Braidwood 2016



#1. Braidwood U-1 is being ramped from 50% to 75% reactor power.During this ramp RCS loop Ts will change from their initial value (in degrees F.) of ____________

#2. Given:- Unit 1 was at 100% power normal alignment.- Subsequently Power Range N-41 failed HIGH.- Currently the RPS bistables for N-41 are in bypass.- The SM has directed the bistables be removed from bypass AND placed in trip to comply with administrative requirements.With the above conditions when N-41 bistables are removed from bypass AND placed in tripped the coincidence logic for Power Range NI RPS actuation will change from __(bypassed)__ to __(tripped) .(bypassed) (tripped)

#3. Given: – Unit 1 is at 99.7% power normal alignment.- The crew has recently established excess letdown flow per BwOP CV-15 EXCESS LETDOWN OPERATIONS.With the above condition which of the chart recorders below indicate the EXPECTED plant response to establishing excess letdown flow?

#4. Given:- The spent fuel pool level is as indicated below.- The crew has recently swapped FC cooling pumps to support maintenance.- The newly started FC cooling pump develops a large leak between the pump and discharge check valve.- Spent Fuel Pool level is dropping and radiation levels at the pool surface are rising.With the above conditions and NO operator action which of the following is the approximate INDICATED water level that the Spent Fuel Pool will stabilize at?

#5. Given:- A Unit 1 xenon free reactor startup is in progress from a maintenance outage at MOL.- The reactor was taken critical by withdrawing control rods.- Reactor power was stable at 10-8 amps in the intermediate range for recording critical data.- The RO then withdraws control rods 10 steps.With the above conditions reactor power will rise…

#6. Given:- Unit 1 is at 100% power normal alignment.- An alarm on the RM-11 indicates 0PR16J SG Blowdown After Filter Outlet Rad Monitor has turned from Green to RED.With the above condition the…

#7. Given:- Unit 1 is at 100% power.- Steam pressure is 1005 psig.- Steam Dump Mode Select switch is in the STEAM PRESSURE mode.- 1PK-507 Steam Header Pressure Controller is set at 6.93 (1039 psig).The following then occurs:- The U1 NSO initiates a load reduction to 50% power.With the above conditions U1 Steam Dumps will…

#8. Given:- U-1 was at 100% power normally aligned.The following events then occur:- A reactor trip occurs.- Bus 144 Auto Bus Transfer fails and the Bus is DE-ENERGIZED.- The crew has cross tied bus 144 to Bus 142 and re-energized bus 144.With the above conditions which of the following PREVIOUSLY RUNNING bus 144 loads will require local operator action at the 4kv breaker to re-start the load?

#9. Given:- U-1 was at 100% power normally aligned.- The 1A SX Pump is OPERATING.The following then occurs:- DC Bus 111 is FAULTED and DE-ENERGIZES.- 15 seconds later the reactor is MANUALLY tripped.- 30 seconds after the reactor trip A LOSS OF OFF SITE (LOOP) power occurs.With the above conditions 40 seconds after the LOOP which (if any) SX pps will be OPERATING?

#10. Given:- Maintenance is performing surveillance testing of fire (smoke) detectors on Unit 1.- One detector has failed to actuate and maintenance has requested to remove the detector from its base so it can be repaired/tested at the EM shop.- Currently all alarms are clear on panel 1PM09J.When the detector is removed which is the alarm the MCR should receive in the associated 1PM09J detection zone?

#11. Given:- Unit 1 is at 100% power normal alignment.- An inadvertent Phase A actuation occurs.With the above conditions the RCP #1 seal leakoff flows are directed to the…

#12. Given:- Unit 1 was at 100% power normal alignment.The following occurs:- Bus 132X faults and is DE-ENERGIZED.- Simultaneously an RCS LOCA occurs causing a Reactor Trip and SI.With NO operator actions WHEN plant parameters meet the applicable low RWST level or low RCS pressure conditions ______________ will FAIL to stroke.

#13. Given:- The Unit 1 RO is re-aligning the 1A RH pump from shutdown cooling to ECCS cold leg injection.- The RO is about to OPEN 1SI8812A PP 1A SUCT FROM RWST ISOL VLV.With the above conditions which of the following is an interlock that must be met to OPEN 1SI8812A?

#14. Given the following sequence of events:- Unit 1 is at 100% power with pressurizer pressure channel 1P-455 in test (bistables tripped).- ALL other equipment is in a normal alignment.- Subsequently pressurizer pressure transmitter 1PT-458 fails low causing a low pressurizer pressure SI.- Five minutes later the crew has transitioned to 1BwEP ES-1.1 SI TERMINATION.- The RO depresses BOTH SI RESET pushbuttons.- The BYPASS – PERMISSIVE LIGHTS silence acknowledge and reset pushbuttons are depressed.With the above conditions which of the following BYPASS – PERMISSIVE LIGHTS will be lit?

