In the LaSalle 2002 NRC exam both RO and SRO candidates answered 100 questions. The first 100 questions of this exam are RO only.
#1. Given the following initial plant conditions: – An ATWS has occurred – The LGAs have been entered – SBLC pump is injecting boron into the core – Reactor power is 20% and oscillating – SRVs controlling RPV pressure at 900 psig – RPV level was lowered to -80 inchesAs required by LGAs; reactor water level is being lowered to . . .
#2. The Unit 1 Standby Gas Treatment (SBGT) system is out of service. The Unit 2 SBGT systemis available. Which of the following events would be a concern if the Unit 2 SBGT system wouldbecome inoperable? The inability to . . .
#3. Fuel handlers have informed the control room that the fuel dunking chamber is broken. As aresult; __________ evolutions will be delayed by this component” s failure.
#4. The following conditions exist on Unit 2: – Drywell pressure 2.5 psig – Undervoltage condition on Bus 242YThe 2A EDG started and loaded onto the bus. After several minutes; a local operator reportedannunciator 2DG03J-1-2; “OVERSPEED” alarmed.As NSO; you verify the 2A EDG . . .
#5. Fuel Pool Radiation High-High annunciators were received. Operators found that Channels ” A” and ” B” have tripped. 1. Sufficient air flow obtained; the VG Electric Heater energizes 2. Procedure directs operator to shutdown the unaffected unit VG equipment train 3. Reactor Building ventilation trip 4. VG Cooling Fan will trip; if it was running 5. VG Cooling Fan starts 6. Initiation signal starts the VG Primary Fan; the fan start signal opens the VG inlet; then outlet isolation dampers 7. No further actionFrom the above list; the expected actions in the expected sequence will be . . .
#6. Surveillance test; LIS-RI-112; “UNIT 1 REACTOR VESSEL HIGH WATER LEVEL 8 RCICTURBINE TRIP AND MAIN TURBINE/FEEDWATER PUMP TRIP CALIBRATION;” was inprogress. While restoring from testing transmitter; 1B21-N705A; “RCIC Div 1 Level 8 trip logic;”the NSO noticed annunciator “RCIC RX VESSEL WTR LVL HI” was still lit.If the “RX WATER LVL HI C TRIP – LEVEL 8 TRIP” status light is actuated under theseconditions; the other expected actions; if any; that will occur are . . .
#7. The reactor is in Mode 3 with ” A” loop of RHR in SDC mode; in preparation for a refuelingoutage. Reactor pressure is 100 psig. 1. 1E12-F023; RHR Head Spray Valve indicating light on the PCIS panel is extinguished 2. A and B RHR Service Water Pumps indicate tripped 3. 1E12-F053A; SDC Return Valve closed 4. Loss of Leakage Detection PowerFrom the above list; indication of a loss of SDC possibly requiring entry into an abnormaloperating procedure would be . . .
#8. A _____(1)_____ radiation trip in one channel of the Off-gas Post-treatment Monitoring Systemcombined with any other trip in the other channel will _____(2)_____.
#9. Identify how much water could be expected to be provided from the CRD system to the reactorpressure vessel under the following circumstances:No control rod motion; CRD lineup in a normal configuration: _____(1)_____gpm. The reactordepressurized and CRD flow maximized: _____(2)_____gpm
#10. Control room operators received annunciator DIV 2 RB VENT RAD HI-HI and confirmed thatboth ” C” and ” D” radiation monitoring channels have tripped. From the list below; what automaticactions will occur? 1. U1 RB Ventilation System Inboard Isolation Dampers CLOSE. 2. U2 RB Ventilation System Inboard Isolation Dampers CLOSE. 3. BOTH trains of SBGT system START. 4. U1 RB Ventilation System Outboard Isolation Dampers CLOSE. 5. U2 RB Ventilation System Outboard Isolation Dampers CLOSE.
#11. The control room ventilation air filtration deluge system provides a(n) . . .
#12. Maintenance personnel have removed the Instrument Air/Service Air after-filter and identifiedthat the filter has been severely damaged. With only this filter damaged; what specific type ofcontaminant would pass into the downstream distribution header?
#13. On a hot summer day with both units operating in Mode 1; control room operators observe anincrease in RBCCW system temperatures due to a decrease in service water flow.The most limiting RBCCW-cooled component is the . . .
#14. With reactor power at 16%; the nuclear station operator was performing a single notchwithdrawal on a control rod. If an RMCS abnormal condition occurred because Activity ControlUnits disagree; the RMCS will _____(1)_____ and the operator should _____(2)_____.
