Braidwood 2011



#1. Given: Unit 1 was in normal at power alignment. A reactor trip/turbine trip occurred. NO operator actions have been taken.Which of the following screen shots from DEHC Graphic Panel 5501 indicate that Main Steam flow to the HP turbine is occuring?

#2. Given: Unit 1 was at full power normal alignment MOL for the past nine months. A small break RCS LOCA occurred. A reactor trip and SI were initiated and all equipment operated as designed. Decay heat is maintaining RCS Tave at 557F. The crew is currently performing 1BwEP ES-1.2 POST LOCA COOLDOWN AND DEPRESSURIZATION. Prior to starting an RCS cooldown 1BwOSR SHUTDOWN MARGIN DAILY VERIFICATION DURING SHUTDOWN is initiated. Initial post trip shutdown margin has been verified adequate per 1BwOSR DURING the RAPID cooldown 1BwOSR will ensure adequate shutdown margin by verifying…

#3. During a recovery from a Large Break LOCA the LOSS of which of the following will have the GREATEST impact on LONG TERM CORE COOLING?

#4. Given: Unit 1 RCPs are being started following a refueling outage. Currently the 1D RCP is running. All the other RCPs are available for a start with the following parameters:1A RCP 1B RCP 1C RCPSeal Injection Flow 10 gpm 8 gpm 11 gpmSeal Leakoff Flow 0.3 gpm 0.5 gpm 0.6 gpm#1 Seal DP 360 psig 355 psig 350 psigSEAL LEAKOFF FLOW LOW alarm LIT LIT LITWith the above conditions which (if any) RCP should be started NEXT and why?

#5. Given: Unit 1 was at full power normal alignment. The 1A CV pump was operating normally with the following indications:o Motor Amps – 65o Pump Disch. Press. – 2445 psigo 1FI-121A CHR HDR FLOW – 134 gpmo 1PI-120A CHR HDR PRESS – 2342 psigSubsequently annunciator 1-9-D3 CHG LINE FLOW HI LOW alarms. Currently the NSO notes the 1A CV pump indications have stabilized as follows:o Motor Amps – 50o Pump Disch. Press. – 2610 psigo 1FI-121A CHR HDR FLOW – 0 gpmo 1PI-120A CHR HDR PRESS – 2250 psigWhich of the following events could have caused the 1A CV pump indications to change as described above?

#6. Given: Unit 2 reactor is at full power. The crew placed excess letdown in service one hour ago in conjunction with normal letdown. 2CV8143 Excess Letdown to Seal Filter or RCDT Valve is in the VCT position.The following indications have been noted by the crew: VCT level has been slowly lowering for the past 15 minutes. ALL RCP seal injection flows have been stable for the past 55 minutes. ALL RCP seal return flows have been stable for the past 55 minutes. CC surge tank level is currently 76% and has been rising slowly for the past 15 minutes. 2PR09J Unit 2 CC Heat Exchanger Rad Monitor is in an ALERT condition.Based on the above conditions a leak has developed in which of the following heat exchangers?

#7. Given:- Unit 1 is at 100% power normal alignment.- 1PK-455A MASTER PZR PRESS CONT output signal has failed high in AUTO and MAN.With the above condition the RO will manually adjust 1PK-455B and 1PK-455C SPRAY VALVE CONTROLLERS to…

#8. Given: Unit 1 has experienced an ATWS condition and the crew is performing 1BwFR-S.1 RESPONSE TO NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION/ATWS. An operator is dispatched to locally trip the reactor from the MEER. BOTH U-1 Reactor Trip Breakers FAIL to open locally. Subsequently the operator performs the following actions in the listed order:1. OPENS the 1A MG SET GENERATOR Breaker.2. OPENS the 1A MG SET MOTOR Breaker.3. OPENS the 1B MG SET GENERATOR Breaker.4. OPENS the 1B MG SET MOTOR Breaker.With the above conditions the reactor tripped WHEN the operator performed action…

#9. Given: Unit 2 is at full power normal alignment. An instantaneous 600 gpm steam generator tube rupture occurs. NO operator action is taken as the crew attempts to diagnose the event.With the above conditions pressurizer PRESSURE will initially drop and then during the next two (2) minutes…(assume no automatic reactor trip setpoint is reached)

#10. Given: Unit 2 was at 100% power. All systems were normally aligned. A loss of DC Bus 212 occurs and the plant responds as expected. The crew has implemented 2BwEP-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION and has transitioned to 2BwEP ES-0.1 REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE. Currently ALL SG narrow range levels are 25% and slowly lowering.With the above conditions and assuming NO operator actions on the AFW system which of the following is the current Auxiliary Feedwater system status?”A” Trn FCVs “B” Trn FCVs2A AF Pump 2AF005A-D 2B AF Pump 2AF005E-H

#11. Given: BOTH UNITS have experienced a severe electrical transient and have lost ALL AC power. BOTH UNITS are performing 1/2BwCA 0.0 LOSS OF ALL AC POWER. BOTH UNITS have indications of an RCS LOCA developing. Local operators are being dispatched to shed DC power loads from the 125 VDC class 1E busses. With the aove conditions why is it necessary to shed loads from the DC busses? It is necessary because the design basis for the 125 VDC class 1E system is…

