LaSalle 2003 NRC

In the LaSalle 2003 NRC exam both RO and SRO candidates answered 100 questions. The first 100 questions of this exam are RO only.



#1. The scram time for control rod 22-43 is measured to be 90 seconds during single control rod scram timing. (1) Predict how this will effect the rod s response to a full reactor scram and; (2) select the action taken to mitigate the consequences of those affects.

#2. Reactor Recirculation Pump 2A is powered from (1) when in FAST speed and (2) when in SLOW speed.

#3. Unit 1 is at 100% power when a spurious trip of the 1A RR pump occurs. INITIALLY; reactor water level will:

#4. Which of the following describes the direct response of the Reactor Water Cleanup (RT) system when the Standby Liquid Control (SC) system is initiated?

#5. An ECCS condition occurred on Unit 1. Normal power is available; but the operator decided to load the DG and manually close it onto Bus 141Y. Later; an ECCS and Undervoltage condition occurs on Unit 2. What indication would you expect to see for the SAT feed to 141Y and the ” 0″ DG?

#6. The Unit 1 NSO arms and depresses the Division 1 and Division 2 ECCS initiation pushbuttons. The LPCS pump does NOT start nor do any LPCS valves reposition as a result of his/her action. The lack of LPCS system component response could be attributed to a loss of &

#7. Reactor startup is in progress. The reactor is NOT critical. SRM s read as follows: Channel: A B C D Counts Per Second: 2×103 3×103 2×103 5×103 Predict the effect of a loss of the SRM C High Voltage Power Supply; AND what would be the necessary operator action? EFFECT NECESSARY OPERATOR ACTION

#8. The Standby Liquid Control (SBLC) system is in the following initial lineup: Test Tank Outlet Valve (1C41-F031) is full open Head Tank Outlet Valve (1C41-F014) is closed 1A Storage Tank Outlet Valve (1C41-F001A) is closed 1B Storage Tank Outlet Valve (1C41-F001B) is closed 1A SBLC Pump is OFF 1B SBLC Pump is OFF 1A Squib Valve (1C41-F004A) is closed 1B Squib Valve (1C41-F004B) is closed If the 1A SBLC Pump keylock switch at 1H13-P603 were taken to SYS A; what would be the expected system status one (1) minute later?

#9. Control Rod 38-13 is uncoupled. The over-travel reed switch on control rod 38-13 s position probe is stuck open. Which of the following describes the expected indication on the Four-Rod Display if control rod 38-13 was withdrawn to position 48 and a coupling check then performed? The position readout for Control Rod 38-13 on the Four Rod Display will

#10. Unit 1 is at 100% power. The function switch for the ” A” RBM is placed in ” STANDBY” . What; if any; rod blocks will be applied?

#11. Which of the following features of the Source Range Monitoring (SRM) system extends the detector effective lifetime?

#12. Two sets of position indicating lights are provided on Panel 1H13-P601 for the RCIC Turbine Trip and Throttle Valve; one on the vertical section and one on the horizontal section of the panel. What condition is indicated if the lights on the vertical section indicate CLOSED and the indication on the horizontal section indicates OPEN? The Trip and Throttle Valve &

#13. Which of the following correctly states four parameters that will cause an automatic PCIS isolation of the RCIC steam supply line (E51-F008)?

#14. Unit 2 is operating at rated conditions. ” 2A” RPS and DC bus 211Y are both lost simultaneously. Based on this loss; which of the following isolation valve(s) will close?

#15. One of the suppression chamber to drywell vacuum breakers is found stuck open. If a reactor water level instrument reference leg ruptured in the drywell; what affect would the vacuum breaker failure have on the use of the drywell and suppression chamber sprays compared to the same event with functional suppression chamber to drywell vacuum breakers? With the suppression chamber to drywell vacuum breakers stuck open; would have to be placed in service earlier in the transient.

