LaSalle 2014 NRC



#1. What is the reason for an automatic scram when thermal-hydraulic instabilities are sensed during a partial or complete loss of forced circulation core flow? The reactor scram avoids exceeding …

#2. Operators are performing DC Load shedding IAW LOA-AP-101 “AC SYSTEM ABNORMAL” during a station Blackout event. After 6 hours into the event; operators will maintain …

#3. Both Units are at full power.U-2 SBGT is OOS for maintenance. Unit 2 has a Loss of Div 2 DC The Unit-1 NSO notes the U-1 SBGT is in standby(1) What LGA will be entered on Unit 1?(2) What is the correct action/report for the Unit-1 NSO?

#4. Unit 1 was at 100% power with RR FCV matched at 90% open indication when agenerator lockout occurred. The Unit scrammed with all rods inserted EHC Bypass valves failed to respond on turbine trip HPCS and RCIC actuated to restore reactor level Reactor level is being controlled per level band of LGA-001 at 20-50 inches NO other operator action has been takenWhat is the status of Reactor Recirculation?

#5. The reason for Setpoint Setdown of the RWLC (Reactor Water Level Control)System is to:

#6. Of the following choices; which choice ONLY lists SRVs that are available to usefrom the Remote Shutdown Panel?

#7. Unit 1 is at 100% power when the following occurred. 1PM10J-A303 TURBINE BUILDING CLOSED COOLING WATER(TBCCW) EXPANSION TANK 1WT01T LEVEL LOW alarm is received 1 PM02J B505 EHC MINOR alarm is received. The following EHC work station alarms are received: EHC LEVEL INCREASING OVER TIME EHC RESERVOIR HI LEVEL The Unit rounds EO reports that the U-1 and common station air compressor oiltemperatures have risen by 5 degrees from the previous shiftThe operating crew will. ..

#8. Unit 1 and 2 are at 100% power; U-2 was in the process of re-inerting; when thefollowing occurred A rupture of the 4″ instrument air headers is reported(1) Without operator actions predict the response of the U-2 VQ air-operateddampers?(2) What is the containment isolation status of VQ dampers?

#9. Unit 2 is in mode 4 with Shutdown Cooling (SDC) in operation. The Reactor Recirculation pumps are shutdown. Due to a spurious isolation of SDC; the system isolates and will NOT reset.Which one of the following is an operational requirement?Monitor …

#10. During Core Alterations on Unit 1; a spent fuel assembly is dropped. Bubbles are immediately seen rising from the area of the dropped fuel assemblyOn Unit 1; the following readings are observed on 1H13-P635 and 1H13-P636.The appropriate annunciators activate for the above conditions.Based on the above information only;VERIFY that (1) auto started and verify (2)

#11. With regards to starting Suppression chamber sprays ONLY.What is the impact of starting Suppression chamber sprays with suppression poolwater level between 723′ and 723.5′?

#12. The reason for the automatic actuation of Alternate Rod Insertion (ARI) on highreactor pressure is to …

#13. U-2 was at rated power when a plant transient created the following conditions: Suppression Pool Level is -13′ Suppression Pool Temperature is 221F Suppression Chamber Pressure is 5 psigWhich one of the following changes in Suppression Pool parameters would mostlikely cause HPCS pump damage while operating the pump based on the graphbelow?

#14. Unit-1 was manually scrammed due to a small break LOCA in the primary containment. The following conditions exist: Drywell pressure is 2.0 psig and slowly rising Drywell temperature is 215F and slowly risingWhich one of the following identifies the operational implications of using LGA-VP-01; “PRIMARY CONTAINMENT TEMPERATURE REDUCTION”?

#15. Unit 2 is in LGA-003 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT CONTROL procedure; due to a plant transient. RPV pressure is 500 psig. A Group 1 isolation has occurred. A and B RHR systems are not available. At what Suppression Pool Water Temperature and Level will a RPV blowdown be required?