#12. Given: Unit 2 is at 13% reactor power with a unit start up in progress. U-2 Main Generator preps for synchronization are in progress. Unit 1 is at 100% power normally aligned.The following then occurs: A Unit 2 SAT fault results in a loss of off site power on Unit 2. All plant systems operate as designed. The crew is currently performing the actions to crosstie Non-ESF buses to ESF buses per 2BwEP ES-0.1 REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE.With the above conditions for Unit 2 the most time critical reason for re-energizing a Non-ESF bus is…

#13. Given: Both units were at 100% power normal alignment. Subsequently 4KV bus 142 faults and its feed breaker trips. Ten minutes later a dispatched local operator reports the following indications at DC Bus 112:o Battery Current – 50 ampso Bus volts – 115 voltso Charger Current – 0 ampsWith the above conditions the immediate mitigation strategy for DC bus 112 is to…

#14. Given: Unit 1 was at 100% power normal alignment. A loss of BOTH Unit 1 SX pumps has occurred. Currently the crew is taking actions to mitigate the event per the appropriate Abnormal Operating Procedure. The resulting pressure transient has caused tube leaks in the Unit 1 CC Hx. The Unit 1 CC surge tank level is slowly lowering.With the above conditions INITIAL CC surge tank makeup will occur…

#15. Given: Braidwood Station has been notified that the State Estimator alarm predicts a potential degraded grid condition in the event of a Braidwood unit trip.From which of the following locations can an NSO monitor specific switchyard bus voltages?

#16. Given the following sequence of events: Unit 1 was at 100% power with ESF bus 142 de-energized due to a bus fault. Subsequently a manual reactor trip and SI occur due to a pressurizer safety valve stuck partially open. The MCR receives a report that a large amount of water is leaking in the U-1 containment penetration area. The crew transitions to 1BwCA-1.2 LOCA OUTSIDE CONTAINMENT with all 1A train ECCS pumps still operating.The following indications are CURRENTLY noted on the MCB: RCS WR pressure is 1700 psig and stable. 1A RH discharge flow is 0 gpm. 1A SI pump discharge flow is 200 gpm. 1A CV pump flow is 300 gpm.The leak can be reduced by closing…(assume the leak is ALL RWST water)

#17. Given:Unit 1 is experiencing a loss of heat sink condition with the following plant conditions: Bus 142 is faulted. ALL SG WR levels are 50%. RCS pressure is 2200 psig. Containment pressure is 1.4 psig. The crew is performing 1BwFR-H.1 RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK at step 4 trying to re-establish AF flow.With the above conditions which one of the following conditions would require the crew to immediately initiate Bleed and Feed? (consider each choice separately)

#18. Given: 10 minutes ago Unit 2 experienced a reactor trip and SI due to an unisolable fault of ALL steam generators. Bus 242 is faulted. The 2A AF pump has tripped on overcurrent. 2BwCA-2.1″UNCONTROLLED DEPRESSURIZATION OF ALL STEAM GENERATORS” is in progress. RCS Cold leg temperatures are 425F. ALL SG narrow range levels indicate 0%. The MCR valve controller for 2AF005H 2D SG FLOW CONT VLV is failed in the full demand (open) position. All OTHER equipment operates as designed.With the above conditions to meet the 2D SG AF flow requirement of 2BwCA-2.1 the…

#19. Given: Unit 1 reactor tripped from full power. 2 control rods did NOT fully insert. A U-1 SAT fault created a loss of offsite power concurrently with the reactor trip. All other equipment operated as designed. The ONLY operator actions taken so far were manual reactor trips from 1PM05J and 1PM06J.With the above conditions which of the following sets of MCR actions will correctly initiate emergency boration of the RCS in accordance with 1BwOA PRI-2 EMERGENCY BORATION.

#20. Which of the following sets of nuclear instrumentation readings if noted during a reactor startup would indicate one or more inoperabilities of the given instruments?SRNI N-31 SRNI N-32 IRNI N-35 IRNI N-36

#21. Given: A fire is occurring in the Upper Cable Spreading Room directly above the Unit 1 MCR. All detectors in the area are in alarm on 1PM09J Fire Detection panel.Main Control Room operator response regarding fire suppression to this event is to…

#22. While recovering a dropped Group 1 Rod on Control Bank C in accordance with 1BwOA ROD-3 Dropped or Misaligned Rod annunciator 1-10-C6 “ROD CONTROL URGENT FAILURE” alarm is EXPECTED from Unit 1 Rod Control Power Cabinet…

#23. Given: Unit 1 had a reactor trip and safety injection due to an inadvertent SI relay actuation. ALL other plant equipment operated as expected. Currently RCS temperature is being maintained stable by the steam dumps in Tave Mode. Aux. Feedwater flow has been throttled to maintain stable SG levels. The crew has just entered 1BwEP ES-1.1 SI TERMINATION.Compared with current steam dump demand after 1BwEP ES-1.1 is complete steady state steam dump demand will be… (assume RCS decay heat load is constant)

#24. Given the following sequence of events: Unit 1 has experienced a small break RCS LOCA. RCS pressure is currently 2200 psig and stable. The crew is performing 1BwEP ES-1.2 POST LOCA COOLDOWN AND DEPRESSURIZATION and is about to initiate an RCS cooldown using steam dumps.As RCS pressure drops during the cooldown which of the following is the EARLIEST indicated RCS pressure that the NSO can block the Steamline Low Pressure SI signal?