#15. Reactor power was stable at 100%. Short-term maintenance was being performed on areactor recirculation flow control subloop. A manual transfer to the redundant subloop wasperformed. The operator pushed the Motion Inhibit Trip (MIT) pushbutton at the 1H13-P602panel. A sudden failure of the operating controller caused controller output to go to zero.If the subloop in maintenance is still functioning; recirculation flow control will . . .
#16. Unit 1 was operating at 100% power. Performance of A” RHR system full flow surveillance testwas in progress in accordance with LOS-RH-Q1. The ” A” RHR pump was running with anoperator in the process of raising flow to 7200 gpm using the control switch for 1E12-F024A; “”ARHR Pump Full Flow Test Isol Valve;”” in accordance with the procedure.Under these conditions; 1E12-F024A will go closed if . . .”
#17. The Low Pressure Core Spray system functions primarily to . . .
#18. Unit 1 was in Mode 1 when a trip of the Unit 1 SAT occurred. With respect to HPCS; which ofthe following conditions is expected to exist?
#19. With standby liquid control (SBLC) injecting; reactor power will decrease and the reactor willremain subcritical . . .
#20. The unit is in an outage with the Reactor Mode Switch in Shutdown with the scram reset. Instrument testing has scram discharge volume (SDV) high level scram signals present. TheSDV water level bypass switch is in BYPASS. The fuel handling foreman requests the ReactorMode Switch be placed in Startup for refueling bridge interlock testing.Under these conditions; predict what would happen if the Reactor Mode Switch was taken toStartup. The reactor will _____(1)_____ and you should refer to procedure _____(2)_____ forguidance.
#21. With Unit 1 operating in Mode 3; control room operators completed LOS-LP-Q1; “LPCS SystemInservice Test.” When the LPCS Water Leg pump was restarted; the LPCS System DischargePressure Low Annunciator (H13-P601-C308) did not reset. An operator was dispatched andidentified that there was no water at the high point vent.This condition requires entry into Technical Specifications Section . . . 1); ECCS Instrumentation 2) 3.5.1; ECCS – Operating 3) 3.5.2; ECCS – Shutdown
#22. Given: 1. Reactor building supply and exhaust dampers will close on both units because of the interlock with Group IV. 2. The CRD Pump Cubicle Fans will trip because of low reactor building ventilation air exhaust flow. 3. A Group I MSIV isolation on Hi Steam Tunnel Differential Temperature will occur because of high temperatures following the reactor building ventilation trip. 4. Primary Containment Nitrogen Inerting and Makeup Isolation Valves will close because of the interlock with Group IV.From the above list; the functions that are expected to result from the initiation of a Group IVPrimary Containment Isolation Signal is (are) . . .
#23. From the following DC load list; select those which would show abnormal operation due toPanel 112Y becoming de-energized: 1. Automatic Depressurization System Division 2 2. Standby Gas Treatment System Panel 3. Remote Shutdown System Panel 4. Low Pressure Core Spray logicThe affected loads would include . . .
#24. With the Unit in Mode 1; what is the MINIMUM suppression pool level that would require takingactions per Technical Specifications.
#25. The liquid radwaste effluent monitor will automatically stop a discharge to the environment if themonitor identified _____(1)_____ exceeded pre-established limits measured in _____(2)_____.
#26. With a turbine roll in progress; the throttle pressure feedback signal for the regulator in controlof the main turbine electro- hydraulic control system failed high. The rate of turbineacceleration will . . .
#27. With the unit operating at full power; the Main Generator 86 Lockout Device actuated. Theresultant feedwater temperature will . . .
#28. The reactor was at 65% power when maintenance personnel caused the main turbine stopvalves to close inadvertently. A reactor scram resulted and reactor water level decreased; butNOT enough to cause any level-generated primary containment isolation signals to occur.Given these conditions; recirculation system flow decreased due to:
#29. Unit 1 is in Mode 2 with reactor pressure at 925 psig. The RCIC system is injecting to the RPVin pressure control mode with the RCIC controller in Manual. If reactor pressure increases;RCIC turbine speed _____(1)_____ and flow _____(2)_____.
#30. A reactor startup was in progress with operators rejecting RWCU flow to the condenser. Control room operators then detected the following conditions: – Primary containment pressure at 10 psig and increasing – Primary containment temperature 140F and increasing – Reactor pressure vessel level drops to -60 inchesAssuming no operator intervention; ONLY RWCU valve(s) __________ CLOSE(S).
#31. The Unit is operating at full power. The following primary containment conditions exist: – Drywell temperature is 120F – Drywell pressure is 1.2 psig – Auxiliary Building temperature is 90F on the 786′ levelIn order to reduce drywell pressure to 0.2 psig; the shift manager directs an NSO to vent thedrywell using the VQ system IAW LOP-VQ-04; “Special Operations/Modes of the PrimaryContainment Vent and Purge System.”In order to verify that gaseous release in within the ODCM release limits; the NSO wouldmonitor the . . .
