Braidwood 2019



#1. Unit 1 is at 100% power. 1RY455A, PZR PORV, fails OPEN and CANNOT be closed.While monitoring PZR and PRT parameters, POSITIVE indication that the PRT rupture disk has just relieved, would be 1TI-463, PORV TEMP, (1) _ and 1TI-468, PRT TEMP, (2) _.

#2. An RCS LOCA has occurred on Unit 1. The crew entered 1BwEP-0 “REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION.” RCS pressure is 1400 psig. BOTH SI pumps could NOT be started. High head SI flow (1FI-917) is 300 gpm.(1) RCPs will be …(2) What is the reason for this action?

#3. Unit 1 has experienced an RCS LOCA combined with a Loss of Offsite Power from 100% power. RCS pressure is 100 psig.Which of the following is the ORDER that the ECCS pumps will start and provide flow to the RCS?

#4. Unit 1 is at 26% power. Steam Dumps are in the TAVE mode. Main Turbine load is 252 Mw. IMPULSE PRESS OUT and MW OUT are selected on DEH Operation Panel Graphic 5501. Rod Bank Select Switch is in MANUAL. The 1C RCP TRIPS.A Reactor Trip DOES NOT occur, and NO operator actions are taken.(1) Steady state to steady state, total RCS LOOP FLOW will lower…(2) STEAM FLOW in the UNAFFECTED loops will…

#5. Unit 2 is at 100% power. An electrical fault has caused 2CV8324A, CHG TO REGEN HX 2A ISOL VLV, to close.No additional operator actions are taken.2BwEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION UNIT 2, will be entered due to a reactor trip from…

#6. Unit 2 is in MODE 5.2BwGP 100-1, PLANT HEATUP, is in progress. RCS temperature is 100 F. Pressurizer Level is 50%. The 2A RH train is in shutdown cooling. The 2B RH train is in STANDBY. The 2A RH pump amps are fluctuating between 50 to 60 amps. The 2A RH pump flow is fluctuating between 4500 to 5000 gpm.The crew will (1) _, and (2) _ to correct the issue.

#7. Unit 1 is at 100% power. The crew has entered 1BwOA PRI-6, COMPONENT COOLING MALFUNCTION UNIT 1, and is performing Attachment B, ABNORMAL CC SURGE TANK LEVEL. The field supervisor has reported a 2 gpm leak in the 1A CC Pump discharge piping. Unit 1 CC surge tank level is 52% and slowly lowering.The NEXT, AUTOMATIC CC surge tank makeup will initiate when CC surge tank level indicates _ (1) _ from (2) _.

#8. Unit 2 is at 100% power. The PZR PRESS CONT CH SELECT switch at 2PM05J is in the CH-455/456 position. 2PT-455, PZR PRESS failed to 2450 psig.The RO will…

#9. Unit 1 was at 100% reactor power.A Steamline break inside containment caused a SGTR in the 1D S/G. The 1A and 1C RCPs tripped on overcurrent after the main generator tripped. The 1B and 1D RCPs were tripped by the crew on low RCS pressure. The crew has transitioned to 1BwCA-3.1, SGTR WITH LOSS OF REACTOR COOLANT -SUBCOOLED RECOVERY DESIRED UNIT 1. The crew is performing step 24, CHECK RCP STATUS. RCS cold leg temperatures are 420 F and slowly lowering. RVLIS head/plenum levels are 31%/100%. When ALL conditions have been met to start an RCP, the crew will initially start the 1B RCP, rather than the 1D RCP, to…

#10. Unit 1 is at 100% power. The following annunciators have just alarmed: 1-1-A2, CNMT DRAIN LEAK DETECT FLOW HIGH 1-10-E4, OVATION SYSTEM TROUBLE 1-10-E5, OVATION ALTERNATE ACTIONThe RO reviews OWS graphic 6040, FW OVERVIEW, and notes the following:The crew will…1. Reduce Unit 1 Turbine Loading2. Trip Unit 1 Reactor3. Initiate Safety Injection4. Actuate Main Steamline Isolation

#11. Unit 1 has experienced an extended Loss of All AC Power. The crew is performing 1BwCA-0.0, LOSS OF ALL AC POWER, Attachment B, EXTENDED LOSS OF ALL AC POWER RESPONSE. Step 10, DEPRESSURIZE ALL INTACT SGs TO 260 PSIG, is in progress.What mitigation strategy is met by depressurizing the SGs?

#12. Unit 1 is at 100% power. Unit 2 is at 13% reactor power with a unit start up in progress. U-2 Main Generator preps for synchronization are in progress.A Unit 2 SAT fault results in a loss of off-site power on Unit 2. 2BwEP ES-0.1, REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE UNIT 2, is in progress to crosstie Non-ESF buses to ESF buses.For Unit 2, the most time critical reason for re-energizing a Non-ESF bus is to…

#13. Unit 1 is at 100% power. Annunciator 1-22-E10, 125 VDC BUS 112/114 VOLT LOW, alarm is FAST FLASHING.The following indications are noted:DC BUS (1) _ was lost and ACB 1421, BUS TIE 142/144 (2) _ capable of being closed from the MCR, assuming all applicable interlocks are satisfied.