#16. Unit 2 was at 100% power with HPCS OOSThen a LOCA with a loss of the SAT occurred. Drywell pressure is 3 psig RPV level is -30 inches and dropping 10 inches/minute RPV pressure is 900 psig and dropping 50#/minuteAssuming NO operator action select the highest value below that would result in arising Reactor Water Level.

#17. An ATWS is in progress: The Mode switch is in shutdown “A” RPS failed to actuate ARI failed to actuate The SDV fuses were pulled per LGA-NB-01 The “A” RPS Fuses were pulled per LGA-NB-01; method 1 with some controlrod movement Reactor power is at 15%The MCR has just been notified that jumpers are installed per LGA-NB-01 method 4.Of the choices below; the next action is to …

#18. Unit 2 was at 100% power when a transient with a high energy line break occurs.Which one of the following would be the Minimum sets of parameters that require entry into LGA-009 “RADIOACTIVITY RELEASE CONTROL”SBGT WRGM SVS ACTIVITY SVS WRGM

#19. Which of the following describes the response of the Fire Protection system to theactivation of an ionization smoke detector in the cable spreading room (Pre-actionSprinkler System)?

#20. Operators are directed to secure the loads listed in LOA-GRID-001; “Low GridVoltage”; Attachment “A”.What is the reason for this action?Attachment A loads are secured in order to prevent …

#21. Units 1 and Unit 2 are at 100% power with VR in a normal alignment; with the “A”and “B” supply and exhaust fans running on both units; when the following occurs: The 2B VR supply fan trips due to overload. With NO operator action; select the statement describing which automatic actions will occur and why?

#22. Unit 2 is at 100% reactor power when the following occurred. One of the running feed pumps trip.(1) Does the initial resultant transient bring the Unit closer to aCARRYOVER or CARRYUNDER condition?(2) What is the primary concern associated with this condition?

#23. Given the following initial plant conditions: The Unit-1 reactor is being shutdown in accordance with the Normal Shutdownprocedure The mode switch was placed in STARTUP from RUN NSOs were monitoring power on the IRMs All APRM downscale lights were lit Due to a leaking Safety Relief Valve (SRV); reactor pressure has dropped from920 psig to 700 psigThe control room operator reports that multiple Average Power Range Monitors(APRMs) downscale lights have cleared and reactor power is rising on theIntermediate Range Monitors (IRMs).( 1) Which of the following actions are you expected to take based on the above conditions?and(2) What is the reason for these actions?

#24. Due to a security event Both Units are shutdown with the following conditions: Both Unit 1 and 2 SATs are NOT available. Both Unit 1 and 2 Division 1 and 2 DGs are NOT available.Which of the following is the Preferred action to be taken to mitigate an off-siterelease?

#25. Unit-1 is at 100% Reactor Power.The following annunciator is in alarm1H13-P603-A204; CRD Charging Water Pressure LowThe following information is availableBased on the above conditions; what actions are required:

#26. Unit 1 is in mode 4 with A RHR in Shutdown Cooling (SDC) operation when the following occurredWhat could have caused the event?

#27. Within the Secondary Containment what is the total number of PCIS groupisolations that will occur on high area temperature?(Do NOT include isolations that occur solely due to high delta temperatures)?

#28. With the 1A RHR system operating in the LPCI injection mode with an ECCSsignal present; a TRIP of the Common Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pump willdirectly result in which of the following?

#29. Unit 2 is in Mode 4 following completion of a refueling outage. The vessel has been re-assembled. The B Loop of RHR is tagged out and drained. The C RHR Pump is available.The A loop of RHR was operating in the Shutdown Cooling mode but the A RHRPump has just tripped.The reactor coolant heatup rate will now be (1) the heatup rate would havebeen if this transient occurred just prior to the start of refueling activities thisoutage.(2) Of the following decay heat removal lineups; which one has the least potentialto damage other equipment?

#30. Unit 1 was at 100% power when the following occurs: Drywell pressure is 2 psig. 2 minutes later; Off-site power is lost on Unit 1.When the diesel generator output breakers close ….. .