#15. Given:- Unit 1 is at 100% power normal alignment. – A slow and steady rise in PRT level has been noted over several hours.- Annunciator 1-12-A7 PRT LEVEL HIGH/LOW has just alarmed.With the above conditions the PRT level will be lowered by

#16. Given:- Braidwood Station is in a dual unit outage.- Both Units are in Mode 4.- The U-0 Component Cooling HX is aligned to Unit 2.- The 1A RH Train is in Shutdown Cooling Mode.- The 2B RH Train is in Shutdown Cooling Mode.- The 1B & 2A RH Trains are aligned for ECCS cold leg injection.The MCR crew desires to raise SX flow to maximize cooldown rate capabilities. With the above conditions throttling OPEN 0SX007 U-0 SX OUTLET FROM CC HX VLV will raise cooldown rate capabilities for…

#17. Given:- Unit 1 is at 50% power normal alignment.- PZR Pressure Control Channel Select switch is in the PT-455/PT-456 position.The following occurs:- 1PK-455A Master PZR Pressure Controller potentiometer setting fails from its normal setting to the equivalent of 3.0. With the above conditions and NO operator action RCS pressure will INITIALLY…

#18. Given:- Unit 1 was at 100% power normal alignment.- Subsequently a loss of DC bus 111 occurs. – The crew initiates a manual reactor trip and enters 1BwEP-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SI. Note: – TSLB-4 is the NIS AND CONTAINMENT TRIP STATUS LIGHTS at 1PM05J.- Position indication lights are the red and green checkerboard lights at 1PM05J.With the above conditions the position of RTA (train A reactor trip breaker) can be obtained locally…

#19. Given:- Unit 1 is at 100% power.- The operating crew is performing 1BwOSR UNIT ONE SSPS REACTOR TRIP BREAKER AND REACTOR TRIP BYPASS BREAKER SURVEILLANCE with the following conditions:- BOTH Reactor Trip Breakers (RTA and RTB) are CLOSED.- 1B Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker (BYB) is RACKED IN and CLOSED.- 1B Input Error Inhibit switch is in INHIBIT.- 1B Mode Selector switch is in TEST.- 1B Multiplexer Test switch is in INHIBIT.- 1A Multiplexer Test switch is in NORMAL.All other systems are normally aligned then:- Pressurizer Pressure drops below the automatic SI setpoint.Based on the above conditions and assuming NO operator actions are taken …

#20. Given:- Unit 1 is at full power.- 1A 1B and 1C RCFCs are running in high speed with the 1D RCFC in standby.- A reactor trip and Safety Injection occur due to high containment pressure.After the SI occurs what is the response of the RCFCs?

#21. Given: – Unit 2 has experienced a reactor trip and SI from full power due to an RCS LOCA.- 2SI8811A CNMT SUMP 2A ISOL VLV failed to automatically open when the appropriate plant conditions exist.- ALL other plant equipment operates as expected.- The crew is currently performing 2BwEP ES-1.3 TRANSFER TO COLD LEG RECIRC Attachment A MANUAL OPERATION OF CONTAINMENT SUMP ISOLATION VALVES.- 2SI8811A was JUST manually opened and the 2A RH Pump and the 2A CS Pump were restarted.- 2CS009A PP 2A SUMP SUCT VLV is CLOSED.- RWST level is 8% and slowly lowering.With the above conditions the crew will ________(1)________ because ________(2)_________.

#22. Given:- Unit 1 is at 50% power normal alignment.- The RO is about to initiate an MSR OOS.- The G1 IN SERVICE poke field was clicked on (see MSR control panel below).When the RO clicks on the OUT poke field in the pop-up window which of the following valves are expected to automatically CLOSE?

#23. Given:- Unit 1 is at 80% power normal alignment.- 1A Main Feedwater Pump is OOS.- 1B Main Feedwater Pump is running.- 1C Main Feedwater Pump just tripped.- U-1 SG levels are 50% and slowly dropping.The NSO immediately closed 1FW012C RECIRC VALVE then attempted to runback the turbine with both the Runback pushbutton and OWS graphic 5512 poke field. However the turbine load does NOT change.With the above conditions the NEXT crew action is to…

#24. Given :- A U-2 plant heatup is in progress per 2BwGP 100-1 PLANT HEATUP.- RCS temperature is 300 F and slowly rising.With the above conditions feed flow should be maintained in the…

#25. Given:- Unit 1 is at full power normal alignment with the following exception:- 1BwOSR 1A DIESEL GENERATOR OPERABILITY SURVEILLANCE is in progress.- The 1A DG is running and supplying bus 141 in parallel with the SATs.The following then occurs:- A Loss Of Offsite Power (LOOP) occurs due to a fault in SAT 142-1 actuating 86ST11A SAT 142-1 Lockout Relay.With the above conditions breaker ACB 1413 DG 1A FEED TO 4KV BUS 141 will _______(1)_______. After the event the 1A DG will be operating in _____(2)____ mode.

#26. Which of the following electrical busses supplies power to the 1TO05P Main Turbine Emergency Oil Pump?

#27. Given:- Unit 1 is at 100% power.- A loss of 4KV Bus 142 has occurred.- The 1B DG did NOT start.- An EO is locally performing 1BwOA ELEC-3 Attachment D LOCAL START OF 1B DG.- When the DC Control Power Available lights are checked they are noted to be NOT LIT.Which of the following DC buses will the EO check that the associated breaker is closed for each indicating light on the 1B DG local control panel?DC POWER ON/BUS # 1 Light DC POWER ON/BUS # 2 Light

#28. Given:- A release of 0WX01T Liquid RadWaste Release Tank is in progress with 0PR01J LIQUID RELEASE EFFLUENT RAD MON in service.The following occurs:- An audible alarm occurs on the RM-11.- The 0PS101 LIQ RADWASTE icon indicates DARK BLUE.- The channel status display indicates a loss of sample flow has occurred.With the above conditions the 0PR01J is in ____(1)_____ failure and the release ___(2)___ AUTOMATICALLY isolate.

#29. Given:- Unit 1 is at 100% power.- 2SX005 Unit 0 CC Heat Exchanger Inlet Valve is de-energized and closed for valve operator replacement.Subsequently:- 1A SX pump trips on overcurrent.- 1B SX pump can NOT be started.- Unit 1 reactor is tripped.- A feedwater isolation occurs.- Both Unit 1 AF pumps have automatically started.Given the conditions above and assuming SX can NOT be restored to Unit 1 within the next 30 minutes which of the following is correct?