#14. BOTH Units are at 100% power. A loss of ALL AC occurs on Unit 1. A loss of off site power occurs on Unit 2. The 2B SX pump tripped on overcurrent. Unit 2 has implemented 2BwCA-0.3, RESPONSE TO OPPOSITE UNIT LOSS OF ALL AC POWER. Unit 1 has implemented 1BwCA-0.0, LOSS OF ALL AC POWER, and a limited cross-tie has been established with Unit 2. Operators are preparing to perform 1BwCA-0.0 Attachment C, ALTERNATE SX COOLING.Per Attachment C of 1BwCA-0.0, the DE-ENERGIZED RCFC trains on BOTH units must be locally ISOLATED to

#15. Unit 1 is at 100% power. Normal charging is aligned to the 1B RC loop. 1A Regenerative HX is in service.A malfunction results in isolation of Instrument Air to Unit 1 Containment.Annunciator 1-7-A2, RCP SEAL WTR INJ FLTR P HIGH, is in alarm due to the position of

#16. Unit 1 is at 100% power. A grid disturbance has lowered ESF bus 141 & 142 voltage to 3850 volts.With NO operator action and constant bus voltage, the ESF buses will de-energize (1) _and reactor power will (2) _ over the following 10 minutes.

#17. Both Units are at 100% power.A large earthquake has occurred near Wilmington, IL. An RCS LOCA has occurred on BOTH UNITS. UNIT 1 CNMT pressure is 8.1 psig and slowly lowering. UNIT 2 CNMT pressure is 5.3 psig and slowly lowering.Falling debris has caused a loss of emergency coolant recirculation on BOTH UNITS. The crew has entered 1BwCA-1.1 and 2BwCA-1.1, LOSS OF EMERGENCY COOLANT RECIRCULATION. Step 10, CHECK INTACT SG LEVELS, is in progress on BOTH UNITS. All SG NR levels are 9% and slowly rising on BOTH UNITS.The crew is required to maintain a minimum AF flowrate, until at least ONE SG NR level indicates GREATER than a MINIMUM of (1) _ on UNIT 1 and (2) _ on UNIT 2.

#18. A reactor trip and SI have occurred from full power on Unit 1. The minimum AF flowrate CANNOT be established to the S/Gs. The crew entered 1BwFR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK. RCS pressure stabilized, at 100 psig, 2 minutes after the reactor trip. ALL S/G pressures are 900 psig and stable.Currently, secondary heat sink restoration is (1) _, because (2) _.

#19. Unit 1 is conducting a startup following a refueling outage.1BwGP 100-3, POWER ASCENSION 5% TO 100 %, is in progress. Unit 1 reactor power is 2.3%. The Unit 1 NSO is raising power by withdrawing control rods.A malfunction in the IN-HOLD-OUT switch causes the outward demand signal for control rods to remain locked in. The Unit 1 NSO performs 1BwPR 1-10-RD, ROD CONTROL MALFUNCTION PROMPT RESPONSE. The Unit 1 reactor does not trip and the crew enters 1BwFR-S.1, RESPONSE TO NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION/ATWS UNIT 1. The Unit 1 SRO has ordered the BOP to perform step 4, INITIATE EMERGENCY BORATION OF THE RCS.Which BORIC ACID XFER PP switch position shows the maximum concentration boric acid flow being delivered, via 1CV8104, EMER BORATION VALVE, after the completion of step 4?1) 2) 3) 4)

#20. Unit 2 was at 100% power.A reactor trip has occurred, due to the trip of the 2A RCP, with the following indications: The NSO noted DRPI for control rods H-8 and M-4 indicate 192 steps with all other rod bottom lights lit. All RCS cold leg temperatures are 555 F and stable.The Crew performed all immediate actions of 2BwEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION UNIT 2, and transitioned to 2BwEP ES-0.1, REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE UNIT 2. Step 2, CHECK SHUTDOWN REACTIVITY STATUS, is in progress. The SRO has directed the Unit 2 NSO to emergency borate.Emergency boration was directed to…

#21. Which of the following Process Radiation Monitors has an INTERLOCK FUNCTION designed to prevent an accidental offsite LIQUID radwaste release?

#22. Area Radiation Monitors 1AR20/21, HI RANGE CONTAINMENT RADIATION MONITORS, are utilized during accident conditions, because 1AR20/21 contain…

#23. There has been a fire verified in Fire Zone 3.3C-1, 1D-45/1D-46, UNIT 1 UPPER CABLE SPREADING ROOM. (1) The Per BwAP 1100-16, FIRE/HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPILL AND/OR INJURY RESPONSE, the NSO will announce the location of the fire (2) Which instrument will be treated as suspect for Steam Generator Pressure, under these conditions?