#31. Unit 2 is in a LOCA with LPCS injecting into the vessel with flow at 1800 GPM thefollowing occurs:The LPCS pump trips.What is the status of the LPCS min flow valve?The valve will. ..

#32. Unit-1 was at 100% reactor power when the following occurred: Small break LOCA in the drywell Drywell Pressure reached 2.0 psig HPCS initiated and injected into the vessel . Reactor level reached level 8 HPCS responded as designedIf it is desired to keep HPCS running after 30 minutes with these conditions presentwhat actions if any must the NSO take?

#33. Unit 2 is in an ATWS condition. The keylock switch for the 2B SBLC Pump is placed in “SYS B”.Aside from starting the 2B SBLC pump; what else will this switch movement initiate?

#34. Unit 2 was operating at rated power when a scram occurred. The Reactor Mode Switch is in SHUTDOWN. The scram has NOT been reset.The Backup Scram Valves will be (1) and (2)

#35. Unit 2 is at 2% power with a Startup in progress and all IRMs on Range 9 or 10. Anevent occurs resulting in the following: IRM “A” has failed upscale IRM “A” Mode Switch placed in STANDBY I RM “A” has been bypassed The fault has NOT been cleared yetPredict the final status of the lights/alarms on 2H 13-P635 if the conditions aboveremain as-is and the operator manipulates the IRM “A” reset switch

#36. A reactor startup is in progress following a refueling outage with NO SRMs or IRMsbypassed. Given the following: All IRMs are downscale on Range 1 SRM A reads 5 X 10;000 CPS SRM Breads 3 X 10;000 CPS SRM C reads 6 X 10;000 CPS SRM Dreads 4 X 10;000 CPS The shorting Links are installedWhich one of the following identifies the expected plant response if the HighVoltage Power Supply for SRM A is lost?

#37. Unit 2 was at 100% power when the following occurred: A loss of off-site power. The O DG auto started and loaded onto Bus 241 .The 0 DG is the only source of power to 241Y LATER: Bus power restoration is in progress IAW LOP-AP-16 RETURNING 4160VOLT BUS 141Y(241Y) FROM DIESEL 0 POWER TO ITS NORMALSOURCE OF POWER.(1) What is the impact of leaving the 0 DG speed droop at 0% when synchronizingtothe SAT?(2) If left in this condition while synchronizing the DG to the grid what is the nextrequired action?

#38. Unit 2 is operating at 95% power with 80% Recirc Flow on all 4 Flow Units.If a RPV pressure increase transient began raising power; at which (nominal) valuewould the Reactor Scram occur?(Assume NO operator action and that a reactor scram occurs from the APRMsprior to exceeding the RPV high Pressure Scram setpoint)(Note: The current slope of the APRM Thermal Power Upscale Flow-Biased Scramsetpoint is defined as .61W + 68.2%.)

#39. With U-1 at 100% power:Which of the following describes the effect of a loss of 125 VDC Bus 111 X?

#40. Unit 1 is in hot shutdown: Unit 1 RCIC is operating in pressure control mode in AUTO at 600 GPM.Given the following parameters:Time Rx Pressure12:00 405 PSIG13:00 235 PSIG(1) Can your cool down rate be raised and still be within limits?(2) Based on cool down rate; how would you adjust RCIC operation?

#41. The panel 1H13-P601-E alarms are as shown. Annunciator 1H13-P601-E105 just alarmed. Which of the following identifies the status of annunciators 1H13-P601-E202 and 1H13-P601-E203 in 12 minutes if plant parameters remains stable

#42. Unit 1 is performing a plant shutdown.Per LGP-2-1 during the cool down; what RWCU isolation can be affected due towater density changes?

#43. With Unit 1 is at 100% power; IAW LOP-MS-10; “Cycling Main Steam Line SafetyRelief Valves”; the following alarms are expected during the performance of SRVcycling. 1H13-P601-E102; ADS or SRV Leakage 1H13-P601-F102; ADS Valve Accumulator Press Lo 1H13-P601-F201; ADS Valve Fully Open 1H13-P601-F302; Safety Relief Valve Fully OpenAssume that an SRV has just been opened; verified open; and then closed duringa span of 10 seconds.All of the above alarms came in while the SRV was open.Which alarm will CLEAR LAST?