#25. Given the following plant conditions on Unit 1: A pressurizer pressure control malfunction has resulted in a saturated core cooling condition. 1BwFR-C.3 RESPONSE TO SATURATED CORE COOLING is in progress.During performance of 1BwFR-C.3 step 3 CHECK RCS VENT PATHS the correct RO action concerning the PZR PORVs is to have …

#26. Given: Unit 1 is experiencing an anticipated reactor vessel pressurized thermal shock event. Performance of 1BwFR-P.1 RESPONSE TO IMMINENT PRESSURIZED THERMAL SHOCK is in progress. ECCS flow has been terminated and the crew is checking if ECCS re-initiation is required. RCS subcooling is UNACCEPTABLE. RCS inventory is slowly lowering.As inventory drops which of the following is the MAXIMUM RCS inventory level that would require the crew to manually start and re-align ECCS pumps?

#27. Given: An event has occurred on Unit 1 causing elevated containment radiation. The crew has entered 1BwFR Z.3 RESPONSE TO HIGH CONTAINMENT RADIATION LEVEL.To reduce containment radiation level in accordance with 1BwFR-Z.3 the operators may start the…

#28. If an RCP Oil Lift Pump Pressure Switch fails at 500 psig the RCP __(1)__ start and _____(2)_____.(1) (2)

#29. Given: Unit 1 is at 100% power normal alignment.The following then occurs: 1CC9416 CC FROM RC PUMPS ISOL VLV inadvertently CLOSES and will NOT re-open.With the above conditions RCP…

#30. Given: Unit 1 is in Mode 5. Pressurizer is in a solid condition. 1CV128 RH TO CV LTDWN FLOW CONT VLV is open. 1CV131 LTDWN LINE PRESSURE CONT VLV is in automatic controlling RCS pressure at 350 psig. 1A RH train is in standby. 1B RH train is in shutdown cooling.If 1PK-131 LTDWN LINE PRESSURE CONT VLV 1CV131 controller “set point” dial is slowly turned ONE revolution CLOCKWISE 1CV131 valve will throttle ___(1)___ and RCS pressure will ___(2)___.

#31. Given: Unit 2 is in Mode 5. All systems are normally aligned. RCS pressure is 300 psig. 2A RH pump is running in the shutdown cooling mode per BwOP RH-6.The following occurs: A 300 gpm tube leak develops in the 2A RH Heat Exchanger.Based on the above conditions and assuming NO operator actions what is the expected response of the following 2PM06J instruments?2FI-0689 CC TO RH HX 2A FLOW INDICATED inlet flow will _______.2FK-618 HX 2A BYP FLOW CONT VLV 2RH-0618 DEMAND position will ________.2FI-0689 2FK-618

#32. Given: Unit 1 is in Mode 5 following refueling. All system are normally aligned. 1B RH pump is running in shutdown cooling mode. An RCS heatup is in progress in preparation for a mode change scheduled next shift.The following occurs: A fire forces a Main Control Room personnel evacuation to the Remote Shutdown Panel (RSP). 1BwOA PRI-5 CONTROL ROOM INACCESSIBILITY is implemented. After activating the RSP the crew determines that 1RH0607 HX 1B FLOW CONT VLV needs to be throttled to stop the RCS heatup and prevent an inadvertent mode change.With the above conditions the crew will throttle 1RH0607 by…

#33. Given the following sequence of events: Unit 1 was at 100% power normal alignment. An RCS LOCA and auto SI occur. During performance of 1BwEP ES-1.3 TRANSFER TO COLD LEG RECIRCULATION the 1SI8804B RH HX 1B TO SI PMPS ISOL VLV would NOT open.With the above condition the cold leg recirc alignment status of the U1 SI pumps will be…

#34. Given the following sequence of events: Unit 1 was at 100% power normally aligned. An inadvertent relay actuation causes an SI and Phase A Containment Isolation. All other plant equipment operates as designed.With the above condition if ECCS flow is NOT terminated 10 minutes after the relay actuation maximum RCS pressure will be controlled by…

#35. Given: Unit 1 is at 100% power. All systems are normally aligned.The following occurs: A Pressurizer PORV fails open. The associated PZR PORV Block valve will NOT close. Operators perform a manual reactor trip and safety injection. The NSO has just reported the PRT rupture disk has blown.In addition to lowering PRT pressure which of the following indications is consistent with the PRT rupture disk opening? (assume NO other failures have occurred)

#36. Given: Unit 1 is at full power normal alignment. The 1A CC pump is running. The 1B CC pump is in standby with its C/S is in NAT. The U-0 CC pump is in standby aligned to bus 142 with its C/S in NAT.The following occurs: Breaker 1412 is inadvertently opened from the MCR. All equipment operates as designed.With the above conditions and NO further operator action ONE minute later the status of the CC pumps will be…U-0 pump 1A pump 1B pump

