#1. Which of the following identifies the level instruments that input into RWLC?1. Upset2. Wide Range3. Narrow Range
#2. Unit 1 is at rated conditions. The 1A Post LOCA H2/O2 MONITOR ISOL VLVS switch is in the SP position. Drywell pressure rises to 2.5 psig.For the given conditions; the 1A Post LOCA H2/O2 monitors will be drawing a suctionfrom the (1) with return flow going to the (2) .
#3. Unit 1 is in Mode 2 with the shorting links INSTALLED.Which of the following identifies the immediate impact a loss of 24VDC Bus B willhave on Unit 1?
#4. Unit-1 has just started a refueling outage (shutdown was 3.5 hours ago).Unit-2 is critical with a 65F per hour heat-up rate established.Given this initial lineup; which one of the following combinations of failures would resultin a Loss of All Off-Site AC power to both units?
#5. Unit 1 and 2 are operating at rated conditions. The following annunciators alarm:o 1H13-P601-F204; DIV 1 RB VENT RAD HI-HIo 1H13-P601-E204; DIV 2 RB VENT RAD HI-HI 1A VR EXH VENT RAD MONITOR 1D18-K609A indicates 12MR/HR 1B VR EXH VENT RAD MONITOR 1D18-K609B indicates 13MR/HR 1C VR EXH VENT RAD MONITOR 1D18-K609C indicates 12MR/HR 1D VR EXH VENT RAD MONITOR 1D18-K609D indicates 13MR/HRUnit 1 SBGT system fails to initiate.Which of the following identifies Unit 1 Reactor Building conditions following theseevents?The Unit 1 Reactor Building will . . .
#6. Units 1 and 2 have been scrammed due to a security related event. All Off-site power is lost. The 1A Diesel Generator (D/G) has been damaged and will NOT operate. Unit 1 RPV water level dropped to -148 and is currently +25 inches. Unit 2 RPV water level dropped to -25 and is currently +35 inches. CSCS supply to the Common and 2A Diesel Generators is lost. Suppression Pool Cooling has been placed in operation on BOTH units. ALL personnel have been restricted from entering the Power Block.Which of the following describes the effect on the continued operation of SuppressionPool Cooling for each unit based on the given conditions?Unit 1 Suppression Pool Cooling will remain in operation until the Common D/G (1) .Unit 2 Suppression Pool Cooling will remain in operation until the 2A D/G (2) .
#7. Which of the following Unit 1 DC busses has a design feature which allows the bus to becross-tied to Unit 2?1. 112Y; Unit 1 Division 2 125 VDC2. 113; Unit 1 Division 3 125 VDC3. 121Y; Unit 1 250 VDC
#8. Unit 1 was operating at rated conditions when a leak in the drywell occurred. 1B RHR is OOS. Drywell pressure is 15 psig. Suppression Chamber Spray is in operation. Drywell Spray is in operation. The 1E12-F042A was overridden CLOSED Reactor pressure rose from 420 psig to 550 psig. ADS was then initiated and reactor pressure is dropping 50 psig per minute.Which of the following identifies the expected 1A RHR valve positions four minutes fromnow if no operator actions are taken with the system?
#9. Assuming RHR is in a standby configuration initially; which one of the followingstatements is TRUE concerning RHR shutdown cooling when all of the EmergencyTransfer Switches for RHR are taken to the EMERGENCY position at the Remote S/DPanel?
#10. To provide an additional margin of safety; the APRM Flow Biased Simulated ThermalPower Upscale Trip and alarm setpoints are automatically adjusted in proportion to (1) flow rate signals. These signals are passed through a (2) valuegate to ensure conservatism is added to the flow biased trip circuits.
#11. Which of the following identifies how the Security UPS will respond to the loss of thenormal AC power supply?The Security UPS will transfer to the . . .
#12. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions. LIS-NB-101A; Unit 1 Reactor Vessel Low Water Level 3 Scram Trip Logic A1and A2 and SDC Mode Isolation Calibration was completed last shift. Trip unit 1B21-N703A; Reactor Vessel Low Water Level 3 Trip in RPS Trip LogicA1 was unknowingly damaged and left in a condition such that it will NOTchange from its normal state.What effect will the condition of trip unit 1B21-N703A have on the RPS system if RPVwater level subsequently drops below the RPS scram setpoint?