#24. Both Units are at 100% power.A fire occurs and the main control room (MCR) requires IMMEDIATE evacuation per 1BwOA PRI-5, CONTROL ROOM INACCESSIBILITY UNIT 1.(1) Prior to leaving the MCR the reactor trip _ be verified.(2) Pressurizer LEVEL indication at the remote shutdown panel (shown below) …

Question #24 was deleted post-exam based upon the results of an Operator Licensing program office review.

#25. Unit 1 CS actuated during a RCS LOCA. 1CS007A, PUMP 1A HDR ISOL VALVE, remained CLOSED with the 1A CS pump running. The 1A CS pump control switch (C/S) was JUST placed in PULL OUT.What is the SEQUENCE of MINIMUM Control Room actions required to initiate 1A CS train flow to containment?

#26. An RCS LOCA occurred on Unit 2. Containment pressure peaked above the CS actuation setpoint and is currently 3.5 psig and stable. Due to containment floor water level, the crew has just entered 2BwFR-Z.2, RESPOND TO CONTAINMENT FLOODING UNIT 2. Step 1, TRY TO IDENTIFY AND ISOLATE UNEXPECTED SOURCE OF WATER TO CNMT SUMP, is in progress.Per the basis of Step 1, the (1) _ system is listed as a source of the containment flooding AND Step 1 must be performed to (2) _.

#27. An RCS LOCA has occurred on Unit 1. The crew is preparing to conduct a post-LOCA cooldown and depressurization. CETCs are 537 F and slowly rising. RCS pressure is 1400 psig and stable. PZR level is 58% and stable. Total ECCS flow is 900 gpm.Performing an RCS cooldown of 100 F over the next hour, with no change in the ECCS lineup, will cause ECCS flow to (1) _ and RCS pressure to (2) _.

#28. Unit 1 is at 20% power. PZR pressure is 2205 psig and lowering. 1RY455B, PZR SPRAY VALVE, is open and IS NOT responding in manual OR auto control. All other PZR system components are operating as designed.The _ RCP, will have to be secured to mitigate this event.

#29. Unit 1 is at 100% power. BORATE is selected on the RMCS MODE SELECT SWITCH.After the MAKEUP CONT SWITCH is taken to the START position, (1) _ would indicate a FAILURE of a valve to be in its required position. This would cause RCS temperature to trend (2) _ than would otherwise be expected without a failure.

#30. Unit 1 is in solid plant operations at 180 F and 350 psig. Both RH trains are in shutdown cooling RH letdown is in service Normal charging is in serviceWhich of the following describes the response if 1CV131, U-1 LTDWN HXS OUTLET HDRPCV, fails CLOSED?RCS pressure will…

#31. Per the mitigating strategy of 1BwFR-P.1, RESPONSE TO IMMINENT PRESSURIZED THERMAL SHOCK CONDITION UNIT 1, the probability of brittle fracture occurring can be reduced by…

#32. A LOCA has occurred on Unit 2, the crew has just completed 2BwEP ES-1.3, TRANSFER TO COLD LEG RECIRCULATION UNIT 2. 2A and 2B RH pump ammeters are oscillating between 20 and 60 amps.Entry criteria for 2BwCA-1.3, SUMP BLOCKAGE CONTROL ROOM GUIDELINE UNIT 2, (1) _ met AND ECCS flow (2) _ be reduced.

#33. A reactor trip has occurred on Unit 1 from 100% power. 1BwEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION UNIT 1, is in progress. ONE PZR safety valve has stuck partially open. PRT pressure rises to approximately 50 psig and then rapidly lowers. Containment pressure is POSITIVE 0.1 psig and RISING at 0.1 psig per minute. Which of the following describes: (1) How the PRT rupture discs operated. (2) At the current rate, the Containment Pressure Tech Spec UPPER limit will be reached in…

#34. Unit 1 is at 100% power. The 1A CC pump is running. The 1B CC pump is in standby with its C/S is in NAT, in preparation for an upcoming OOS placement. The U-0 CC pump is in standby, aligned to bus 142 with its C/S in NAT. Breaker 1412 is inadvertently opened from the MCR.With NO further operator action, ONE minute later, what is the status of the CC pumps?U-0 pump 1A pump 1B pump

#35. Unit 2 is at 50% power. PZR PRESS CONT CH SELECT switch is in the PT-457/PT-458 position. 2PK-455A, Master PZR Pressure Controller POTENTIOMETER setting fails from its normal setting to the equivalent of 9.0. RCS pressure will INITIALLY…

#36. Unit 2 is at 50%. RCS Pressure is 2235 psig. Group D Backup Heaters are ENERGIZED. Group C Variable Heaters are ENERGIZED. 2PK-455B, SPRAY VLV 2RY455B CONT, fails to 100% output. No operator actions are taken. The reactor will…