#37. Given: Unit 1 is at 75% power normally aligned. All systems are at stable steady state condition.Then the following event occurs: A charging flow control malfunction causes pressurizer level to rise. The crew takes manual control of charging flow and stabilizes pressurizer level at 60%. ALL other systems remain in automatic control and the crew maintains pressurizer level at 60% until stable steady state conditions exist again.With the above conditions compare STEADY STATE demand on the on 1PK-455A MASTER PZR PRESS CONTROLLER BEFORE and AFTER the event.AFTER the event 1PK-455A DEMAND will be…

#38. Given: Unit 1 was at 100% power all systems normally aligned. Subsequently a loss of DC bus 111 occurs. The crew initiates a manual reactor trip and enters 1BwEP-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SI. Note: “TSLB-4” is the NIS AND CONTAINMENT TRIP STATUS LIGHTS at 1PM05J. “Position indication lights” are the red and green “checkerboard” lights at 1PM05J.With the above conditions the position of RTA (train A reactor trip breaker) can be obtained locally…

#39. Which of the following reactor protection system trips serves as a BACK-UP to the Power Range Neutron Flux – High trip and is designed to ensure that the allowable heat generation rate (kw/ft) of the fuel is NOT exceeded?

#40. Given: Unit 1 was at 100% power normal alignment. Subsequently containment pressure transmitter 1PT-0934 failed. ALL required actions of Tech Specs have been completed.With the above conditions the current coincidence logic for automatically actuating containment spray from the OPERABLE containment pressure channels is…

#41. Given: Unit 1 was at 100% power normally aligned. A DC circuit breaker trip causes annunciator 1-21-B10 BUS 131X CONT PWR FAILURE to alarm. NO other annunciators are in alarm.With the above condition the U-1 train “A” RCFC fans _____(1)_____ and if a U-1 safety injection occurs these fans WILL _________(2)___________ in LOW speed. (1) (2)

#42. Given: Unit 1 is 100% power. The 1A CS pump is currently running on recirc for an ASME surveillance per BwOP CS-5 CONTAINMENT SPRAY SYSTEM RECIRCULATION TO THE RWST.Which of the following would cause the fastest heat up of the 1A CS pump? (analyze each separately)

#43. Given: Unit 1 is at 100% power normal alignment. A grid disturbance causes the main turbine to reach the overspeed protection circuit setpoint.When the OPC 20-1 and 20-2 solenoid valves open the Main Turbine ________________________ valves will reposition closed to limit turbine speed.

#44. Given: Unit 1 is at 85% power. The crew is performing 1BwOSR TRM 3.3.g.4 TURBINE OVERSPEED PROTECTION SYSTEMS VALVE STEM FREEDOM CHECKS (TV-GV CYCLING).Which of the following describes system performance during the Governor Valve #1 (GV1) stroke test?As GV1 strokes closed…

#45. Given: Unit 1 was at 100% power normal alignment.The following event occurs: Annunciator 1-16-E1 FW PUMP NPSH LOW alarms due to a secondary plant transient. NO automatic actions associated with the alarm have occurred (assume the actuation setpoint has been reached). The US directs the NSO to manually perform the automatic actions associated with the alarm until the alarm clears.With the above conditions the NSO will…

#46. Compare and contrast the conditions below for Unit 1: A rapid addition of feedwater is made to the 1B S/G at 6% power. A rapid addition of feedwater is made to the 1B S/G at 80% power. (assume the feedwater additions are identical)The 1B S/G’s INITIAL indicated level response to the rapid addition of feedwater is to ___(1)___ with a greater magnitude of change at ___(2)___ power.__(1)__ __(2)__

#47. Given: The control room operators are responding to a RED path condition on the heat sink status tree. While they attempt to restore feed flow to a S/G conditions degrade to the point that RCS bleed-and-feed must be established.The reason RCS bleed and feed must be established QUICKLY is to prevent…

#48. Given: BOTH units are in Mode 3. A fault in the switchyard has caused a loss of offsite power on BOTH units. BOTH units ESF buses are being supplied from their respective DGs. NON-ESF buses 143144 and 244 are ENERGIZED via their respective ESF to Non-ESF cross tie breakers per 1/2BwOA ELEC-4 LOSS OF OFFSITE POWER. Bus 243 is DE-ENERGIZED and faulted. A SAT fire and deluge actuation has caused an auto start of the 0A Fire Pump. The 0B Fire Pump did NOT auto start (but can be manually started). The necessary NON-ESF loads RUNNING are:o The 0B WS Pump.o The U-0 Station Air Compressor. The EO monitoring the DGs reports the 1A DG bearing temperature is rising and the DG will need to be shutdown in the next 5 minutes.In order to maintain the necessary NON-ESF loads WITHOUT relying on automatic equipment starts prior to securing the 1A DG the crew must…

#49. Given: Unit 1 at 100% power normal alignment.The following sequence of events occurs: Annunciator 1-21-E10 “125V DC DIST PNL 111/113 VOLT LOW” alarms. DC bus 111 Voltmeter indicates 0 volts. The U1 Reactor is TRIPPED manually. The U1 Main Generator Exciter Field Breaker is locally OPENED. NO other actions are taken.The following indications are now noted: The U1 Main Generator Output voltage indicates 0 volts. DC bus 111 Voltmeter (still) indicates 0 volts.Currently with above conditions which of the following sets of AC buses are ENERGIZED?