#32. With the unit operating at full power; HPCS inadvertently started and injected into the reactorvessel. Regarding this event; which core thermal limit would be most limiting?
#33. Unable to start either CRD pump; and with control rods drifting into the core; the UnitSupervisor directed the NSO to insert a scram. Following the scram from full power; the NSOidentified the following conditions: – neutron power decreasing on all IRMs – all rods indicate full-in on the full core display except for center control rod 30-31Center control rod 30-31 indicates full-out with the blue light extinguished and no other alarmson the on full core display. Based on these indications; the reason for control rod 30-31 notinserting is . . .
#34. The purpose of having a High Drywell Pressure reactor scram is to limit . . .
#35. Unit 2 was operating at power when a transient caused the reactor steam dome pressure toincrease to 1150 psig. Two of the ATWS trip units for Division 2 reactor pressure failed toinitiate.Under these circumstances; the recirculation pumps will _____(1)_____ and the ARI system_____(2)_____.
#36. A LOCA occurred in the drywell concurrent with a release of radioactivity which caused theReactor Building (RB) ventilation system to isolate. The following plant conditions also exist: – Reactor water level is at -60 inches; lowering – Drywell pressure is at 6.5 psig; rising – Reactor building ventilation exhaust radiation is 6 mr/hr; steady – Fuel Pool ventilation exhaust radiation is 5 mr/hr; steady – Main Steam line delta T is 25F; steady – MSIVs are closedIn accordance with LGA-002; in order to restart RB ventilation; operators must bypass… 1. Main steam line delta T. 2. High Drywell pressure. 3. Low RPV water level. 4. Reactor Building ventilation radiation. 5. Fuel Pool ventilation radiation.
#37. The hydrogen recombiners reduce hydrogen concentration in the primary containment toprevent . . .
#38. The unit is operating at 20% power; with the ” A” train of SJAE in standby; and the ” B” train ofSJAE in operation. Personnel performing maintenance cause a loss of condensate cooling tothe ” B” train SJAE condenser and off gas condenser.With no operator action; __________ condenser vacuum.
#39. The reason for ” load shedding” on the 4160 VAC safety buses under LOCA conditions is to . . .
#40. The following plant conditions exist: – Reactor is at full power – Suppression Pool (SP) Cooling is in operation – Average pool temperature is increasing – RCIC testing is in progressPer Technical Specifications; there is a required action to immediately stop RCIC testing if SPtemperature exceeds the temperature limit of _____(1)_____F; or immediately place thereactor mode switch in SHUTDOWN if SP temperature exceeds the temperature limit of_____(2)_____F.
#41. To reduce containment pressure; operators are venting primary containment using standby gastreatment system (SBGT) post- accident in accordance with LGA-VQ-01; “Containment Vent.”Reactor plant conditions are stable. Other plant conditions are as follows: – Unit 1 SBGT train is in operation – Unit 2 SBGT train is in standby – Radiation levels in primary containment are elevated – Primary containment pressure is 1.5 psig; decreasing – Primary containment temperature is 145F; decreasingIf the discharge rate through the Unit 1 SBGT radiation monitor causes annunciator1PM07J-A304; “SBGT WIDE RANGE GAS MONITOR TROUBLE” to alarm due to a highradiation release condition; the operator would be required to . . .
#42. Unit 1 is operating at full power with the Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (RBCCW) andthe service water system in operation as follows: – ” A” RBCCW heat exchanger and pump in operation. – ” B” RBCCW heat exchanger and pump in standby – ” 0″ RBCCW heat exchanger is available – Service Water system temperature is 80FThe RBCCW system is leaking water into containment at a rate of 5 gpm. Assuming nooperator actions; what additional condition would eventually result in a loss of RBCCW cooling?
#43. With both units at full power; the operating station air compressors failed; resulting in reducedService Air and Instrument Air (SA/IA) pressures. Without operator intervention and as a resultof the decreasing SA/IA header pressures; . . .
#44. The Unit 1 reactor is shutdown with head installed and the following conditions: – Coolant temperature is 170F – ‘B’ train residual heat removal is in shutdown cooling operation at 7000 gpm – both recirculation pumps out of service – reactor water level is being maintained at +50 inches on the Shutdown RangeIf an inadvertent PCIS Group 6 isolation occurs and the isolation signal can NOT be cleared; inorder to minimize thermal stratification of the bottom reactor vessel head AND enhance RPVmoderator temperature monitoring; the operators would . . .