#16. Unit 2 was operating at rated conditions when one of the Recirculation pump suction lines completely separated from the vessel at the same time that all off-site power was lost. The following conditions exist 60 seconds after the transient began: Drywell pressure is 18 psig and increasing at 0.5 psig/minute Suppression chamber pressure is 16 psig and increasing at 0.5 psig/minute Reactor pressure is 300 psig and decreasing at 100 psig/minute Reactor water level is – 171 inches and decreasing at 10 inches/minute Only the Division 2 DG started. No operator action has yet been taken. Regarding the ” B” RHR suppression chamber spray valve; which of the following describes (1) the expected status of the valve; AND (2) the expected immediate operator actions regarding the valve? The ” B” RHR suppression chamber spray valve will be&

#17. A transient occurred that resulted in reactor pressure increasing to the Alternate Rod Insertion setpoint. Which of the following indicates the MINIMUM number of safety relief valves that would be expected to have opened for this transient?

#18. SRV s discharge to the Suppression Pool at (1) elevation and (2) distances from the center of the Suppression Pool.

#19. Which of the following would occur if generator hydrogen pressure decreases to 25 psig while operating the main generator fully loaded? Generator damage due to &

#20. The plant is operating normally at approximately 75% power. The 1A and 1B TDRFP s are both in 3-Element control The RWLC setpoint is at 36 inches. One of the MSL Flow inputs to RWLC instantaneously fails downscale. Which of the following describes the expected response of reactor feedwater flow? Reactor feedwater flow will& .

#21. Unit 1 at 100% power. 1A and 1B TDRFP in 3-Element control. A trip of 135X-3 occurs. Which of the following describe how Reactor Water Level Control will respond to the event?

#22. Unit 2 at 100% power LOR 2PM01J-A111; ” UPS TROUBLE” alarm just received for the Process Computer UPS Computer Point R0256 ” UPS 480V Norm Sply Volt Lo” received. The Unit 2 UPS is now fed from&

#23. Unit 1 has just started a refueling outage (shutdown was 3.5 hours ago). Unit 2 is critical with a 65F/hour heat-up rate established. Given this initial lineup; which one of the following combinations of failures would result in a loss of all Off-Site AC power to both units?

#24. Unit 1; Division 1; 125VDC Voltage is indicated on the (1) panel and indicates (2) .

#25. LOS-DG-M2; 1A/2A Diesel Generator Operability Test is in progress for the 1A Diesel Generator. Current load is at 1300 KW with 180 KVARS. Action should be taken to increase KVARS to (1) in order to (2) .

#26. Given the following Unit 1 conditions: Drywell pressure at 2.0 psig. The SAT has tripped due to spurious deluge. One (1) minute later; the 1A DG Cooling Water Pump trips. If no operator action is taken; which of the following explains the operation of the emergency core cooling equipment?

#27. 2WE01T; Unit 2 Waste Collector Tank is Out of Service and isolated. 1WE01T; Unit 1 Waste Collector Tank inlet valve (1WE001) solenoid has failed closed. Input from which of the following will be affected by the above condition?

#28. Which of the following individuals would have the greatest risk of exceeding their daily radiation exposure limit due to changing radiological conditions during the stated evolution? An operator standing by the &

#29. Unit 1 is starting up. Steam Jet Air Ejector steam flow is 6500lbm/hr. 1N62-F300A/B Main Condenser Outlet Valves are open with their C/S in OPEN. What affect; if any; will placing the Control Switches for 1N62-F300A/B to AUTO have on Offgas system flow?

#30. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. A 2 gpm Reactor Water Cleanup leak has been identified in the 1A RT Pump Room. Unit 1 Reactor Building Ventilation (VR) system spuriously trips. Based on the above transient; (1) predict the concern of the VR Isolation on the secondary containment; AND (2) actions taken to mitigate the transient.

#31. What is the difference; if any; between how leakage into the reactor building corner room sumps will be processed during conditions in which the secondary containment has isolated as compared to normal operations?

#32. The 0A Control Room Ventilation (VC) system is operating in purge mode to remove light smoke from an electrical fault in a desktop computer. Predict the response of the VC system if high radiation is detected in the outside air by detectors 1D18-K751A and 1D18-K751B?

