#1. Which of the following properly identifies the IRMs assigned to Activity Control Unit 1 in the RMCS rod block logic?
#2. The 1A Diesel Generator has just experienced the complete loss of pressure in Train A of the Starting Air system. Which of the following describes the starting capability of the 1A Diesel Generator in the described condition? The 1A Diesel Generator is . ………
#3. BEFORE starting SBLC from Control Room Panel 1H13-P603; the reactor operator observed the following conditions: – ON light for 1C41-F004A; SBLC INJ SQUIB VLV was EXTINQUISHED – ON light for 1C41-F004B; SBLC INJ SQUIB VLV was LIT – Annunciator 1H13-P603 A105 SBLC SQUIB VLV CONTINUITY LOSS was LIT. Which of the following would cause these indications?
#4. A LOCA has occurred on Unit 2 – Drywell pressure is 2.1 psig – Reactor water level is -25 inches and stable – The HPCS injection valve has been manually closed – The HPCS Pump has been overridden to STOP Which of the following describes the response of the HPCS system if Off-site power is lost and the ESF buses are re-energized by their respective Diesel Generators? The HPCS system will. ..
#5. Unit 1 is in a maintenance outage that started 30 days ago. – The unit ran at 100 % for 90 days prior to the outage. – Reactor coolant temperature is currently 146 F and level is +50 inches. – A complete loss of shutdown cooling occurs. If conditions do NOT change; and based on the information provided in the graph below; Unit 1 will enter Mode 3 within ____________ hours.
#6. Concerning damage to plant components; the most limiting temperature concern related to the loss of the Reactor Closed Cooling Water system is the
#7. Unit 1 reactor has scrammed from rated conditions. 6 SRVS opened on the initial transient and SRVs are cycling to control reactor pressure. Which of the following properly describes the response of the Unit 1 LLS logic to this event?
#8. Unit 2 was at rated conditions when a transient occurred. A Group 1 isolation has automatically initiated. LOA-MS-201; Recovery from a Group 1 Isolation; directs that the Group 1 isolation be reset. Why are the control switches VERIFIED in the CLOSED position prior to DEPRESSING the Inboard and Outboard Isolation Reset Pushbuttons? Failure to place the MSIV control switches in the CLOSED position will result in ………………
#9. Unit 2 has scrammed due to a transient. – RCIC is taking suction from the Suppression Pool and injecting into the RPV. – Suppression Pool level is -8 inches – Suppression Chamber pressure is 5 psig – Suppression Pool temperature is 215 F Which of the following could cause fluctuations in RCIC discharge pressure and flow indications?
#10. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power when the RWLCS Trouble Alarm is received. A review of the 1DS001 Panel Event List indicates “Reactor Lev B NR Err.” How will the RWLC system respond to this condition?
#11. With the 1A RHR system operating in the LPCI injection mode; a TRIP of the Common Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pump will directly result in which of the following?
#12. Unit 2 is starting up from a refueling outage; with the mode switch in START-UP and the IRMs on Range 7; when annunciator 2H13-P603-A106 SRM INOPERATIVE OR HI alarms. Which of the following accurately describes the expected automatic action(s) associated with this alarm?
#13. Unit 1 has scrammed from rated conditions. – Reactor level is 25 inches and being controlled with the MDRFP. – Reactor pressure is 850 psig – RCIC is operating in the pressure control mode with the RCIC Pmp Dsch Flow Controller in AUTO with flow set at 600 GPM. The 1E51-F022; RCIC Full Flow Test Upstream Valve was throttled in the CLOSED direction (but not full closed) in several large increments to adjust system parameters. Which of the following describes the impact this action will have on the RCIC system?
#14. Unit-1 was operating at 100% reactor power when a LOCA occurred resulting in the following: – The reactor scrammed – RPV pressure has dropped to 480 psig – RPV level is -140 inches and steady – HPCS and RCIC are injecting to the RPV Based on these conditions; the LPCS Injection Valve is (1)__________ and the LPCS Min Flow Valve is (2)__________.
#15. Unit 1 is operating in a normal full power line-up; the following two alarms were just received: – 1H13-P603-A511; RWLCS TROUBLE – 1DS001 SCS A/B PS 1 Fault Based on these alarms; the Turbine Driven Reactor Feedwater Pumps will _______(1)_______; and an equipment operator must be directed to inspect the _______(2)_______ Uninterruptible Power Supply.
#16. The following conditions exist on Unit-2: – The desiccant in the Unit-2 Station Air Dryer 2SA02D was replaced and the dryer placed on line. – Annunciator 2PM10J-B105 U2 STA AIR DRYER TROUBLE is in alarm due to R-point R1419; U2 STA AIR DRYER HUMIDITY HI. Which of the following correctly identifies: (1) The impact this condition will have on the IA system; and (2) the actions to be taken based on the above conditions?