#30. Given:- Unit 1 is at 100% power normal alignment.- The U-1 Station Air Compressor is in operation.- The U-1 Instrument Air Dryer is aligned.- Annunciators alarm and the RO notes the following 2 alarms LIT on 0PM01J.- NO other alarms are LIT.- Service air pressure has been stable as indicated below.- Instrument Air pressure has trended down from 108 psig to its current value below. As a result of the above conditions the automatic plant response is…

#31. Given:- Unit 1 is at 100% power normal alignment. Subsequently the following occurs:- A loss of bus 142 followed by a U-1 SI and Phase A isolation.With the above conditions the status of the RCFC WO containment penetrations will be… (consider ISOLATED to mean WO water prevented from flowing OUT of containment from the inlet or outlet header penetrations)

#32. Given:- Unit 1 is at 100% power normal alignment. – The U-1 Boric Acid Storage Tank system is aligned and running on recirculation per BwOP AB-10 RECIRCING A BORIC ACID TANK.- An EO performing field rounds reports the following to the MCR:- The U-1 Boric Acid Filter DP is at maximum (pegged high).- The U-1 Boric Acid system recirculation flow has dropped to ZERO.- 1AB03P Boric Acid Transfer Pump is running but NOT damaged.- In response to the plugged filter the U-1 RO then stops 1AB03P Boric Acid Transfer Pump.With the above conditions and NO further operator actions if Unit 1 requires blended flow make-up to the VCT boric acid flow from 1AB03P…

#33. Given:- Unit 1 is in Mode 5 with the 1A RH train in shutdown cooling mode.- The RO was monitoring RH system performance on the plant process computer (PPC) when the following trends were noted (see below PPC screen shot).With the above conditions which of the following equipment malfunctions caused the noted indications?

#34. Given the following sequence of events:- Unit 1 was at full power normal alignment.- A U-1 SI actuation then occurs.With the above conditions which of the following Group 2 status lights would be the LAST to illuminate?(assume all valves have approximately the same stroke times)

#35. Given:- Unit 1 is at full power normal alignment.An event then occurs and the following indications are noted:- Annunciator 1-2-E4 CC SURGE TANK AUTO-M/U ON alarms and the following SER points print:-1434 VALVE 1CC183 NOT CLOSED-1430 VALVE 1CC182 NOT CLOSED- Annunciator 1-2-A5 CC SURGE TANK LEVEL HIGH/LOW -0417 CC SURGE TANK LEVEL (PUMP 1A SUCT) LOW -2147 CC SURGE TANK LEVEL (PUMP 1B SUCT) LOW- Annunciator 1-2-E3 SX TO CC SURGE TANK TROUBLE alarms and the following SER points print:-0266 SX M/U TO CC SURGE TK VALVE 1CC202A OPEN-0264 SX M/U TO CC SURGE TK VALVE 1CC201A OPEN- NO other annunciators NOR SER points related to the CC system have alarmed OR cleared.- The RO notes CC Surge Tank level is currently STABLE. With the above conditions which of the following is the currently expected CC surge tank level range?

#36. Given:- Unit 1 has had a reactor trip and SI from full power.- The crew is currently performing 1BwEP-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SI step 7.a. Group 2 RCFC Accident Mode status lights – LIT – The RO notes that ONE of the FOUR RCFC Accident Mode status lights is NOT LIT.With the above conditions the single component that failed to realign to accident configuration is a…

#37. Given:- Unit 1 was operating at full power when a near simultaneous loss of an electrical bus and SI occurred- 5 minutes later the RO notes the following indications on 1PM06J.- NO operator actions have been taken since SI actuated.With the above conditions which of the following was the sequence of events that occurred?

#38. Given:- Unit 1 is at 100% power normal alignment.A MCR annunciator alarms on 1PM01J and the RO notes the following indications:Currently with above conditions which of the following malfunctions occurred?

#39. Given:- Unit 1 is at 50% power.- Control Rods are in MANUAL.- All other equipment is in a normal alignment.An event then occurs and the RO notes the below indications on 1LR-0459 PZR Level Recorder.Which of the following failed HIGH would cause the above indications?

#40. While recovering a dropped Group 1 Rod on Control Bank C in accordance with 1BwOA ROD-3 DROPPED OR MISALIGNED ROD annunciator 1-10-C6 ROD CONTROL URGENT FAILURE alarm is EXPECTED from Unit 1 Rod Control Power Cabinet…

#41. Given:- A release of the 0A Gas Decay Tank (GDT) is in progress per BwOP GW-500T1 GAS DECAY TANK RELEASE FORM.- Subsequently the 0B (on line) GDT relief valve fails (sticks) OPEN.- The rise in flow past the 0PR02J GDT EFFLUENT rad monitor causes the skid to exceed the high radiation ALARM setpoint.With the above conditions…

#42. Given:- A fire has occurred in the plant and annunciator 0-37-A4 UNIT 1 AREA FIRE is in alarm.- The RO is reviewing BwAR 0-37-A4 for applicable actions.- It is determined that the fire meets criteria (in applicable fire zone and of sufficient magnitude) for specific actions listed in BwAR 0-37-A4.With the above conditions which of the following describes the actions listed in BwAR 0-37-A4?