#13. An ECCS condition occurred on Unit-1. Normal power is available; but the operator decided to load the Common DG andmanually close it onto Bus 141Y. Later; an ECCS and Undervoltage condition occurs on Unit-2.What indication would you expect to see for the SAT feed to 141Y and the CommonDG?SAT feed to 141Y amps will (1) AND Common DG amps will (2) .
#14. Unit 2 is in an ATWS condition. ALL control rods remain out. The Main Turbine Generator remains on line. SBLC Storage Tank level is 4850 gallons The 2A SBLC PMP; 2C41-C001A; Key 63 keylock switch is PLACED to the SYSA position per LGA-SC-201; Unit 2 Initiation of Standby Liquid Control. The start sequence is CHECKED and the following abnormal indications areobserved:o 2C41-F004A; SBLC INJ SQUIB VLV; ON light is LIT.o 2C41-F001B; SBLC STRG TNK 2B OUTLET VLV indicates CLOSED.Based on the above conditions; the indicated SBLC tank level 5 minutes after all actionsto establish flow are complete; is predicted to be approximately gallons.Note: The actions have NOT resulted in any changes in abnormal indications.
#15. Unit-1 is in Mode 2 and beginning rod withdrawal for criticality. 1D SRM is reading approximately one decade higher than the other SRMs The NSO reports that relay 1C71-K13D; Non-Coincidental Neutron MonitoringScram Relay; on panel 1H13-P611 is cyclingBased on these conditions what would be the control room operator’s NEXT action?
#16. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions. SRVs C and P were replaced last outage and their B solenoids haveunknowingly failed and will NOT work as designed. A transient occurs and the reactor is scrammed. Bus 111Y is de-energized during the transient. Conditions have degraded to the point where an Emergency Depressurization isrequired; and ADS is manually initiated.Which of the following identifies the response of the C and P SRVs if ADS is manuallyinitiated; and what additional actions are required to be taken based on the conditionslisted above?
#17. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions; and Unit 2 is shutdown for a refueling outage. 1A Service Water pump and 0A Service Water Jockey pump are in operation. All other Service Water pumps are unavailable to support Unit 1. Service Water Header pressure is stable. Unit 1 Service Water Strainer dP is 6 psid. Annunciator and WS system indication is as shown below: Given the above conditions; the Unit 1 Service Water Strainer (1) be automatically backwashing and a (2) is required in response to the alarm.
#18. Unit 1 was operating at rated conditions when a transient occurred; resulting in the HPCS annunciator indication shown below. Annunciator 1H13-P601-A108 was the last annunciator to alarm; 2 minutes ago. All annunciators have been confirmed and acknowledged; and none of the HPCS annunciators have been reset since the transient occurred.Which of the following identifies the current alignment of the Unit 1 HPCS system based on the given annunciator indications?The Unit 1 HPCS system was initiated (1) ; and the 1E22-F012; Unit 1 HPCS Pump Minimum Flow Bypass Stop Valve is (2) .
#19. Unit 1 scrammed from rated conditions. The panel 1H13-P601-E alarms are as shown below. Annunciators 1H13-P601-E103 and 1H13-P601-E503 just alarmed.Which of the following identifies the status of annunciators 1H13-P601-E202 and 1H13-P601-E203 in 12 minutes if plant parameters remain stable?
#20. Unit 1 scrammed from rated conditions 30 minutes ago. RCIC is the only injection source available and is being operated with the flowcontroller in MANUAL. RPV water level is -15 inches. RPV pressure is 900 psig; and due to a change in plant conditions; has juststarted to drop.Based on the above conditions and with no changes made to the RCIC controls; thereactor operator will observe RCIC discharge pressure (1) and reactor waterlevel (2) .
#21. The Common and Unit 1 Station Air Compressors (SAC) are in operation; with Unit 2SAC in stand-by.The Common SAC trips causing Unit 1 and Unit 2 Service Air Header pressure to dropto 95 psig.Which of the following identifies the Main Control Room panels you must go to in orderto check: 1) the control switch position and light indication for the running SAC(s) AND2) the Unit 2 Instrument Air Header Pressure indication?