#17. Unit 1 has scrammed from rated conditions due to a loss of offsite power. The following conditions exist at time zero: – All emergency diesel generators started and energized their respective emergency bus. – The reactor is shutdown. – Drywell pressure is 2.0 psig; going up at 0.25 psig per minute – Reactor pressure is 460 psig; going down 8 psig per minute. – Reactor water level just fell to the Level 1 setpoint; going down at 2 inches per minute. – All low pressure ECCS pumps are running. – RCIC has tripped. – HPCS has tripped. Which one of the following describes the response of the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) if plant conditions remain as stated and no operator action is taken?
#18. Unit 1 has scrammed from rated conditions and a normal plant line-up. Following the scram; RPV level dropped below Level 2; and then recovered. RPV level has exceeded the Level 8 setpoint and is going up slowly. Which of the following describes the current status of the HPCS system if no operator actions have been taken regarding HPCS operation? HPCS Pump Injection Valve Minimum Flow Valve
#19. Unit 2 has scrammed from rated conditions. – There is a small leak in the DRYWELL. – DRYWELL pressure indication is unavailable – There is no indication of a bypass path in the containment. – SUPPRESSION CHAMBER pressure is 1.2 psig Based on the above information; DRYWELL pressure is approximately _____(1)_____ AND Stand-by Gas Treatment _____(2)_____ have auto-started.
#20. Which of the following statements accurately describes the status of the Division 1 ARI system as depicted in the ARI display above? (Large; italicized letters indicate the tile or device is LIT; all other tiles or devices are NOT LIT.)
#21. Unit 1 and Unit 2 are both operating at rated conditions and Annunciators 1PM01J – A310 and A414 just alarmed. Based on the above indications; the operating crew will be required to enter ……………
#22. Line L0101 has to be isolated for maintenance. This will require isolating Bus ____ (A) _____ in the Unit ____ (B) _____ Ring Bus.
#23. (WHITE lights indicate illuminated; GRAY lights indicate extinguished) With the APRM Meter Function Switch in the COUNT position; APRM channel C meter will indicate (1) _________; and the associated INOP light (2) _________ be illuminated.
#24. Unit 1 has scrammed from rated conditions due to a feedwater break in the drywell. – All control rods have fully inserted. – RPV pressure is 650 psig and going down slowly – RPV level is -120 inches and going down slowly – DW pressure is 20 psig and steady – HPCS is OOS – RCIC tripped on overspeed and won t reset. The bus feed breaker for 125V DC Bus 111Y tripped open during the transient and will not reclose. The Unit 1 Assist NSO has just opened all Main Turbine Bypass Valves in anticipation of an RPV Blowdown. If conditions for automatic initiation of ADS are met; which of the following describes: (1) The response of the ADS SRVs; AND (2) What action; if any; required to be taken with the Main Turbine Bypass Valves?
#25. Which of the following describes the component in the SBGT system designed to remove entrained water droplets in the air being passed through the system?
#26. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions when a feedwater transient occurs. – The M/A Transfer Stations for BOTH Turbine Driven Reactor Feedwater Pumps (TDRFP) are placed in manual. – RPV level is just above 50 inches on the Narrow Range Level indicators (NR) and going up slowly. – The Reactor Operator is adjusting the M/A stations to control feedwater flow and reports that level will peak at approximately 51 inches on NR. In accordance with the guidance of LOA-FW-101; Reactor Feedwater Pump Control; the reactor operator is directed to. . . . .
#27. Unit 2 has scrammed from rated conditions due to a spurious Group 1 isolation signal. The plant has responded as designed. Reactor pressure peaked at 1091 psig; dropped to a low of 850 psig and is currently at 1050 psig. Which of the following properly describes the response of the Unit 2 SRVs to this transient?
#28. Unit 2 is operating at rated conditions with the following line-up of the Condensate/Condensate Booster (CD/CB) pumps: – A ; B ; and D Condensate/Condensate Booster (CD/CB) pumps are on line – C Condensate/Condensate Booster (CD/CB) pump is OOS and unavailable Which of the following describes the expected response of the Unit 2 CD/CB Pumps and Reactor Feedwater Pumps if an electrical fault results in the lockout and de-energization of Bus 252?
#29. Unit 1 has been manually scrammed from rated conditions due to a steam leak in the drywell. – RPV level is 25 inches and steady. – Drywell pressure is 21.5 psig – Drywell temperature is 232 F – Suppression Chamber pressure is 16 psig – Suppression Chamber temperature is 216 F – Suppression Pool Water Temperature is 115 F – 1A RHR/RHR WS is running in the Suppression Chamber Spray and Suppression Pool Cooling modes of operation. – 1B RHR is running in the Drywell Spray mode of operation. – Reactor pressure is at 600 psig and going down at 50 psig per minute Which of the following properly describes how containment parameters will be effected within the next three minutes? Assume no manual actions are taken related to the operation of the 1A and 1B RHR system components.
