LaSalle 2016 NRC



#1. Unit 1 was operating at 65% power when the 1A Reactor Recirc Pump tripped. Reactor Power is now at 45%. The IMMEDIATE drop in reactor power is the result of &

#2. Unit 1 is operating at 100 % power: Annunciator 1PM01J-A214; 4KV BUS 141X/Y OVERCURRENT is in alarm. Breaker indicating lights at 1PM01J indicate that breakers 1411 and 1415 are OPEN. 4 KV BUS 141X is Locked Out (86 device tripped). Relay targets indicate a ground fault on the Bus. Which of the following actions allow 4 KV Bus 141X to be reenergized while protecting equipment and ensuring personal safety?

#3. Unit 1 and 2 are operating at 100% power: The following alarms are received at 1PM01J: NO additional alarms are received at 1PM01J. IMMEDIATELY following the alarms; 125 V Division One (1) BATTERY voltage at 1PM01J indicates ZERO (0) Volts. What is the condition of the Division 1 125V DC electrical distribution system AND the correct operator action?

#4. Unit 1 is operating at 15% of rated power: Main Turbine Generator is synched to the grid. DEHC is in dome pressure mode and reactor pressure is stable at 935 psig. A Generator Differential Current condition results in a Main Turbine Generator trip signal. Reactor power is at 15% and stable. RPV level is 36 inches and steady. All Turbine Stop Valves indicate CLOSED. All Turbine Control Valves indicate CLOSED. All Turbine Intermediate Stop Valves indicate CLOSED. All Turbine Intercept Valves indicate CLOSED. Four turbine bypass valves indicate full OPEN. RPV pressure is 900 psig and lowering. Interpret the current reactor pressure response and whether or not a manual SCRAM is required.

#5. Unit 2 was operating at rated conditions when a Generator Load Reject Turbine Trip caused a Reactor Scram. IMMEDIATELY following the scram: 2 control rods remain full out at position 48. ALL scram solenoid lights are EXTINGUISHED. ALL scram pilot valves are open. APRM Downscale lights are LIT. What immediate action will the NSO take first?

#6. A severe fire forced an immediate evacuation of the control room. What is the method of scramming the reactor from outside of the control room per LOA-RX-101; UNIT 1 Control Room Evacuation Abnormal?

#7. Unit 1 is operating at 100% reactor Power. Blockage in the Drywell RBCCW piping has resulted in a complete stoppage of all RBCCW flow to the 1A Recirc pump ONLY. What is the effect on the 1A Recirc pump; and if RBCCW flow is NOT restored; what is/are the required operator action(s)? Damage to the Recirc pump motor&

#8. Which of the following describes a correct lineup for Reactor Water Cleanup in the decay heat removal mode?

#9. Unit 1 is in a refueling outage with the Refueling Cavity flooded and core alterations in progress: Annunciator 1PM13J-B303; DW Equipment Drain Sump Trouble is in alarm. R0539; RX Vessel Drywell Leak is in alarm on the SER. Skimmer Surge Tank is lowering. 1A Drywell Equipment Drain Sump Pump is RUNNING. Which of the following is the cause for the given conditions? A leak in the&

#10. Unit 1 has scrammed The crew has entered LGA-003; Primary Containment Control; on High Drywell pressure. It becomes necessary to perform LGA-VQ-102; Emergency Containment Vent. What is the purpose of venting the containment under these conditions? To maintain primary containment pressure&

#11. Unit 1 has scrammed after an extended full power run: Reactor level is 35 inches and being maintained by Feedwater. Reactor pressure is 935 psig and being maintained by the bypass valves. 1A and 1C Circulating Water (CW) pumps have tripped on the reactor SCRAM. Bus 142X-142Y Tie ACB 1425 TRIPS on Overcurrent. An NSO has taken the appropriate actions per LOA-CW-101; Unit 1 Circulating Water Systems Abnormal. If NO additional operator action is taken; what will be the initial response of RPV pressure?

