#1. Given the following plant conditions: – 1B Reactor Recirculation pump tripped. – Power and flow are in the allowable region of Technical Specifications. Thermal Limits: (1) Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (2) Minimum Critical Power Ratio (3) Linear Heat Generation Rate (4) Maximum Allowable Power RatioWhich combination of thermal limits must be adjusted?
#2. An event occurred that resulted in a Reactor SCRAM coincident with a Station Blackoutcondition. How will the Source Range Monitor Log Count Rate meters on 1H13-P603 respondcompared to a scram with off-site power available? Hard card actions by the NSO arecomplete except those prevented by the station blackout.The Source Range Monitor Log Count Rate meters will . . .
#3. The Off-Gas system was in operation with flow bypassing the charcoal adsorber trains(Charcoal Adsorber Train mode switch was in AUTO). Power was subsequently lost to24/48 VDC Distribution Panel 1A. The Off-Gas system flow-path will . . .
#4. The plant was operating in a normal full power lineup when the Main Turbine tripped due to highvibration. Select the statement below that best describes the response of the Non-Class 1Eelectrical distribution system:
#5. Given the following: – A reactor scram has occurred. – The full core display has several full-in lights NOT displayed. – Computer rod position data is NOT available.You are to verify the scram and you are aware of industry experiences where several light bulbson the full core display have failed concurrently.Which of the following indications would cause you to conclude that the scram was NOTsuccessful?
#6. Upon evacuation of the Main Control Room; the Remote Shutdown Panel provides the operatorwith the controls and instruments necessary to:
#7. The plant was operating at 93 percent reactor power when the Reactor Building ClosedCooling Containment Supply Outboard Isolation Valve; 1WR029; was declared inoperable. Theassociated penetration will be isolated; per Technical Specifications; within 4 hours. Which ofthe following describes the impact on plant operation?
#8. Unit-1 and Unit-2 were at rated power with normal system lineups when the Unit-1 Station AirCompressor tripped. The following subsequently occurred: – Instrument and Station Air header pressures were slowly lowering. – The Unit-1 NSO started the Common Station Air Compressor from the control room. – Instrument and Station Air header pressures were still lowering after the Common Station Air Compressor start.Which one of the following could be the cause of the above conditions?
#9. Which one of the following describe the Reactor Water Cleanup (RT) system flow path whenthe system is utilized for maximum decay heat removal?
#10. During refueling operations; a fuel bundle was being transferred from the reactor well to thespent fuel pool when a malfunction of the fuel hoist caused the bundle to drop within thetransfer canal. The fuel bundle is still connected to the grapple. Additionally: – Bubbles were observed coming up from the dropped bundle. – Area radiation levels on the Refuel Floor and upper elevations of the Reactor Building are slowly increasing. – Currently; there are NO radiation monitor alarms.Select the statement that correctly describes actions expected to be performed by Main ControlRoom personnel.
#11. An event caused a rapid increase in drywell pressure resulting in a reactor scram. Drywellpressure is approximately 3 psig and increasing slowly.Select the statement below that describes the required action(s).
#12. The plant has been operating at full power for an extended period of time when a Group 1Isolation occurred due to a steam leak in the Turbine Building. All components/systems areoperable except the Motor Driven Reactor Feed Pump; which is out of service.Which one of the following best describes the INITIAL strategy and basis for controlling reactorpressure under these plant conditions?Reactor pressure is . . .
#13. Unit 2 had been operating at full power for an extended period of time when a Group 1 Isolationoccurred due to a steam leak in the Turbine Building. All components/systems were operableprior to the Group 1 Isolation. After the reactor scram; reactor power remained between 5-10% of rated due to failure of all control rods to insert. Operators have placed RHR A and B insuppression pool cooling. No other actions have been completed.Based on the above conditions; suppression pool temperature SHALL be determined using . . .
#14. You are the Unit-2 assist NSO. The plant has been operating at full power; under steady stateconditions; for several weeks. Over the last several days; during performance of the shiftlysurveillance; you have noticed an upward trend in drywell ambient air temperature.As the Unit-2 assist NSO you should . . .