#37. Unit 2 is at 100% power.2BwOSR, UNIT TWO SSPS, REACTOR TRIP BREAKER, AND REACTOR TRIP BYPASS BREAKER SURVEILLANCE (TRAIN A) is in progress. The EO has racked the Train A Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker to the TEST position and has just completed step F.2.2.c, AT 2RD05E CLOSE THE TRAIN A REACTOR TRIP BYPASS BREAKER (BYA).Which of the following indications at 2PM05J reflect the current status?1) 2) 3) 4)

#38. Unit 1 is at 100% reactor power. Containment pressure transmitter 1PT934 has failed.The following TSLB status is noted: CNMT Press HI PB934B- LIT CNMT Press HI-2 PB934C- LIT CNMT Press HI-3 PB934A – DARKThe coincidence logic, for automatically actuating containment spray, is CURRENTLY…

#39. Unit 1 RCS pressure is being RAISED following an outage.As U1 RCS pressure RISES, the U1 PZR LOW PRESS SI BLOCK PERMISSIVE P11 Bypass Permissive Light on 1PM05J is expected to reset when indicated pressure on PZR pressure channels 455 and (1) _ on 1PM05J reach (2) _ psig.

#40. Unit 1 is at 100% reactor power. The 1A, 1B and 1C RCFCs are running in high speed with the 1D RCFC in standby. A reactor trip and Safety Injection occur due to high containment pressure.After the SI occurs, what will be the automatic response of the RCFCs?

#41. An SI actuated due to an RCS LOCA on Unit 1. While aligning for Cold Leg Recirculation, the CS pumps were stopped due to an inadequate RWST level. All train A & B ECCS pumps have been restarted. Both 1SI8811A/B, CNMT SUMP ISOL VALVES, are open.What additional valve must be OPENED to start the 1A CS pump using the 1A CS pump control switch?

#42. Unit 1 was at 100% power.An RCS LOCA occurred. Containment pressure is 22 psig. BOTH CS Pumps are running and delivering flow to containment.While performing 1BwEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION, step 14, CHECK IF CS IS REQUIRED, the NSO notices the following conditions: 1FI-CS013 & 1FI-CS014, CS EDUCTOR SUCTION FLOWS, are both 130 gpm and stable. 1FI-CS015 & 1FI-CS016, CS EDUCTOR ADDITIVE FLOWS, are both 0 gpm and stable. (1) What is/are the consequence(s) of the above conditions if left uncorrected?(2) What action(s) will the NSO perform?

#43. 1BwGP 100-1, PLANT HEATUP, is in progress following a refueling outage. ALL MSIVs are CLOSED. The Unit 1 NSO is warming up the Main Steam System, using the MSIV bypass valves, with the following indications:Time TAVE ( F)Main Steam Header Pressure (psig)0800 (t=0)200 100900 255 201000 300 401100 340 1101200 235 80Which of the following indicates the required operator actions and why?

#44. Unit 1 is at 95% power. The 1B and 1C Main Feed Pumps are running.Subsequently, annunciator 1-16-B1, FW PUMP 1B TRIP, alarms.An automatic start of 1FW01PA, FW PUMP 1A, (1) _ occur and the 1FW530, FW REG VLV, demand will (2) _.

#45. Per 1BwGP 100-3, POWER ASCENSION 5 PERCENT TO 100 PERCENT, what is the approximate steam flow from a SG, when the FW Bypass Reg Valves (1FW510A/520A/530A and 540A) automatically close?

#46. A Unit 2 heatup is in progress per 2BwGP 100-1, PLANT HEATUP. RCS temperature is 300 F and slowly rising.With the above conditions, feed flow should be maintained in the…

#47. Unit 1 is at 20% power. A fault occurs on 6.9KV Bus 159 which results in a bus lockout.The RCP 1D breaker will trip on…

#48. Unit 2 is at 100% power.The 2A SI Pump is running to fill SI Accumulators.The 2A SI Pump control power fuses BLOW. A Unit 2 loss of offsite power occurs 10 seconds later. ACB 2413, 2A DG Feed to 4KV Bus 241, has just CLOSED.If NO operator actions are taken, the 2A SI pump will…

#49. Unit 1 is at 100% power. The 1A DG #1 air compressor is out of service. The 1A DG #2 air compressor started to re-pressurize the air receiver. ACB 1412, SAT 142-1 Feed to 4KV Bus 141, is inadvertently tripped.What is the expected response of the 1A DG #2 air compressor?

#50. Unit 1 is at 100% reactor power.An RCS LOCA has occurred. 1BwEP ES-1.4, TRANSFER TO HOT LEG RECIRCULATION UNIT 1, has just been completed.A fault develops on SAT 142-2. The 1A DG trips on overspeed.With no operator actions, this will cause flow to the (1) _ RCS HOT leg to be reduced due to the status of the (2) _.