#44. Unit 1 is at 100% power; when the following occurs: An SRV spuriously lifts. Suppression Pool temperature is currently at 89F and rising 1F /minute. Both loops of Suppression Pool cooling are in operation.What is the Maximum amount of time before the mode switch is required to beplaced in shutdown?

#45. Unit 1 was at 80% power with Feed Flow and Steam Flow matched when the following occurred: The 1C Inboard MSIV failed closed No scram setpoints were exceeded when the MSIV closed 10 seconds have passed since the MSIV closed1) On the 1H13-P603 panel recorder for Feed Flow and Steam Flow; will theSteamFlow indication read LOWER or HIGHER than Feed Flow? 2) Assuming NO operator action; will Unit 1 trip on the RPV water LEVEL 3 or LEVEL 8 signal?

#46. What is the purpose of the 1VG023 SBGT-VQ XTIE VALVE on the Standby Gas Treatment System (SBGT)?

#47. Following a loss of coolant accident; the Standby Gas Treatment system has beenin service purging the Drywell; per LGA-VQ-03; PRIMARY CONTAINMENTPURGE: SBGT WRGM release rates were stable and then began to rise.Which one of the following explains the elevated release?

#48. Given the following initial plant information: Unit-1 is in a refueling outage. Unit-1 UAT is a qualified off-site source. Bus 13 is de-energized. Unit-2 is in Mode 2 with a start-up in progress.Given this initial lineup; which one of the following combinations of failures wouldresult in a loss of all Off-Site AC power to both units?

#49. Which of the following completes the statements?The Unit 1 and Unit 2 Process Computer are fed from (1 ) UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply).If Inverter output is lost; describe the effect on the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Processcomputer?The alternate power supply swaps (2)

#50. Which ONE of the following completes the statements relating to Station BatteryRoom HVAC Systems?If these systems are NOT operating properly; the Operational impact is that (1)Because of this; provisions are provided in plant procedures to (2)

#51. LOS-DG-M2; 1A/2A DIESEL GENERATOR OPERABILITY TEST is in progressfor the 1A Diesel Generator.While performing this surveillance; you must NOT go below (1 ) _____ load inorder to (2) ______

#52. Both Units are at 100% power. All Traveling Screens are in Automatic All Traveling Screen differential levels are at 2 in wg. Lake Level as read on the PPC in the MCR is 699.3 ftWhat effect; if any; would a COMPLETE LOSS OF INSTRUMENT AIR have on:1) The Screen Wash capability of the Traveling Screens?2) Lake Level Indication in t.he MCR?

#53. Unit 2 is 100% reactor power; when the following occurred: LOS-RH-01 RHR (LPCI) AND RHR SERVICE WATER PUMP AND VALVEINSERVICE TEST FOR MODES 1;2;3;4 AND 5 is in progress. The 2A RH WS strainer backwash motor tripped on thermal overload during abackwash.Which of the following statements describes the effect on 2A RHR WS system orthe action to take?

#54. Unit 2 is in Mode 2 at 8% Power. Control Rod withdrawal is in progress “BLOCKS TO FULL” is enabled on the Rod Worth Minimizer (RWM)From this condition; the TOTAL STEAM FLOW output signal from Digital ReactorWater Level Control to the Rod Worth Minimizer FAILS HIGH.How will subsequent rod motion be affected?The RWM will …

#55. The Unit 1 Reactor Recirculation Flow Control system is operating in LoopAutomatic mode with the RR-FCVs 68% open and RVDT selected on both loops.Given the following from the 108001 panel. (see attached reference)Which one of the following describes the 1A Flow Control Valve (FCV) response?The Flow Control Valve has …

#56. The Reactor Water Cleanup System (RWCU) is in normal operation at full power.Based on the indications provided; in which position would the RWCU LOOPTEMP SELECT switch be in?Panel 1H13-P602 RWCU indication

#57. Unit 1 is at 100% power. Assume leakage flow has become just high enough to activate the Flow Switch1 FS-FC015 shown below.1) Does this Flow switch initiate an alarm in the MCR or at the Fuel Pool CoolingPanelin the Turbine Building?2) Will continued leakage require filling the Skimmer Surge Tank with CycledCondensate(CY) or filling the Fuel Pool with Clean Condensate(MC)?