#43. Given:- Unit 1 was at 100% power normal alignment.- An event occurred causing a Phase A containment isolation. – Five minutes after the Phase A actuated the RO noted that several of the Phase A isolation valves did NOT close automatically.- After the event recovery the crew is investigating which train of Phase A did NOT auto actuate.- The US suspects that a SSPS master relay failed.Which of the following pairs of valves will the operators use to determine which train of Phase A failed to actuate?(assume only one valve in each pair automatically closed)

#44. Given:- Unit 1 was at 100% power normal alignment.Then the following occurred:

#45. Given:- An event has occurred on Unit 1 causing elevated containment radiation levels.- The crew has entered emergency procedures and is performing mitigation actions in the procedures.- The US assigned the BOP the task of monitoring the RM-11 for Adverse Containment conditions.The BOP will check for containment radiation levels on rad monitor…

#46. Given the following sequence of events: – Unit 1 has experienced a small break RCS LOCA.- RCS pressure is currently 2200 psig and stable.- The crew is performing 1BwEP ES-1.2 POST LOCA COOLDOWN AND DEPRESSURIZATION and is about to initiate an RCS cooldown using steam dumps.As PZR pressure drops during the cooldown which of the following is the MAXIMUM indicated PZR pressure that the NSO can block the Steamline Low Pressure SI signal?

#47. Given the following sequence of events:- Unit 1 has experienced an event resulting in natural circulation conditions.- The crew is currently performing 1BwEP ES-0.2 NATURAL CIRCULATION COOLDOWN.Per 1BwEP ES-0.2 Continuous Action Summary page the crew will verify all ______(1)_______ are running. The bases for this step is to aid in cooling of the ______(2)_______.

#48. Given:- Unit 1 was MANUALLY tripped from 100% power due to lowering SG NR levels.- All equipment operated as designed.- Following the manual reactor trip the 1A SG NR level dropped below the LO-2 setpoint.- The Unit 1 NSO has just depressed the following annunciator push buttons associated with 1PM05J in the following order:1) SILENCE2) ACKNOWLEDGE3) RESET- NO other operator actions have been taken on the 1PM05J panel.- 1A SG NR level continues to remain below the LO-2 setpoint.With the above conditions which one of the following describes the Reactor Trip Annunciator Box status of the following?1-11-A1 MANUAL RX TRIP1-11-A8 S/G 1A LEVEL LO-2 RX TRIP

#49. Which of the following conditions is the OTDT reactor trip designed to protect against?

#50. Given:- Unit 1 was at full power for the past 9 months normal alignment MOL.- An RCS LOCA occurred.- A reactor trip and SI were initiated and all equipment operated as designed. – Plant conditions indicated a small break LOCA.- The crew is currently performing 1BwEP ES-1.2 POST LOCA COOLDOWN AND DEPRESSURIZATION.Adequate shutdown margin must be verified because of which of the following major evolutions in 1BwEP ES-1.2?

#51. Given:- Unit 1 has experienced a Large Break LOCA combined with a Loss of Offsite Power from 100% power.- ALL systems operate as designed.With the above conditions which of the following describes the ORDER that the ECCS pumps will start and provide flow to the RCS?

#52. Given the following sequence of events:- Unit 1 was in Mode 1 normal alignment.- A slave relay malfunction caused 1CC9414 CC FROM RC PUMPS ISOL VLV to CLOSE and it will NOT re-open.With the current CC valve alignment the U-1 RCPs…

#53. In 1BwOA PRI-15 LOSS OF NORMAL CHARGING the operator is directed to check the following indications:- RCP No.1 Seal Leakoff Flow- Charging Pump Flow- Charging Pump Discharge Pressure- Charging Pump AmpsThe reason these parameters are monitored is to determine if there are indications of a…

#54. Given:- Unit 2 is in Mode 5.- All systems are normally aligned.- 2A RH pump is running in the shutdown cooling mode per BwOP RH-6.- 2RH606 2A RH HX OUTLET FCV is throttled 10% open with stable RCS temperature.- 2RH618 2A RH HX BYPASS FCV is in AUTOMATIC.- Pressurizer level is approx. 50% and being MANUALLY raised toward a solid condition.The following occurs:- A 100 gpm leak develops immediately DOWNSTREAM of the 2A RH Heat Exchanger.- Pressurizer level is slowly lowering.Based on the above conditions and assuming NO operator actions 15 minutes later RCS temperature is now (assume decay heat load remains constant)

#55. Given:- Unit 1 is in Mode 3 at NOP/NOT.- Pressurizer pressure control is selected to channel 455/456 in automatic.- PZR pressure channel 1P-457 is in TEST (all required bistables tripped).Subsequently the following occurs:- 1PT-458 fails LOW.- SI ACTUATES and all equipment functions as designed.5 minutes later NO manual operator actions have been taken and the following conditions are noted:- Tave is 555 F and slowly LOWERING.- Pressurizer level is 35% and slowly RISING.- Pressurizer pressure is 2280 psig and slowly RISING.- 1PK-455A MASTER PZR PRESS CONT demand is 50%.With the above conditions PZR Backup Heaters will be ___(1)___ and PZR spray valves will be ___(2)___.

#56. RCS over pressurization is the PRIMARY concern during a/an ______(1)_______ event and prompt operator mitigation actions may prevent RCS pressure from exceeding the TECH SPEC RCS PRESSURE SAFETY LIMIT of ___(2)___.

#57. Given: – A SGTR event occurred on Unit 1.- Currently the crew is performing 1BwEP-3 STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE at step 6 Initiate RCS Cooldown. – ALL INTACT SG NR levels are at 50% and stable with AF isolated prior to the RCS cooldown.- The crew is about to re-initiate AF flow to the intact SGs and then commence an RCS cooldown at maximum rate with the steam dumps.With the above conditions regarding the INTACT SGs how will the operator actions affect the INITIAL indicated SG NR level?(Consider each action separately)1. A rapid addition of AF flow will cause SG NR level to ____(1)____.2. Rapidly opening the steam dumps will cause SG NR level to ____(2)____.