#50. Given: Unit 1 is at 100% power. A loss of 4KV Bus 142 has occurred. The 1B DG did NOT start. An EO is locally performing 1BwOA ELEC-3 Attachment D LOCAL START OF 1B DG. When the DC Control Power Available lights are checked they are noted to be NOT LIT.Which of the following DC buses will the EO check the associated breaker closed for each indicating light on the 1B DG local control panel?DC POWER ON/BUS # 1 Light DC POWER ON/BUS # 2 Light

#51. Given: The Turbine Bldg Fire and Oil (F & O) sump is transferring water to the lime sludge lagoon due to unusually heavy sump input. The 0D (low flow) sump pump and 0A (high flow) sump pump are currently running. An alarm on the RM-11 indicates 0PR05J has turned RED.As a result of the hi rad condition the F & O sump system will…

#52. Which of the following signals is REQUIRED to cause _SX169A/B DG _A/B SX VLV to AUTOMATICALLY OPEN?

#53. Which of the following Remote Shutdown Panel (RSP) events would cause MCR annunciator 1-1-C7 REMOTE S/D PANEL TROUBLE to alarm?

#54. Given: Unit 1 was at 100% power normal alignment. An inadvertent Phase A Containment Isolation occurs due to a SINGLE ESF relay actuation on ONE train. TEN MINUTES later the crew is attempting to diagnose which train actuated. NO other Phase A Containment Isolation valves have been manipulated.Which of the following CLOSED valves would POSITIVELY confirm that the relay was a TRAIN B actuation?

#55. Given: Unit 2 is in Mode 1. The 2A 2B and 2D RCFCs are operating in high speed. The 2C RCFC is in standby.The following indications are observed on the Unit 2 RCFC Dry Bulb temperatures: 2A RCFC Inlet Temperature 119 F. 2B RCFC Inlet Temperature 118 F. 2C RCFC Inlet Temperature 127 F. 2D RCFC Inlet Temperature 121 F.Per the Tech Spec 3.6.5 Containment Air Temperature…

#56. Given: Unit 1 is at 50% power steady state normal alignment.The following event occurs: A stationary gripper fuse blows and one shutdown bank rod drops to the bottom of the core. Five minutes later the unit has NOT tripped and all automatic functions operated as designed.Given the above condition with NO operator action what happened to DEMAND on 1FK-121 CENT CHGPMPS FLOW CONT VLV controller?DEMAND…

#57. Given the following sequence of events: Unit 1 has experienced a RCS LOCA combined with a loss of off site power. CETC Temperatures are 500 F. RCS Pressure is 1200 psig. Pressurizer level is 30% and STABLE. 1A CV pump is re-aligned for normal charging at 100 gpm. 1B CV pump is shutdown. 1A SI pump flow is 400 gpm. 1B SI pump is tripped.Subsequently during performance of 1BwEP ES-1.2 POST LOCA COOLDOWN AND DEPRESSURIZATION the RCS was depressurized to 800 psig over a 5 minute period. During the depressurization the following parameters changed: 1A SI pump flow steadily rose to 650 gpm. Pressurizer level rapidly rose to 80%.Which of the following explains the amount of the rise in pressurizer level over the five minute depressurization?

#58. Given: A DEHC malfunction causes a turbine load drop on unit 1 from 100% power. After the unit stabilizes power is at 58%. The NSO then notes the below DRPI and Step Counter indications.With the above indications what are the conditions of the following Tech Specs? (1) TS 3.1.6 CONTROL BANK INSERTION LIMITS (2) TS 3.1.7 ROD POSITION INDICATION

#59. Given: Unit 1 is in Mode 2 with a reactor startup is in progress. Reactor power is approx. 500 CPS in the source range.Then: Source Range channel N32 fails to zero. Annunciator 1-10-B1 SR HIGH VOLT FAILURE alarms.Which ONE of the following describes the technical specification required action for the N32 failure?

#60. Given: Unit has experienced a loss of core cooling event. The STA is monitoring the status trees for critical safety function status.When in normal display mode the Core Exit Thermocouple displays on 1PM05J are…(assume all thermocouples are operable)

#61. Given: The 0AR039J FUEL HANDLING BLDG CRANE area rad monitor has failed HIGH.The above condition will prevent…

#62. Given: Unit 1 is at 28% reactor power in a normal lineup. Steam Dump Mode Select switch is in the TAVE position. Subsequently the main turbine trips.With the above conditions and NO operator action the steam dumps will maintain RCS temperature at …

#63. Given: A release of the 0A Gas Decay Tank (GDT) is in progress per BwOP GW-500T1 GAS DECAY TANK RELEASE FORM. Subsequently the 0B (on line) GDT relief valve fails (sticks) open. The rise in flow past the 0PR02J GDT EFFLUENT rad monitor causes the skid to exceed the high radiation ALARM setpoint.With the above conditions…