#15. Unit 1 had been operating at 100% RTP for 237 days when a Group 1 Isolation occurred. Afterresponding to the event; operators found the following plant conditions: – RPV pressure is being maintained 800 to 1000 psig using RCIC and SRVs. – RPV water level is being maintained between 11 in. and 59.5 in. with RCIC. – RCIC is taking a suction from the Suppression Pool. – Both loops of RHR are in Suppression Pool Cooling. – Suppression Pool Temperature is 110F and increasing slowly. – Suppression Pool Level is -5 ft and decreasing slowly.Which one of the following will occur first as Suppression Pool level drops?
#16. Given the following conditions: – Several rods are NOT inserted beyond 04. – RCIC; SBLC; and CRD are the only RPV injection systems in operation. – Reactor Water Level indicates -200″ on Fuel Zone and decreasing. – All seven ADS valves are open. – Reactor Pressure is 500 psig and decreasing.Adequate core cooling . . .
#17. Select the statement below that completes the description of the basis behind the “RPV LevelInstrument Criteria” (Table K) found in the emergency operating procedures (LGAs).Elevated temperatures in the Drywell and/or Reactor Building causes the water density todecrease in the . . .
#18. Unit 2 was operating at 90% RTP when a small-break loss of coolant accident occurred. Uponcompletion of the NSO’s hard card actions; the NSO determined the following plant conditionsexisted: – Drywell pressure was 2 psig and slowly increasing. – The RWM and full core display indicated that many rods are not fully inserted. – Reactor power was oscillating between 4% and 6% RTP. – The turbine was still on-line. – Reactor water level was +39 inches.The earliest time a forced cooldown of the reactor plant can begin is:
#19. LGA-09 directs the operator to restart turbine building ventilation if needed. This will . . .
#20. If an alarm was received on the Fire Detection Display indicating a fire in the RPS MG SetRoom; you should . . .
#21. Given the following plant conditions: – All control rods are fully inserted. – RPV water Level is 12″ and increasing slowly using the Feedwater system. – RPV pressure is being maintained at 800 psig using the Turbine Bypass Valves. – Reactor Recirculation Loop A is isolated. – Drywell Pressure is 3 psig and steady. – Drywell Temperature peaked at 200F and is steady.Select the statement below that correctly describes the action necessary to control DrywellTemperature.
#22. In response to a stuck open SRV; which of the following conditions would require scrammingthe reactor?
#23. Given the following conditions: – A reactor startup is in progress. – The reactor is critical at the POAH. – Reactor coolant temperature is 330F. – Reactor heat-up rate is approximately 30F/hr. – All required systems/components are operable.If the most reactive control rod were to drop under these conditions; fuel damage . . .
#24. Unit 2 had been operating at full power for an extended period of time with allcomponents/systems operable and lined up for normal operation when an instrument technicianinadvertently caused an isolation of the Outboard PCIS Valves associated with RPV Level 2 triprelays.Drywell pressure will . . .
#25. Given the following initial conditions: – A Unit 2 reactor startup was in progress. – The reactor was critical at the POAH. – Reactor coolant temperature was 330F. – Reactor heat-up rate was approximately 30F/hr. – All required systems/components were operable.The running Control Rod Drive Pump tripped; and operators could NOT start the standby pumpfrom the control room. A short time later; an ACCUMULATOR TROUBLE was received on fullywithdrawn control rod 18-27. The equipment operator dispatched to investigate reported that: – the pipe between the N2 bottle and the accumulator was ruptured and; – accumulator pressure was 0 psig.If a reactor SCRAM occurs under these conditions; control rod 18- 27 will . . .
#26. LGA-03; Primary Containment Control; requires Emergency Depressurization if SuppressionPool water level; as a function of RPV Pressure; cannot be restored and maintained below thespecified limit.Emergency Depressurization is implemented to prevent exceeding the . . .
#27. An area high temperature alarm was received in the control room for the RCIC Equipment Areafollowed by a report of smoke in the area. Which of the following fire suppression methods areavailable in this area?
#28. The following conditions existed on Unit-1: – 100 percent power; steady state – All ECCS systems are lined up for STANDBYIf a valid ECCS initiation signal occurs concurrently with Bus 142Y undervoltage; when Bus142Y re-energizes; the (1) starts immediately and (2) startsapproximately five seconds later. (1) (2)
#29. 1) What is the normal LPCS System pressure when the LPCS System is in standby and;2) what other system/sub-system could also be impacted by a condition that caused the LPCS SYS DISCH PRESS LO (C308) alarm to annunciate?