#22. Unit 1 was operating at rated conditions when the following alarms on the 1H13-P603A annunciator panel were received.Which of the following actions should be taken first; based on the alarm indication shown below?
#23. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions. RWLC is operating in the 3-element control mode. The Feedwater Header A and B flow indications below have remained steady forthe past 2 seconds. The related flow signals are being inputted into the RWLC system. Which of the following identifies how the RWLC system will respond to this condition?
#24. Both Units are at rated power. Bus 111Y de-energized. An earthquake results in a dual unit scram and a complete loss of off-site poweron BOTH units.How will the 0 Diesel Generator respond to this event?The 0 Diesel Generator will . . .
#25. Unit 1 is at rated conditions and in a normal electrical line-up. The Main Turbine/Generator trips. The fast transfer of the 4160 KV bus FAILS.Which of the following identifies 1)component(s) which would be de-energized and 2) theaction required to re-energize the affected bus?
#26. Unit 1 scrammed from rated conditions. A LOCA has occurred and ECCS systems have initiated. RPV pressure is 550 psig. Pressure switch 1E12-N413B; which monitors pressure between the 1B RHRInjection valve and downstream check valve; has failed and is stuck at RPVpressure for rated conditions.Which of the following identifies how the 1E12-F042B; 1B RHR LPCI INJ VLV will beaffected by this failure if RPV pressure continues to drop to 400 psig?The 1E12-F042B; 1B RHR LPCI INJ VLV . . .
#27. Which of the following identifies points where the CRD system physically connects to theCondensate system?1. Condenser Hotwell Reject Line2. A Condensate Pump suction line from the Hotwell3. Condensate pumps discharge header
#28. Unit 1 is in Mode 4. Inboard and Outboard MSIVs are closed; with their control switches in the closedposition. The 1A RPS MG set tripped and cannot be restored. The Alternate RPS power supply is unavailable. The Shift Manager has directed that the MSIVs be re-opened.Based solely on available power to the MSIV solenoids; which of the following identifieswhich MSIVs; if any; that can be opened with ONLY the 1B RPS power supplyavailable?
#29. While moving a fuel bundle through the cattle chute; the air supply to the control rodgrapple is completely depressurized.What affect will this have on refueling activities; and why?Fuel movement . .
#30. In order to ensure adequate NPSH for the Recirculation Pumps; the ReactorRecirculation pumps . . .
#31. Which of the following identifies the design features associated with the approximately 10inch long space between the top of the stacked fuel pellets and the top of the fuel rod?The described space . . .1. provides an expansion space for axial pellet swelling2. provides an expansion space for pressure build-up from fission gases such asXenon3. houses a stainless steel spring which provides a compressive load on the fuelpellets
#32. Which of the following identifies the effect; if any; that the loss of 111X will have on theFire Protection system?
#33. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions. Annunciator 1N62-P600-B207; OFF GAS POST-TRTMT RAD HI has justalarmed. The Off Gas Post-treat sample pump is running.Which of the following are to be monitored in response to this alarm?1. Off-gas Pre-treat radiation indication.2. Charcoal Adsorber Vault radiation indication.3. Off-gas Hydrogen Recombiner Temperature indication.
#34. Unit 2 is operating at rated conditions. The RR Flow Control (RRFC) System is in Ganged Setpoint Mode. Annunciator 2H13-P602-A507; RRFCS TROUBLE alarms.o It is determined that the normal power supply to the RRFC system hasbeen lost and is the cause of the alarm.Which of the following identifies the actions to be taken in response to this event?
#35. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions with a TIP trace in progress. TIP A is at the top of the core position when a LOCA occurs. Drywell pressure quickly rises to 5 psig.At what point does the TIP Ball Valve close?The TIP Ball Valve closes . . .
#36. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions. MSOP discharge pressure dropped to 170 psig; and bearing supply headerpressure dropped to 12 psig. Both parameters have been restored to normal.Which of the following pumps would have running indication in the Main Control Roomfor the given conditions?
#37. Unit 1 is in a refueling outage and Unit 2 is operating at rated conditions. The Fuel Handling Supervisor called to report that refueling activities are inprogress; including the removal of underwater tools from the fuel pool. A short time later; the three annunciators shown below alarmed and then wereable to be cleared after one minute. No other alarms were received.Which Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) must be entered; if any; based on thealarm indication below?