#12. L GA-003; Primary Containment Control; has been entered on Unit 1. Suppression pool is -2 feet and loweringWhich of the following parameter combinations meets the Heat Capacity Temperature Limit (HCTL)?

#13. In the event of a total loss of Instrument Air header pressure; which of the following describes the effect on the TBCCW and RBCCW systems? RBCCW heat exchanger outlet temperature will (1) . TBCCW heat exchanger outlet temperature will (2) .

#14. In accident conditions; IAW LGA-003; Primary Containment Control; WHY IS ACTION REQUIRED if drywell temperature cannot be restored and held below 340°F.

#15. Given the following post transient conditions: Suppression Pool temperature is 197.5°F Suppression Pool level is -12 feet Suppression Chamber pressure is 2 psig Drywell pressure is 7 psigWhich one of the following parameter changes could result in damage to an RHR pump being used to cool the Suppression Pool?

#16. Suppression Pool Level is +3 inches Suppression Chamber Pressure is 13 psig Drywell Pressure is 17 psig RPV Pressure is 95 psig and lowering at 10 psig per minute Suppression Pool Temperature is 225°F and rising at 2°F per minute RPV Level is -150 inches on Wide Range All control rods are full in All available ECCS is injecting B RHR pump has just been returned to service What is the required use of the B RHR pump?

#17. The following conditions exist on Unit 2 following a transient: Reactor power is stable at 18% following a reactor scram. Reactor water level is -30 inches and lowering. MSIVs are open and reactor pressure is stable. The Motor Driven Feedwater Pump is NOT available. LGA-010; Failure to Scram requires the crew to bypass MSIV isolations per LGA-MS-01; Using Main Condenser as Heat Sink. Which of the following describes the reason this action must be taken?

#18. Unit 1 is at 100% power. The NSO starts 1A CD/CB pump and secures 1B CD/CB pump. One minute later; Annunciator 1H13-P601-F402; MSL A/B Radiation Monitor HI alarms. (1) Is the MSL A/B Radiation Monitor High alarm expected or unexpected? (2) What is the correct operator action; if any?

This question was deleted based on post-exam comment resolution

#19. Unit 1 is operating at 100% of rated power. A fire is reported in the vicinity of the Turbine Driven Reactor Feed Pumps. Service Water system alignment and parameters are normal. Which of the following would require a manual scram and entry into LGA-001; RPV Control?

#20. Units 1 and 2 are operating at rated power supplying VARS to the grid: An electrical grid disturbance has OCCURRED and both Units are stable. The crew receives notification from Transmission Switching Operations (TSO) that LaSalle switchyard voltage is predicted to fall below 353 kV if either LaSalle main generator were to trip. Under these conditions; what is the relationship between generator output voltage; VARS; and switchyard voltage?

#21. Shutdown Cooling (SDC) is in operation on Unit 2 An inadvertent isolation signal causes the outboard SDC Suction Valve; 2E12-F008; to close. Identify the cause of the inadvertent isolation.

#22. Unit 1 is operating at rated power. Determine the operability requirement(s) of the 1B21-R884B; Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) RPV Level/Pressure Instrument on 1H13-P601 in accordance with Tech Spec The 1B21-R884B PAM Level function is ___1___ AND the pressure function is ___2___.

#23. Unit 2 was operating at 100% power when a Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) leak required entry into LGA-002; Secondary Containment Control; and a manual scram was initiated. RWCU cannot be isolated. Primary Containment parameters are normal. RPV pressure is being maintained 450 to 650 psig. SBGT inlet temp is 160 degrees. RPV water level is 40 inches on 2C34-R606B and lowering at a rate of 2 inches per minute. If RPV water level continues to lower; which of the following level instruments will be the FIRST to become unreliable?

#24. Unit 1 is in Mode 5 for a planned refueling outage with fuel movements in progress. Unit 2 is operating at 100% power. Unit 1 receives the following alarms: LOR-1N62-P600-B401; Reactor Building Ventilation Exhaust Radiation High reading 6.0 mrem/hr and rising slowly. LOR-1H13-P601-E306; Fuel Pool Ventilation Radiation High reading 5.0 mrem/hr and rising slowly. What is the correct operator ACTION and the REASON(S) for that action?