#30. Unit 1 was in MODE 3 preparing for a refuel outage following 273 days of full power operations. RHR ‘A’ has been lined up and is operating in the Shutdown Cooling Mode with a reactorcoolant temperature of approximately 250F.It the SAT feed breaker (1412) to bus 141Y tripped due to a degraded bus undervoltagecondition under these plant conditions; what plant response would be expected if control roomoperators took NO actions?
#31. While preparing for refueling operations; RHR common shutdown cooling line temperatureindication became inoperable. Given that good flow existed through the RHR heat exchangerprior to the instrument failure; which of the following provides the most accurate indication forcontrolling temperature?
#32. Given the following Unit 1 information: – Reactor steam dome pressure is 525 psig. – One RPV level indicator is reading -140 inches. – One RPV level indicator is reading -150 inches. – One Drywell pressure indicator is reading 8 psig. – One Drywell pressure indicator is reading 1.75 psig.Which of the following describes the status of LPCS under these conditions?
#33. While performing HPCS SYSTEM INSERVICE TEST; LOS-HP-Q1; contacts in the controlswitch for the full flow test valve (F023) stick; causing the full flow test valve to go to the fullopen position. The operator notes that indicated flow is approximately 7500 gpm; which isabove the target flow rate of 6300 gpm.The surveillance . . .
#34. While Unit 1 was operating at 100 percent RTP; the SBLC STORAGE TANK HI/LOW LEVELalarm was received in the Main Control Room. Upon investigation; the NSO reported that hewas seeing a rapidly decreasing SBLC tank level.The cause for this abnormal indication is . . .
#35. Following a loss of input power to a RPS M/G set; an internal flywheel will maintain M/G setoutput voltage and frequency for (1) which (2) .
#36. Unit 1 was in Mode 2 with the reactor critical at the point of adding heat when the following instruments all failed down scale: – SRMs B and D; – IRMs B; D; F; and H – Off-Gas Post Treatment Radiation Monitor B Which one of the following correctly summarizes: 1) the cause; 2) the expected plant response; and 3) required operator action following correction of the cause?
#37. The Unit 1 Mode switch is in STARTUP. NSOs have pulled control rods and established an 86second period . SRMs are reading 50;000 cps and all IRM channels are reading less than 25on range 1.With no operator action and reactivity held constant; which of the following is expected withinthe next 2 minutes?
#38. Given the following conditions: – APRM Channel A is 51.0 percent from its Computer Point – APRM Channel B is 51.5 percent from its Computer Point – APRM Channel A is 50.6 percent from the OD-3 printout – APRM Channel B is 51.4 percent from the OD-3 printout – CTP is 49.3 percent from the OD-3 printout – CTP is 50.1 percent from its Computer PointPer LOS-NR-SR1; APRM Gain Adjustment; which of the following is appropriate?
#39. The RCIC system was being operated from the Remote Shutdown panel when the amber lowoil pressure light illuminated.The RCIC turbine . . .
#40. Given the following: – RPV Blowdown has been initiated due to exceeding the Pressure Suppression Pressure curve. – Drywell Pneumatic Bottle Bank header pressures both read approximately 130 psig.Of the answers given below; which is the highest drywell pressure that will allow the ADS valvesto open and remain open?
#41. Unit 1 was operating at 98% RTP when the 1A RPS power supply and Bus 111Y weresimultaneously de-energized:Which of the following valves will close?
#42. The Drywell Pneumatic system REGULATED header supplies compressed gas to (1) safety relief valves. The system UN-REGULATED header supplies compressed gas to the (2) safety relief valves at (3) pressure. (1) (2) (3)
#43. What will be the impact on safety relief valve 1B21-F013U; if power is lost (e.g.; blown fuse) tothe “C” solenoid. (NOTE: LLS = Low-Low Set; Manual = P601 Control Switch)The ‘U’ SRV will operate in the . . .
#44. If a small electrical fire damages the TSC Uninterruptible Power Supply (including the statictransfer switch); what will be the impact on the TDRFPs?The TDRFPs will . . .