#45. Unit 2 was at full power operation with the “A” CRD pump in operation. The control roomoperator received annunciator “2A CRD FEED PUMP AUTO TRIP” and the 2B CRD pumpfailed to start.With no operator actions; all accumulator pressures will _____(1)_____; the control rods are_____(2)_____.
#46. Unit 1 was operating at 100% reactor thermal power with SRV 1B21-F013U; leaking steam pastits seat. The leakage caused the suppression pool to heatup. Under these circumstances;initiating suppression pool cooling would be necessary to prevent __________ during accidentconditions.
#47. After a transient; the following parameters are noted: – Drywell pressure 12 psig rising – Drywell air temperature 240F rising – Suppression chamber pressure 7 psig rising – Suppression pool water temperature 105F risingAssuming no operator action has been taken; the event describes a . . .
#48. The bases for the low suppression pool level LGA entry condition is to . . .
#49. Main steam tunnel temperatures and pressures are increasing due to a steam leak in thetunnel. As main steam line tunnel pressure increases; the low pressure blowout panels willactuate relieving pressure to the _____(1)_____ resulting in a/an _____(2)_____ release to theenvironment.
#50. Unit 1 was operating at 100% power; when the ” A” TDRFP tripped. Assuming no operatoraction and all other equipment operates as designed; both recirculation flow control valves areexpected to be at _____(1)_____ and the recirculation pumps _____(2)_____.
#51. The following accident conditions exist: – Drywell pressure 3.5 psig increasing – RPV pressure 525 psig decreasing – RPV level -40 inches decreasingAssuming all ECCS equipment functions as designed; LPCI would inject when __________.
#52. Before actuating SBLC from Control Room Panel 1H13-P603 during a failure to scramscenario; the reactor operator observed the following conditions: – SBLC INJ SQUIB VLV ON light for 1C41-F004A is ON – SBLC INJ SQUIB VLV ON light for 1C41-F004B is OFF – SBLC SQUIB VLV CONTINUITY LOSS alarm has annunciated.Which of the following could be the cause of all of these indications?
#53. The reactor was operating at full power in a half-scram trip condition due to loss of an RPS bus. A subsequent loss of power to the other RPS bus resulted in a reactor scram. Reactor waterlevel is currently at 14 inches and feedwater flow approximately 30%.Assuming systems responded as designed; the loss of RPS buses caused BOTH reactorrecirculation pumps to _____(1)_____ because the _____(2)_____ logic was activated.
#54. Unit 2 Mode switch was in STARTUP when an IRM detector spiked; causing a momentaryupscale alarm. The design feature that allows the RO to determine which detector spiked isthe . . .
#55. During startup of the unit; operators can retract the source range detectors from the corewithout causing a rod block when . . .
#56. With the unit at full power operation; an operator selected the COUNT function on APRM Bcabinet and the APRM meter read 70%. If the operator bypasses an operable LPRM input tothe ” B” APRM; the __________ annunciator(s) will alarm. 1. Channel A1 Reactor Auto Scram 2. Channel B1 Reactor Auto Scram 3. Rod Out Block
#57. Unit 1 was at full power operation with RCIC operating for a quarterly surveillance test. TheUnit 1 control room NSO received a report from equipment operators that the RCIC room wasfilled with steam. The NSO observed RCIC area temperatures and noted the following: – RCIC Equipment Area ambient temperature was 195F and increasing – RCIC Area Vent Differential temperature was 103F and increasing – Annunciator 1H13-P601-D411; “Div I RCIC Equip Area Diff/Area Temp Hi;” was alarming – Division II; RCIC Primary Containment Isolation System had NOT actuatedAssuming no operator actions were initiated; the RCIC Turbine Steam Supply _____(1)_____automatically close(s) AND operator actions need be taken to _____(2)_____.
#58. Unit 1 was operating at 100% power with Division 3 DG unavailable due to engine bearingreplacement. A loss of offsite power resulted in a reactor scram.The Unit 1 assist NSO observed the following: – Drywell pressure is 2.0 psig and steady – All RHR pumps are operating on minimum flow – LPCS can NOT be started – Division 1 RPV wide range level indicates -145 inches and is trending down at a rate of -10 inches per minute – Division 2 RPV wide range level indicates -87 inches and is trending down at a rate of -10 inches per minuteBased on the given conditions; ADS valves will open on actuation of . . .
#59. The Hydrogen Recombiner System gas inlet valve may be positioned IAW station proceduresfrom . . . 1. Main Control Room 2. Auxiliary Electric Equipment Room 3. Hydrogen Recombiner Skid
#60. The ADS accumulators are at a higher pressure than the SRV accumulators because . . .