#64. Given: A tornado damaged the Braidwood Switchyard causing a loss of all AC power to both Units’ SAT’s. The 2B DG is the ONLY emergency diesel that started and automatically loaded. NONE of the other DG’s can be started.With the above conditions Bus 242 will…

#65. Prior to starting a Station Air Compressor per BwOP SA-1 STARTUP AND OPERATION OF STATION AIR COMPRESSORS minimum instrument air pressure is required to…

#66. Given: The U-1 Unit Supervisor is currently behind the control boards attending a brief. Subsequently a transient occurs on U-1 requiring an immediate operator action step from an approved procedure to stabilize the plant.In accordance with OP-AA-101-111 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF ON-SHIFT PERSONNEL while performing the immediate action the Reactor Operator will…

#67. Given: An operating surveillance is commenced on a Monday morning that is expected to take several days to complete. On Wednesday afternoon of the same week a RO assigned to continue work on the surveillance discovers that the procedure revision being used was superseded just that Wednesday morning.In accordance with HU-AA-104-101 PROCEDURE USE AND ADHERENCE the completion of the surveillance…

#68. Given: A xenon free reactor startup is in progress on Unit 1 using control rods only. The reactor is exactly critical in the intermediate range below P-6. IR range SUR is 0 DPM. Control Bank D (CBD) control rods are at 135 steps.The US then directs the RO to establish a steady state Startup Rate of 0.5 DPM raise power to approx. 10-8 amps then level power for recording of critical data. The RO withdraws CBD rods 10 steps and establishes the 0.5 DPM steady startup rate.To raise power to 10-8 amps and then maintain power stable the RO will…

#69. Which of the following types of reactor accident categories is the OTDT reactor trip designed to protect against?

#70. Given the typical 4KV/6.9KV Breaker Electrical Schematic control circuit below:Which contact listed below prevents the breaker from closing MORE than once after an initial closing signal is generated?

#71. Given: Both units are at full power normal alignment. The 0A VC train is in normal operation per BwOP VC-1 STARTUP OF CONTROL ROOM HVAC SYSTEM. The 0B VC train is in standby.The following then occurs: An event that has the potential for an accidental radioactive release in the Unit 2 Turbine Building trackway is reported to the MCR. The MCR SRO directs an RO to monitor control room intake air for elevated radiation trends. The RO notes all MCR rad monitor icons on the RM-11 GRID 2 PROCESS AIR MONITORS are currently GREEN.With the above conditions to monitor control room intake air on the RM-11 the RO will trend the…

#72. You are assigned a task in a tank room in the Aux Building. The room was recently surveyed and the following radiological conditions are listed on the RWP survey map: General area radiation 110 mR/Hr. Airborne radiation is 0.25 DAC. Contamination levels of 250 dpm/100 cm2 beta/gamma and 25 dpm/cm2 alpha.When you arrive at the room there are 2 posted signs as follows: Caution – Radiation Area Caution – Contaminated AreaWhat actions (if any) are required/allowed and why?

#73. During a refueling outage while moving irradiated fuel in containment it is the ROs responsibility to maintain Refuel Cavity Water Level at > 23′ above the …

#74. While transitioning to 1BwEP-1 LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT after completing the actions of 1BwEP-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION an orange path is identified under SUBCRITICALITY.With regard to implementing 1BwFR-S.1 RESPONSE TO NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION/ATWS procedure usage rules require the crew to…

#75. Given: A fire has occurred in the Main Control Room envelope. BOTH Units in the main control room have been evacuated. 0/1/2BwOA PRI-5 MAIN CONTROL ROOM INACCESSIBILITY have been implemented. Both Remote Shutdown Panels (RSDP) have been activated. The fire brigade is preparing to purge the MCR per BwOP VC-7 PURGE OF THE CONTROLROOM WITH 100% OUTSIDE AIR. The fire chief requests operators start the 0B VC supply and return fans.The operator will start the 0B VC supply and return fans at

#76. Given: Unit 1 experienced a stuck open pressurizer safety valve at 100% power. The reactor was manually tripped and SI was actuated. Subsequently the safety valve reseated. The 1A Auxiliary Feedwater pump is out of service.The following alarms are LIT: UNIT 1 AREA FIRE (0-37-A4) AF PUMP TRIP (1-3-A6) AF PUMP AUTO START (1-3-B6) AF PUMP SUCT PRESS LOW (1-3-A7) AF PUMP SX SUCT VLVS ARMED (1-3-E7)An EO reports the 1B Auxiliary Feedwater pump suction pressure switch is damaged from an electrical short (small fire).With the above conditions which of the following procedures contain the specific steps that will be successful in establishing a running AF Pump?