#25. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power: Unit 2 is in Mode 5 for a planned refueling outage with fuel movements in progress. A fuel handling accident occurs on Unit 2. Standby Gas Treatment is manually initiated. On 1PL27JC and 2PL27JC; Alarm 2-2; Reactor Building Ventilation System High Differential Pressure is received and does not clear. Below is the indication on 1PM06J: What is the PRIMARY operational concern as a result of this alarm?

#26. A LOCA has occurred in the Drywell on Unit 1: Drywell pressure is 5 psig. Drywell temperature is 340°F. Suppression Pool level is + 10 feet. What is the operational impact; if any; of initiating Drywell Sprays?

#27. Unit 1 is in a LOCA Drywell pressure is 10 psig and rising slowly Drywell and Suppression Chamber Hydrogen is 1% Drywell and Suppression Chamber Oxygen is 2% What action is required? The Hydrogen Recombiner must be& ..

#28. What is the power supply to the 1E12-F042B; LPCI Injection Valve?

#29. Unit is 1 in Hot Shutdown with a leak in the Reactor Recirculation piping: Drywell Pressure is 1.1 psig Reactor Pressure is 280 psig RPV water level is – 60 inches Which of the following PCIS group isolation(s) are expected for the present conditions?

#30. Unit 1 was operating at rated power: The reactor SCRAMMED coincident with a loss of all offsite power. All AC sources supplying the station batteries are lost. With the system operating as designed and no action taken per LOA-AP-101 to shed DC loads; the discharge rate of the station batteries is such that essential DC loads will be supplied at adequate voltage for a MAXIMUM of ______ hour(s).

#31. Unit 1 has scrammed from rated conditions: Reactor pressure is 1000 psig and rising slowly. All SRVs are CLOSED. What color is the SPDS SRV Module status box for the given conditions?

#32. Unit 1 is operating at 75% power: Low Pressure Core Spray (LPCS) pump surveillance is in progress with the system maintaining rated flow. Which of the following will be observed FIRST if the LPCS system receives a high drywell pressure signal with a simultaneous Sudden Pressure signal in the Unit 1 Unit Auxiliary Transformer (UAT)?

#33. Unit 1 has experienced a LOCA in the drywell: Drywell Pressure reached 2.0 psig. HPCS has initiated and is injecting into the RPV. CRD; Condensate; Feedwater and RCIC are unavailable for injection. RPV water level is 30 inches and slowly lowering. The following annunciators are observed at 1H13-P601: What is the status of the HPCS Pump; and what operator action is required in accordance with the annunciator procedure(s)?

#34. Unit 2 is in an ATWS condition following a trip of the Main Turbine: The feeder breaker for MCC 236X-2 has tripped on overcurrent. The keylocked switch for the 2B SBLC Pump is placed in SYS B . How will the SBLC system respond to this condition?

#35. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power: RPS Surveillance test LOS-RP-M6; Manual Scram Instrumentation; is in progress for RPS Channel A . A Manual Scram was inserted using the RPS pushbutton for Trip system A1. The following indications are observed FOLLOWING an attempted reset of the tripped RPS channel: A1 and A4 Scram Group lights for the A RPS bus remain out (not illuminated). A2 and A3 Scram Group lights are illuminated. Which of the following is the correct course of action per LOA-RP-101; Loss of RPS Power?

#36. Unit 2 Reactor Mode Switch was in STARTUP when an IRM detector spiked; causing a momentary upscale alarm. What design feature allows the RO to determine which detector spiked?

#37. Unit 1 is in Mode 2 performing a normal startup from a mid-cycle maintenance outage. Rod pulls are in progress SRM A is ~ 6.0 cps SRM B is ~ 4.0 cps SRM C is ~ 5.0 cps SRM D is ~ 5.0 cps but is intermittently spiking to ~ 1 x 10E6 cps. What is the impact on the SRM system and what operator action(s) is/are required?