#61. Unit 1 was shutting down and dumping steam to the condenser via the turbine bypass valves.Unit 1 conditions are as follows: – All control rods are inserted – Plant pressure is 800 psig decreasing slowly – Both TDRFPs are secured – MDRFP maintaining reactor water level in normal band – 1A CD/CB in operation – Reactor water level control in automatic – Condensate and feedwater system lineups normal for given conditionsIf an electrical fault de-energizes Bus 152; reactor vessel water level will start to decreasebecause . . .
#62. Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when the speed demand from the RWLCS failed.Assuming no operator action; the Unit 1 TDRFP speed could be controlled from the . . .
#63. Unit 1 was in cold shutdown and Unit 2 operating at full power. The 1B DG was out of servicefor overhaul. A subsequent faulted condition on the ring bus caused a loss of all offsite powerand a Unit 2 turbine generator trip. The 1A DG failed to start on demand and a SBGT systeminitiation signal was received.Assuming no operator action; the status of the SBGT approximately 5 minutes after the ring busfault is . . .
#64. According to LOS-DG-M2; “Diesel Generator Operability Test;” the EDG speed droop switchmust be positioned to “50” prior to paralleling with AC power sources. The speed droop switchis placed in this position to . . .
#65. If a failure of the Display Memory Module occurs in the RMCS; the NSO could determine controlrod position indication from observing the . . .
#66. Unit 2 is shutdown for a refuel outage. The reactor head is removed and core reload is inprogress (Mode 5). The following additional plant conditions exist: – A” RHR is in shutdown cooling mode at 6000 gpm – ” B” RHR is in standbyThe NSO inadvertently positions 2E12-F006B to open. The refuel floor supervisor observeslevel dropping in the refueling cavity. The NSO observes Suppression Pool level is increasingand identifies that both the 2E12-F004B; “”RHR Pump Suction Valve;”” and 2E12-F006B; “”RHRShutdown Cooling Suction Valve;”” are open.Actions prescribed by Abnormal Procedures must be taken to mitigate…”
#67. While operating at power; Unit 1 experienced an under voltage condition on all 1E busses and aplant transient that resulted in drywell pressure increasing to 5.5 psig. DG 1A sequentiallypicked up loads; however; the NSO identified that the 1B RHR pump failed to auto start. Theshift manager directed the NSO to start the 1B RHR pump in accordance with LGA-RH-103;”Unit 1 A/B RHR Operations in the LGAs/LSAMGs.”If the load on DG 1A is 1800 KW; starting the 1B RHR pump; will __________.
#68. Control room NSOs were making preparations to start the ” B” RHR pump in the suppressionpool spray mode for a special test. Equipment operators noted that the discharge pressuredownstream of the ” B” RHR pump discharge check valve was only 15 psig. The condition iscaused by . . .
#69. Unit 1 was starting up from a refuel outage with the following plant conditions: – Mode Switch in RUN – Reactor power 12% – all MSIVs OPENIf RPS Bus ” A” lost power; the IMMEDIATE MSIV response would be . . .
#70. With Unit 2 at full power; the NSO noticed that 2ES001B; “Hi Press Htr 26A/B Extrn Stm InletValve;” went closed. This condition results in . . .
#71. An internal fault on the Unit 1 SAT caused the electrical loads to fast transfer to the UnitAuxiliary Transformer. The Unit 1 SAT was isolated by opening switchyard OCBs . . .
#72. During a loss of off-site power; the Plant Computer system status is . . .
#73. During a discharge from the Rad Waste Discharge Storage Tank to the blowdown line;annunciator “RW DISCHARGE HIGH RAD/INOP OR LOW SAMPLE FLOW;” alarmed in therad waste control room. The expected automatic actions of the system include . . .
#74. Feedwater header flows were balanced with the reactor at 100% power; when aninstrumentation problem caused the FW header flows to read about 0.5 Mlbm/hr less thanactual. This error will cause the reactor water level to ____(1)____; and will result in_____(2)_____ if the error reaches 1.0 Mlbm/hr.
#75. Service water cooling to Unit 1 Fuel Pool Cooling heat exchangers was lost and could not berestored. An acceptable method for restoring fuel pool cooling is to connect . . .
#76. Diesel Generators _____(1)_____ be used for peaking power requirements and _____(2)_____be started in anticipation of loss of offsite power.
#77. Exclusive of plant transients; plant announcements are NOT REQUIRED prior to . . .
#78. The Reactor Mode Switch is located on the _____(1)_____ of panel H13-P603. When theReactor Mode Switch is required to be LOCKED; the key shall be located _____(2)_____.
#79. The suppression chamber is to be re-inerted after a short duration outage. Control room NSOswill monitor AI CM063; “Suppression Chamber/DW Oxygen Monitor;” on control room panel_____(1)_____ during the evolution. The suppression chamber would be considered inertedwhen the MAXIMUM oxygen concentration is less than _____(2)_____ by volume and indicatedoxygen concentration is no longer decreasing.