#51. A high rad signal on 2PR08J, S/G BLOWDOWN LIQUID RADIATION MON DETECTOR, will close the…

#52. The purpose of performing a source check on a radiation monitor is to verify (1) _operability and if the check source fails, RMS will indicate an (2) _.

#53. Unit 1 is at 100% power.Unit 2 is DEFUELED during a refueling outage. The 1A and 2B SX pumps are RUNNING. The 1B SX pump is in STANDBY. The 2A SX pump is OOS for maintenance. The 2B SX pump TRIPS on overcurrent. The 1B SX pump is STARTED.Conditions of LCO 3.7.8, ESSENTIAL SERVICE WATER SYSTEM, are…

#54. Both Units are at 100% power. A loss of offsite power occurrs on both units.An EO will be dispatched to reset the UV lockout device (486-SAC1) for the Unit 0 Station Air Compressor (U0 SAC) at bus (1) _.

#55. Unit 1 is at 100% reactor power. Annunciator 1-5-B7, CNMT PHASE A ISOLATION, is in alarm. SER point 0017, CNMT PHASE A ISOLATION TRAIN A, is printed.Which of the status lights listed below would be LIT as a DIRECT result of the Phase A SIGNAL?

#56. Unit 2 is at 88% power. Reactor power is rising. Tave is 3 F below Tref. Pressurizer pressure rising. Pressurizer level rising.Which of the following would INITIALLY cause these indications?

#57. Unit 1 is at 15% reactor power following a refueling outage. The 1A CV Pump is running.A failure has caused 1CV121, CENT CHG PMPS FLOW CONT VLV, to OPEN and it cannot be closed.Pressurizer level currently indicates: 1LI-459A 90% 1LI-460A 92% 1LI-461A 92% 1LI-462 82%The FIRST ACTION the NSO will take is…

#58. Unit 2 is at 75% reactor power.The crew is recovering a dropped CBD control rod (M-12), per 2BwOA ROD-3, DROPPED OR MISALIGNED ROD UNIT 2. Step 15, PREPARE AFFECTED ROD BANK FOR ROD RECOVERY, is in progress.During the rod recovery, the RO will place the ROD BANK SELECT switch in the (1) _position and 2SI-412, ROD SPEED, will indicate (2) _ SPM.

#59. 2BwGP 100-3, POWER ASCENSION 5% TO 100%, in progress following a forced outage. Tave is 557 F and stable. The Main Turbine is on the turning gear in preparation for turbine latch. Steam Dumps are in the STM PRESS mode.2PT-507, S/G HDR PRESS, fails HIGH.Steam flow will INITIALLY (1) _, until Tave is controlled at (2) _.

#60. Unit 1 is at 16% reactor power following a refueling outage.The BOP is performing a Main Turbine roll up per 1BwGP 100-3, POWER ASCENSION 5% TO 100%. While raising main turbine speed to 1700 RPM, a malfunction occurs in the DEHC system and results in the following indications on ovation graphic 5501:The GVs are operating in (1) _ valve control and per BwAR 1-18-B2, ELECTRICAL OVERSPEED TURB TRIP, the (2) _ will be tripped to address this failure.

#61. Unit 1 at 40% power.Which of the following valve failures would significantly degrade U-1 Main Condenser Vacuum?

#62. Unit 1 is at 20% power.In accordance with 1BwGP 100-3, POWER ASCENSION, Unit 1 Main Condenser Hotwell level control is selected to the (1) _ side where the FW heater return physical connections are located. This method of control uses the (2) _.

#63. The crew has just completed a dilution of a Gas Decay Tank (GDT) that had both Hydrogen and Oxygen concentrations more than 5%.Chemistry has resampled the GDT after release and reports the following concentrations: Hydrogen: 4.1% Oxygen: 2.3%Which of the following describes the required operator action, if any, and the reason for that action?


#65. Which of the following, identifies ALL the Fire Protection Pumps that will be running, if FP system water pressure lowered to the pressure shown below:(1) 0FP03PA, 0A MOTOR DRIVEN FIRE PUMP(2) 0FP03PB, 0B DIESEL DRIVEN FIRE PUMP(3) 0FP06A, 0A JOCKEY PUMP(4) 0FP06B, 0B JOCKEY PUMP

#66. In accordance with OU-AP-200, ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS DURING FUEL HANDLING ACTIVITIES FOR BYRON AND BRAIDWOOD, which of the following requires suspension of fuel assembly movements in containment?

#67. Unit 2 has been tasked with performing a Semi Annual, Operational Risk surveillance, involving a turbine protection relay.The evolution will involve the Unit 2 SRO, two Nuclear Station Operators, two Equipment Operators, and two EMD Technicians.In accordance with HU-BR-1211, PRE-JOB BRIEFINGS, which is the LOWEST level briefing, the personnel above will attend, prior to conducting the surveillance?