#45. Given the following: – Unit 1 has experienced a DBA LOCA – SBGT Inlet flow is 4000 CFM – SBGT Outlet flow is 1000 CFMSelect the answer below that describes both: (1) a possible cause for the above SBGT flowindications; and (2) the potential consequence.
#46. Which one of the following will cause a lockout of all breaker feeds to bus 142Y?
#47. The 250 VDC MCC 121Y feed to the Unit 1 Process Computer UPS tripped open. How doesthis affect the power source to the UPS Distribution Panel?UPS Distribution Panel loads will receive power from …
#49. Which of the following fire suppression methods would be available and preferred for use toextinguish an advanced fire in one of the ESF battery rooms?
#50. Given a DBA LOCA coincident with a loss of off-site power (LOP) the expected loading; inpercent of the continuous KW rating; on the unit Emergency Diesel Generators is ….
#51. Given the following: – The Plant Air system is lined up and operating with Station Air Compressors 0SA01C and 1SA01C in operation with all Station Air Dryers in service. – The STATION AIR DRYER TROUBLE alarm on 2PM10J is received. – Instrument and Service Air header pressures in both units are approximately 105 psig and decreasing slowly. – AMP readings on both running air compressors are increasing slowly. – No other alarms or abnormal trends have been observed.Which one of the following actions is expected based on the above indications?
#52. Given the following: – REACTOR BLDG CCW EXP TANK LEVEL HI/LO – RBCCW Expansion Tank Level is 52″ – RBCCW RAD HI/LO – RBCCW PRM reading 10;000 CPMWhich one of the following could cause the above symptoms?
#53. Unit 2 was operating at full power when a loss of all feedwater occurred. The Main TurbineGenerator is still on-line. The following also occurred: – Reactor pressure reached a maximum of 1030 PSIG and is now 900 PSIG slowly falling. – Both Reactor Recirc pumps have tripped off.How would you expect the RBCCW System to have responded?
#54. A control rod drift is detected when an (1) numbered reed switch (2) while thecontrol rod is moving (3) a command to move the control rod. (1) (2) (3)
#55. Which one of the following is NOT a function provided by the Traversing In-core Probe system?
#56. Which one of the following provides the 30 percent reactor power input that enables/disablesthe Rod Block Monitor?
#57. (1) How is the measurement of reactor vessel water level affected by a rapid depressurization of the reactor pressure vessel (e.g.; an ADS actuation or Bypass Valves sticking open and not a LOCA) and;(2) what design feature(s) are in place to compensate?
#58. An event occurred on Unit 1 resulting in the following conditions: – Bus 111Y was de-energized and remained de-energized. – All control rods are fully inserted. – Conditions in the Drywell require RPV Blowdown. – NO ADS valves opened when the ADS Manual Initiation pushbuttons were depressed.Which of the following describes the action necessary to successfully complete the requiredRPV Blowdown?
#59. During normal at power operation; the Primary Containment pressure is maintained . . .
#60. A common mode failure has disabled all Division 1 ECCS Drywell Pressure signals. Select theanswer below that summarizes the ability of RHR ‘A’ to respond to a LOCA: MODE: (1)LPCI (2)SUPPRESSION POOL COOLING (3) SUPPRESSION CHAMBER SPRAY (4) DRYWELL SPRAY
#61. Unit 2 had been operating for 273 days at 100 percent RTP. There was no inoperableequipment; but RHR B was operating in the Suppression Pool Cooling mode prior to a smallbreak LOCA occurring. The NSO reported the following conditions after the reactor scrammed;but prior to taking any actions: – All rods fully inserted. – Drywell pressure is 5 psig. – Reactor pressure is 600 psig increasing slowly. – Reactor water level is -25 inches and increasing slowly.Assuming that no operator action has taken place; what is the status of the RHR B?
#62. Unit-1 is in Mode 5 with fuel moves between the Spent Fuel Pool and the Reactor in progress. If a 100 gpm leak develops in the Refueling Bellows; (1) level will lower; andthen the operating Fuel Pool Cooling Pump will trip on low (2) .