#80. During approach to criticality; the NSO will DISCONTINUE Notch Out Override betweenpositions 00 and 24 when . . .
#81. Unit 1 is at full power operations. In order for maintenance to work on the main turbine trippressure switches in the turbine EHC system at plant normal operating temperature andpressure; and without the out of service (OOS) being an Exceptional OOS; the Operationsdepartment needs _____(1)_____ valve isolation since _____(2)_____.
#82. At 9:00 a.m. Instrument Maintenance technicians inform the NSO that the RCIC Vessel WaterLevel-Hi; Level 8″ surveillance is commencing and the channel is to be declared inoperable. The maintenance is expected to be completed in 2 hours.The required method to track the associated LCO and to ensure the RCIC TechnicalSpecification is met; is by use of . . .
#83. A condition occurs where the standby main generator stator cooling pump auto starts and statorcooling pressure remains at 40 psig.If this condition continues to exist; and stator amps remain greater than _____(1)_____ for 2.0minutes; the Main Turbine will automatically _____(2)_____.
#84. Which of the following activities requires you to notify RP of changing radiation levels.
#85. A male visitor with no previous exposure gets lost in the reactor building at LaSalle and heinadvertently walks into a high radiation area. Assuming no previous exposure; RP personnelread the visitor” s dosimeter and calculated that the visitor received the following radiationexposure: – Chest 4500 mrem – Hands 1060 mrem – Eye Lens 510 mrem – Internal 550 mremWhich; if any; Federal Exposure limit has the visitor exceeded?
#86. During fuel moves; access to the 796″ level in the drywell is . . .
#87. The following conditions exist in primary containment: – Primary Containment Pressure 1.3 psig – Drywell Temperature 130F – Suppression Pool Temperature 106F – Drywell Hydrogen at 1.8%The condition requiring entry into LGA-003; “Primary Containment Control;” is . . .
#88. Regulatory Guide 1.97 post-accident instruments in the control room are identified with . . .
#89. If ” C” APRM is bypassed; RBM Channel ” A” . . .
#90. The HPCS line integrity monitor senses the differential pressure between the HPCS spraysparger and the . . .
#91. Unit 1 was initially operating at 26% power. A main turbine trip signal was received and theNSO observed reactor pressure spike to 1100 psig.The NSO observes: – Reactor pressure controlled by BPVs; 1060 psig and steady – Reactor power 20% and steadyThe first recovery initiative that is to be implemented is . . .
#92. Unit 1 is in Mode 4 completing a 25 day refuel outage. Both recirculation pumps are operatingin slow speed. Other plant conditions are as follows: – ” B” RHR pump is in shutdown cooling mode – ” A” RHR pump is unavailable due to maintenance – Coolant temperature at 175F – Both trains of RHR service water are available – Circulating Water and feedwater and condensate systems are available – ‘A’ train of Fuel Pool Cooling in service.A fault de-energizes Bus 142Y and the bus CANNOT be re-energized. Which of the following methods of alternate heat removal are NOT available?
#93. Given the following plant conditions: – Reactor recirculation loop B pump tripped – Power and flow in the allowable region of Technical SpecificationsThermal Limits: 1. Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate 2. Minimum Critical Power Ratio 3. Linear Heat Generation Rate 4. Maximum Allowable Power RatioWhich of the above thermal limits must be adjusted?
#94. Reactor power is 100 %. Unit 2 drywell temperature is currently reading 105F and has beenincreasing consistently at a rate of 25F/hr. Assuming the rate of temperature change remainsthe same; LGA-003 “Primary Containment Control” must be entered in __________ minutes.
#95. Placing a component s transfer switch to the “”EMERGENCY”” position on the Remote ShutdownPanel will allow control of the component from the Remote Shutdown Panel _____(1)_____ toenable bringing the reactor to cold shutdown and the component will _____(2)_____ automaticprimary containment isolation features.”
#96. Unit 1 and Unit 2 reactor building (RB) ventilation systems were operating when instrument airwas lost. The RB ventilation exhaust and supply dampers fail _____(1)_____ and RBmodulating dampers fail _____(2)_____.
#97. Both Units are operating at 100% power. An operator reported smoke in the vicinity of the 2ADG room and a RED CO2 alarm is on Panel FP04JB/JC.The CO2 system _____(1)_____ actuated. If required; manual actuation requires use of leversfor the master valve located _____(2)_____.