#38. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions. The Position Indication Probe (PIP) connector for control rod 30-31 hasdisconnected.The monitoring of which of the following Control Rod 30-31 parameters will be affectedbased on the given conditions?1. Control Rod position2. Control Rod Temperature3. Control Rod HCU pressure
#39. Unit 2 was operating at rated conditions when the unit scrammed due to the failure of abushing on the Unit 2 SAT. The NSO has completed the initial action of HARDCARD – Unit 2 ImmediateActions For Reactor Scram and reports the following: 10 control rods remain out at position 02 AND 1 control rod remains out atposition 48.o ALL scram lights are EXTINGUISHEDo ALL scram pilot valves are openo Level dropped to -20 inches and is currently +25 inches and rising.o RPV pressure is being controlled with Bypass Valves.o APRM Downscale lights are LIT.Which of the following identifies actions which must be taken based on the aboveconditions?
#40. During a loss of Shutdown Cooling; in order to prevent excessive temperaturestratification; the NSO is required to . . .
#41. An ATWS has occurred: approximately one quarter of the control rods are inserted (140 rods did NOTinsert) RPV water level is being maintained between -100 and -60 inches reactor pressure is being maintained between 900 and 1000 psig hot shutdown boron weight has just been injectedUnder which one of the following conditions would you expect the reactor to go criticalagain?
#42. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions. The Main Turbine Generator trips on Generator Differential Current signal.What turbine valves must respond properly following the receipt of the trip signal toensure reactor pressure can be controlled automatically within normal operatingparameter limits for the given conditions?Main Turbine . . .
#43. Which of the following design features are used to ensure the Outboard Main SteamIsolation Valves will close if the normal pneumatic supply is lost?1. Bottle bank2. Actuator springs3. Pneumatic accumulators4. Emergency pressurization station
#44. Unit 1 and Unit 2 are operating at rated conditions. The LaSalle Main Control Room was just notified by Transmission SwitchingOperations that voltage in the LaSalle switchyard has fallen below 353 kV due tothe scram of the Braidwood Unit 1 reactor.Which of the following actions will increase switchyard voltage?
#45. Intentionally Blank Proprietary Information
#46. Which of the following identifies the reason(s) for placing the 1B Diesel Gen ControlSelector switch to LOCAL MANUAL when abandoning the control room?1. Defeat automatic initiation of the 1B Diesel Generator.2. Transfer control power from DC Bus 113 to AC Bus 143-1.3. Transfer manual control of the 1B Diesel Generator to the 1B DG Room.
#47. The reason for the Low-Low Set relief mode of operation is to . . .
#48. The Main Control Room has been evacuated and control has been established at theRemote Shutdown Panels.The following conditions exist on Unit 1: RPV pressure is 945 psig. RPV water level is +20 inches. ALL remote transfer switches are in the Emergency position. RCIC is injecting. SRV K is open. A loss of Bus 111Y occurs.Which of the following predicts the status of the RCIC Turbine and SRV K one minutefrom now?The RCIC turbine will be (1) and SRV K will be (2) .
#49. Unit 2 has scrammed from rated conditions. RCIC is OOS. Feedwater has been isolated due to a leak in the drywell. Drywell pressure is 3.4 psig RPV water level first dropped to -70; recovered and peaked at 59.5 and hasnow dropped to -65. No manual actions have been taken with the HPCS system. The Assist NSO checks HPCS system status and observes the HPCS pumprunning with the HPCS Min Flow Valve OPEN and the HPCS Injection ValveCLOSED. The 1.69# AND/OR -50 indicator is LIT The Level 8 TRIP indicator is LITWhich of the following identifies the action(s) required to be taken; if any; for the givenconditions?
#50. Unit 2 has scrammed from rated conditions. A leak has developed in the drywell.o Drywell pressure is 3.5 psig and stable.o Drywell Temperature is 200F. and stable.o RPV water level is +35.o RPV pressure is 850 psig.Which of the following statements describes the status of drywell cooling assuming nooperator actions have been taken?Drywell cooling is . . .