#30. A LOCA is in progress; with the following: – All drywell vacuum breakers have failed to open; when required. Which one of the following identifies the containment failure mechanism that can result from the vacuum breaker failures?
#31. Which of the following recorders and/or indicators are supplied input from instruments designed to provide accurate RPV level in the event that rapid depressurization of the RPV occurs?
#32. A precaution in LOP-TG-02; Turbine Generator Startup warns that Operation of the main turbine generator while above a frequency of 60.5 Hz or below a frequency of 59.5 Hz will cause damage to which of the following?
#33. Given the following plant conditions: – Unit-1 is starting up; with reactor power at 4%. – Control rods are being withdrawn per LOP-RM-01 – The NSO selects rod 18-31 – Rod 18-31 shows a red double question mark ( ?? ) on the RWM Display Screen Based on the above information; ………
#34. Unit 1 is currently at 90% reactor power with surveillance LOS-RD-SR7 “Channel Interference Monitoring” in progress. Alarm 1H13-P603; A406; RBM HI/INOP has just illuminated due to the 1A RBM generating a valid “Failure to Null” signal. This condition will result in a _______(1) _______ requiring _______(2) _______ before continuing with the surveillance.
#35. A reactor startup is in progress; with the following: – Reactor power is currently on Range 3 of the Intermediate Range Monitoring system – Control rod 30-31 is the next control rod to be moved AND it is currently at notch position 12. Following the selection of control rod 30-31; the “ACTIVITY CONTROLS DISAGREE” light on the Rod Select Module illuminates; and remains LIT. Based on the above condition; which one of the following describes the ability to move the control rod? Using Reactor Manual Control System; control rod 30-31 can be………
#36. The Unit 1 reactor core is being loaded with the following conditions in place: – All SRMs are fully inserted – All control rods are fully inserted – There are at least 6 fuel assemblies adjacent to each SRM – There are more than 10 fuel assemblies loaded in each quadrant. Determine if loading fuel at location 15-18 is allowed; and if the requirement for operable SRMs is met.
#37. The RR Flow Control valves provide a means of controlling reactor power from ____(1) ____ and varying Reactor Recirculation flow from ____(2)____ of rated.
#38. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions when an earthquake occurs – A circumferential rupture of the 1A RR pump discharge pipe immediately upstream of the 1B33-F067A; 1A RR PMP DSCH VLV develops. – The breaker to the 1A 1B33-F067A; 1A RR PMP DSCH VLV trips OPEN; de-energizing the valve. With all other systems and components responding as designed to the accident; . . ..
#39. The calculation of Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position extends the shutdown rod pattern; which meets the Tech Spec calculation for shutdown margin; to the _________(1)_________ most reactive rod(s) fully withdrawn and all other control rods inserted to at least position _________(2)_________.
#40. Unit 2 is at rated condtions when the #1 Turbine Control Valve drifts CLOSED. In response to the event; REACTOR power will initially ____(1)____; followed by ____(2)_____
#41. During the actions in the LGA-010; Failure to Scram ; Level leg; reactor water level is lowered to – 60 to – 100 inches in order to ____(1)_____ and after hot shutdown boron weight is added level is raised in order to ______(2)______.
#42. There is a fire in the 0A Control Room HVAC Emergency Make-up Train charcoal bed. Which of the following properly describes all of the actions required to deluge the charcoal bed?
#43. Unit 2 was operating at rated conditions when a loss of Suppression Pool integrity resulted in a rapid lowering of Suppression Pool level. The Unit 2 reactor was scrammed and LGA-001; RPV Control and LGA-003; Primary Containment Control were entered. Which of the following identifies the action to be taken; and why; if Suppression Pool level drops to -12.5 feet?
#44. Unit 1 and Unit 2 are operating at rated conditions when a grid disturbance results in reduced voltage being supplied to the ESS busses; and LOA-AP-101; Unit 1 AC Power Abnormal is entered. If ESS bus voltage cannot be restored to normal; direction is provided to . . . .
#45. Which of the following identifies the reason that the Unit-1 reactor will automatically scram as a result of the simultaneous loss of 111Y and 112Y?
#46. Unit 2 is at rated conditions with the 2B Drywell Instrument Nitrogen Compressor out of service for maintenance; when the 2A Drywell Instrument Nitrogen Compressor trips due to a mechanical failure. The Assist NSO opens the Unit 2 Instrument Air to Drywell Pneumatics Cross-tie valves 2IN059 and 2IN060 in response to the event. Which of the following describes the loads picked up by the Instrument Air system following the opening of the cross-tie valves with all other components in the Instrument Nitrogen system responding as designed? The Instrument Air system will pick up loads supplied by . .