#58. Fuel movements are in progress. The reactor mode switch is locked in the REFUEL position All Rods are fully inserted One rod is selected A fuel assembly has been grappled in the Fuel Pool and is being transferred tothe reactor core for installationWhich statement; if any; describes the refueling interlock(s) that will be in effect;when the refueling bridge closes the over-the-core limit switches?

#59. Unit 2 is in Mode 2; Reactor start-up in progress with the following conditions. Reactor pressure is at 145# with 1 /2 turbine bypass valve open Pressurization is on hold in preparation of RCIC testing LOP-OG-09 pre-warming OG recombiner is in progress(1) IAW LGP-1-1 UNIT START-UP what is the preferred method to controlcondensateflow?(2) What is the minimum flow requirement for each operating condensate pump?

#60. IAW LOP-CD-03 STARTUP AND OPERATION OF THE CONDENSATE ANDCONDENSATE BOOSTER SYSTEM; a precaution step states that on a loss ofCD system at normal pressures do not restart the CD system until FW (FeedWater) has had sufficient time to cool; or FW is isolated by the FW pump suctionvalves and the FW seal injection system.This prevents …

#61. Unit 1 is operating at power when a loss of RPS A occurs.Which of the following Process Radiation Monitoring systems would be affected by the loss?

#62. What are the Operational implications of the 0 DG room temperature reaching 109 F and the 0 DG is in operation. When the 0 DG is secured …

#63. Unit 2 is at 100% power; when the following occurs: A contractor calls the Main Control Room and reports that they are in the 710elevation air lock from Reactor building to the Off-gas building and CANNOTopen the Off-gas building airlock door. Assume this interlock is original design and has NOT been modified.What is the cause for them NOT being able to exit into the Off-gas building?

#64. Which one of the following combinations of U-1 Control Room HVAC (VC) Air Intake Monitoring System detectors with an upscale high trip will close the VC outside air damper and start the VC emergency makeup train?

#65. At 100% power what would be the effect of the MS IVs closing faster than 3seconds?

#66. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power: There have been NO Condensate Polisher or RWCU Filter Demin changeoutsfor 2 days. Hotwell and Condensate Polisher inlet conductivity levels were both atapproximately 0.1 umho/cm when they started rising by 0.1 umho/cm every 10minutes. While Operators and Chem Techs are investigating IAW LOA-COND-101;UNIT 1 REACTOR WATER/CONDENSATE HIGH CONDUCTIVITY; theconductivity at both points continues to rise.A Manual Scram is required when Condensate Polisher Inlet Conductivity firstrises to …

#67. A locked manual valve in a safety-related system is to be verified locked in theOPEN position. Per OP-AA-108-101-1001; COMPONENT POSITIONDETERMINATION; which of the following is required?(Note: Assume locking device will allow some valve movement.)INITIALLY attempt to move the valve in the …

#68. A motor operated valve (MOV) has been torqued into its seat.Which ONE of the following describes:(1) Preferred source to find the valve’s physical location?(2) The method to be used the next time the valve must be unseated?

#69. A sample valve needs to be electrically isolated to allow maintenance to work onthe valve. It is determined that: Opening the associated breaker or pulling the individual fuses will affect a largeportion of the containment isolation system. Taking the control switch in the control room to OFF will electrically isolate thesample valve.Using the above information; select the statement that describes how to continuewith the Clearance Order (CO) utilizing the control switch as the boundary.The CO will need to be …

#70. From the following; which statement describes “Operable-Operability”; inaccordance with LaSalle Technical Specifications?The condition of a system; subsystem; division; component; or device …

#71. Given the following: A reactor startup is in progress NO control rods have been withdrawn Initial SRM count rates are: SRM A 30 SRM B 35 SRM C 50 SRM D 45Which of the following is the requirement IAW LGP-1-1 “Unit Startup” to STARTsingle notch withdrawal of control rods?