#51. Unit 1 scrammed from rated conditions due to a spurious scram signal caused byseismic motion. RPV water level dropped to -20 and is now 25. RPV pressure is 750 psig and going down. One MSL indicates 1 Mlb/hr flow with ALL MSIVs closed. SRV H is stuck OPEN Drywell pressure is 8 psig. Suppression Chamber pressure is 3 psig. Suppression Pool water level is -11 feet and going down 6 per minute.Based on the given conditions; RPV pressure is currently being discharged . . .
#52. LGA-009; Radioactivity Release Control; directs operation of ventilation in areas thatmay be releasing radioactivity; including the Turbine Building.Which one of the following describes the relationship between this action and theradiation levels that may exist in the Turbine Building?
#53. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions. Rod Line is 100%. RR loop flows are matched. The 1A RR FCV is locked up.The 1B RR Pump trips off and coasts to zero speed.Power stabilizes at 54%.What is core flow for the given conditions; using the reference provided?LOA-RR-101; Attachment A; provided for reference.
#54. The purpose of the Critical L Path interlock is to keep the . . .
#55. Unit 2 scrammed from rated conditions following the loss of the Unit 2 SAT. RCIC is OOS. FW has been isolated due to a leak outside the drywell. RPV water level is -65 and going down. RPV pressure is 900 psig and being controlled with Turbine Bypass Valves. The 2B Diesel Generator has failed to start.The given conditions will require entry into . . .1. LGA-001; RPV Control.2. LOA-AP-201; Unit 2; AC Power System Abnormal3. LOA-DG-201; DG Failure
#56. What is the significance of the 1/4-inch diameter black dot located on the label forControl Room recorder 1TR-CM037A AVG SP TEMP? The black dot signifies that the recorder . . .
#57. What is the primary concern associated with Drywell temperature exceeding 340F?
#58. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions. The 1B TBCCW Pump is OOS. Annunciator 1PM10J-A304; TBCCW PMP DSC HDR PRESS LO alarms. Unit 1 TBCCW Discharge Header pressure is indicated below; and going down slowly: Which of the following action should be taken next?
#59. Unit 1 is starting up from a refueling outage. RPV Water Level is 36 on narrow range MDRFP is on-line; in manual; with feedwater header flow at 3.8 MLB/HR. Reactor power is 15% and steady Pressure is being controlled with Turbine Bypass Valves. Steam flow is as indicated. (Note: Lower portion of band is displayed for clarity Based on the information provided; which of the following annunciators will alarm first if no operator action is taken regarding the operation of the MDRFP?
#60. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions. 1A CRD pump is in the process of being returned to service At 06:55; 1B CRD pump trips At 06:57 1H13-P601-A503; CRD HYD ACCUM TROUBLE alarms due to HCU30-31 low accumulator pressure At 07:00 CRD charging water pressure drops below 940 psig At 07:03 1H13-P601-A503; CRD HYD ACCUM TROUBLE alarms due to HCU46-07 low accumulator pressureWhich of the following identifies 1) the action required to be taken for the givenconditions; and 2) the predicted response of control rods 30-31 and 46-07 if a scramsignal is inserted?
#61. What is the reason for the following note provided in LGA-001; RPV Control? It is okay to delay depressurization in order to restore systems; such as to reopenthe MSIVs and restore the Main Condenser (except in SBO).
#62. Unit 2 just scrammed from rated conditions. Two control rods are NOT indicating 00 on the RCMS displays.Which of the following identifies a means for determining if the control rods NOTindicating 00 have inserted to at least position 01?
#63. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions. Annunciator 1H13-P601-C408; LPCS/RCIC PMP CUBICLE TEMP HI has justalarmed.Which indicator must be referenced to verify the alarm setpoint has been reached?
#64. Unit 1 is in an accident condition. The Unit 2 SBGT system is OOS. The Unit 1 SBGT system auto-initiated in response to the event. Annunciator 1PM07J; SBGT PRI FAN FLOW HI/LO is LIT. 1VG01C; U1 SBGT PRIMARY FAN is running 1VG001; U1 SBGT INLET ISOL VLV closed indication is EXTINGUISHED andopen indication is LIT. 1VG002Y; U1 SBGT FLOW CONT VLV closed indication is EXTINGUISHEDand open indication is LIT. U1 SBGT ELEC HEATING COIL 1VG01A off indication is LIT.Based on the above conditions; which of the following identifies:1 the panel location(s) the NSO can go to in order to determine if SBGTflow is Hi or Lo; and2) the action required to be taken first with the SBGT system?