#58. Given:- Unit 1 plant startup was in progress.- A main steamline break then occurred.- The crew has implemented 1BwFR-P.1 RESPONSE TO IMMINENT PRESSURIZED THERMAL SHOCK CONDITION. – During performance of 1BwFR-P.1 conditions requiring a RCS temperature soak were identified.In accordance with 1BwFR-P.1 the temperature soak specifies that…

#59. Given:- Unit 1 is experiencing a loss of heat sink condition with the following plant conditions:- ALL SG WR levels are 50%.- RCS pressure is 2200 psig.- Containment pressure is 1.4 psig.- The crew is performing 1BwFR-H.1 RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK at step 4 attempting to re-establish AF flow.With the above conditions which one of the following conditions would require the crew to IMMEDIATELY initiate Bleed and Feed?(consider each choice separately)

#60. Given:- Unit 1 has experienced an extended Loss of All AC Power.- The crew is performing 1BwCA-0.0 LOSS OF ALL AC POWER Attachment B step 10 DEPRESSURIZE ALL INTACT SGs TO 260 PSIG.With the above conditions which of the following is the basis for depressurizing the SGs?

#61. Given:- Unit 1 was at 100% power normal alignment.Subsequently:- A SAT fault results in a loss of offsite power.- All equipment operates as designed.Given the above conditions with NO operator action over the next 30 minutes SG level will…

#62. Given:- Unit 2 was at full power normal alignment.The following sequence of events then occurred:- A loss of BOTH U-2 SX pumps occurred last shift.- The crew SHUTDOWN and ISOLATED the 2A and 2C RCFC trains and cross tied the U-1 and U-2 SX systems.- Per 2BwOA PRI-8 ESSENTIAL SERVICE WATER MALFUNCTION the RO is monitoring containment temperatures by performing 2BwOSR 0.1-123 SHIFTLY DAILY OPERATING SURV.The NSO observes the following RCFC temperature indications on 2PM06J:- 2A INLET TEMP – 109 F- 2A OUTLET TEMP – 82 F- 2C INLET TEMP – 107 F- 2C OUTLET TEMP – 78 F- 2B INLET TEMP – 100 F- 2B OUTLET TEMP – 75 F- 2D INLET TEMP – 102 F- 2D OUTLET TEMP – 75 FWith the above indications which of the following is the containment average air temperature that must be recorded for Tech. Spec. 3.6.5. CONTAINMENT AIR TEMPERATURE surveillance requirement?

#63. Given the following sequence of events:- Unit 1 was at 100% power.- ESF bus 142 is de-energized due to a bus fault.Subsequently:- A Manual reactor trip and SI occurred due to a pressurizer safety valve stuck partially open.- The MCR receives a report that a large amount of water is leaking in the U-1 containment penetration area.- The crew transitions to 1BwCA-1.2 LOCA OUTSIDE CONTAINMENT with ALL 1A train ECCS pumps still operating.The following indications are CURRENTLY noted on 1PM05J/6J:- RCS wide range pressure is 1700 psig and stable.- 1A RH discharge flow is 0 gpm.- 1A SI pump discharge flow is 200 gpm.- High Head SI flow is 300 gpm.The leak can be reduced by closing…(assume the leak is ALL RWST water)

#64. Given:- An RCS LOCA occurred on Unit 1.- 1SI8811A/B CNMT SUMP ISOL VLVs are CLOSED and CANNOT be opened.- 1BwCA-1.1 LOSS OF EMERGENCY COOLANT RECIRCULATION was entered.- Minimum ECCS flow to remove decay heat has been established per 1BwCA-1.1. With the above conditions 1BwCA-1.1 requires that the NSO maintain a MINIMUM primary plant inventory of…

#65. Given:- Unit 1 at 100% power in a normal alignment. – 1VI-MP006 MAIN GENERATOR 1 OUTPUT VARS indicates 200 MVARS out.Subsequently:- A grid disturbance results in grid voltage DROPPING.- TSO reports NO switchyard lines were lost and total grid reactive load did NOT change.In response to this event Unit 1 MVARS out

#66. Given:- Unit 1 reactor power is 65% and stable.- Main Generator load is 800 MW and stable.- 1C zone Main Condenser pressure is 1.6 inches HgA and stable.The following occurs:- 1100: A Condenser air leak develops in the 1C zone causing Main Condenser pressure to RISE at a constant rate of 0.2 inches HgA/minute. – 1109: A ramp down at 10 MW/minute is commenced in an attempt to stabilize condenser pressure. – Field activities are ongoing to find and isolate the condenser air leak.- The RO is directed to monitor current parameters and keep the crew informed before reaching reactor trip criteria.With the above conditions which of the following is the closest approximate time that the unit will first reach the unacceptable region of Figure 1BwOA SEC-3-1?(assume the Load DROP rate remains constant and the rate of Main Condenser pressure RISE remains constant throughout the event)

#67. Given:- Unit 1 is performing an INITIAL power ascension following a refueling outage.- Current reactor power level is 50% and slowly rising.With the above conditions Rod Control will be maintained in…

#68. Given:- Unit 1 is at 100% power normal alignment.- Maintenance is performing 4 KV and 6.9 KV breaker cubicle inspections.- The inspections require each breaker to be racked out inspected/cleaned and then racked back in. Which one of the following normally open breakers would require an LCO 3.8.1 AC SOURCES OPERATING entry during the inspection?