#72. Unit 2 is in a Refueling Outage. All vessel work has been completed and thereactor cavity water level is being lowered to the flange.(1) Which of the following is a concern IAW LOP-FC-16 REACTOR VESSEL/CAVITY DRAINDOWN VIA RHR SDC? (2) What is to be done to mitigate the problem?

#73. Which of the following ARM indication is alarming High; would require entry into an EOP?

#74. Unit 2 is at 100% power when the following occurred: A U-2 Main Generator lockoutIAW OP-LA-103-102-1003 “STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL TRANSIENTMITIGATION” which of the following annunciators received should the crewaddress first?

#75. LOA-FX-201; UNIT 2 SAFE SHUTDOWN WITH A LOSS OF OFFSITE POWERAND A FIRE IN THE CONTROL ROOM OR AEER; has been entered due to a fireand evacuation (abandonment) of the Control Room. Actions are directed todisable specific plant equipment.These directions are intended to …

#76. Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when a Generator Load Reject event resultedin a turbine trip and reactor scram. The following were noted: RPV water level dropped to a low of -60″; and is now being raised using HPCSand Feedwater for injection. ONE control rod failed to fully insert; ALL other control rods are full in. Bypass valves failed to operate as designed. One Turbine control valve remained Open.Reactor pressure peaked at 1155 psig; and pressure is 1000 psig and loweringslowly; with one SRV currently open as a result of the event. Drywell pressure is 1.5 psig and stable.Which of the following identifies the issue that will be addressed first and. theprocedure that must be directed?The crew will address the …

#77. Refer To Plant Process Computer PPC Turbine DisplayU-1 was at 100% power when the Unit scrammed with the following conditions. Condenser vacuum is at 3 inches backpressure Hg and stable.What are the required actions to be directed by the Unit Supervisor?

#78. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power when the Unit NSO performing his hourly controlroom walk down identified the following abnormal system parameters: System Pressure is degrading for the Reactor Building Closed Cooling WaterSystem (RBCCW). The Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) System Non-Regenerative HeatExchanger discharge outlet temperature is 105F and slowly trending upward1F PER MINUTE.(1) If this trend is NOT reversed when will the high temperature isolation signal bereceived resulting in an automatic isolation of the RWCU Inlet OutboardIsolation Valve; 1 G33-F004?(2) What procedure will the Unit Supervisor direct first?

#79. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power when an Instrument Air line in the TurbineBuilding ruptures. The air compressors are unable to keep up with the loss of air and InstrumentAir pressure is lowering. The operators insert a manual scram. The STA (Shift Technical Advisor) has determined that there is NO RPVleakage.IAW OP-LA-103-102-1002 STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL TRANSIENTMITIGATION. What (1) reactor pressure and (2) reactor level should the SROdirect?

#80. Unit 2 was at 93% reactor power when the following event took place: A HIGH STEAMLINE FLOW signal has resulted in a Group 1 isolation. There was a report from the field that steam was coming from the Div 3 switchgear room. Control rods DID NOT fully insert. SBLC has been initiated. RPV water level is currently-145″ and being intentionally lowered. Low-Low Set SRVs are controlling RPV pressure.Would it be required for the US to direct installation of LGA-MS-01; “MSIV ANDMSL DRAIN RX LO-LO-LO LEVEL ISOLATION DEFEAT” and why or why not?

#81. Unit 1 was scrammed and the following conditions exist: Multiple control rods failed to insert. A blowdown has been initiated. Only Six SRVs would open. RPV Pressure is 210 psig and dropping as expected. The appropriate procedures are in progress.Based on the above information:(1) What is the next action the U-1 Control Room should perform to controlreactor water level?(2) What is the Basis for re-injecting at the procedure required ReactorPressure?