#98. The Unit 1 NSO receives annunciator 1H13-P601-C205; “1A RHR PMP Cubicle Temp Hi” anda report of smoke in the area. What is the expected status of the diesel fire pumps?”0A” Diesel Fire Pump is _____(1)_____; “0B” Diesel Fire Pump is _____(2)_____;
#99. If water intrusion created grounds that disabled all Division 1 and Division 2 125VDC power . . .
#100. Given the following conditions: – Unit 2 in Operating Condition 1 – 2VG023; “SBGT VQ XTIE Valve;” is OPEN – Primary Containment Vent and Purge (VQ) isolation valves are OPENThe Unit 2 SBGT (VG) train is inoperable because the lineup may cause damage to the . . .
#101. The protective interlocks intended to prevent refueling accidents or incidents involving theoverhead crane include . . . 1. restricting hoist movement to a Critical L-Path. 2. preventing movement of the crane if operating the spent fuel cask greater than 6″ off the Refuel Floor. 3. stopping further upward movement of the Overhead Crane if a high radiation condition is sensed by an Area Radiation Monitor. 4. preventing crane or hoist movement if a DIV 1 or DIV 2 FUEL POOL RAD HI-HI condition is sensed.
#102. A plant event resulted in an off-site release. Possible entry conditions into the RadioactiveRelease Control Procedure are described below. The MINIMUM conditions that require theUnit Supervisor to enter the LGA-009 “Radioactive Release Control” procedure are . . .
#103. LGA-009 has been entered due to high offsite release. What affect; if any; does this have onpermissible radiation exposure limits?
#104. The following conditions exist: – Station blackout has occurred – Div 1 and Div 2 EDGs failed to start – SRVs were initially used for reactor pressure controlWhich of the means below would be available to carry out pressure control three hours afterthe SBO occurred?
#105. Which of the following meets the criteria of a fuel handling accident?
#106. The plant was operating at full power. A loss of feedwater followed by a reactor scramoccurred. Plant conditions are as follows: – Reactor pressure is 900 psig; and MSIVs have failed open. – HPCS and RCIC are inoperable – Condensate/Feedwater cannot be restored – Both CRD pumps are running – RPV level is -75 inches on WR; decreasing at a rate of about 15 inches/min. – Drywell Pressure is 1.6 psig.The Shift Supervisor has executed LGP 3-2. The appropriate action per LGA-001 is to . . .
#107. A condition related to unknown reactor vessel water level where Adequate Core Cooling existsis described by . . .
#108. The LGA-010 Failure to Scram procedure level leg directs operators to lower reactor water levelrapidly to at least -60 inches if reactor power is above 3% or unknown. This lower water leveldecreases power . . .
#109. Unit 1 was in Mode 1 at 100% reactor power. During a daily surveillance at 9:00 am on April 1;SP water levels were reported to be +3.5 inches on one instrument; and +3.2 inches on anotherinstrument. Instrument technicians were called in to perform a calibration check on bothinstruments; and preliminarily indicated that there were no problems with the instrumentoperation.At 9:30 am; the Unit Supervisor directed actions to lower SP water level concurrent with theinstrument technicians performing their calibration check.The Unit Supervisor identified that on March 31; at 9:00 pm; the SP level was last verified by TSsurveillance SR at +2 inches.The applicable required actions and associated completion times are: restore SP level by 11:00am on April 1; or be in Mode 3 by _____(1)_____ on April 1; or be in Mode 4 by_____(2)_____.
#110. A small primary system leak that CANNOT be isolated developed on Unit 1 in the vicinity of theReactor Sample Station. Reactor Building Ventilation (VR) exhaust radiation levels were 40mrem/hr and constant prior to VR isolating. Radiation levels in the vicinity of the ReactorSample Station are 1100 mrem/hr and rising slowly.The corrective actions to be taken and bases for those actions include:
#111. (QUESTION DELETED) Unit 1 was operating at 100% power with no equipment abnormalities noted. A surveillance testidentified one low pressure injection line permissive pressure switch; 1E21-N413; for LPCS;with a setpoint of 480 psig. The applicable TS required action(s) is (are) . . .
#112. The Technical Specification bases for the Main Steam Line Pressure-Low Primary ContainmentIsolation is . . .
#113. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. The SAT was providing power to bus 141Y. Bus 141YVoltage decreased to 3800 Volts for ONE MINUTE. ACB 1412 _____(1)_____ AND operatorsshould respond IAW LOA-AP-101; “Unit 1; AC Power System Abnormal;” _____(2)_____section.
#114. Operators trying to exit the reactor building reported that only one door at the DG corridorairlock can be opened and annunciator “RB 3 DOOR AIRLOCK F21 UNDERVOLTAGE”alarmed. The Unit Supervisor dispatched operators to the reactor building to complete requiredactions.In accordance with LOA-AP-101 Attachment L; since power is lost to _____(1)_____; the UnitSupervisor should direct the operators to _____(2)_____.