#68. Which of the following sources are authorized for verifying that a Braidwood Operating Procedure (BwOP) is the most current revision?1. PassPort2. Printed Outage Work Order Package3. Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)

#69. The 0C WS Pump (0WS01PC) is being returned to service from a scheduled maintenance window.Per OP-AA-109-103, ESOMS CLEARANCE AND TAGGING, which of the following manipulations will be sequenced FIRST?

#70. Unit 0 Braidwood Station Electrical Schematics are designated by 20E-0- (1) _ and relays are shown in the (2) _ state on these prints.

#71. An RCS LOCA resulted in core damage on Unit 1.Which ONE of the following evolutions has the LOWEST potential for raising radiation levels in the AUXILIARY BUILDING?

#72. A safety-related area radiation monitor can be operated from (1) _ and can be monitored from (2) _.

#73. Unit 1 is at 99% power. Maintenance personnel are in Unit 1 containment conducting troubleshooting activities on an RF sump indicator.In accordance with BwAP 1450-1, ACCESS TO CONTAINMENT, which ONE of the following Unit 1 activities is the NSO prohibited from performing, during the containment entry?

#74. Question 74 omitted from public record

#75. Transient conditions exist. Several annunciators are lit. Events are in progress requiring operator actions. Several procedures are in use. A RED PATH condition exists for core cooling. All AC busses are energized. _-6-B7, RWST LEVEL LOW-2, is DARK.The _ series take precedence because they are designed to recover degraded safety functions rather than direct operator actions based upon a specific plant transient condition.

#76. Unit 2 was at 100% reactor power. Annunciator 2-11-A4, OP T RX TRIP, is fast flashing RED. DRPI indications are as shown:Subsequently, the Unit 2 NSO places the MAN RX TRIP switch at the 1PM05J to ACTUATE. Reactor power is now 4% and lowering rapidly.The Shift Manager will…

#77. Unit 1 is at 100% power.Date Time Status6/3/19 0700 The 1A AF pump taken OOS for a motor bearing and pump impeller replacement.6/5/19 0700 The 1B AF pump gear case was found to be leaking and could not be refilled.6/5/19 1400 The 1B AF pump gear case was repaired.6/5/19 1500 The 1B AF pump was declared operable.(1) What is the LATEST time Unit 1 will be required to be in mode 3?(2) After the 1B AF pump is declared operable on 6/5/19 at 1400, will the AF system be capable of providing the MINIMUM AF flow required by 1BwFR-S.1, RESPONSE TO NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION/ATWS UNIT 1, if ALL SGs are BELOW their required levels?

#78. Unit 1 was tripped from full power and SI initiated when ALL SGs FAULTED inside Containment.Upon transition from 1BwEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION UNIT 1, to 1BwEP-2, FAULTED SG ISOLATION, a RED path is noted on the Containment critical safety function. 1BwFR-Z.1, RESPONSE TO HIGH CONTAINMENT PRESSURE, is implemented. The crew has throttled AF flow in accordance with 1BwFR-Z.1.The actions of 1BwFR-Z.1 are complete and the crew is at step 7, RETURN TO PROCEDUREAND STEP IN EFFECT. The following status is noted on the CSF status trees: Subcriticality: Green Core Cooling: Green Heat Sink: Red Integrity: Orange Containment: Red Inventory: YellowThe NEXT procedurally directed main control board COMPONENT MANIPULATION will be performed by…

#79. Unit 1 is at 100% power. Instrument bus 113 is energized from its respective CVT.Per the basis of the applicable technical specification, instrument inverter 113 is (1) _ and entry to T.S. 3.8.9, DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS OPERATING (2) _ required.

#80. Unit 2 was at 100% power. The crew manually tripped Unit 2 and initiated SI in response to a RCS LOCA. The crew transitioned to 2BwCA-1.2, LOCA OUTSIDE CONTAINMENT, with all ECCS pumps operating. The leak has been confirmed in the 2B RH and CS pump room. RCS temperature is 520 F. The 2B RH pump is in PTL.It has been determined that the following valves must be CLOSED to isolate the leakage: 2RH8716B, HX 2B XTIE VLV 2SI8809B, RH TO COLD LEG 2B & 2C ISOL VLV 2SI8812B, PP 2B SUCT FROM RWST ISOL VLVAssume that the valves listed above remain closed for the duration of the event and continued plant cooldown. The Unit Supervisor will declare BOTH ECCS trains inoperable;

#81. Unit 1 experienced an RCS LOCA from full power. 1A RH pump tripped and could NOT be started. 1B RH pump is running.1BwEP ES-1.3, TRANSFER TO COLD LEG RECIRCULATION, has just been entered. 1SI8811A, CNMT SUMP 1A ISOL VALVE, is closed. 1SI8811B, CNMT SUMP 1B ISOL VALVE, is open. CNMT pressure is 8 PSIG.CNMT floor water level indicates: 1LI-PC006 – 9″ 1LI-PC007 – 9″The SRO will