#38. The Unit 1 A SRM will generate a High-High count rate non-coincident full SCRAM only when the SRM shorting links are _______ in Backpanel 1H13-P609 AND _______ in Backpanel 1H13-P611.

#39. Unit 2 is at rated conditions indicating 100% of RTP on all APRMs: Multiple LPRM High Voltage Power Supplies inside APRM A fail de-energizing their associated LPRMs. What are the expected Average Power Range Monitor (APRM) readings at 2H13-P603?

#40. RCIC is operating in the PRESSURE CONTROL MODE with the RCIC Pump Discharge Flow Controller in AUTO set to 600 GPM. Which of the following set of RCIC system control manipulations would result in the FASTEST RATE of RISE in Suppression Pool water temperature? Throttle 1E51-F022; Full Flow Test Upstream Valve; (1) ; in order to (2) .

#41. Unit 1 Drywell is experiencing a LOCA: Reactor Pressure is 900 psig and lowering slowly Reactor Water Level is -80 inches and lowering slowly Drywell Pressure is 0.5 psig and STABLE 1C RHR Pump is RUNNING LPCS; 1A RHR Pump AND 1B RHR Pump are NOT runningBased solely on the above conditions; which division(s) of ADS logic can be utilized to MANUALLY ACTUATE ADS valves; if any? MANUAL ACTUATION of ADS valves via the DIVISION 1 ADS logic _______; AND MANUAL ACTUATION of ADS valves via the DIVISION 2 ADS logic _______.

#42. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions: 1B RPS has lost powerWhich of the following describes the expected indications on the 1H13-P601 PCIS Display?

#43. Unit 1 is in an ATWS. Reactor Power is 15% of rated. Drywell pressure is 3 psig. Suppression pool cooling is in service. MSIVs are open. All required LGA-010 procedural steps to intentionally lower RPV water level have been COMPLETED.RPV water level rapidly lowers to -150 inches and continues lowering at 2 inches per minute for 3 minutes AND is NOT immediately recoverable. (1) How many ADS SRVs ARE open; if any? (2) Procedurally; what action is required?

#44. Unit 2 is operating at rated conditions: ONE speed sensing magnetic pickup on the 2A TDRFP fails to ZERO output.What is the operational impact of this failure on the RWLC system; if any?

#45. Unit 2 reactor power is 100% Annunciator 2H13-P603-B401; DIV 1 RX VESSEL WTR LVL 2 LO-LO; is in alarm. It is determined that 2B21-N402A; RPV Water Level 2 Channel A level sensor; has failed low. NO other 2H13-P603 panel annunciators have alarmed.There is NO change in RPV water level. Which of the following describes the effects of this failure; if any; on the plant?

#46. Which of the following is correct when paralleling AC sources? When Paralleling an unloaded AC generator to an energized AC BUS; incoming (generator) frequency must be slightly ______ than running (BUS) frequency; and the generator synchroscope is turning _______.

#47. Unit 1 is at full power performing LOS-DG-M3; 1B Diesel Generator Idle Start Surveillance. The ‘INCOMING Division III VOLTS’ meter is reading 121 Volts AC. The ‘RUNNING BOP/Division III VOLTS’ meter is reading 120 Volts AC. Which of the following describes the indications immediately after ACB 1433; 1B DG Feed to Bus 143; is closed?

#48. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power with 250 VDC MCC 121Y de-energized; when the supply breaker to MCC 135X-3 trips. What is the status of the Plant Process Computer (PPC) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) AND what must occur in order for it to be powered from its preferred; normal source?

#49. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power: Annunciator 1PM01J-A210; 250V DC BUS 121X/Y BATT GND DET ALARM; has alarmed. What AUTOMATIC action(s); if any; will occur?