#47. A failure to scram has occurred and the crew is taking actions per LGA-010; Failure to Scram . The following conditions exist: – RPV pressure being maintained 800-1000 psig with SRVs – Rods are being inserted manually; 6 rods still at position 48 – Hot Shutdown Boron has been injected into the RPV Based on the above; the reactor ………
#48. Unit 2 was at rated conditions when the 2A RR Pump inadvertently downshifted to slow speed. At the time of the event; both Recirculation Loop Flow Controller M/A stations were in the Loop Auto Mode of operation. The 2B RR Pump remained running in high speed following the downshift of the 2A RR Pump. Assuming no operator actions; which mode of operation are the Recirculation Loop flow controller M/A stations expected to be in?
#49. Unit 2 has scrammed from rated conditions. – A small high pressure steam leak in the drywell has caused drywell temperature to rise to 320F and continues to go up. – Drywell pressure is 20 psig and going up slow. Following the initiation of drywell sprays; drywell pressure is expected to have a. ..
#50. LOA-AP-101; Unit 1 AC Power System Abnormal directs which of the following indications for use when monitoring RPV level in the control room?
#51. Given the following initial conditions: – Unit-1 is shutdown – Reactor Coolant temperature is 170 F – 1B RHR is in shutdown cooling mode with 5600 gpm flow – 1E12-F003B; B RHR Hx Outlet Vlv is FULL OPEN – 1E12-F048B; B RHR Hx Bypass Vlv is FULL CLOSED – Both RR Pumps are OOS for motor bearing inspections – RPV water level is being maintained at +40 to +45 inches on the Shutdown Range For the given conditions; why is it necessary to increase 1B RHR Pump flow to above 6000 gpm by throttling OPEN the 1E12-F053B; B RHR Shtdn Clg Return Isol.?
#52. Which of the following describes the minimum and maximum level indications that can be monitored from the Remote Shutdown Panel? Minimum: _________(1)________ Maximum: _________(2)________
#53. The Unit-1 Standby Gas Treatment (SBGT) system is out of service. The Unit-2 SBGT system is available. Which one of the following would be an issue if the Unit-2 SBGT system would become inoperable? The inability to …
#54. Which of the following identifies an instrument used to monitor for a high off-site release rate and how it is identified per Regulatory Guide 1.97 Post Accident Instrumentation?
#55. Unit 2 has scrammed. – Drywell pressure is 5.6 psig and going up slowly. – Suppression Pool Temperature is 107 F and going up slowly. The Unit Supervisor has directed the U-2 Assist NSO to START all available pool cooling per LGA-RH-203; Unit 2 A/B RHR Operations In the LGAs/SAMGs”. Per direction provided in the Strategies for Successful Transient Mitigation; the NSO is . .
#56. Unit-1 has scrammed from rated power with the following conditions: – Drywell pressure is 2.1 psig and rising due to a small coolant leak – Drywell temperature is 175F and rising slowly – RPV level dropped to -25 inches and is now rising – All control rods are at position 00 EXCEPT control rod 26-35 which is at position 48 Which of the following lists the MINIMUM set of actions to be completed?
#57. Given a DBA LOCA and high suppression pool temperature; which of the following identifies the MAXIMUM amount of time available to start all available Suppression Pool Cooling and still meet the FSAR assumptions?
#58. The plant is operating at 22% power; with the Feedwater heaters on-line; when a failure causes a main turbine trip. Which of the following is correct for this condition?
#59. Which of the following interlocks was established to ensure adequate Net Pump Suction Head is maintained to the Reactor Recirculation Pumps?
#60. Unit 1 is in an ATWS condition. – RPV pressure is 935 psig – 8 Control Rods did NOT fully insert – All scram solenoid group lights are EXTINGUISED – 1H13-P613-A102; SCRAM PILOT VLV AIR HDR PRESS LO is LIT – All Scram Valve lights are LIT – CRD drive water pressure is 320 psid Which method and associated action(s) should be performed first to insert control rods in accordance with LGA-NB-01; Alternate Rod Insertion ?
#61. Main Steam Tunnel temperatures and pressures are rising due to steam leak in the tunnel. As Main Steam Line Tunnel pressure rises; the low pressure blowout panels will actuate relieving pressure to the (1)__________ resulting in (2)__________ release to the environment.
#62. The unit has scrammed and RCIC is being used to maintain RPV level. The RCIC controller is in MANUAL and the operator has just adjusted the controller to establish 450 gpm to the RPV. Assuming no operator action; how will RCIC operation be affected if RPV pressure rises from 750 to 950 psig?
