#1. Unit 1 is at 100% power. 1RY455A, PZR PORV, fails OPEN and CANNOT be closed.While monitoring PZR and PRT parameters, POSITIVE indication that the PRT rupture disk has just relieved, would be 1TI-463, PORV TEMP, (1) _ and 1TI-468, PRT TEMP, (2) _.
#2. An RCS LOCA has occurred on Unit 1. The crew entered 1BwEP-0 “REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION.” RCS pressure is 1400 psig. BOTH SI pumps could NOT be started. High head SI flow (1FI-917) is 300 gpm.(1) RCPs will be …(2) What is the reason for this action?
#3. Unit 1 has experienced an RCS LOCA combined with a Loss of Offsite Power from 100% power. RCS pressure is 100 psig.Which of the following is the ORDER that the ECCS pumps will start and provide flow to the RCS?
#4. Unit 1 is at 26% power. Steam Dumps are in the TAVE mode. Main Turbine load is 252 Mw. IMPULSE PRESS OUT and MW OUT are selected on DEH Operation Panel Graphic 5501. Rod Bank Select Switch is in MANUAL. The 1C RCP TRIPS.A Reactor Trip DOES NOT occur, and NO operator actions are taken.(1) Steady state to steady state, total RCS LOOP FLOW will lower…(2) STEAM FLOW in the UNAFFECTED loops will…
#5. Unit 2 is at 100% power. An electrical fault has caused 2CV8324A, CHG TO REGEN HX 2A ISOL VLV, to close.No additional operator actions are taken.2BwEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION UNIT 2, will be entered due to a reactor trip from…
#6. Unit 2 is in MODE 5.2BwGP 100-1, PLANT HEATUP, is in progress. RCS temperature is 100 F. Pressurizer Level is 50%. The 2A RH train is in shutdown cooling. The 2B RH train is in STANDBY. The 2A RH pump amps are fluctuating between 50 to 60 amps. The 2A RH pump flow is fluctuating between 4500 to 5000 gpm.The crew will (1) _, and (2) _ to correct the issue.
#7. Unit 1 is at 100% power. The crew has entered 1BwOA PRI-6, COMPONENT COOLING MALFUNCTION UNIT 1, and is performing Attachment B, ABNORMAL CC SURGE TANK LEVEL. The field supervisor has reported a 2 gpm leak in the 1A CC Pump discharge piping. Unit 1 CC surge tank level is 52% and slowly lowering.The NEXT, AUTOMATIC CC surge tank makeup will initiate when CC surge tank level indicates _ (1) _ from (2) _.
#8. Unit 2 is at 100% power. The PZR PRESS CONT CH SELECT switch at 2PM05J is in the CH-455/456 position. 2PT-455, PZR PRESS failed to 2450 psig.The RO will…
#9. Unit 1 was at 100% reactor power.A Steamline break inside containment caused a SGTR in the 1D S/G. The 1A and 1C RCPs tripped on overcurrent after the main generator tripped. The 1B and 1D RCPs were tripped by the crew on low RCS pressure. The crew has transitioned to 1BwCA-3.1, SGTR WITH LOSS OF REACTOR COOLANT -SUBCOOLED RECOVERY DESIRED UNIT 1. The crew is performing step 24, CHECK RCP STATUS. RCS cold leg temperatures are 420 F and slowly lowering. RVLIS head/plenum levels are 31%/100%. When ALL conditions have been met to start an RCP, the crew will initially start the 1B RCP, rather than the 1D RCP, to…
#10. Unit 1 is at 100% power. The following annunciators have just alarmed: 1-1-A2, CNMT DRAIN LEAK DETECT FLOW HIGH 1-10-E4, OVATION SYSTEM TROUBLE 1-10-E5, OVATION ALTERNATE ACTIONThe RO reviews OWS graphic 6040, FW OVERVIEW, and notes the following:The crew will…1. Reduce Unit 1 Turbine Loading2. Trip Unit 1 Reactor3. Initiate Safety Injection4. Actuate Main Steamline Isolation
#11. Unit 1 has experienced an extended Loss of All AC Power. The crew is performing 1BwCA-0.0, LOSS OF ALL AC POWER, Attachment B, EXTENDED LOSS OF ALL AC POWER RESPONSE. Step 10, DEPRESSURIZE ALL INTACT SGs TO 260 PSIG, is in progress.What mitigation strategy is met by depressurizing the SGs?
#12. Unit 1 is at 100% power. Unit 2 is at 13% reactor power with a unit start up in progress. U-2 Main Generator preps for synchronization are in progress.A Unit 2 SAT fault results in a loss of off-site power on Unit 2. 2BwEP ES-0.1, REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE UNIT 2, is in progress to crosstie Non-ESF buses to ESF buses.For Unit 2, the most time critical reason for re-energizing a Non-ESF bus is to…
#13. Unit 1 is at 100% power. Annunciator 1-22-E10, 125 VDC BUS 112/114 VOLT LOW, alarm is FAST FLASHING.The following indications are noted:DC BUS (1) _ was lost and ACB 1421, BUS TIE 142/144 (2) _ capable of being closed from the MCR, assuming all applicable interlocks are satisfied.