#63. Unit 2 was initially operating steady state at 75 percent RTP. If one MSIV drifted closed underthese conditions; the turbine’s Electro-Hydraulic Control System will respond to maintain aconstant (1) by (2) .
#64. Which one of the following is NOT cooled by the Unit 2 Turbine Building Closed Cooling Watersystem?
#65. Unit 2 was operating at 100 percent RTP when a seam on the Unit 2 Main Turbine CondenserHotwell split open. Hotwell level is now rapidly decreasing. Condenser vacuum is approachingatmospheric pressure. Assuming no operator actions; which of the following describes theimpact this will have on the Control Rod Drive (CRD) System?
#66. As required by the “Fitness for Duty Program;” which of the following is the MINIMUM time anoperator must abstain from the consumption of alcohol prior to any SCHEDULED shift?
#67. Select the answer below that reflects the recommended verbalization of component 1FC088Awhen giving an order to manipulate the component.
#69. When hanging a Clearance on a manual valve with a remote operator; the local valve actuatoris NOT required to be tagged if . . .
#70. Given the following conditions on Unit 1: – The plant is shutting down for a mid-cycle outage. – Reactor Power is 20 percent . – The Unit Operator inserted the selected Control Rod past its Group Insert Limit. – All other Control Rods are at their correct positions. – RWM BLOCK TO FULL ENABLEDFor these conditions; which of the following indications would result?
#71. This year you have accumulated 10 Rem Shallow Dose Equivalent; Whole Body.What’s the maximum ADDITIONAL external dose whole body skin exposure that you canreceive before you exceed the Legal Federal Annual Limit?
#72. What is the concern with operating the Hydrogen Recombiner (HG) system with high drywellpressure (15.3 psig)?
#73. During a casualty; an NSO opened an SRV to control RPV pressure. The SRV was closed andmanually opened again 15 seconds later.Which one of the following describes the potential adverse consequences of this action?
#74. Which one of the following describes the expected Plant Condition (PC) AND associatedAutomatic Actions (AA) if the GEN COOLANT RUNBACK CKT alarm energized on panel1PM02J? (PC) (AA)
#75. Unit 2 was slightly below Rated Thermal Power (RTP) conducting a RCIC full-flow surveillance. All procedures were followed correctly during the RCIC surveillance. If the ADS LOGIC AINITIATED annunciator energized under these conditions; which of the following should have orwill take place in response to this annunciator; and what actions should the NSO take?
#76. The Main Turbine is coasting down following a trip from full power. As speed reduces below1400 rpm; the unit assist Reactor Operator reports that turbine vibration has increased above10 mils. You should direct the unit assist Reactor Operator to . . .
#77. You are the Unit Supervisor for Unit 1. The following alarms (flashing red) are indicated on theUnit 1 Fire Detection Display: – CONTROL RM ELEV 768′ FZ 1-5 – VC RET AIR MONSelect the statement below that best describes your expected actions.
#78. Given the following conditions: – The plant has been operating at full power for an extended period of time. – All components/systems were operable and lined up for normal operation prior to the following event.A rupture of the main condenser inlet water box results in a trip of all running Circulating Waterpumps. Select the statement below that describes your procedure use.
#79. The plant was operating at 100 percent power when a LOCA occurred. Given the followingplant conditions: – All control rods are fully inserted. – LPCS @ 5500 gpm and LPCI ‘A’ @ 7500 gpm are both injecting into the RPV. – As long as both pumps are injecting into the RPV; RPV water level can be maintained above TAF. – NO other injection sources are currently available. – Suppression Pool temperature is 160F and rising at a rate of approximately 10F/hr.Select the statement below that correctly describes the use of LPCI ‘A’ for Suppression Poolcooling.
#80. After many days at full power; Unit-1 was manually scrammed due to a small leak in the primarycontainment. Drywell pressure is 2.0 psig and slowly rising; drywell temperature is 215F andslowly rising.Which one of the following identifies whether LGA-VP-01; Primary Containment TemperatureReduction can be used to reduce Drywell temperature and the basis for that decision?