#77. Given: Unit 1 is in Mode 5 with RCS cooldown in progress. Current RCS temperature is 195F.Subsequently the following occurs: The running RH pump trips. The MCR crew swapped to the standby RH train ten minutes after the pump trip. RCS temperature rose 10F during the transient.In accordance with the Exelon Reportability Manual this event is…(references are available)

#78. Given: Unit 1 is at 100% power all systems normally aligned.An event occurs and one minute later the following indications are noted: Annunciator 1-1-A2 CNMT DRAIN LEAK DETECT FLOW HIGH is in alarm. PRNI Reactor Power is 102% and slowly rising. Auctioneered Tavg is 585F and slowly lowering. Containment Pressure is approximately 2 psig and slowly rising. Pressurizer level is 57% and slowly lowering. Pressurizer pressure is 2210 psig and slowly lowering.With the above indications the US will direct the crew to…

#79. Given: Unit 1 was at 100% power all systems normally aligned. An RCS LOCA occurred. 1BwEP-1 LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT has been implemented.The crew is performing 1BwEP-1 step 12 “Check if RCS Cooldown and Depressurization is Required” with the following conditions: RWST level is 62% and slowly lowering. RCS pressure is 275 psig. 1A & 1B RH pump flows (1FI-618/619) indicate 0 gpm.Based on the above conditions the NEXT procedure the Unit Supervisor will direct the crew to implement is

#80. Given: Unit 1 was at 100% power all systems normally aligned. A gradual loss of instrument air pressure occurs and the crew is performing 0/1BwOA SEC-4 LOSS OF INSTRUMENT AIR. When air pressure drops to reactor trip criteria the crew trips the reactor and enters 1BwEP-0 REACTOR TRIP AND SI. When the reactor trips an inadvertent SI also occurs.Which ONE (1) of the following describes the usage of 1BwOA SEC-4 while responding to this event?

#81. Given: During an RCS LOCA on Unit 1 emergency coolant recirculation capability was lost and 1BwCA-1.1 LOSS OF EMERGENCY COOLANT RECIRCULATION is currently in progress. Subsequently the STA identifies a containment condition requiring transition to BwFR-Z.1 RESPONSE TO HIGH CONTAINMENT PRESSURE.When the crew performs 1BwFR-Z.1 the containment spray pumps will be operated per…

#82. Given: An accidental gaseous release is occurring in the Aux. Bldg. The Shift Emergency Director has directed you to determine the station total release rate for the EAL evaluation. The following plant conditions exist on Units 1 & 2: Unit 1 & 2 Wide Range Gas Monitors – 1/2PR030J are INOPERABLE. Aux Building Supply Fan – 0VA01CA is running. Aux Building Exhaust Fan – 0VA02CA is running. ALL other Aux Building Supply and Exhaust Fans are stopped. Unit 1 Lab Exhaust Fan – 0VL02CA is running. Service Building and Solid Radwaste Fan – 0VW03CA is running. Aux Building Filtered Vent Fan – 0VF01CA is running. Unit 1 Vent Stack Effluent Flow – 1VA019 is INOPERABLE. Unit 2 Vent Stack Effluent Flow – 2VA020 is 8.65×103 CFM. Unit 1 Vent Stack Effluent High Range Gas (1PD428) is 7.4×10-3 microCi/cc (highest reading channel). Unit 2 Vent Stack Effluent Low Range Gas (2PB128) is 9.5×10-4 microCi/cc (highest reading channel).The station total release rate is approximately…(references are available)

#83. Given: Spent fuel moves are in progress in the Spent Fuel Pool. The RO monitoring the RM-11 reports that an ALERT condition has just alarmed on rad monitor 0AR063J FUEL HANDLING BLDG GENERAL.The above meets entry conditions for and the SRO will direct entry into…(Procedure names listed for reference)1) 1BwOA REFUEL-1 FUEL HANDLING EMERGENCY2) 1BwOA REFUEL-2 FUELING CAVITY OR SPENT FUEL POOL LEVEL LOSS3) 0BwOA REFUEL-3 LOSS OF SPENT FUEL POOL COOLING

#84. Given: A Unit 1 reactor trip and SI occurred from full power due to lowering pressurizer pressure. During step 3 of 1BwEP-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SI the crew noted BOTH ESF buses de-energized and transitioned to 1BwCA 0.0 LOSS OF ALL AC. 30 minutes later one ESF bus has been restored and the required actions of 1BwCA-0.2 LOSS OF ALL AC RECOVERY WITH SI REQUIRED have been completed. The crew is ready to transition to the next required procedure.The following plant conditions exist: NO CV OR SI pumps are running or available. Containment pressure is 2.5 psig and slowly rising. RCS pressure is 500 psig and slowly rising. SG pressures are ALL 1115 psig and STABLE. CETC temperature is 1250 F and slowly rising.With the above conditions the US will direct a procedure transition to…

#85. Given: Unit 1 is at full power. Letdown flow is currently 75 gpm. The other two (2) letdown orifice isolation valves are CLOSED but available. All other equipment is normally aligned for this power level. Elevated RCS coolant activity is reported by chemistry and the crew enters 1BwOA PRI-4 HIGH REACTOR COOLANT ACTIVITY and Tech Spec 3.4.16 RCS SPECIFIC ACTIVITY.(1) As part of the mitigation strategy of 1BwOA PRI-4 the US will direct the crew to ___________________.(2) The bases for the LCO 3.4.16 activity limits is to prevent exceeding dose acceptance criteria during a(n) ____________________.