#63. Unit 1 is starting up from a refueling outage. – RPV Level is 36 on narrow range – MDRFP is on-line; in manual; with feedwater header flow at 3.8 MLB/HR. – Reactor power is 15% and steady – Pressure is being controlled with Turbine Bypass Valves. – Steam flow is as indicated. (Note: Lower portion of meters are displayed for clarity)Based on the information provided; which of the following annunciators will alarm first if no operator action is taken regarding the operation of the MDRFP?
#64. Given the following plant conditions: After a scram; 12 control rods are at notch position 48 – ARI was initiated 15 minutes ago – BOTH CRD pumps are tripped and will NOT restart – RPS sub-channels are de-energized and CANNOT be reset – A fire has destroyed both RPS power supply cabinets – RPV pressure is 920 psig 1) What action is directed to be taken for the given conditions to insert the 12 control rods currently at notch position 48? 2) What is the operational effect resulting from the action taken?
#65. Unit-2 RCIC is in a normal standby lineup. Leaking valves cause Suppression Pool Level to increase such that High Suppression Pool Water Level alarms are received on the 2H13-P601 panel. Which one of the following describes the response of the RCIC system to these conditions?
#66. Unit 1 was just scrammed in accordance with LGP 2-1; Normal Unit Shutdown; as part of a controlled shutdown for a refueling outage. The RPV Pressure bar on the SPDS display just turned blue. This indicates which one of the following?
#67. Unit 2 is in a refueling outage. – Fuel removal from the reactor core is in-progress. – You are the NSO in the Unit 2 control room; in communication with the required personnel; using the primary means of communication identified in B.3.9 “Refueling Operations”; B.3.9.b “Communications”. – For an unknown reason the primary means of communication FAILS. Which of the following describes; 1) the actions required to be taken and 2) the communication link that failed?
#68. Unit 2 is at rated conditions. – A Division 3 work week is in-progress. – Electricians are scheduled to replace the HPCS Pump control switch at panel 2H13-P601. In accordance with OP-AA-103-101; Control Room Access Control; to gain access to the 2H13-P601 panel the electricians must gain permission from . . . . . ?
#69. You are the Unit 2 NSO An Instrument Maintenance Technician is in the Control Room to perform a credited functional surveillance that will initiate a pressure switch that actuates an associated alarm. The associated alarm is a Nuisance alarm and has an Issue Report tag and ORANGE Dot affixed to the annunciator tile. The surveillance ____(1)_____ be performed ______(2)______.
#70. You are an operator currently working in the reactor building on an assigned task. The RWP controlling your task includes the following information: – RWP Dose Approval: 300 mrem/day – ED Dose Alarm: 240 mrem – Dose Rate Alarm 800 mrem/hr The actual dose rate in your work area is 60 mrem/hr. You have accumulated 191 mrem and require more time in the area to complete the task. Which of the following describes your response to the given situation while maximizing your time working on the task and also meeting the expectations of RP-AA-1008; Unescorted Access to and Conduct in Radiologically Controlled Areas ; and why?
#71. Which of the following identifies the lowest off-site release rate that requires entry into LGA-009; Radioactivity Release Control ? Offsite release rate above ……….
#72. Unit 2 has scrammed from rated conditions due to a DBA LOCA. RPV level is -220″ (minus 220 inches) on the Fuel Zone Level Indicator and steady. RPV pressure is 50 psig and steady. LPCS is injecting at 6300 gpm. In accordance with LGA-001; “RPV Control”; which of the following is true regarding the status of core cooling? Adequate core cooling…
#73. You are a licensed Reactor Operator on dayshift; working on outage clearance orders in the South Service Building. – You do NOT have assigned responsibilities in the Emergency Response Organization (ERO). – A transient occurs that results in the declaration of a SITE AREA EMERGENCY and activation of the Evacuation/Assembly Siren. To which of the following locations do you report?
#74. LGA RT-101; RPV Depressurization Using RWCU Blowdown is in progress and the Main Condenser is NOT available to accept RWCU flow. For the given conditions; LGA-RT-101 provides an ALARA warning for abnormally high airborne radiation levels in the . . . .
#75. Unit 1 is in Mode 5 with the mode switch in REFUEL. Fuel moves were in progress when the fuel grapple failed to respond to a CLOSE signal. All fuel bundles remain in the proper location and are NOT suspended from the fuel grapple. Fuel moves have been stopped and the control room immediately informed of the issue. Per LFP 100-1; Master Refuel Procedure ; whose permission; if any; is required to be granted prior to resuming fuel moves?
#76. You are the Unit 1 Unit Supervisor. With Unit 1 operating at rated conditions; a manual scram was inserted due to a sudden drop in condenser vacuum. The Unit 1 NSO transferred the Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN and then reported the following: – Four rods remain FULL OUT. – RPV Level is – 15 inches and rising slowly – Suppression Pool temperature is 106 F and going up slowly Based on the indication below; reactor power is determined to be _______(1)________ and you must provide direction to hold RPV level in the band of ________(2)________; in accordance with the governing LGA.