#81. Unit-1 was at full power when it was determined that the Suppression Pool Wide Range levelinstruments for both divisions were improperly calibrated. The system engineer determined thatactual Suppression Pool level is 700 feet 2.5 inches.For this condition; the MOST limiting action according to the Technical Specifications can befound in …
#82. (THIS QUESTION WAS DELETED) Unit 1 was operating at 100 percent power when a LOCA occurred; concurrent with a leak fromthe suppression pool. Following a successful reactor scram and isolation of the suppressionpool leak; operators observed the following plant conditions: – RPV Pressure is 25 psig. – Drywell Pressure is 25 psig. – Drywell Temperature is 250F. – Suppression Chamber Pressure is 25 psig. – LPCS is injecting into the RPV@ 7500 gpm. – RPV water level is -150″ FZ and rising very slowly. – RHR/LPCI ‘A’ was recently shifted to Drywell Sprays. – Suppression Pool level is -14 ft. (Suppression pool leak.) – Suppression Pool Temperature is 200F and is expected to remain constant. – NO other injection sources are currently available.Operating RHR/LPCI ‘A’ in the Drywell Spray mode will FIRST cause (1) and willrequire the Unit Supervisor to direct (2) .
#83. A unit startup was in progress on Unit 2 in accordance with the Normal Unit Startup LGP. Allconditions for entering Mode 1 had been satisfied. When repositioning the Reactor ModeSwitch; the Reactor Operator inadvertently rotated the Reactor Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN. The following conditions existed after the SCRAM: – Five control rods; various positions and widely scattered throughout the core; have failed to insert beyond position 04. – Reactor power is decreasing with a -80 second period and is currently indicating on Ranges 2 and 3 of the IRMs. – Reactor water level is being maintained at +20 inches. – Reactor pressure is 900 psig and decreasing slowly.Which one of the following identifies the appropriate procedure(s) to be entered?
#84. LGA-009; Radioactivity Release Control has been entered due to an unisolable Main SteamSystem leak in the Turbine Building coupled with damaged fuel. The reactor is shutdown withall control rods fully inserted. Which of the following actions will most effectively minimize theradiation exposure to both onsite and offsite personnel?
#85. Unit 1 was operating at full power when a loss of feed occurred. All RPV Level 3 and Level 2actuations and isolations functioned as designed except the Standby Gas Treatment systemfailed to start. RCIC subsequently isolated due to a high RCIC room temperature; however;RCIC room temperature is now trending downward. Operators have determined that NO otheractuation or isolations signals currently exist.Select the statement below that correctly describes action(s) required to be directed by the UnitSupervisor in accordance with LGA-002; Secondary Containment Control:
#86. While operating at RTP; with no surveillances or tests in progress; Unit 1 received a1A RHR/LPCS LN INTEGRITY MONITOR alarm. The Reactor Building Equipment Operatorreported that DPIS-1E12-N029A was reading normal at zero psid on the local panel.Which of the following actions are required for this condition?
#87. RHR ‘B’ is operating in the Suppression Pool Cooling mode following a Group 1 Isolation at1300 on November 22; 2006. Select the statement below that describes the impact on theRHR ‘B’ if the RHR B room temperature rises to 185F by 1500 on the same day.
#88. An unisolable RWCU system leak to the Reactor Building is in progress with the following: – A failure to scram has occurred. – Reactor power is 15%. – RPV water level is being intentionally lowered. – Both RHR pump room water levels are 2 feet. – Only 2 SRVs can be opened and are open. – Reactor pressure is 1080 and slowly rising. – Suppression chamber pressure is 2 psig and steady.(1) Which of the following identifies the MSIV isolations that should be defeated and(2) what is the required pressure control band?
#89. The 0′ Emergency Diesel Generator was started using both air banks to conduct LOS-DG-M1. While operating fully loaded in parallel with the Unit 2 SAT in accordance with LOS-DG-M1; alockout of the Unit 2 SAT occurred. (1) What is the status of the ‘0’ Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG); AND(2) what; if any; operator action(s) must be directed to restore the 0′ EDG to OPERABLE status?