#65. Unit 1 is in a Refueling Outage. HPCS is running for a post-maintenance test. LPCS is being drained for a pump inspection. A RHR is running in the SDC mode of operation. C RHR pump discharge valve repair is in progress. Annunciator 1PM13J-B304; RB SE-SW EQUIP DRN SUMP TROUBLE is LIT.o R1438 RB SE DRN SUMP TROUBLE is indicated on the SER display. Annunciator 1PM13J-402; RB SOUTH FLOOR DRN SUMP TROUBLE just LIT.o R1437 RB S FLR DRN SUMP TROUBLE is indicated on the SER display.Which of the following systems should be checked FIRST to determine the cause of thelisted alarms?
#66. Unit 1 is shutdown for a refueling outage. Reactor Engineering verified the Unit 1 reactor was subcritical at 00:05 on2/23/2010.Which of the following identifies the earliest time and date that core alterations canbegin?
#67. Which of the following describes the proper method for administratively controlling thekey for the Reactor Mode Switch when it is required to be LOCKED?Place Reactor Mode Switch in the required position; and then . . .
#68. Units 1 and 2 are operating at rated conditions.Which of the following would require entry into a Technical Specification LCO?
#69. What is the expected status of the HPCS and RBCCW system vent and drain valves ifMechanical Checklists were performed as written?VENT VALVES DRAIN VALVES
#70. Unit-1 is operating at 50% power when the 1C Inboard MSIV goes CLOSED. After theplant stabilizes; reactor power is 50% and reactor pressure has increased slightly.How do the MSL Radiation Monitor indications compare to those before the 1C MSIVclosed?Compared to the readings before the 1C MSIV closed; …
#71. Unit 1 has scrammed from rated conditions. 5 Control rods failed to fully insert. Reactor power is less than 3%. You are assigned to perform in-plant actions to insert the 5 control rods using theSRI Test Switches Your current annual exposure is 0 mrem.What is the maximum TEDE exposure you are allowed to receive for the given task;without obtaining any extensions; in accordance with the guidance of RP-AA-203;Exposure Control and Authorization?
#72. Unit 2 is in an ATWS condition. RPV water level dropped to -140 and is currently being controlled at -100. Drywell pressure is 1.5 psig. You are an extra NSO and have been assigned to perform all the applicableactions of Hardcard – Unit 1 Using Main Condenser as Heat Sink in ATWS;including any actions needed to be performed outside of the main control room.Which of the following identifies actions; if any; needing to be performed outside of themain control room for the given conditions?
#73. What LGA entry condition is aligned with an Emergency Action Level threshold?LGA EAL Threshold
#74. Which of the following methods are allowed for use when verifying a Direct (continuous)communication link between the Control Room and the Refueling Platform for theperformance of core alterations?1. Dial telephones (with an open communication line established)2. Sound Powered Phones3. Dedicated GAI-tronics PA system
#75. LGA-RT-101; RPV Depressurization Using RWCU Blowdown is in progress and theMain Condenser is NOT available to accept RWCU flow.For the given conditions; LGA-RT-101 provides an ALARA warning for abnormally highairborne radiation levels in the . . .
#76. Unit 1 is in Mode 4. The 1A RHR loop is the SDC mode of operation. 1A and 1B RR pumps are secured. The Unit 1 Assist RO reports SDC flow is indicating 5800 gpm.Based on the above; the Unit Supervisor must direct the Unit 1 Assist RO to (1) in order to prevent (2) .
#77. Which of the following must occur in order to prevent exceeding 10CFR100 ReactorSite Criteria limits in the event of a design basis fuel handling accident?
#78. Units 1 and 2 are operating at rated conditions. You are the Unit 1 Unit Supervisor The A VC/VE train is in operation A fire outside the plant has resulted in heavy smoke surrounding the VC airintake. The Unit 1 Assist Reactor Operator reports A VC train is in its normalconfiguration.Which of the following actions must be performed in response to the given conditions?Direct an available Reactor Operator to . . .