#33. The Control Room Ventilation System is aligned for normal operations (NOT in purge) and smoke is detected in the RETURN AIR supply duct. Which of the following describes the response of the VC System?

#34. Unit 1 is at rated power with a normal electrical lineup. If Bus 141Y voltage drops to 65% of its normal voltage . . .

#35. Why are Inboard and Outboard Primary Containment Isolation Valves powered from separate sources? To ensure that a loss or failure of (1) power supply(s) will (2) .

#36. The following alarms are received in the control room: 125VDC Pnl 111X/Y Gnd Det 125VDC Div 1 Charger Trouble The Shift Manager has given permission to commence ground isolation on Bus 111Y per the appropriate procedure. Which of the following indicates the system affected and the expected response of that system to opening individual circuit breakers during the course of ground isolation?

#37. Reactor power is at 60%; with a decreasing Relayed Emergency Trip Supply (RETS) pressure. Which of the following describes the HIGHEST RETS pressure that will cause Reactor Recirculation (RR) pump speed to change and the expected final RR pump speed? RETS Pressure RR Pumps

#38. Unit 2 is at rated conditions. The 2A Moisture Separator Reheater Drain Tank level controls fail causing level to increase to the bottom of the 2A Moisture Separator Reheater Shell. Which of the following describes the INITIAL response of reactor pressure and level to a Main Turbine Generator Trip from rated conditions? Reactor Pressure will ___(1)___ and INDICATED Reactor Water Level will ____(2)____.

#39. A reactor startup is in progress with reactor power at 13%. An electrical malfunction causes all turbine control valves to open fully. The reactor automatically scrammed. Without operator action; which of the following describes the methods of decay heat removal AVAILABLE immediately after the scram? 1. Main Turbine Bypass Valves 2. Outboard Main Steam Line Drains 3. Safety Relief Valves 4. Reactor Water Cleanup

#40. Unit 1 is cooling down for a refueling outage with the following conditions present: Reactor Pressure is 100 psig 1A RHR in Shutdown Cooling EHC pressure set is at 150 psig MSIV’s are open Reactor scram has been reset All running RHR Service Water Pumps trip With no operator action; which of the following events will be expected to occur NEXT?

#41. RCIC flow is in automatic; injecting at rated flow. SRV s are being cycled to maintain reactor pressure. Which of the following describes the RCIC system FINAL parameters as reactor pressure rises from 800 to 1000 psig. 1. Turbine Speed 2. Pump Flow 3. Pump Discharge Pressure

#42. The MDRFP will trip at Level 8 to prevent damaging the & . 1. Safety Relief Valves 2. Main Turbine 3. Reactor Vessel Steam Separator 4. RCIC Turbine

#43. HPCS automatically starts and injects to the vessel. Annunciators for Reactor Vessel Level 8 are received on 1H13-P601. Which of the following statements is true?

#44. A LOCA is in progress on Unit 2. Drywell pressure is 13 psig and increasing at 0.1psig/min. Which of the following would indicate proper operation of Primary Containment? A Suppression Chamber Pressure of &

#45. Unit 2 is at full power Suppression Pool (SP) Cooling is in operation Average pool temperature is increasing RCIC testing is in progress If SP temperature continues to rise; the unit is required to immediately stop RCIC testing if SP temperature exceeds (1) degrees F; or immediately place the reactor mode switch in SHUTDOWN if SP temperature exceeds (2) degrees F.

#46. Unit 1 is at 100% power. Extraction Steam to the 16A HP Heater has just been lost. LOA-HD-101; ” Heater Drain System Trouble” has been entered. APRM AGAF s: A: 0.972 B : 0.974 C : 1.030 D: 1.040 E : 0.974 F: 1.024 Core power should be determined via:

#47. A reactor scram signal has been received with the following indications for the scram group lights: ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF Which of the following indicates the MINIMUM actions required to de-energize the remaining RPS scram group lights? Depress the _____________________ scram pushbutton(s).