#90. Unit 1 was operating at full power with 2SA01C OOS for maintenance when the followingevents occurred. – A break occurred in an instrument air riser located in the Unit 1 Turbine Building. – A manual scram was initiated; but approximately 30 control rods failed to insert completely; the reactor is currently sub-critical. – Breaker 1415 failed to close automatically; resulting in de-energization of Bus 141X. – 0SA01C tripped on overcurrent. – RPV pressure is being maintained 900-1000 psig using SRVs. – RCIC is injecting at rated flow; the MDRFP is operating on Min Flow. – RPV water level is -10″ WR and decreasing slowly with each SRV cycle. – The instrument air line break was located and isolated.Which of the following summarizes the sequence of steps/procedures; specified by the station’sAbnormal/Emergency Operating Procedures; necessary to restore RPV water level?
#91. Unit 1 was in Mode 5 with refueling operations in progress. Control rod 14-23 was to bewithdrawn for replacement of the drive mechanism. Control rod 14-23 was notched out toposition 02 to test the one-rod-out interlock in accordance with Attachment C of LOS-RD-SR4;Control Rod Operations in Mode 5. As the NSO was testing the one-rod-out interlock; Controlrod 10-27 was selected on the second of three attempts to select another control rod.WHAT actions are required in accordance with Technical Specifications?
#92. Unit 2 had been operating at full power for several weeks when the output of the EHC PressureRegulator failed high (instantaneously). Select the statement below that:(1) describes the plant response to the failure; and(2) the operator actions; if any; that must be directed to the NSO to terminate the pressure transient.Assume all required immediate operator actions have been taken.
#93. A Unit 2 Startup is in progress; with reactor power at approximately 45 percent. ReactorRecirculation Pumps are in fast speed. The TDRFP A is providing feedwater flow in AUTO;TDRFP B is operating on minimum flow with it’s M/A station in MANUAL. As the UnitSupervisor you have directed the unit assist NSO to perform LOS-FW-SR1; Turbine FeedwaterPump Surveillance on TDRFP B.During performance of the Low Pressure Stop Valve test; the valve continued to stroke to theClosed position when the Test pushbutton was released. Which of the following describes:(1) the status of TDRFP B; and(2) the direction you should give to the unit assist Reactor Operator?
#94. Unit-1 was performing a normal unit shutdown. The containment was being de-inerted whenannunciator 1H13-P603-B501; PRI CNMT PRESSURE HI/LO was received. Drywell pressureindication was verified to read negative 0.6 psig (-0.6 psig).The NEXT action required by Technical Specifications is to . . .
#95. A Unit 1 shutdown is in progress due to the following chemistry parameters which werereported approximately 6 hours ago. The plant was operating at 50% power prior tocommencing the shutdown. Reactor pH 8.8 Reactor Water conductivity 11 micromhos/cm Reactor Water chlorides 150 ppbSix hours later with the plant having just entered Mode 2; Chemistry reports the following: Reactor pH 6.5 Reactor Water conductivity 0.9 micromhos/cm Reactor Water chlorides 150 ppbWhich one of the following actions is required for these plant conditions?
#96. While operating in Mode 3. A new system engineer has requested that the Unit-1 HPCS pumpbe started with the full flow test valve throttled to 75% open to determine starting current.The evolution is NOT described in current procedures; nor the Safety Analysis Report.The Shift Manager may . . .
#97. Given the following Unit 2 conditions: – CORE ALTERATIONS are in progress. – The next fuel bundle move is designated for reactor cavity position 05-18. – The fuel bundle is currently in reactor cavity position 47-44. – The following SRM readings have been observed by the Unit Reactor Operator. – The signal to noise ratio is 15 to 1. SRM A 2 cps SRM B 4 cps SRM C 1 cps SRM D 3 cpsA reactor core map is provided for reference.As the Unit Supervisor; which one of the following actions regarding the next fuel bundle moveshould you perform; including the bases for this action?
#98. A restoration lineup of the Reactor Water Cleanup System is being performed following localleak rate testing of the containment penetrations. The restoration requires IndependentVerification (IV). One of the valves is difficult to access and is located in area where themeasured dose rate is approximately 80 mrem/hr.Which one of the following describes the requirements for independent verification under theseconditions?
#99. Detail G; RPV Pressure; located in EOP LGA-010; Failure to Scram; lists the RPV pressure;dependent upon the number of SRVs open; at which RPV injection is reestablished followingATWS Blowdown.The RPV pressures listed correspond to . . .
#100. Which one of the following events requires notification of the NRC Operations Center via theEvent Notification System (ENS red phone)?