#79. You are the Unit 2 Unit Supervisor U1 SBGT is OOS Unit 2 has scrammed from rated conditions 56 control rods have failed to insert Reactor power is 34% RPV Water level is within the required band A large steam leak has developed in the heater bay The inboard and outboard MSIVs for A MSL can NOT be closed U2 SBGT is unable to be started Which of the following actions are required to be directed based on the instrument indication shown below?
#80. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions when an SRV spuriously opened. The Main Control Room actions of LOA-SRV-101; Unit 1 Stuck Open Safety Relief Valve were completed and did NOT close the SRV. Suppression Pool Temperature is rising 1/3F per minute. Based on the recorder indication above; which of the following identifies the MainControl Room action(s) required to be directed and in the proper order?
#81. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions; with the 1B CW pump OOS. Bus 141X experiences an overcurrent trip. The crew responds to the event per:o LOA-AP-101; Unit 1 AC Power System Abnormal ando LOA-CW-101; Unit 1 Circulating Water System Abnormal.Which of the following technical specification actions must be taken for the givenconditions?Perform a functional test of each within the next 12 hours.
#82. Unit 2 has scrammed and experienced a DBA LOCA. RPV pressure is 15 psig and going down slow.Based on the following indications; determine if adequate core cooling exists; and why
#83. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions with 1A VP in-service; when an inadvertent Group2 Isolation occurs.Drywell temperature was recorded as 95F at the time of the isolation; 1 minute ago.Which of the following identifies the procedure to be directed for use for bulk drywelltemperature determination while recovering from the isolation signal?
#84. LaSalle Station is in an accident condition. An offsite release rate of 5.7 E+09 uCi/sec is in progress. A Controlled Direct Containment Vent was started at 0845 and was stopped at0915. The off site dose assessment is 1.5R TEDE. A loss of the ‘Fuel’ AND ‘RCS’ Fission Product Barriers has occurred.Which of the following identifies the Protective Action Recommendations; if any; that arerequired to be made based on the given conditions?EP-AA-111-F-05; LaSalle Plant Based PAR Flowchart provided.
#85. The reactor vessel water level Safety Limit (SL) ensures that adequate core coolingcapability is maintained during (1) of reactor operation. Establishment ofEmergency Core Cooling System (2) provides margin such that the SL willNOT be reached or exceeded.
#86. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions when the Unit 1 Process Computer UPS Normaland Alternate AC power feed breakers trip. It has been determined it will be at least one hour before the Normal and/orAlternate Power Supplies will be restored.Which of the following identifies the procedure to be directed in response to this eventand the actions; if any; required to be taken?
#87. Unit 2 is operating at rated conditions The 2A SBLC pump is OOS. Annunciator 2H13-P603-B502; STANDBY LIQ TANK TEMP HI/LO just alarmed. An Equipment Operator is dispatched to investigate the cause of the alarm andreports that the circuit breaker to the A 10kW heater for the SBLC Storage Tankis tripped and will NOT reset. Standby Liquid Tank Temperature is 69 degrees F.What action must be directed to mitigate the consequences of the situation; and why?Place the Standby Liquid Tank Heater Control Switch in B ON to allow the B 40kWheater to be used to (1) control Standby Liquid Tank temperature to ensurethe boron does NOT (2)
#88. Unit 2 scrammed from rated conditions 4 hours ago due to a spurious Group 1 isolationsignal that will not clear. RPV level dropped to -25 and is now +35 and being controlled with theMDRFP. Drywell pressure is 1.2 psig 2A RHR was placed in the SDC mode of operation 30 minutes ago. The 2A RHR motor just tripped due to an Instantaneous Overcurrent condition.Which of the following procedures can be directed for use to mitigate the consequencesof the loss of SDC for the given conditions?1. LGA-MS-012. LGA-RH-201 3. LOA-RH-201 4.LOP-RT-09
#89. Unit 2 is in Mode 5. You are the Unit 2 Control Room Supervisor Fuel movements are scheduled to begin; for the first time in the outage; later thisshift. Non-Spiral off-loading is being utilized. 24/48VDC Bus A is de-energized. The Fuel Handling Supervisor has called you to request permission tocommence fuel movements. The only item remaining to be checked is the operability of required nuclearinstrumentation.Based on the given conditions; fuel movements (1) as (2) .NOTE: Technical Specification SRM Instrumentation provided.