#82. Unit 1 is in a General Emergency with a loss of coolant accident and a Loss ofDivision 1 AC power.Prior to venting the primary containment to stay within the PCPL; the followingoccurred: Light Indication was lost for a VQ inboard and its associated outboard primarycontainment damper Drywell pressure started to drop quickly Multiple fire sirens are Alarming on the 815′ and 786′ Aux Building elevations Multiple Area Rad Monitors (ARMs) are Alarming on the 815′ and 786′ AuxBuilding elevations Station Vent Stack WRGM radiation readings are not available Standby Gas WRGM radiation readings are steady There are NO hostile activities in progress There are NO impediments to evacuation NO PARS have been determined for this event RPT had determined Dose Projection as <1 REM TEDE and ; <5 REM CDE forcontainment venting(1) Is a release is in progress?(2) If a release is in progress what are PAR actions?

#83. U-1 is at 100% power; with the B VP Chill Water Pump removed from service;when the following occurred: Trip of the running Primary Containment Ventilation Fan The crew was unable to restart the VP fan LGA-003 “PRIMARY CONTAINMENT CONTROL” was entered 1H13-P603 8501 Primary Containment Pressure High alarm was received The crew commenced venting per LGA-VQ-01 “CONTAINMENT VENT” 20 minutes after the start of LGA-VQ-01; the Primary Containment Pressure High alarm cleared 10 minutes later the following alarms were received 1PM13J 8501 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT CONTINUOUS AIR MONITORPANEL 1 PL75J RAD HI 1PM13J A501 ATMOSPHERE MONITORING PANEL 1PL 15J RAD HI are received 1 minute later the following alarms were received 1N62-P600-B304 STA VENT STACK WIDE RANGE RAD HI alarm 1H13-P603-B501 Primary Containment Pressure High alarm was received again What action will the Unit Supervisor direct next?

#84. Given the following conditions: Reactor pressure is 800 psig and stable A LOCA with an ATWS is in progress Reactor water level is 12″ and stable Drywell temperature is 345F and rising Drywell pressure is 4 psig and rising Suppression Pool temperature is 190F and stable Suppression Pool level is +1 foot RR pumps are tripped 1A and 1 B RHR pumps are running in Suppression Pool cooling Which of the following actions will be directed next to control containment temperature?

#85. Unit 1 is at 100% power:Which of the following events requires notification to a State Agency?

#86. Unit 1 is at 100% Power. LOS-RH-M1 RHR SYSTEM OPERABILITY TEST FOR MODE 1;2; and 3 for1A RHR is in progress with Engineering performing ultrasonic testing for fill andvent verification. Engineering has reported that the ultrasonic testing for the 1A RHR dischargepiping did NOT meet maximum acceptance criteria for the size of the void in thesystem piping; and normal venting methods did NOT remove the voids.What actions are required for Tech SpecsfTRM?

#87. Unit 2 is at 100% Power with NO active time clocks; when the following occurred: 2H13-P601-C404 RHR 2A and LPCS LINE INTEGRITY MONITOR Alarm wasreceived. Local reading was confirmed to be reading 1 psid to the left of zero; indicating aproblem with LPCS injection line. IMO was dispatched and the calibration was confirmed in tolerance for the DPswitch per LOR actions.(1) Based on the above condition a LPCS Core Spray piping leak/break may haveoccurred. ______ _(2) What is the status of the LPCS system?

#88. What is the basis in TS 3.9.8 “RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL (RHR) HIGH WATERLEVEL” for the requirement for only one loop of RHR Shutdown Cooling isrequired to be Operable when the reactor cavity is flooded up and the gates areout?

#89. Unit 1 has scrammed due to a Loss of Off-Site Power. Both Div 1 and 2 DGs failed to start. HPCS DG tripped 15 minutes into the event. RCIC is maintaining level at -75″.(1) What are the required actions to keep RCIC available for injection after4 hours?(2) What procedure will the Unit Supervisor direct after 4 hours?