#50. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power: The 1A DG is in STANDBY. 1A DG; A Starting Air Compressor supply breaker is OOS for maintenance. 1A DG; B Starting Air Compressor supply breaker has tripped on overcurrent. The 1A DG A Air Receiver pressure is 150 psig. The 1A DG B Air Receiver pressure is 225 psig.What is the operability status of the 1A Diesel Generator; and what is the reason for that determination?

#51. Both Units were at full power with the Unit 1 and Unit 0 Station Air Compressors running when Bus 141X TRIPPED on overcurrent. What is the status of Station Air Compressors 0SA01C AND 1SA01C? 0SA01C is ___(1)___. 1SA01C is ___(2)___.

#52. Both Units are operating at 100% power: Station Air Compressors 2SA01C and 0SA01C are running in a normal lineup. Unit 2 Turbine Building Closed Cooling Water (TBCCW) flow is lost in the Turbine Building. How will the Station Air compressors respond if TBCCW flow is NOT restored in the Unit 2 Turbine Building?

#53. Unit 1 is operating at rated power A trip of the 1A Service Water Pump results in a Service Water low pressure alarm. Shortly thereafter; 1H13-P601-B301; SERV WTR EFFLUENT RAD HI alarms. NO other alarms have been received on 1H13-P601. What is the source of the rising radiation levels?

#54. The plant is operating at rated power. Which one of the following statements describes the operation of the CRD Drive Water Pressure Control Valve (PCV)? (1) the CRD Drive Water PCV will cause (2) water pressure to lower.

#55. What RWCU interlock protects the LOW PRESSURE PIPING to Radwaste and the Main Condenser when draining reactor water to those locations? The Blowdown Flow Control Valve 1G33-F033 will&

#56. The reactor was scrammed from full power several minutes ago. The following are indicated on the Full Core Display 12 rods indicate: ?? 3 rods indicate: XX 168 rods indicate: 00 2 Rods indicate: FI What will the RCMS display indicate for the number of rods at unknown positions?

#57. Unit 1 is at full power with Primary Containment Chillers B and C in service. Bus 141Y trips on overcurrent. IMMEDIATELY following the loss of 141Y; which of the following describes the status of the Primary Containment Chillers?

#58. Unit 1 is at 100% power. Leakage flow has become just high enough to activate the Flow Switch 1FS-FC015 shown below. Identify the location(s) where this Flow switch initiates an alarm.

This question was deleted following exam appeal review

#59. Given the following: Refueling is in progress on Unit 2. All control rods are fully inserted. While moving a fuel bundle to the core in the fuel transfer canal; a LOSS of Rod Control Management System (RCMS) power occurs. Which of the following describes the expected PLANT RESPONSE and required OPERATOR ACTION in accordance with LOA-RM-201; Unit 2 RCMS Abnormal Situations?

#60. Unit 1 was operating at rated power when a complete loss of Main Generator Stator Cooling occurred: Reactor Recirc Flow was lowered to a minimum. Reactor Power is 40%. One Main Turbine Bypass valve is 30% open.Given these conditions: (1) What is the status of the Main Generator? (2) What are the correct operator actions?

#61. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power: Offgas Train A is in service. A leak develops in the A SJAE Condenser tubes.What will be the effect of the leak on plant conditions; if any?

#62. Which one of the following will cause the Feedwater Regulating Valve to transfer from automatic to manual?

#63. Main Condenser Offgas Technical Specification 3.7.6 limits the gross gamma activity rate of the noble gasses measured prior to the holdup line. When is this Technical Specification applicable?

#64. Both units are operating at 100% power: LOR-2PM10J-B303; Fire Protection Alarm Panel Trouble annunciates Fire Detection Display (FDD) indicates the following: 2A Diesel Generator Room CO2 TroubleTwo minutes later; the EO dispatched to investigate the alarms reports: Local Panel 0CO02JB in the Diesel Corridor has a Zone 1 Alarm The Diesel Corridor red beacon is light is lit There is smoke in the vicinity of the 2A DG room.Complete the following two statements. (1) have sensed a fire. The DG room CO2 system (2) .