#48. During performance of LGA-NB-01; Alternate Rod Insert; Single Rod Insertion; the operator is directed to place the MODE SELECT switch in BYP for the Rod Worth Minimizer. The above action bypasses &

#49. A fire in the Control Room has forced evacuation and control has been transferred to the Remote Shutdown panel. Which of the following would indicate a loss of 121Y?

#50. Unit 1 is at 100% power. Off-Gas Charcoal Adsorber Train Mode Switch in AUTO with the following lineup: 1N62-F043; Off Gas Charcoal Adsorber Bypass Valve is open. 1N62-F042; Off Gas Charcoal Adsorber Inlet Valve is closed. 1N62-F057 Off Gas System Discharge to Stack is open 1N62-F085A/B Holdup Line Drain Valve are open What is the expected response of the Off Gas System to a valid Hi-Hi Post Treatment radiation condition?

#51. To reduce containment pressure; operators are venting primary containment using standby gas treatment system (SBGT) post-accident in accordance with LGA-VQ-01; “Containment Vent.” Reactor plant conditions are stable. Other plant conditions are as follows: -Unit 1 SBGT train is in operation -Unit 2 SBGT train is in standby -Radiation levels in primary containment are elevated -Primary containment pressure is 1.5 psig; decreasing -Primary containment temperature is 145 deg F; decreasing If the discharge rate through the Unit 1 SBGT radiation monitor causes annunciator 1PM07J-A304; “SBGT WIDE RANGE GAS MONITOR TROUBLE” to alarm due to a high radiation release condition; the operator would be required to…

#52. 111Y has been lost. How will this affect Unit 1 Drywell temperature? Drywell temperature will (1) due to (2) .

#53. Unit 2 is in REFUEL with fuel movements in progress. While moving a fuel bundle from the reactor to the fuel pool; the bundle was dropped in the fuel pool. Several Refuel Floor ARM s were received along with an isolation of VR. Unnecessary personnel were evacuated from the refuel floor and reactor building. Given the above conditions; what is the expected response of the Fuel Pool Cooling System?

#54. Unit 1 has experienced a transient. Suppression Pool Level is – 15 feet. Which of the following conditions could be expected to cause LPCS system damage? Provide LGA Fig NL Suppression Suppression Chamber Pool Pressure (psig) Temperature (F)

#55. Suppression Pool level: – 6 feet Suppression Chamber pressure: 15 psig (FIGURE NR PROVIDED) Which of the following is the HIGHEST Suppression Pool temperature that Suppression Chamber Sprays can be started without concerns of pump damage?

#56. Unit 1 Primary Containment Chillers A & C are off. Unit 1 Primary Containment Chiller ” B” trips. Which below describes & (1) the status of containment cooling; AND (2) the expected IMMEDIATE (within one minute) effect on Unit 1 Drywell pressure?

#57. Unit 2 RCIC is in a normal standby lineup. Leaking valves cause Suppression Pool Level to increase such that High Suppression Pool Water Level alarms are received on the 2H13-P601 panel. Which one of the following describes the response of the RCIC system to this condition?

#58. Unit 1 is shutdown with HPCS in standby. Suppression pool water level is being lowered from normal level to – 9 feet. Predict the impact of this change on the High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) discharge Line Pressure. HPCS discharge line pressure will&

#59. Drywell Temperature 310F. Reactor Building Ventilation has isolated. Area Coolers are NOT able to maintain Reactor Building Temperatures. Reactor Building Temperature 180F. Reactor Vessel Pressure 90 psig. Cooldown Rate has NOT exceeded 100F/hour. Which of the following is a usable; on-scale level reading?

#60. Unit 1 at 100% power. Alarm 1H13-P601-D507; ” RCIC PIPE RTE EQUIP AREA TEMP HI” received. Actions should be taken to (1) the RCIC pipe route area in order to maintain (2) .