#69. Given:- Unit 1 is preparing for a reactor startup following a refueling outage.- An NSO has been assigned the task of performing low power physics testing.Prior to performing the low power physics test the minimum required briefing level for this task is a…

#70. Given the following plant conditions on Unit 1:- Plant conditions have been stable for the past 15 minutes.- Loop 1A TAVE is 572.0 F.- Loop 1B TAVE is 570.0 F.- Loop 1C TAVE is 570.0 F.- Loop 1D TAVE is 568.0 F.- TREF is 570.0 F.- The Rod Bank Select Switch is in MANUAL.If the Rod Bank Select Switch is placed in AUTO the control rods would initially …

#71. Given the following plant conditions on Unit 1:- An audible alarm on the RM-11 is received.- The RO notes the below indications.Which of the following plant evolutions (based on plant location) would be most likely to cause the alarm?(Analyze each evolution separately and assume each evolution causes local radiation levels to rise above the alert setpoint on the nearest area detector on the same elevation)

#72. Given:- Both units are at full power normal alignment.- The 0A VC train is in normal operation per BwOP VC-1 STARTUP OF CONTROL ROOM HVAC SYSTEM.- The 0B VC train is in standby.The following then occurs:- An event that has the potential for an accidental radioactive release in the Unit 2 Turbine Building trackway is reported to the MCR.- The US directs an RO to monitor control room intake air for elevated radiation trends.- The RO notes all MCR rad monitor icons on the RM-11 GRID 2 PROCESS AIR MONITORS are currently GREEN.With the above conditions to monitor control room intake air on the RM-11 the RO will trend the…

#73. Given:- The unit 1 RO is responding to a reactor trip.- 1BwEP-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION step 1 has just been completed by the RO.With the above conditions which of the following tasks would take precedent over continuing the Immediate Actions of 1BwEP-0?

#74. Given:- Unit 1 was at full power normal alignment.- A condition occurs requiring a reactor trip when an automatic reactor trip fails to happen.- The RO was NOT able to trip the reactor from either of the main control room reactor trip switches.- The Unit 1 main turbine was tripped.- Control rods are in automatic and stepping in at 24 steps per minute.- Current reactor power is 75% and slowly dropping.With the above conditions and in accordance with 1BwFR-S-1 RESPONSE TO NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION/ATWS the RO will…

#75. The Braidwood Emergency Procedures are organized into two complimentary categories. These include EVENT based responses of ____(1)____ and Fission Product Barrier based responses of ____(2)____.

#76. Operating within Tech Spec limiting conditions for operations (LCOs) ensures that during a steam generator tube rupture the dose limits of 10 CFR 50.67 are NOT exceeded. These limits are (1) rem TEDE for an individual at the boundary of the exclusion area for 2 hours OR (2) rem TEDE for an individual in the Main Control Room for the duration of the event.

#77. Given: – Unit-1 was shutdown 5 DAYS AGO and is currently in Mode 6.- Fuel moves are in progress inside containment.- A fuel handing malfunction results in slightly elevated radiation levels in containment.With the above conditions the 1AR011/012J Containment Fuel Handling Incident Radiation Monitors actuation function __(1)__ required to be OPERABLE per Tech Specs because __________(2)___________.

#78. Given:- Unit 1 is at full power normal alignment.- 1BwOS MS-Q1 MAIN STEAM DUMP VALVE STROKE SURVEILLANCE is in progress.- During the stroke test of 1MS004C Steam Dump Valve the valve stuck OPEN and would not re-close.- The US directed the crew to MAINTAIN 1MS003C Steam Dump Valve Upsteam Manual Isolation Valve CLOSED and complete the surveillance for all the other steam dump valves.- 1BwOS MS-Q1 has been completed (with 1MS003C left CLOSED) and it was noted the acceptance criteria was not met for 1MS004C.Currently with 1MS003C closed the 1MS004C will be unavailable to respond as expected to a steam dump demand signal of ___(1)___ and the US will track the position of 1MS003C in the __________(2)___________.

#79. Given:- An inadequate core cooling event is in progress on Unit 1.- The crew is performing 1BwFR-C.1 RESPONSE TO INADEQUATE CORE COOLING.- At step 3 CHECK RCP SUPPORT CONDITIONS support conditions were NOT established due to NO CC flow to the RCPs and high bearing temperatures.- Continued attempts to re-establish RCP support conditions have been UNSUCCESSFUL so far.- Currently the crew is at step 16 CHECK IF RCPs SHOULD BE STARTED.- ALL RCPs are shutdown and available. – CETCs are 1235 F and slowly rising.- Containment is ADVERSE.- SG NR Levels are as follows:1A 18 21 24 28% With the above conditions the NEXT action the US will direct the crew to perform is…

#80. Given:- A SGTR is in progress on Unit 1.- The crew is performing 1BwEP-3 STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE step 16 Depressurize RCS to Minimize Break Flow and Refill PZR.- The crew opens BOTH pressurizer spray valves BUT one spray valve will only open to an INTERMEDIATE position (will NOT fully open).Current plant conditions are:- Containment Pressure is 0.3 psig and STABLE.- Ruptured SG pressure is 1115 psig and STABLE.- RCS pressure is 2000 psig and DROPPING at 50 psig/min.- Pressurizer level is 10% and RISING at 10%/min.(assume parameter trends remain constant)With the above conditions the PZR spray flow is ___(1)___ and the SRO will direct the crew to __________(2)___________.

#81. Given:- Unit 1 was at 100% power normal alignment.- The 1A SG FAULTED INSIDE containment.- The crew tripped the reactor actuated SI and entered the appropriate emergency procedures.- Currently the crew is performing 1BwEP-2 FAULTED SG ISOLATION at step 1 Check Main Steamline Isolation.- ALL MSIVs are CLOSED.- An audible alarm is then noted on the RM-11. (see below indication)- Channel 4AA122 is reading 3.35 E-01 mr/hr.- Channel 4AD422 is reading 2.49 E+01 mr/hr.With the above conditions _______(1)_______ and the procedural flowpath going forward will be __________(2)___________.