#86. Given: Unit 1 is at 100% power. PRT level and pressure are currently 80% and 2.0 psig. On line RHUT level is currently 75%. The 0A and 0B Waste Gas Compressors are OOS. ALL other equipment is normally aligned.The following then occurs: 0GW9293 GDT TO RHUT PCV fails OPEN causing the Waste Gas Vent Header pressure to rise to 8.0 psig.With the above conditions PRT pressure will _______(1)______ and after 0GW9293 is isolated the Waste Gas Vent Header pressure can be adjusted by lowering the __________________(2)_________________.

#87. Given:- Unit 1 is at 20% power.- All systems are normally aligned.- PZR pressure is 2205 psig and lowering.- 1RY455C PZR Spray Valve is open and NOT responding in manual OR auto.- All other PZR system components are operating as designed.Based on the above indications the Unit Supervisor will direct the crew to

#88. Given: Unit 1 was at 100% power. During the previous shift Power Range Channel N41 failed LOW. ALL the actions of 1BwOA INST-1 were completed for channel N41.Subsequently Power Range Channel N44 fails HIGH.15 minutes later with the above conditions to re-energize Source Range N31 & N32 instruments the US will direct the crew to

#89. Given: Unit 1 is at 25% reactor power. The 1B FW pump is RUNNING. The 1C FW pump is SHUTDOWN. ALL other plant equipment is normally aligned for this power level.The following then occurs: Annunciator 1-16-B1 FW PUMP 1B TRIP alarms on 1PM04J.With the above conditions the Unit Supervisor will direct the crew to

#90. Given: Unit 2 is at 50% power. The 2B AF Pump was shutdown 30 minutes ago following a monthly surveillance run. The EO performing field operations reports that the 2B AF Pump discharge piping is 150F and has risen since the pump was secured.With the above conditions the US will enter ___________(1)___________ and the subsequent procedural recovery steps ______(2)_______ require the 2B AF pump to be declared INOPERABLE.

#91. Given: Unit 1 is in an outage and maintenance activities are ongoing in containment. Containment integrity is being maintained. Operations is preparing a containment release package to perform a “bleed and feed” of containment with the Mini-Purge System to improve working conditions for personnel. Current containment pressure is + 0.5 psig. The US is preparing to brief an NSO on performing the release per BwOP VQ-6 CONTAINMENT MINI-PURGE SYSTEM OPERATION by marking up the appropriate procedure steps.With the above conditions the US will direct the NSO to NOT start the 1VQ04C MINI-PURGE SUPPLY FAN…

#92. Given: Unit 1 Main Turbine was just runback from 100% power due to a secondary pump trip. The crew is performing 1BwOA SEC-1 SECONDARY PUMP TRIP. Annunciator 1-10-A6 ROD BANK LO-2 INSERTION LIMIT is NOT lit. Annunciator 1-10-B6 ROD BANK LOW INSERTION LIMIT is LIT.Note: procedure names given for reference. 1BwOA PRI-2 EMERGENCY BORATION BwOP CV-6 OPERATION OF THE REACTOR MAKEUP SYSTEM IN THE BORATE MODE/BATCH BORATION METHODWith the above conditions the US will direct the crew to…

#93. Given: Unit 1 is in MODE 3 during a normal shutdown and cooldown. RCS Pressure is currently 1200 psig.A few minutes ago a Containment Area Rad Monitor alarmed and the crew noted the following: Letdown is ISOLATED. PZR Level is STABLE. Charging flow is 150 gpm.With the above conditions the NEXT procedure the US will enter is ____________________ because it contains the specific actions to mitigate these conditions.

#94. Per BwAP 340-1 USE OF PROCEDURES FOR OPERATING DEPARTMENT which of the following correctly describes when an emergency procedure action on the Operator Action Summary (OAS) page is applicable?

#95. The Tech Spec limits for the amount of stored diesel fuel oil that is required to be maintained on site is based upon having sufficient supply for each diesel generator to supply…Note:LOCA – Loss of Coolant AccidentLOOP – Loss of Off Site Power

#96. Given the following separate plant conditions and contingency actions which one will the US REFUSE to allow?

#97. Tech Spec 3.4.6 prohibits starting an RCP if any RCS cold leg temperature is less than or equal to 350F when any S/G secondary water temperature is greater than or equal to 50F above each of the RCS cold leg temperatures.What is the basis for this restriction?

#98. Given: Unit 1 is mode 2 reactor start up in progress. An emergent activity requires a containment entry.In accordance with BwAP 1450-1 ACCESS TO CONTAINMENT which one of the following Unit 1 activities must the US ensure does NOT occur during the containment entry?

#99. The crew is responding to a RED PATH on the Heat Sink status tree and has implemented 1BwFR-H.1 “RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK” when the STA identifies a RED PATH on the Core Cooling status tree.Under these conditions the US will …

#100. Given: The crew is currently staffed with the minimum number of required qualified fire brigade members per BwAP 320-1 SHIFT STAFFING. Six hours into a twelve hour shift a fire brigade member must leave work unexpectedly.Under these conditions to meet the requirements of BwAP 320-1 the SM/designee…