#65. Unit 2 is operating at 100% power. A steam leak develops on the body-to bonnet joint of 2B21-F028A; 2A Outboard MSIV.Which of the following alarms is expected? 2H13-P601-…

#66. When faced with reactor behavior that is clearly abnormal; NSOs MUST

#67. Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when a reactor scram occurred: Following the SCRAM; the PCIS Status Display for Isolation Group V indicates RED.What is the status of the RWCU isolation valves?

#68. A reactor startup following a 21 day refueling outage is in progress on Unit 2: The NSO determines the reactor is critical and stops rod withdrawal. Reactor power continues to rise with no rod motion. One hour later; reactor power turns and begins to lower.In accordance with LGP 1-1 Attachment L; Precautions to Be Used Before; During; and After Pulling Critical (1) Why did reactor power start lowering? (2) Which of the following would indicate the reactor has returned to subcritical?

#69. Unit 2 is operating at rated power when a Loss of Feedwater Heating occurred. The QNE reports Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) is 1.13. This value of MCPR is…

#70. During the last performance of a weekly surveillance test; the surveillance was started at 1300 and was completed at 1700 on Tuesday; October 4th. What is the LATEST this test can be completed without the surveillance exceeding its allowed completion time?

#71. Unit 1 is operating at rated power. Which of the following components could be eligible to have independent verification waived? A Danger tag to be hung on the…

#72. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power when the following annunciators alarm: 1H13-P601-F205; Div I Fuel Pool Radiation High High. 1H13-P601-E205; Div II Fuel Pool Radiation High High.Which of the following describes the cause of these alarms?

#73. The Unit is operating at rated power. While performing a fire protection system mechanical checklist for valves in the reactor building; the operator must participate in an HRA Pre-Job Brief from Radiation Protection prior to entering the&

#74. Unit 2 is operating at 100% power The following conditions are noted after a transient: Reactor pressure is slightly lower. Generator MWe is slightly lower. Feedwater temperature is lower. Indicated Feedwater Flow is greater than indicated steam flow. Which of the following caused this transient?

#75. While executing a LaSalle Emergency Operating Procedures (LGA); what must be done if ANOTHER entry condition occurs for the same procedure OR the initial entry condition re-occurs?

#76. Unit 1 was at 20% power when the Main Turbine tripped. The Main Condenser is at 4 inches of backpressure Hg. At 1300 RPM; annunciator 1PM02J-A401; TURB GEN VIBR HI is in alarm; and PPC Bearing High Vibration alarms. All main turbine bearings are between 5 and 6 mils except bearings 9 and 10 which are indicating 11mils by the PPC indications.The alarms are (1) with the bearing indications. The Unit Supervisor will direct the operators to (2)

#77. Both Units were at 100% power when a fire in the main control room required its evacuation. The crew has entered LOA-FX-101(201); Unit 1(2) Safe Shutdown with a Fire in the Control Room OR AEER. The initial actions in the control room for the Unit NSOs were completed prior to evacuation. It has been 20 minutes since the evacuation and RPV pressure control has yet to be fully established. The fire has just been reported extinguished. (1) Which of the following is the correct method of RPV pressure control? (2) What is the HIGHEST emergency action level that has been met?

#78. If an irradiated fuel bundle is damaged in the fuel pool during refueling operations; the PRIMARY concern is a higher level of (1) ; and this condition will be made worse if (2) .

#79. Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when: All running Circulating Water Pumps have tripped. A manual reactor scram is inserted. 3 control rods remain at position 48. LGA-010; Failure to Scram; directs the Unit Supervisor to stabilize RPV pressure below 1059 psig using main turbine bypass valves. What order will the Unit Supervisor give concerning pressure control?

#80. Unit-2 was operating at 100% power: A rupture in the 2C RHR suction line has flooded the Reactor Building Raceway. Manual scram was inserted due to low Suppression Pool level. 14 Control Rods are at position 04. The MDRFP is maintaining level per the LGAs. All ECCS Pumps are in PTL. The Turbine Bypass Valves are maintaining reactor pressure at 920 psig. Suppression Pool Level has rapidly dropped to -20 feet. What is the correct operator action?