#77. The Unit has scrammed and LGA-003 Primary Containment Control has been entered. – Suppression Pool temperature is 112 F – Drywell pressure is 15 psig – Drywell temperature is 335 F and steadily rising. – There are NO bypass paths in the containment. – Suppression Pool level is + 2 inches. – Chamber sprays are in operation. – RR pumps are tripped. – ECCS is not needed for core cooling. Which of the following identifies the Emergency Operating Procedure required action to be directed by the US regarding drywell spray operation and why?
#78. An earthquake has resulted in the following conditions on Unit 1: – The reactor automatically scrammed from rated conditions and all control rods fully inserted. – Suppression Pool water level has dropped to – 9 inches (minus nine inches) due to a leak in the LPCS pump suction piping; AND continuing to go down at 1 inch per minute. – 5 minutes later; the leak was stopped by closing the 1E21-F001; LPCS Pump Suction Valve. Which of the following sources for Suppression Pool Temperature are acceptable for use when determining Suppression Pool Water temperature for the given conditions? 1) SPDS 2) Computer points L122 and L123 3) Remote Shutdown Panel Indicator 1TI-CM037 4) AVG SP TEMP 1TR-CM037A and 1TR-CM038A (1PM13J Recorders) 5) SP TEMP SIG PROCESSORS 1UY-CM037 and 1UY-CM038 (1PM13J NuMacs)
#79. Unit 1 is at 32% core thermal power following a refueling outage. The 1A TDRFP has just been placed on-line along with the MDRFP to feed the RPV. The following alarms (and R-point) have just been received: – 1PM01J-B304; DIV 2 125V DC 112X/Y BUS FEED BKR AUTO TRIP R0988; 125V DC Pnl 112X Mn Fd Bkr Trip – 1PM01J-B401; 4KV SWGR BUS 142X DC CONT PWR FAILURE – 1PM01J-A407; 6.9KV SWGR BUS 152 DC CONT PWR FAILURE As the Unit Supervisor; you will direct the crew to. . .
#80. A rupture in the ‘A’ Diesel Fire Pump discharge piping directly upstream of 0FP-001A; ‘A’ DFP Discharge Check Valve has been identified. Which; if any; of the TRM 3.7.j Fire Suppression Water Systems Conditions are entered and why? (Included find P.ID M-71 Sheet 1; and associated TRMs for reference)
#81. You are the Unit 2 Control Room Supervisor. Unit 2 is at rated conditions. The Unit 2 Reactor Operator reports that the following valves have just changed to CLOSED indication.: – 2C11-F380; Scram Discharge Volume Downstream Vent Isolation Valve – 2C11-F381; Scram Discharge Volume Downstream Drain Isolation Valve There are no other abnormal indications to report. Next; a mechanic calls to report that he inadvertently stepped on and broke a 1/2 instrument air line on 761 elevation in the Unit1 Reactor Building while walking down an outage work package. He crimped the line shut to stop the leak. Per Technical Specifications; the reported condition will require . . . . (References provided for this question)
#82. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions. – The 1A TBCCW Pump and Heat Exchanger are in operation. – The 1B TBCCW Pump is out of service for maintenance. The following annunciators just alarmed on the 1PM10J Panel: – LOR-1PM10J-A301; TBCCW PMP AUTO TRIP – R1520 1A TBCCW Pump A-Trip. – LOR-1PM10J-A304; TBCCW PMP DSCH HDR PRESS LO – R1522 TBCCW Pump Dsch Hdr Press Lo Based on the given conditions; what action is required to be taken first?
#83. You are the Unit 1 Unit Supervisor. – Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions. – An operator calls you to report that the HPCS room sump is overflowing and there is water flowing into the HPCS pump room from under the CRD Pump Room door. – The leak is coming from an RBCCW line that was disconnected during maintenance on the 1A CRD pump and has been damaged. – The leak can not be quickly isolated. The operator then leaves to attempt to isolate the leak. A short time later the HPCS Water Leg pump trips. The information provided CONFIRMS that water level in the HPCS pump room has ______(1)_____ and entry into LGA-002 is _____(2)______
#84. You are the Unit 2 Control Room Supervisor. – Unit 2 has scrammed from rated conditions. – Drywell pressure is 2.2 psig and going up slowly. – VR has tripped and Unit 2 VR is required to be started in accordance with LGA-VR-01; Reactor Building Ventilation Startup . – No actions have been taken in the main control room related to VR following the trip of the fans. You will direct an extra reactor operator to perform the in-plant actions to INSTALL jumpers to defeat isolation signals for _______(1)________ and then _______(2)________
#85. Unit 1 was operating at rated conditions when an automatic scram occurred due to low RPV water level. Following the scram; hydrogen was detected in the drywell and has risen to 7%. Oxygen concentration in the drywell is 4% As the Unit 1 Supervisor you entered LGA-011; Hydrogen Control and directed the following actions: – Operate the Unit 1 recombiner as a mixing system per LGA-HG-101. – Vent and purge the primary containment per LGA-VQ-02 and LGA-VQ-03. You just observed that oxygen concentration in the drywell suddenly increased to 5.5 %. Based on the above conditions; you will direct the crew to. . . . ..