#14. BOTH Units are at 100% power. A loss of ALL AC occurs on Unit 1. A loss of off site power occurs on Unit 2. The 2B SX pump tripped on overcurrent. Unit 2 has implemented 2BwCA-0.3, RESPONSE TO OPPOSITE UNIT LOSS OF ALL AC POWER. Unit 1 has implemented 1BwCA-0.0, LOSS OF ALL AC POWER, and a limited cross-tie has been established with Unit 2. Operators are preparing to perform 1BwCA-0.0 Attachment C, ALTERNATE SX COOLING.Per Attachment C of 1BwCA-0.0, the DE-ENERGIZED RCFC trains on BOTH units must be locally ISOLATED to
#15. Unit 1 is at 100% power. Normal charging is aligned to the 1B RC loop. 1A Regenerative HX is in service.A malfunction results in isolation of Instrument Air to Unit 1 Containment.Annunciator 1-7-A2, RCP SEAL WTR INJ FLTR P HIGH, is in alarm due to the position of
#16. Unit 1 is at 100% power. A grid disturbance has lowered ESF bus 141 & 142 voltage to 3850 volts.With NO operator action and constant bus voltage, the ESF buses will de-energize (1) _and reactor power will (2) _ over the following 10 minutes.
#17. Both Units are at 100% power.A large earthquake has occurred near Wilmington, IL. An RCS LOCA has occurred on BOTH UNITS. UNIT 1 CNMT pressure is 8.1 psig and slowly lowering. UNIT 2 CNMT pressure is 5.3 psig and slowly lowering.Falling debris has caused a loss of emergency coolant recirculation on BOTH UNITS. The crew has entered 1BwCA-1.1 and 2BwCA-1.1, LOSS OF EMERGENCY COOLANT RECIRCULATION. Step 10, CHECK INTACT SG LEVELS, is in progress on BOTH UNITS. All SG NR levels are 9% and slowly rising on BOTH UNITS.The crew is required to maintain a minimum AF flowrate, until at least ONE SG NR level indicates GREATER than a MINIMUM of (1) _ on UNIT 1 and (2) _ on UNIT 2.
#18. A reactor trip and SI have occurred from full power on Unit 1. The minimum AF flowrate CANNOT be established to the S/Gs. The crew entered 1BwFR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK. RCS pressure stabilized, at 100 psig, 2 minutes after the reactor trip. ALL S/G pressures are 900 psig and stable.Currently, secondary heat sink restoration is (1) _, because (2) _.
#19. Unit 1 is conducting a startup following a refueling outage.1BwGP 100-3, POWER ASCENSION 5% TO 100 %, is in progress. Unit 1 reactor power is 2.3%. The Unit 1 NSO is raising power by withdrawing control rods.A malfunction in the IN-HOLD-OUT switch causes the outward demand signal for control rods to remain locked in. The Unit 1 NSO performs 1BwPR 1-10-RD, ROD CONTROL MALFUNCTION PROMPT RESPONSE. The Unit 1 reactor does not trip and the crew enters 1BwFR-S.1, RESPONSE TO NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION/ATWS UNIT 1. The Unit 1 SRO has ordered the BOP to perform step 4, INITIATE EMERGENCY BORATION OF THE RCS.Which BORIC ACID XFER PP switch position shows the maximum concentration boric acid flow being delivered, via 1CV8104, EMER BORATION VALVE, after the completion of step 4?1) 2) 3) 4)
#20. Unit 2 was at 100% power.A reactor trip has occurred, due to the trip of the 2A RCP, with the following indications: The NSO noted DRPI for control rods H-8 and M-4 indicate 192 steps with all other rod bottom lights lit. All RCS cold leg temperatures are 555 F and stable.The Crew performed all immediate actions of 2BwEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION UNIT 2, and transitioned to 2BwEP ES-0.1, REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE UNIT 2. Step 2, CHECK SHUTDOWN REACTIVITY STATUS, is in progress. The SRO has directed the Unit 2 NSO to emergency borate.Emergency boration was directed to…
#21. Which of the following Process Radiation Monitors has an INTERLOCK FUNCTION designed to prevent an accidental offsite LIQUID radwaste release?
#22. Area Radiation Monitors 1AR20/21, HI RANGE CONTAINMENT RADIATION MONITORS, are utilized during accident conditions, because 1AR20/21 contain…
#23. There has been a fire verified in Fire Zone 3.3C-1, 1D-45/1D-46, UNIT 1 UPPER CABLE SPREADING ROOM. (1) The Per BwAP 1100-16, FIRE/HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPILL AND/OR INJURY RESPONSE, the NSO will announce the location of the fire (2) Which instrument will be treated as suspect for Steam Generator Pressure, under these conditions?
#24. Both Units are at 100% power.A fire occurs and the main control room (MCR) requires IMMEDIATE evacuation per 1BwOA PRI-5, CONTROL ROOM INACCESSIBILITY UNIT 1.(1) Prior to leaving the MCR the reactor trip _ be verified.(2) Pressurizer LEVEL indication at the remote shutdown panel (shown below) …
Question #24 was deleted post-exam based upon the results of an Operator Licensing program office review.