#81. Unit 1 is in Mode 5; and irradiated fuel assemblies are being moved within the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV). In accordance with LCO 3.9.6 Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Water Level – Irradiated Fuel; RPV cavity water level must be greater than or equal to _______(1)_________ above the RPV flange; otherwise; movement of irradiated fuel assemblies in the RPV must be IMMEDIATELY SUSPENDED to maintain sufficient water level to __________(2)_____________.

#82. A reactor scram was inserted on Unit 2 due to an unisolable steam leak in the RCIC room: ONE (1) control rod is at position 36. Feed and condensate are maintaining RPV water level. The Unit 2 VR Exhaust line failed to isolate. The sum of readings on the Vent Stack and SBGT WRGMs is 1.0 E+09 uCi/sec and continues rising at the same rate. What action will the Unit Supervisor direct NEXT?

#83. Unit 1 is at full power with RPV pressure at 1025 psig. What is the MAXIMUM allowable time to complete the required action in accordance with Tech Specs; and what is the basis of that action? Reduce reactor steam dome pressure to < 1020 psig within…

#84. Unit 1 is operating at rated Power. The CY tank was inadvertently cross-tied to the Suppression Pool via the RCIC suction piping resulting in Suppression Pool level exceeding + 3 inches. TWO hours later; the needed repairs have been identified; and they are expected to take an additional TWELVE hours.(1) What action is required? (2) What is the MAXIMUM allowable time to notify the NRC per LS-AA-1110; Reportability Reference Manual?

#85. Unit 2 is at 100% Power. Annunciator 2PM13J-B304;REACTOR BUILDING SOUTHEAST OR SOUTHWEST EQUIPMENT DRAIN SUMPS EXCESSIVE PUMP OUT TIME; PUMP EXCESSIVE START FREQ. OR HI-HI LEVEL; is in alarm. The Process Computer shows R1438 RB SE Equip Drn Sump Trouble. The SE corner room level is 22 inches. The SW corner room has normal level. What is the source of the leak and what is the NEXT action required? The leak is from (1) and the NEXT required action is to (2) .

#86. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. Unit 2 is in a refueling outage; and fuel shuffles are in progress. There is an inadvertent Unit 1 Reactor Building Ventilation isolation and SBGT initiation. The assist NSO reports that 1VG001; Inlet Isolation Damper; opened; reclosed and CANNOT be manually reopened. The Unit 2 Supervisor will direct (1) ; and Tech Spec requires entry into an LCO to (2) .

#87. Unit 2 has experienced a large break LOCA coincident with a Loss of Offsite Power and a hydraulic ATWS: SBLC was initiated. RPV injection was maximized with RCIC. All other ECCS pumps are unavailable for injection. Due to lowering RPV level; LGA-006; ATWS Blowdown; has been executed.RPV level is determined to be UNKNOWN due to reference leg boiling: ONE (1) control rod remains partially withdrawn at notch 40. The LPCS pump has been returned to service.(1) What action will the Unit Supervisor direct regarding RPV injection systems? (2) Injection will be TERMINATED when the …..

#88. A reactor startup is in progress on Unit 1: Reactor Mode Switch is in RUN. Annunciator 1H13-P603-A107; IRM HI; is in alarm Annunciator 1H13-P603-B304; Channel A IRM HI-HI/INOP; is in alarm It is determined that the A’ IRM is NOT fully withdrawn; and the detector is STUCK. (1) What is the expected IRM system response; if any? (2) What action(s) is/are required; if any?

#89. Unit 2 has scrammed from 100% reactor power: Unit 2 RPV water level is STABLE at -80 inches with RCIC and HPCS injection maximized. Annunciator 2H13-P601-D102; RCIC VACUUM TANK PRESSURE HIGH; is in alarm. The Barometric Condenser Vacuum Pump is not running. (1) What would be the effect of continued RCIC operation? (2) What action will the Unit Supervisor direct?