#86. The following conditions exist on Unit 1: – Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions – It is a Division III Work Week – LOS-HP-Q1; HPCS Inservice Test is in progress with the HPCS system running with the 1E22-F023; HPCS Test to SP Valve throttled to establish a flowrate of 6200 gpm. What will be the impact of a sustained loss of Bus 113 125V DC on the HPCS system and what action is required to be directed in response to the event; assuming HPCS is not required to maintain RPV level?
#87. Unit 1 is in Cold Shutdown and Unit 2 is at rated conditions – Bus 142Y is OOS for cleaning and inspection. – Fault on the ring bus results in a loss of all off-site power – Unit 2 trips due to the transient – 2A D/G failed to start; the other D/Gs operated as expected – Unit 2 SBGT received an initiation signal Assuming no operator action has been taken yet; the status of the Unit 1 and Unit 2 SBGT systems is ________(1)_______; requiring you to direct an NSO to ________(2)_______
#88. Unit 1 has automatically scrammed due to a grid disturbance. – All control rods are fully inserted. – A steam leak developed in the drywell following the scram. – Drywell pressure is 17 psig and going up moderately – RPV pressure is 550 psig and going down slowly – RPV level is – 25 inches; going up slowly; supplied by the 1A and 1C Condensate/Condensate Booster Pumps – 1A RHR Pump is OOS for repairs The following annunciators (among others) are in alarm: – 1H13-P601 – B106; 1B RHR PMP AUTO TRIP – 1H13-P601 – B107; 1B/1C LPCI SYSTEM ACTUATED – 1H13-P601 – B304; CHAN B/D RHR DRYWELL PRESS HI (Red bordered alarm) – 1H13-P601 – B308; 1C RHR PMP DSCH PRESS LO – 1PM01J – A206; 6.9KV BUS 151/152 OVERCURRENT – 1PM01J – A214; 4KV BUS 141X/Y OVERCURRENT – 1PM13J – A202; SUP POOL WTR BULK TEMP HI – 1PM13J – A102; SUP POOL WTR BULK TEMP HI-HI Based on the listed alarms AND assuming you have only one equipment operator available for assignment; you will direct the equipment operator to inspect the . . .
#89. Unit 2 is in an ATWS condition. – ADS was initiated per LGA-006 “ATWS Blowdown” – ONLY SRVs S; C; U; and D are OPEN; ALL other SRVs remain CLOSED – RPV pressure is 550 psig and going down quickly – Level is -272 inches on Fuel Zone – Reactor Building temperature is 201F – Drywell temperature is 280F – Wide Range level is -140 inches – Narrow Range level is 0 inches Based on the given conditions; you will direct the reactor operator to inject with Preferred ATWS systems when reactor pressure . . . . . . .
#90. You are the Unit 1 Supervisor and Unit-1 is shutting down following 100 days of continuous operation at rated conditions. The Reactor Operator is inserting control rods; with IRMs on Range 8; when power is lost to the 1A IRM/1C IRM RECORDER. Based on the above conditions; the 1A and 1C IRM alarms and trips are _____(1)_____ and you will direct the Reactor Operator to _____(2)_____.
#91. – You are assigned to the position of Unit 1 Reactivity SRO. – Unit 1 is starting up from a refueling outage and reactor power is 19% with the turbine on-line. – “RWM Blocks to Full” is NOT ENABLED While withdrawing control rods; input corresponding to the Rod Worth Minimizer Low Power Alarm Point (LPAP) indicates power is above the LPAP; while Low Power Setpoint (LPSP) input indicates power is below the LPSP. As the result of this condition; the RWM will __________(1)_________ and you must direct the crew to _________(2)__________ THEN continue with control rod withdrawals.
#92. Unit 2 is at rated power. – Two control rod accumulator trouble alarms are received for two fully-withdrawn Control Rods within one minute; the first for HCU 22-11 and the second for HCU 10-19. Investigation revealed that accumulator 22-11 has a pressure of 900 psig and accumulator 10-19 has high water level and a pressure of 1000 psig. Assuming no in-field operator actions are taken; the Unit Supervisor is required to ……. (Reference material provided for this question)
#93. You are the Unit 1 Control Room Supervisor. – Unit 1 is at rated conditions. – The Unit 1 Reactor Water Clean-up (RWCU) system isolated 2 hours ago on an invalid signal and the operations crew responded in accordance with LOA-RT-101; Loss of RWCU System. – The RWCU system pressure is 950 psig and rising as CRD purge is being used to raise RWCU system pressure to reactor pressure. – A Chemistry technician wants to sample RWCU and just called requesting permission to open the following Process Stops: 7) RWCU Header Sample Line 1A2 Panel Upstream Valve 8) 1A RWCU Demin Discharge Sample Line 1A3-1 panel Upstream Valve 9) 1B RWCU Demin Discharge Sample Line 1A3-2 Panel Upstream Valve 10) 1C RWCU Demin Discharge Sample Line 1A3-2 Panel Upstream Valve In accordance with LOA-RT-101; you are to ________(1)_________ permission to open the Process Stop valves in order to ________(2)_________.