#61. Unit 1 has experienced a LOCA. LGA-004 has been performed based on the Pressure Suppression Pressure limit being exceeded. Containment Pressure is at 52 psig and increasing. LGA-VQ-02; Emergency Containment Vent has been directed. Actions during the performance of this procedure should include &

#62. Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when both RR pumps spuriously tripped. Reactor Scram pushbuttons for both divisions have been armed and depressed. Mode Switch has been taken to SHUTDOWN. APRM Downscale lights are extinguished. RPS lights illuminated. Rods did NOT move. The NEXT actions to be taken should be:

#63. An ATWS has occurred. Only one quarter of the control rods are inserted. RPV water level is being maintained between -120 and -80 inches. Reactor pressure is being maintained between 900 and 1000 psig. Hot Shutdown Boron Weight has just been injected. Under which condition below would you expect the reactor to go critical again?

#64. Which of the following would have the greatest impact on Instrument Air system operation? A station air compressor s &

#65. A fire in the 1B Diesel Generator room has resulted in an automatic initiation of the CO2 Flooding System. The CO2 system has NOT been reset; and the fire re-flashes. Which of the following describes the actions and/or conditions required to re-actuate the system? The CO2 system activation& .

#66. Unit 1 in MODE 2; withdrawing control rods. All IRM s on range 2. All SRM’s are declared INOPERABLE. Per Technical Specifications; operator action should include &

#67. Which of the following tasks are responsibilities of a Reactor Operator per OP-AA-103-104; Reactivity Management Controls? 1. Coordinate the conduct of refueling activities and monitor nuclear instrumentation during refueling activities that could affect the reactivity of the core. 2. Verify critical steps of Emergency Operating Procedure Flowcharts during transients and accident conditions. 3. Ensure activities in the Control Room and plant are conducted in a professional manner; in accordance with approved procedures.

#68. Post maintenance testing of the RCIC system is required to be performed per LOS-RI-Q3; Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) System Pump Operability and Valve Inservice Tests in Conditions 1; 2; and 3. Which of the following is required to be performed concurrent with the RCIC run?

#69. A Reactivity Maneuver (ReMa) Form is required for which of the following activities?

#70. Which of the following is the lowest level of authority authorized to waive Independent Verification of a valve position due to ALARA concerns?

#71. Which of the following must be in service prior to performing a containment purge when the unit is at power?

#72. During a casualty; an NSO opens an SRV to control pressure. The SRV is closed and manually opened 15 seconds later. Which of the following describes the potential adverse consequences of this action?

#73. The Unit Supervisor has directed performance of LGA-NB-01; ” Venting CRD Withdrawal Line” . In order to perform this task ; the non-licensed operator will need a tygon hose; CRD vent valve wrenches ; a crescent wrench and straps. Tools and equipment required to perform this task are located in the…

#74. LGA-003; Primary Containment Control is in progress. Suppression Chamber and Drywell Sprays are both on. Drywell Pressure is 0.5 psig and decreasing at 0.25 psig/min. Suppression Chamber pressure is 0.9 psig and decreasing at 0.25 psig/min. Which of the following describes the actions that should be taken NEXT; AND the reason for that action?

#75. Unit 2 is shutdown with the following conditions: A large LOCA has occurred. Containment pressure quickly exceeded the Pressure Suppression Pressure Limit. Which of the following describes the sequence of steps to be attempted to mitigate the containment pressure increase?

#76. Unit 1 is operating at 80% power with the ” A” Recirculation loop HPU s locked up. Which of the following describes: (1) the response of the Recirculation system if a Flow Control Runback signal was received; AND (2) the potential consequences?

#77. Unit 1 in Cold Shutdown. ” B” RHR in Shutdown Cooling with a suction temperature of 190F. ” A” RHR pump is OOS. Reactor Water level is 145 inches. 1A RR pump is in slow speed 1B RR Pump is OOS. Which of the following describes the initial response of the Reactor Recirculation pump suction temperatures if the ” B” RHR pump tripped? (1) 1A RR Pump Suction Temperature (2) 1B RR Pump Suction Temperature

#78. A loss of MCC 243-1 will prevent operation of which of the following components?

#79. HPCS is running in Full Flow Test lineup IAW LOS-HP-Q1; ” HPCS SYSTEM INSERVICE TEST.” HPCS Flow cycling between 1000 and 6000 gpm. HPCS Motor current is cycling between 200 and 340 amps. Which of the following would cause these conditions?