#82. Unit 2 was at 100% power.Multiple block 10 annunciators are in alarm. Auctioneered high Tave is 4 F BELOW Tref and stable. Control rods bank D automatically stepped OUT 3 steps and then STOPPED stepping.Power Range NIs are stable as shown below.The SRO will enter…

#83. Unit 1 is at 50% reactor power, following a refueling outage. The 1C CW pump is OOS for motor testing. The 1B CW pump tripped on overcurrent. Condenser vacuum is 3.6″ HgA and rising. 1CW001B, CIRCULATING WTR PMP 1B DISCH VLV, CANNOT be closed.Per 1BwOA SEC-3, LOSS OF CONDENSER VACUUM UNIT 1, the SRO will…

#84. A stuck open PZR PORV caused a reactor trip and SI on Unit 1.The PZR PORV could not be isolated.1BwEP ES-1.1 “SI TERMINATION” is in progress. The crew has just completed step 4, REALIGN CENT CHG PUMP. When the FIRST CV pump was stopped, RCS pressure dropped 100 psig and is slowly lowering. PZR level is 80% and stable.The SRO will …

#85. 1BwEP ES-0.2, NATURAL CIRCULATION COOLDOWN UNIT 1, is in progress. The crew is performing step 6, INITIATE COOLDOWN TO 520 F.A failure occurs causing all steam dumps to FULLY OPEN, resulting in the following FAST FLASHING bypass – permissive panel lights: 1-BP-4.1, SI ACTUATED 1-BP-3.3, PZR LOW PRESS SI BLOCK PERMISSIVE 1-BP-5.4, TURBINE LOADING STOP C16 1-BP-4.5, LO-2 TAVE STM DUMP INTLK P12The SRO will (1) _ and THEN direct the (2) _ NEXT.

#86. Unit 1 is at 50% power.1IA066, IA INSIDE ISOL VLV, fails and slowly closes. The crew enters 1BwOA SEC-4, LOSS OF INSTRUMENT AIR. 1CV121, CV Pump Flow Control Valve, controller was taken to manual and throttled to reduce charging flow to 40 gpm. PZR pressure is 2275 psig and slowly rising. PZR level is 45% and slowly rising. VCT level is 50% and lowering.Per 1BwOA SEC-4, which of the following would require an IMMEDIATE reactor trip?

#87. Unit 2 is in MODE 6. RCS temperature is 100 F. The reactor vessel head is removed. Reactor vessel water level is at 424.5 ft (24.5 ft above the reactor vessel flange). 2A RH train is in shutdown cooling. 2B RH train is in OOS.2A RH pump amps are fluctuating between 0 to 50 amps. 2A RH pump flow is fluctuating between 0 to 500 gpm.The following annunciator is LIT: 2-6-C1, RH PUMP 2A DSCH FLOW LOWGiven the conditions above, (1) _.The bases for having ONLY one train of RH OPERABLE per Tech Spec 3.9.5, Residual Heat Removal (RHR) and Coolant Circulation – High Water Level, is that (2) _.

#88. Unit 1 at 100% reactor power.The crew is performing 1BwOA PRI-8, ESSENTIAL SERVICE WATER MALFUNCTION, due to both Unit 1 SX pumps being inoperable. Attempts to cross-tie Unit 2 SX to Unit 1 from the MCR failed. Local attempts are in progress. Annunciator 1-2-C5, CC HX OUTLET TEMP HIGH, alarms. The crew has entered 1BwOA PRI-6, COMPONENT COOLING MALFUNCTION.The following annunciators alarm: 1-2-D5, CC PUMP SUCT TEMP HIGH 1-9-E2, LTDWN TEMP HIGH 1-2-A5, CC SURGE TANK LEVEL HIGH LOW CC surge tank level is 66% and STABLE.1BwOA PRI-6 step 4, CHECK CC SYSTEM TEMPERATURE, is in progress.The SRO will

#89. Unit 1 is at 100% reactor power.Date Time Status6/1/19 0700 1BwOSR, REACTOR CONTAINMENT FAN COOLER SURVEILLANCE is performed. U1 RCFC flows are as follows:1A 2700 gpm1B 2650 gpm1C 2750 gpm1D 2640 gpm6/7/19 1100 1A CS pump UPPER motor oil reservoir is noted to be EMPTY. Attempts at refilling are UNSUCCESSFUL. The 1A CS pump is declared INOPERABLE.6/7/19 1300 1BwOSR, SX SYSTEM FLOW BALANCE, is performed. ALL U1 RCFC flows are adjusted to 2850 gpm.6/9/19 1600 The 1A RCFC trips on overcurrent.6/9/19 2000 PMT on the 1A CS pump is complete, 1A CS pump is declared OPERABLE.If the 1A RCFC is NOT repaired, the LATEST time Unit 1 MUST enter MODE 3 to comply with TS/TRM requirements is…

#90. A Unit 2 Rx Trip has just occurred.The crew is performing 2BwEP ES-0.1, REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE UNIT 2, step 1, CHECK RCS TEMPERATURES. 2TI-412, TAVE 2A is 587 F 2TI-422, TAVE 2B is 538 F 2TI-432, TAVE 2C is 538 F 2TI-442, TAVE 2D is 538 F All RCP’s are RUNNING.(1) 2UI-500, STM DUMP DEMAND, will indicate _.(2) The SRO will direct the RO to perform an emergency boration of _ gallons MINIMUM from the BAST.