#94. Unit 1 and Unit 2 are both in Mode 5; Refuel The following Non Licensed Operators are assigned to the on coming shift: Chad Johnson Tom Smith Randy Jefferson Bill Washington Frank Jones Paul White Mike Black Mark Franklin Paul White called in sick and will not be coming in for his shift. Jeff Martin and Pat Hardy are available for call-out if needed. With the remaining crew compliment; staffing requirements in accordance with OP-LA-101-111-1001; On-Shift Staffing Requirements ____(1)____ met and a callout of ____(2)____ is required. (Reference material provided for this question)
#95. Unit 1 is at 80% power. Unit 2 is in a refueling outage. – At 0600 on May 11; the 0 (Common) DG is declared inoperable for maintenance. – At 0650 on May 11; SR is completed for the OPERABLE required offsite circuits. Including any extensions permitted by Technical Specifications; which one of the following describes the LATEST time to complete the next performance of SR (Reference material provided)
#96. You are the Unit 1 Control Room Supervisor. The refuel floor supervisor called to report that a radiated fuel bundle has been dropped in the Unit 1 Fuel Pool; and bubbles are being released from the fuel bundle and rising to the surface of the fuel pool. The following annunciators are in alarm: – 1H13-P601-E306 FUEL POOL VENT RAD HI – 1H13-P601-F205 DIV 1 FUEL POOL RAD HI-HI – 1H13-P601-E205 DIV 2 FUEL POOL RAD HI-HI Unit 1 and Unit 2 remain at rated conditions. Release rates have remained normal. In response to this event you will enter . . . . .
#97. Unit-1 has just scrammed due to a loss of the SAT – LGP-3-2; Reactor Scram; is being performed – LOA-AP-101; Unit-1; AC Power System Abnormal; is being performed Two minutes later suppression pool temperature is 106F and rising. Which of the following describes the required actions to be directed by the Unit-1 Control Room Supervisor?
#98. Unit-1 is in Mode 1 at 100% power: – at 12:00 on June 1; the 1A RHR WS Pump is declared inoperable – at 20:00 on June 1; the 1B RHR WS Pump is declared inoperable – at 15:00 on June 2; the 1A RHR WS Pump is restored to OPERABLE Including any extensions permitted by Technical Specifications; which one of the following is the latest time and date allowed to restore the 1B RHR WS Pump to OPERABLE status without entering a shutdown timeclock? (Reference provided for this question)
#99. You are the Shift Manager with both Unit 1 and Unit 2 operating at rated conditions when an accident occurs on the refuel floor; resulting in the following conditions: – An ALERT has been declared due to damage to irradiated fuel and the loss of water level in the fuel pool. – The TSC is being staffed; however command and control has NOT been transferred from the Main Control Room. – A worker has been injured during the accident and has been verified to be located on the refuel bridge and has a high probability of survival if promptly treated for the injuries. – You have been requested to authorize an exposure of 27 Rem TEDE for two workers who have volunteered to rescue the injured person. – Rad Protection management personnel have reviewed the situation and recommend rescuing the injured worker. – The emergency workers have been properly briefed in the field; have acknowledged that they have volunteered and understand the associated risks; and are waiting in the reactor building for authorization to rescue the injured person. Which of the following statements is correct regarding your authorization of the request in compliance with EP-AA-113; Personnel Protective Actions and based on the given conditions?
#100. Given the following: – At 12:00 the threshold value for an UNUSUAL EVENT was exceeded; with indication available in the main control room. – At 12:08 the threshold value for an ALERT was exceeded; with indication available in the main control room. – At 12:09 the Shift Emergency Director classified an UNUSUAL EVENT based on the associated main control room indication. – At 12:13; the Shift Emergency Director classified an ALERT EVENT based on the associated main control room indications. – At 12:18 the Shift Emergency Director notified the required agencies of the UNUSUAL EVENT. Based on the above conditions; which of the following identifies the latest time at which the State/Local notifications of the ALERT EVENT classification can be initiated and still meet notification requirements in accordance with EP-AA-111 Emergency Classification and Protective Action Recommendations and EP-AA-114 Notifications ?