#80. Unit 1 is operating at 75% power. LOR 1H13-P603-B106; ” CHAN A1/B1 TCV FAST CLOSURE” is received. All Scram Group Solenoid Lights are illuminated. The # 1 Turbine Control Valve is observed closed. Reactor power; pressure and level remain steady. What actions; if any should be taken?

#81. Unit 2 is at 80% power. What affect; if any; would placing the SDV Bypass Switch in the BYPASS position have on the associated scrams and rod blocks? SCRAM ROD BLOCK

#82. Unit 2 is at 100% power. (PROVIDE PRINTS FOR REFERENCES) The equalizing valve for the Reactor Low Water Level 1 ECCS Initiation Instrument Channel C transmitter, 2B21-N407C is OPENED. Which of the following describes (1) the impact this would have on the level indicator fed from this instrument; AND (2) the action that would be required if an actual Level 1 condition were to occur? (Restrict your answer to the impact on the Reactor Low Water Level 1 ECCS Initiation Instrument Channel C transmitter; 2B21-N407C ONLY.)

#83. A loss of DC Bus 112X will result in a loss of indication on&

#84. Unit 2 Suppression Pool temperature and Suppress Chamber air temperature are both 105F following a transient. Suppression pool water level is 16 inches BELOW normal. Which of the following describes the expected response of Suppress Chamber air temperature if 2A RHR is placed in Suppression Pool Cooling mode? Suppression Chamber air temperature would decrease (1) Suppression Pool temperature and could be monitored on temperature indicators on the (2) panel.

#85. The primary containment CAM Local Sample Panel 1PL75J (3-Point CAM) shares its Drywell and Suppression Chamber sample taps with the&

#86. Unit 1 is operating at power when the PCIS Group 1 K7A relay fails open; de-energizing the K51 Relay which de-energizes solenoid 3 for the Inboard MSIV s and de-energizes solenoid 2 for the outboard MSIV s. Which of the following is the expected response of the MSIV s to this failure? INBOARD OUTBOARD Provide Electrical Prints 1E-1-4203AB-AF; AU

#87. Unit 2 has scrammed. The MSIV’s and SRV’s are closed. Reactor pressure is 1080 psig. Reactor water level is -3 inches. Which of the following actions should the reactor operator take FIRST?

#88. Which of the following indications provide for MAXIMUM heatup during shell warming? (1) Turbine Stop Valve position meter is indicating (2) .

#89. During a power ATWS and after Hot Shutdown Boron has been injected; LGA-010 directs the operator to raise RPV level above +11 inches; then to hold level between +11 and +59.5 inches. The reason for raising level here is to&

#90. Following a Loss of Coolant Accident; the Standby Gas Treatment (SBGT) System has been in service for several hours venting the drywell; in accordance with LGA-VQ-01; Containment Vent. SBGT WRGM indicates elevated release rates. Which of the following could explain the elevated release?

#91. Which of the following conditions automatically starts the Unit 1 Standby Gas Treatment (SBGT) Train?

#92. During performance of the shiftly surveillance; MFLCPR is discovered to have increased from a value of 0.980 to 1.003. Based on this information you can conclude that the number of fuel clad failures will &

#93. Due to an error in performing surveillance; an MSIV isolation has occurred while operating at full power for an extended period of time. If no operator action is taken; which of the following indicates the expected range of reactor pressure 30 minutes after the MSIV’s have closed.

#94. Unit 1 is operating with ” A” RHR is in Shutdown Cooling. Suppression Pool Level is at +2 inches and being lowered per LOP-RH-16; ” Raising and Lowering of Suppression Pool Level” . The 1E12-F064A; A RHR Pump Min. Flow; fails open. Reactor Vessel level lowers to +10 inches. Suppression Pool Level increases to +3.5 inches. Given the above transient& (1) what is the status of ” A” RHR system; AND (2) what LGA s; if any; are you in?