#82. Given the following plant conditions on BOTH Units:- 1PR030J AND 2PR030J Unit 1 AND Unit 2 Wide Range Gas Monitors are INOPERABLE.- 0VA019 and 0VA020 Unit 1 AND Unit 2 Vent Stack Effluent Flow Monitors are UNAVAILABLE.- 0VA01JA AND 0VA01JC Flow Indicators are INOPERABLE.- 0VA01CA Aux Building Supply Fan 0A is RUNNING.- 0VA02CA Aux Building Exhaust Fan 0A is RUNNING.- ALL other Aux Building Supply and Exhaust Fans are STOPPED.- 0VL02CA Lab Exhaust Fan 0A is RUNNING.- 0VW03CA Service Building and Solid Radwaste Fan 0A is RUNNING.- 0VF01CA Aux Building Filtered Vent Fan 0A is RUNNING.- 1PB128 Unit 1 Vent Stack Effluent Low Range Gas is 5.0 E-07 microCi/cc.- 1PD428 Unit 1 Vent Stack Effluent High Range Gas is 4.5 E-03 microCi/cc..- 2PB128 Unit 2 Vent Stack Effluent Low Range Gas is 4.15 E-07 microCi/cc- 2PD428 Unit 2 Vent Stack Effluent High Range Gas is 9.5 E-04 microCi/cc.Based on the above conditions the station TOTAL release rate is…

#83. The Tech Spec limits for the amount of stored diesel fuel oil that is required to be maintained on site is based upon having sufficient supply for each diesel generator to supply…Note: LOCA – Loss of Coolant AccidentLOOP – Loss of Off Site Power

#84. Given:- Unit 1 is in Mode 2 reactor start-up in progress.- As the RO is inserting control rods to level power ONE CBD rod sticks and will NOT insert.- The misaligned rod is 13 steps above its group demand.- The crew enters 1BwOA ROD-3 DROPPED OR MISALIGNED ROD.With the above conditions the SRO will direct the crew to ________(1)_______ and then ________(2)_______.

#85. Given:- Unit 2 is at full power normal alignment.- A rising trend in 2PR027J SJAE Radiation Monitor is detected.- The crew enters 2BwOA SEC-8 STEAM GENERATOR TUBE LEAK.- The SRO is attempting to determine the leak size and the affected SG to evaluate for Tech Spec entry conditions.- At step 4 Identify Leaking SG the 2AR022J/023J Main Steamline Radiation Monitors indicate NO discernable rise in radiation levels on any channel.With the above conditions an alternate method to evaluate WHICH SG is leaking is to ________(1)_______.If Tech Spec entry conditions are met the bases for MAXIMUM allowable Primary to Secondary leak rate is ________(2)_______.

#86. Given:- Unit 1 was at full power normal alignment.- An event occurred requiring Main Control Room evacuation.- The crew entered 1BwOA PRI-5 CONTROL ROOM INACCESSIBILITY.- The reactor is tripped.- TWO control rods did NOT fully insert after the reactor trip.- ALL other equipment operated as expected.- The crew initiates boration from the MCR in accordance with 1BwOA PRI-5.- When the Remote Shutdown Panel is activated the following indications are noted. (assume the conditions are constant)- The SRO has decided to use guidance in 1BwEP ES-0.1 REACTOR TRIP OR SI for emergency boration.With the above conditions the emergency boration will first MEET the MINIMUM requirements of 1BwEP ES-0.1 for the stuck control rods in…(assume total boration time)

#87. Given:An event occurs on Unit 1 and the STA monitoring status trees notes the following indications:- CETCs are 650 F.- RCS pressure is 2100 psig.With the above conditions the result of the Core Cooling status tree will be a(n) ____(1)_____ path and the bases for Reactor Core Safety Limits (Tech Spec 2.1.1) NOT being exceeded AT POWER is by maintaining an adequate__(2)__.

#88. Given:- Unit 1 is at full power normal alignment.The following occurs:- Annunciator 1-7-E4 RCP THERM BARR CC WTR FLOW HIGH LOW alarms.- The RO verifies proper automatic actions HAVE occurred per the BwAR.- The crew enters 1BwOA PRI-6 COMPONENT COOLING MALFUNCTION and determines that ONE RCP has a thermal barrier leak.With the above conditions and NO OTHER operator actions the leak is ____(1)_____.IF the Shift Manager then directs the crew to restore CC flow to the UNAFFECTED RCPs per 1BwOA PRI-6 the administrative requirement the SRO must complete is ____(2)_____.

#89. Given:- Unit 1 was at full power normal alignment.The following occurs:- The 1A SG PORV fails OPEN and CANNOT be closed.- The crew trips the reactor and attempts to main steam isolate but NO MSIVs will close.- An EO locally CLOSES the 1MS019A 1A SG PORV Block Valve.With the above conditions concerning the OPERABILITY status of the 1A SG PORV and the BASES for the status the 1A SG PORV is…

#90. Given:- Unit 1 was ramping up from 80% to full power.- ALL systems were normally aligned- The NSO was performing intermittent MANUAL rod withdrawals per the reactivity plan.The following occurs:- Instrument bus 113 faults and is de-energized.- The RO notes annunciator 1-10-B5 PWR RNG FLUX HIGH ROD STOP is in alarm.With the above conditions MANUAL control rod withdrawal is ___(1)____ and the procedure steps the crew will perform to clear the annunciator 1-10-B5 alarm are in ____(2)_____.