#90. Unit 2 is at 100% power when the following occurred: 2PM13J-A404 Instrument Nitrogen System Trouble R-point 0601 Southside N2 Bank Press Lo EO reports Southside bottle bank pressure is at 550 psig The EO reports that after valving in the reserve bottle; due to a loose fitting thereserve pressure is at 750 psig and steady(1) What is the status of ADS prior to bottle change out?(2) What is the status of ADS during southside bottle change out with the aboveconditions?

#91. Unit 2 is at 100% Reactor Power when the following conditions take place. IMO is performing both LIS-NB-205A/B; UNIT 2 REACTOR HIGH PRESSURESCRAM CHANNELS for all four channels. During the calibration of the second HIGH PRESSURE SCRAM CHANNEL; itstrip setting is discovered at 1061 psig.Which ONE of the following describes the Technical Specification requiredActions?

#92. Unit 1 is at 100% power:if fuse 1D18-J013-F502 were to blow;(1) What annunciator will come in first?(2) What is/are the ODCM required action(s)?

#93. Both Units are at 100 % power. EMD has just completed and restored fromLES-FP-06 PREACTION SPRINKLER/SPRAY SYSTEMS IONIZATION SMOKEDETECTOR TEST for the U-2 cable spreading room with the following results: 14 smoke detectors passed the surveillance requirements. Current hourly fire watch for the LES-FP-06 is still in place. Fire detection outside the cable spreading room is inoperable withcompensatory actions in place.When leaving the room; they discovered the Fire Door #279 to the Cablespreading room inoperable.Identify the required compensatory actions; if any; for this situation.

#94. IAW LFP-100-1 MASTER REFUEL PROCEDURE; in order to move fuel within theRPV; at a minimum; a Licensed Fuel Handling Supervisor (SROL) or SeniorReactor Operator (SRO) must be an active license holder …

#95. The following conditions exist on Unit-1: Core alterations are in progress between the Spent Fuel Pool and the ReactorCavity The Refuel Floor Fire Siren has begun annunciating without warningWhich one of the following describes the course of action to be followed on theRefuel Floor?

#96. The U-1 is at 8% Reactor Power with the mode switch in START-UP.An outboard containment isolation valve that is required to be operable in MODES1; 2; and 3; FAILED its stroke time testing. To comply with the associated LCO TS3.6.1.3 Primary Containment Isolation Valves; the inoperable valve has beenclosed and deactivated.After 6 hours maintenance has been completed and Post Maintenance Testing(PMT) requires the valve to be opened and timed closed.Which of the following actions is required to perform the PMT?

#97. Given the following Conditions: Reactor Mode Switch is in Shutdown. Average Reactor Coolant Temperature is 205 F. Reactor Vessel Head Closure bolt tensioning will be complete in 2 hours.The Unit is currently in __ (1) and the __ (2) __ must be completed prior to the completion of Reactor Vessel Head closure bolt tensioning.

#98. A major event has occurred on Unit-1.The following conditions exist several hours later: Drywell Pressure is 10 psig and steady. Suppression Chamber pressure is 5 psig and steady. The hydrogen recombiner is in operation for mixing. Division 1 and 2 Post-LOCA monitors indicate 7% hydrogen in the Drywell andrising slowly. Division 1 and 2 Post-LOCA monitors indicate 2% oxygen in the Drywell andrising slowly. Containment venting per LGA-VQ-02 EMERGENCY CONTAINMENT VENThas just been started IAW LGA-011 HYDROGEN CONTROL.The following sequence of events take place next: The NSO reports oxygen levels in the containment are now at 4% and steady. Then 1N62-P600-B304 STATION VENT STACK RADIATION HIGH alarms.What will the Unit Supervisor direct next?

#99. You are the SRO in the control room when the following conditions exist: 10: 10 Event occurred. 10:20 an Alert is declared.What is the Latest time by which the reports to the State and NRC must be made?

#100. Unit 1 has scrammed and experienced a LOCA: RPV pressure is 15 psig and going DOWN SLOWLY. The TSC is NOT Prepared to provide SAMG decisions. The NSO reports the following indicationsDoes adequate core cooling exists; and what are the required procedural actions?