#90. Refer to the provided RWLC_01 process overview. Based on the indications; the Unit Supervisor should direct?

#91. Unit 1 is at 70% power performing a Control Rod Sequence Exchange Control rod 18-19 is being continually withdrawn from position 00 to position 12. The operator does not release either the withdraw or continuous withdraw pushbuttons.(1) The RWM: (2) The Unit supervisor will direct:

#92. Unit 1 is at 100% power: The assist NSO is completing a TIP set per LOP-NR-06; Traversing Incore Probe Operation. TIP Drive Control Unit 1D is taken to Manual Reverse. The assist NSO reports the Unit 1D TIP indicates stuck at the indexer.Two minutes later; Unit 1 scrams. What action will the Unit Supervisor direct and why?

#93. Unit 2 is operating at 100% power on THROTTLE pressure control: One of three (3) throttle pressure transmitters has drifted low with a pressure output 20 psig lower than the others. A second pressure transmitter fails; and the drifted low throttle pressure transmitter is auto selected as the controlling pressure transmitter.For the given conditions; Turbine Control Valves will (1) ; and the Unit Supervisor will direct action in accordance with (2) .

#94. Core Alterations have been stopped by the Refuel SRO due to a Refuel Bridge equipment failure. Who has the authority to grant permission to resume fuel movement?

As-written answer was ‘B’


Note: both ‘A’ or ‘B’ were accepted as correct answers for this question based upon post-exam comment resolution. See exam report for further details.

#95. Unit 1 is at 100% power: The 1A RHR Pump was taken out of service two hours ago. Identify the protected paths that MUST be in place per OP-AA-108-117; Protected Equipment Program; and the provided Paragon Remain in Service List. 1. B RHR 2. HPCS 3. RCIC 4. MDRFP 5. B RHR SW 6. 1A DG CWP 7. B/C RHR Room Fan 8. Div 2 CSCS Room Fan

#96. Unit 2 is operating at 100% power: Several I&C jobs are currently active. One crew of I&C personnel is available to perform work. Given the status of I&C resources; utilize the Work Screening and Processing checklist provided to determine which of the following activities must receive the highest work priority?

#97. The Unit 1 is in Mode 1 and the Drywell must be purged as part of a shutdown for a maintenance outage. Which of the following actions MUST be verified complete prior to authorizing the NSO to commence purging the drywell? 1.) Verify Noble Gas Channels 1PL15J and 1PL75J are clear 2.) Verify one SBGT Train has been placed in service 3.) Obtain sample results for Principal Gamma Emitters and Tritium from within 30 hours 4.) Verify Containment is aligned for purge through the Containment vent and Purge System

#98. A Unit startup is in progress with the following conditions: The reactor is critical; below the point of adding heat. The reactor is on an infinite period. Reactor power is on the Intermediate Range Monitors (IRMs) Range 2. The unit NSO withdraws several control rod notches per the sequence package and takes the following readings to determine reactor period: Initial power 20 on IRM Range 2. Final power 40 on IRM Range 2. Time to change from initial to final power was 30 seconds. Annunciator 1H13-P603-A306; SRM Short Period; alarms. Based on the above information and calculated reactor period; the SRM SHORT PERIOD annunciator (1) be alarming; and the Unit Supervisor shall direct the NSO to (2) .

#99. 10CFR50.54(X) Conditions of licenses and HU-AA-104-101; Procedure Use and Adherence; state; in part: ……. reasonable action that departs from a license condition or a Technical Specification in an emergency when this action is immediately needed to protect the public health and safety is permitted. These actions shall be:

#100. Unit-1 is operating at 75% power: Annunciator LOR 1H13-P603-B106; CHAN A1/B1 TCV FAST CLOSURE is in alarm. All Scram Group Solenoid Lights are illuminated The #1 Turbine Control Valve indicates closed Reactor power; pressure; and level are steady What actions; if any; should be directed?