#91. Given:- Unit 1 was at full power normal alignment.The following occurs:- DC bus 113 faults and is de-energized.- The crew manually trips the reactor. – 30 seconds later an EO locally trips the PMG output breaker.- All equipment operates as expected.With the above conditions and NO additional operator actions one minute AFTER the reactor trip ___(1)____ MCR annunciators will be UNAVAILABLE and after 15 minutes ___(2)____ EAL condition is applicable.

#92. Given:- Unit 1 is at 50% power.Subsequently:- 1IA066 IA Inside CNMT Isol Valve fails and slowly closes.- The crew enters 1BwOA SEC-4 LOSS OF INSTRUMENT AIR.- 1CV121 CV Pump Flow Control Valve controller was taken to manual and throttled to reduce charging flow to 40 gpm.- PZR pressure is 2275 psig and slowly rising.- PZR level is 45% and slowly rising.- VCT level is 50% and lowering.Given the above conditions per 1BwOA SEC-4 which of the following would require an IMMEDIATE reactor trip?

#93. Given:- A LOCA has occurred on Unit 1.During the initial performance of 1BwEP-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION at step 15 the following plant conditions are noted:- Containment pressure is 6 psig and rising.- CETCs indicate 720 F.- RCS pressure is 1750 psig and stable.- S/G pressures are 1175 psig.- Both AF pumps failed to start and CANNOT be manually started.- S/G levels (NR): 1A S/G 25% 1B S/G 24% 1C S/G 26% 1D S/G 30sed on the above conditions the NEXT procedure the US will transition to is…

#94. Given:- Unit 1 was operating at 100% power normal alignment for the past 6 months.- 30 minutes ago a feedwater malfunction caused the crew to perform a CD/FW RUNBACK from 100% power. With the above condition which of the following LCO/TRM surveillance frequencies specifically require an additional performance of the surveillance because of the unit ramp?(Assume all required pre-transient surveillances were completed within the 12 hours preceding the ramp)

#95. Given below are 4 different evolutions of MOVING spent fuel:(1) Moving RECENTLY Irradiated Spent Fuel in the REACTOR VESSEL.(2) Moving RECENTLY Irradiated Spent Fuel in the SPENT FUEL POOL.(3) Moving IRRADIATED Spent Fuel in the REACTOR VESSEL.(4) Moving IRRADIATED Spent Fuel in the SPENT FUEL POOL.Which of the following list the evolutions that REQUIRE a Licensed Supervisor with an active SRO License to be present?

#96. Given:- Unit 1 is at full power normal alignment.The following sequence of events then occur on 1/1/16:- At 1200: Bus 141 is declared INOPERABLE for an emergent maintenance issue.- LCO 3.8.9 Distribution Systems Cond. A is entered with an 8 hour completion time to restore the bus to operable.- At 1800: The rounds EO discovers an UNISOLABLE SX leak (ASME code piping thru wall leak) in the 1A SI pump room. NO other equipment is affected by the leak.- LCO 3.7.8 SX System Cond. A is entered with an 72 hour completion time to repair SX to the 1A SI pump.- At 1900: Bus 141 repairs are complete and the bus is declared operable.- LCO 3.8.9 is exited.Currently the SRO is evaluating 1BwOL 3.5.2 LOCAR ECCS-OPERATING entry for the 1A SI pump.With the above conditions LCO 3.5.2 entry is REQUIRED NO later than…

#97. Given:- Unit 1 Main Turbine was just runback from 100% power due to a secondary pump trip.- The crew is performing 1BwOA SEC-1 SECONDARY PUMP TRIP.- Annunciator 1-10-A6 ROD BANK LO-2 INSERTION LIMIT is LIT.- Annunciator 1-10-B6 ROD BANK LOW INSERTION LIMIT is LIT.- 1BwOSR SDM SURVEILLANCE DURING OPERATIONS resulted in 1200 pcm available shutdown reactivity.Note: procedure names given for reference.- 1BwOA PRI-2 EMERGENCY BORATION- BwOP CV-6 OPERATION OF THE REACTOR MAKEUP SYSTEM IN THE BORATE MODE/BATCH BORATION METHODWith the above conditions in accordance with 1BwOA SEC-1 the US will direct the crew to borate the RCS per…

#98. Given:- A Unit 2 containment release is pending. – The SRO is filling out RP-BR-980 CONTAINMENT RELEASE FORM and evaluating whether to approve the release with the current exhaust fan configuration.Currently the RUNNING Aux Bldg Vent Stacks exhaust fans are:- 0VA02CA VA EXH FAN 0A TRN 0A- 0VF01CA FILTERED TANK VENTS EXH FAN- 0VL02CA LAB HVAC FUME HOOD EXH FAN 0A- 0VW03CA RADWASTE BLDG EXH FAN 0A- ALL other Aux Bldg Vent Stacks exhaust fans and charcoal booster fans are shutdown.With the above condition which one of the following fan trips would REQUIRE the SRO to NOT APPROVE the Unit 2 Containment Release?(Consider each choice separately and do NOT assume ANY standby fans are started.)

#99. Given:- An RCS LOCA occurred on Unit 1.- The crew has implemented 1BwCA-1.2 LOCA OUTSIDE CONTAINMENT.- Containment Floor Water Level is 0 inches.- RWST level is 50% and slowly lowering.- After completing the actions of 1BwCA-1.2 RCS pressure is still lowering.Based on the above conditions the NEXT procedure the Unit Supervisor will implement is

#100. Given:- A security event has been declared at Braidwood Station.- The crew has entered 0BwOA SECURITY-1 SECURITY THREAT.- The event has resulted in an explosion with a breach of containment integrity.Which of the following documents will be used to provide a framework for the Operations and Security Personnel interface?