#95. Unit 1 is in Cold Shutdown when an inadvertent Division 1 High Drywell pressure signal is received. Which of the following describes the operation of the LPCS Injection Valve under these conditions?

#96. Which of the following would be exceeding the design limit for the primary containment?

#97. Unit 1 at rated conditions. 1H13 P601-F404 ” LD MSL PIPE TUNNEL AMB TEMP HI” in alarm. MSL Pipe Tunnel Temperatures verified at 160F and steady. MSL Pipe Tunnel Diff. Temperatures at 22F and steady. Based on the above conditions; actions required include performance of &

#98. Unit 1 is shutdown. Average Reactor Coolant temperature is currently 229F; with a steady cooldown rate of 10F/Hr. Which of the following indicates the earliest that the unit will be in MODE 4?

#99. Which of the following combinations of reactor power and pressure indicate violation of a Safety Limit? Reactor Power Reactor Pressure

#100. Which of the following is a responsibility of the Reactor Operator during core alterations?

#101. Given the following conditions: Unit 1 has just experienced a scram due to high drywell pressure Several control rods remain at their original positions Reactor power is 48% ADS has been inhibited and ECCS has been prevented ARI has initiated What is & (1) the next procedure step required; AND (2) the bases for the action.

#102. Unit 2 is in MODE 4. Average Reactor Coolant temperature is 110F. 2A RHR loop is in the Shutdown Cooling (SDC) Mode of operation. 2E12-F004A; RHR Pump Suppression Pool Suction Valve; was vented with Average Reactor Coolant temperature at 120F. Suppression Pool Temperature is 80F. 242Y is deenergized for planned maintenance. What is the affect; if any; of this evolution on the LPCI mode of operation for the 2A RHR system? The LPCI mode of 2A RHR system is&

#103. Unit 2 is operating at 100% power. HPCS inadvertently initiated and injected due to a contractor striking an instrument with a toolbox. HPCS secured per LOP-HP-04; Shutdown of High Pressure Core Spray System After An Automatic Initiation. This situation is&

#104. Unit 1 is in Mode 5. Core offload is to begin in 1 hour. All control rods are verified by visual examination to be fully inserted. The RPIS connector cable for rod 22-43 is inadvertently disconnected. Which of the following describes the impact and basis of the disconnected cable on the planned core unload? Core offload …

#105. Unit 1 is Refuel. Spent fuel movements within the Unit 1 Spent fuel pool are in progress. Which of the following is the minimum water level that would meet the requirements to perform this evolution? ___________ above the spent fuel seated in the fuel pool.

#106. Unit 1 has experienced a LOCA condition. Normal Injections systems are all running Reactor Vessel level is at – 100 inches and dropping at 1inch per minute. Reactor Vessel pressure is at 50 psig. Fire Protection has been directed as an Alternate Injection System. Concurrently; there is a fire in the 1A DG Day Tank Room and the Fire Protection system has actuated. All Fire Protection Pumps are running. Fire protection hoses have been connected to the 1A and 1B TDRFP suction lines. As the US; direction at this point should be to&

#107. An ATWS has occurred. Reactor Power is 20% and oscillating. SBLC is injecting. Turbine Bypass Valves are maintaining RPV pressure. Reactor level is +18 inches. Which of the following is the required level band and why?

#108. During a Unit 1 startup; with the reactor at 12% power; the A RR pump tripped. Actions were completed in accordance with the Abnormal Operating Procedure and a single loop plant power ascension continued. Repairs were performed on the 1A Reactor Recirc pump; with the following timeline: THERMAL POWER exceeded 25% RTP at 1200 on April 24. The idle recirculation loop was placed in service and loop flows were matched at 1400 on April 24. Which of the following describes the LATEST time allowed by TS to perform SR on the idle loop jet pumps? SR must be performed on the IDLE LOOP jet pumps by ________________ .