#115. On July 5; both Units were at 100% power. During a review of surveillance packagescompleted on July 4 for performances of SR for all batteries; the following conditionswere noted: – one 250V battery cell has an electrolyte level below the top of the plates – one Div 1 125V battery cell had a corrected specific gravity reading of 1.186 when average reading of cells was 1.206 – Div 2 125V battery was on a float charge of one ampere following discharge on June 30 with no specific gravity readings taken – Div 3 125V battery was discharged to 108V on June 22 and temperature readings revealed that some cells were 60F – no other abnormal conditions were noted. – the last surveillance on these batteries was successfully completed on April 5.The surveillance procedure requires review of results to determine if equipment is operable inaccordance with Technical Specifications. The OPERABLE battery(s) and required action(s) ineffect is (are) the . . .
#116. During a surveillance test involving calibration of the four wide range reactor vessel levelindication instrument loops; an Instrument Technician inadvertently left the instrument rootvalves to the reference legs for the instruments closed. The reference side of the instrumentwas pressurized to 1000 psig.If a rapid depressurization event with lowering reactor vessel level below Level 2 occurred; andthe Unit Supervisor entered LGA-001; “RPV Control;” indicated wide range level would be_____(1)_____; and _____(2)_____would be the most reliable.
#117. Unit 1 was initially at full power with no TIP surveillances in progress. The ARM for the “RB TipDrive Units Area” alarmed with a constant reading of 10 R/hr. Subsequently; a plant operatorreported the RB HCU South ARM was in alarm and reading 30 mr/hr. Other plant operatorsreport no observable leakage in the HCU or TIP room areas and no other indications ofabnormal leakage.The expected reactor control actions; if any; to be directed by the Unit Supervisor wouldbe _____(1)_____; and the expected condition of SBGT and RB Ventilation systems wouldbe _____(2)_____.
#118. Assume an abnormal increase in Off Gas Post-Treatment Monitoring System radiation levels. 1. decrease in steam jet air ejector flow 2. closure of the Off Gas Charcoal Adsorber Train Bypass Stop Valve; 1N62-F043 3. mechanical vacuum pump start 4. closure of the OG system Outlet Valve; 1N62-F057The above actions that will result in reducing offsite radioactive release rates resulting fromradio-nuclides in the off-gas (OG) system are . . .
#119. LGA-009; “Radioactive Release Control” can . . .
#120. With Unit 2 at beginning of core life; an event resulted in an automatic scram. The NSOpositioned the Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN. Plant conditions are as follows: – reactor water level dropped to -25 inches – 3 control rods remain at notch 08; all other control rods are full in – all other reactor and containment parameters are normalThe Unit Supervisor” s first directed action would be . . .
#121. In accordance with EP-AA-113 “Protective Actions; ” _____(1)_____ are to be considered foractions protecting onsite personnel; and _____(2)_____ are (is) to be considered for actionsprotecting offsite personnel. 1. Radiological Controls 2. Emergency Dose Limits (in excess of 10 CFR 20 limits) 3. Thyroid Blocking Agents (Potassium Iodide) 4. Evacuation 5. Site Assembly
#122. With Unit 1 at 50% power; a malfunction in the feedwater level control system causes reactorwater level to decrease to +5 inches. After the transient subsides; the following conditionsexist: – reactor pressure 1050 psig decreasing – reactor water level 18 inches steady – main turbine tripped – power range indicators unavailable – IRMs fully insertedThe reactor operator reports that neutron level is steady and reading 100 on Range 10 of theIRMs. Reactor power is _____(1)_____and LGA 010; “Failure to Scram” requires thatRecirculation pumps _____(2)_____.
#123. An operator on rounds reports that his digital dosimetry is alarming on dose rate while touringthe RT pump room. The indicated dose rate is greater than that allowed by the RWP. TheSRO should direct the rounds operator to . . .
#124. The Reactor Mode Switch is in the SHUTDOWN position with no reactor recirculation pumpsrunning. – ” A” train of RHR shutdown cooling (SDC) has been inoperable for the last 24 hours due to pump problems. – ” B” train of SDC was taken out of service and declared inoperable due to surveillance testing starting at 2 p.m. Average reactor coolant temperature was 180F. – average reactor coolant heatup rate since the B train was taken out of service has been constant at about +10F/hr.If the surveillance testing was still in progress at 5:30 pm; no changes had been reported for the’A’ loop; and average coolant temperature progressed according to the above information; thenaccording to the SDC portion of Technical Specifications; the required actions and completiontimes in effect are . . .
#125. In order to move fuel; the fuel handling SRO must be . . .