-AP-201, Unit 2 AC Power System Trouble will be directed by the Unit Supervisor?(2) What Reactor Water Level Instrument is available?
#77. A loss of SAT occurs on Unit 1 141Y tripped on overcurrent 1A EDG has Failed 142Y failed to fast transfer causing a scram 142Y was manually transferred within 5 minutes and is being powered by Unit 2 HPCS is maintaining Reactor Level automatically between its high and low level injection setpointsAs the Shift Manager what is the Emergency Classification Level that should be declared for Unit 1?
#78. Unit 2 is in MODE 3.2A RHR is running in shutdown cooling. A level transient causes a HPCS initiation. The 2E12-F009, RHR shutdown cooling suction header inboard Isolation valve, closes and will not re-open.1) What reactor level causes the trip of Shut Down Cooling?2) Which alternate decay heat removal plan should the Unit Supervisor select from OU-LA-104 Shutdown safety management?
#79. A LOCA occurred on Unit 1: Drywell pressure is 67 PSIG Containment Flood Level is 700 Feet Hydrogen concentration is 3% Oxygen concentration is 2% Stack WRGM reads 8.56 E+09 uCi/sec VG WRGM reads 1.21 E+02 uCi/sec(1) What is the required status of containment venting per LGA-VQ-102, UNIT 1 EMERGENCY CONTAINMENT VENT?(2) Why?
#80. The Heat Capacity Temperature Limit (HCTL) is
#81. The Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Basis for the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) Manual Inhibit Switches is to prevent…
#82. Unit 1 and Unit 2 are at 100% RTP: TSO Informs you Braidwood Unit 1 is going offline Grid Voltage changes from 362KV to 357KV At LaSalle on Unit 1: MVAR changes from 200 MVARs to 600 MVARs Machine Gas pressure is 60 psig MWe changes from 1180 MWe to 1160 MWeThe main generator is currently operating (1) , and the unit supervisor should direct (2)
Reference provided during examination: LOP-HY-07 Unit 1 Generator Capability Curve