#109. Unit 1 has suffered a transient; which has resulted in RCIC tripping on low steam pressure. Drywell temperature is currently 310F and steady. Suppression Pool Level is +4.0 inches. 1A CRD Pump is running and the scram has not been reset. Vessel level dropped to – 135 inches and increasing 1 inch/min. on the wide range level instruments. Based on the above information; reactor vessel level instruments are (1) and (2) should be performed.

#110. Given the following conditions: Reactor pressure is 800 psig and stable Reactor water level is 12 inches and stable Drywell temperature is 300F and increasing Drywell pressure is 3 psig and increasing Suppression pool temperature is 190F and stable Suppression pool level is +1.0 inch 3 control rods at position 08 RR Pumps are tripped RHR A and B running in suppression pool cooling Which of the following actions should be directed next to control containment parameters?

#111. The Main Control Room has been abandoned. Rx Pressure is 900 psig Suppression pool temperature is reported to be 122F (1) Where would this temperature be obtained; AND (2) what is the concern with this temperature per Technical Specification Bases?

#112. Unit 1 is performing a core reload. The core reload is 50% complete. The 1B loop of RHR is inoperable and unavailable. The 1A RHR pump is in operation. The inboard and outboard Shutdown Cooling isolation valves have inadvertently isolated and will NOT open. Which of the following describes if fuel loading into the reactor core can be continued?

#113. Unit 1 has scrammed and the following conditions are present: 5 control rods remain at notch position 24 All APRM’s are downscale The reactor mode switch has been placed in shutdown During the scram; reactor water level dropped to 18 inches and then recovered All Unit 1 ECCS pumps have automatically started RCIC is in standby The Unit Supervisor should direct the NSOs to perform actions IAW &

#114. An ATWS is in progress following a condenser boot rupture APRM downscales lights are NOT lit Suppression pool temperature is 118F Lo-Lo Set is controlling reactor pressure Reactor pressure is 1020 psig If the above parameters remain constant; what is the HIGHEST reactor water level that may be maintained?

#115. The unit has suffered a casualty. Both loops of RHR are unavailable. Suppression Pool temperature is 190F. MSIVs are closed. Which of the following sets of conditions would require a reactor blowdown? Reactor Suppression Pressure Pool Level

#116. Which of the following events would require notification to State and Local authorities and an ENS notification?

#117. Which of the following describes an event the Limiting Condition for Operation for the Main Condenser Offgas system is based upon?

#118. Technical Specifications require primary containment oxygen concentration to below 4 %/volume while the unit is operating in MODE 1. The bases for this limit is to&

#119. You have been performing the duties of the Field Supervisor for the first 4 hours of the shift. A casualty occurs; and you have been directed to relieve the Unit Supervisor on the affected unit. Which of the following are required to be performed prior to assuming command and control of the main control room during the casualty situation? 1. Review appropriate abnormal conditions and initiating events. 2. Review the current status of the EOP flowcharts. 3. Receive permission from the Shift Manager.

#120. A LOCA has occurred; with no injection sources available. RPV Level is below the top of active fuel. While reviewing electrical prints; it is determined that temporary wiring could be run to an ECCS pump in order to make it available for use. Which of the following is required; at a MINIMUM; to permit this evolution?

#121. Unit 2 is in Mode 3. A new system engineer has requested that the Unit 1 HPCS pump be started with the full flow test valve throttled to 75% open to determine starting current. The evolution is NOT described in current procedures; nor the Safety Analysis Report. The Shift Manager may &

#122. In order to move fuel within the RPV; the fuel handling SRO must be &

#123. LOP-WF-20; Radwaste Discharge Tank Discharge to the Lake Blowdown Line; requires the _______________ to sign for FINAL AUTHORIZATION of the Radwaste Discharge.

#124. What is the relationship between the Station Emergency Director and the performance of an emergency containment vent per LGA-VQ-02; Emergency Containment Vent? The Station Emergency Director&

#125. A fire has occurred at the Unit 1 Hydrogen seal oil skid. The fire alarm has been initiated and an announcement made to assemble the Fire Brigade. At the minimum; ___(1)____ members of the fire brigade should respond. Equipment should be obtained from the Fire Brigade Equipment Cage on ___ _(2) ____.