#91. A SGTR has occurred on Unit 1, the crew is performing 1BwEP-3, STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE UNIT 1. The ruptured S/G has been isolated. The RCS has been cooled down and depressurized. ECCS flow has been terminated. ALL RCPs are stopped. RVLIS head level is 100%. RCS pressure is 1050 psig. CETCs are 500 F. PZR level is 61%.When RCP support conditions are established, the US will direct the crew to

#92. A seismic event occurs causing a large crack in the spent fuel pool. The crew is performing 1BwOA REFUEL-2, REFUELING CAVITY OR SPENT FUEL POOL LEVEL LOSS, step 11, FILL THE SPENT FUEL POOL. All methods of providing borated water to the spent fuel pool have failed.(1) If the spent fuel pool is completely refilled with unborated water, a MAXIMUM Keff of _will occur.(2) Which water source will the Unit supervisor direct filling the spent fuel pool from NEXT?

#93. Unit 2 is in mode 6, performing core offload. An irradiated fuel assembly has just been loaded into the fuel transfer cart on the reactor side.A leak has developed in the operating RH train and reactor vessel water level is 423 ft (23 ft above reactor head flange) and slowly lowering. The crew enters 2BwOA REFUEL-2, REFUELING CAVITY OR SPENT FUEL POOL LEVEL LOSS UNIT 2, and directs the fuel handling supervisor to secure the fuel transfer system. The fuel handling supervisor completes the move of the fuel assembly to its designated location in the spent fuel pool per the move sheet.Per the basis of technical specification 3.9.7, REFUELING CAVITY WATER LEVEL, the fuel handling supervisor (1) _ TS 3.9.7 because (2) _ is(are) designated as safe.

#94. Unit 1 was operating at 100% power. 30 minutes ago, a feedwater malfunction caused the crew to perform a CD/FW RUNBACK from 100% power. All required chemistry samples are in progress.Per the basis for TS 3.4.16, RCS SPECIFIC ACTIVITY, the RCS DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 limit for this transient, is _ Ci/gm.

#95. BOTH Units are at 100% power.Shift staffing is at the minimum DESIRED staffing level with the following exceptions: The WEC position is secured.

#96. Unit 1 is performing a reactor startup per 1BwGP 100-2, PLANT STARTUP, following a spurious reactor trip.The NSO is performing step F.23, REACTOR STARTUP, and announces that the reactor is CRITICAL, with the following conditions: CBC DRPI – 24 STEPS. CBC Bank Demand – 26 STEPS. Annunciator 1-10-A6, ROD BANK LO-2 INSERTION LIMIT – LIT. The National Weather Service has issued a severe THUNDERSTORM WATCH for the area including Braidwood Station.The SRO will…

#97. Unit 2 is in Mode 5 during a refueling outage. At the beginning of the shift, a post maintenance test (PMT) for a containment isolation valve failed. Maintenance has determined that it will take 2 hours to make the needed repairs and complete the PMT. Mode 4 entry is scheduled 22 hours from now.Per OP-AA-108-104, TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION COMPLIANCE, the SRO will…

#98. Unit 1 has just experienced an RCS LOCA, fuel damage, and a significant breach in containment.You are the acting Station Emergency Director. EOF and TSC are NOT activated. Two maintenance personnel have volunteered to seal the containment breach.You can authorize an emergency exposure up to…

#99. A plant transient occurs causing multiple annunciators. The crew enters EOPs and is performing the immediate actions. The SRO has suspended the announcement of transient related annunciators per OP-BR-103-102-1002, STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL TRANSIENT MITIGATION.Per OP-BR-103-102-1002, when will the SRO re-instate the annunciator response requirements of OP-AA-103-102, WATCH-STANDING PRACTICES, including verifying ALL annunciators are consistent with plant conditions and the appropriate plant response has occurred?When the…

#100. Unit 1 is in MODE 4 during a refuel outage. 1A RH train is in shutdown cooling mode. 1B RH Pump is OOS. The I/P converter for 1RH606, HX 1A FLOW CONT VLV, fails such that the valve goes full open.The Unit 1 SRO has dispatched an equipment operator (EO) to install a temporary regulator with a pneumatic jumper around the failed I/P converter to re-enable RH temperature control.The US will direct the EO to follow the pneumatic jumper installation instructions found in…