#90. The 1B Diesel Generator received a spurious start signal and has been running loadedfor approximately one minute.In response to this event; a Reactor Operator must be directed to enter (1) andthen (2) .
#91. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions. At 07:00 annunciator 1H13-P603-A102; SCRAM PILOT VLV AIR HDR PRESSLO alarms An Equipment Operator dispatched to investigate the alarm reports that a crack has developed between the Scram Air Header pressure transmitter 1C11-N052and root stop valve 1C11-F416. While actions are taken to close root stop valve 1C11-F416; the full core displayfor control rods 30-59; 30-55; 50-51; and 30-47 are as shown below; withchanges in indication at the given times.In response to these events and indications; as the Unit 1 Control Room Supervisor; you must direct the crew to enter (1) ; and a reactor scram per LGP-3-2 (2) required.
#92. Given the following initial plant conditions: RPV water level is -195 on Fuel Zone indicators. RPV pressure is 125 psig. Suppression Pool temperature is 197.5F. Suppression Pool level is -12 feet. Suppression Chamber pressure is 2 psig. Drywell pressure is 7 psig.Which one of the following identifies a parameter change that could result in damage toan RHR pump; and the direction to be provided for the use of the A and B RHR pumps?
#93. Which of the following identifies why the Turbine Bypass System is required to beoperable at >25% reactor power?To ensure that the (1) safety limit(s) is/are NOT violated during the (2) transient(s).
#94. You are reviewing the shift manning schedule and identify that two of the fourReactor Operators (RO) scheduled for the next shift have No-solo Operationrestrictions on their license.What action; if any; is required to be taken regarding shift staffing for the next shift?
#95. Unit 1 is in an emergency condition and cannot maintain RPV water level above theBottom of Active Fuel. The on-shift crew has identified an innovative method to restore RPV water levelabove the Top of Active Fuel; however the method has NOT been previouslyreviewed or approved for use.Which of the following is required; at a MINIMUM; to permit implementing the action torestore RPV water level?
#96. What is the relationship between the Station Emergency Director and the performance ofan emergency containment vent per LGA-VQ-02; Emergency Containment Vent?The Station Emergency Director the primary containment.
#97. Which of the following is a non-delegable action of the Shift Emergency Directorfollowing the classification of a Site Area Emergency?
#98. Unit 1 is in a refueling outage. LOP-WR-01; Filling and Venting or Draining of the Reactor Building ClosedCooling Water System was started at the beginning of the current shift to refill aportion of the WR system. Step E.1.3 states:As necessary; OPEN 1WR093; RBCCW Expansion Tank Level Control1WR091 Bypass Valve (01 RB 820 C-11 RB 820′ by RBCCW Tank) tomaintain the expansion tank level between 24 to 42 inches. Step E.1.9 states:If 1WR093; RBCCW Expansion Tank Level Control 1WR091 BypassValve was used to fill expansion tank; CLOSE valve. Valve 1WR093 was NOT manipulated during the filling of the WR system.The Equipment Operator performing the surveillance has requested direction on how toplacekeep steps E.1.3 and E.1.9 based on the given conditions.As the Unit Supervisor; direct the Equipment Operator performing the procedure to . . .
#99. Unit 2 has experienced a LOCA. The Division 1 POST-LOCA monitor is the only monitor available for use. Group 2 PCIS logic failed to actuate. The Shift Manager has requested the current Oxygen levels in the containment.For the given conditions; the Division 1 POST-LOCA monitor must be aligned to samplethe (1) and local action must be taken to (2) of the POST-LOCAmonitor.
#100. Unit 1 is operating at rated conditions. You are the Unit 1 Unit Supervisor responsible for preparing a brief for the returnto service of the 1A TDRFP min flow valve; and have identified that IndependentVerification (IV) will be used when removing the C/O.Per HU-AA-101; Human Performance Tools and Verification Practices; which one of thefollowing correctly states the philosophy to be applied for removal of the C/O cardslocated in the Unit 1 Heater Bay?