Braidwood 2013



#1. Given:- Unit 1 is at 250 Mwe (normal plant lineup) following a recent refueling outage.- The crew is preparing to raise load to 300 Mwe per 1BwGP 100-3 POWER ASCENSION.- Rod control is in automatic with control bank D at 145 steps.The following occur simultaneously:- The Tref programmer fails to 100%.- A malfunction of the Ovation Control System causes main generator load to drop to 160 Mwe.- The following bypass permissives lights are LIT:1-BP-5.7 TURBINE LO POWER INTLK C51-BP-3.7 LOW POWER TRIP BLOCKED P81-BP-5.8 AMS PERMISSIVE C-20With NO operator action control rods will

#2. Given:- Unit 1 just completed main generator synchronization following a refueling outage.- Main Generator load is 150 Mwe.- Steam Dumps are in the STEAM PRESSURE MODE in AUTOMATIC.- Tave = 562oF.- 1UI-500 STM DMP DEMAND meter indicates 10%.The crew is about to start a turbine load ramp toward full power at 0.65 Mw/min to begin at 01:00 AM. Neglecting Xenon effects from the previous ramp at what time must the effects of the FIRST reactivity addition to the core occur in order to maintain Tave with NO rod motion?

#3. Given:- The Pressurizer Variable heater control switch was broken (inoperable) prior to the reactor trip.- Unit 2 experienced a Loss of Offsite Power following a reactor trip from full power.- All equipment responded as designed.- Pressurizer level is 35%.- Pressurizer pressure is 2235 psig.- All Pressurizer backup heater breakers and contactors are closed.After restoring power to bus 243 the Pressurizer heater groups that automatically re-energize (if any) are

#4. Given:Case 1: Unit 1 at 100% power steady-state. Average CETCs (10 highest): 631oF (TRN A); 626oF (TRN B).TH (each RCS loop): 617oF.PZR pressure: 2235 psig (all channels).Case 2: Unit 1 Tripped from 100% power.A loss of offsite power occurred (1 hour ago).The crew is performing 1BwEP ES-0.2 Natural Circulation Cooldown.Average CETCs (10 highest): 505oF (both Trains) RISING.RCS WR pressure: 680 psig STABLE.In regard to the cases above…

#5. Given:- Unit 1 is in a refueling outage.- Spent fuel is being unloaded from the core and moved into the spent fuel pool.- The following indications just occurred:- Annunciator 1-1-A1 SPENT FUEL PIT PUMP TRIP is in alarm.- Annunciator 1-1-B1 SPENT FUEL PIT TEMP HIGH is in alarm.- Local reports include a rise in humidity in the Fuel Handling Building.The alarms and reports meet at least one entry condition for…

#6. Given:- A Unit 1 plant heatup is in progress.- ALL Unit 1 MSIVs are CLOSED.- 1MS019A SG 1A ATMOSPHERIC RELIEF ISOLATION valve is CLOSED.At what pressure will steam flow FIRST be indicated on the 1A steam generator?

#7. Given:- Unit 1 at 100% power.In accordance with 1BwGP 100-3 POWER ASCENSION Unit One Main Condenser Hotwell level control at this power level is selected to the ______(1)_______ side where the CB pump recirculation and FW High Pressure cleanup physical connections are located. This method of control uses the _______(2)______.

#8. Given:- Unit One is at 100% power.- Blowdown is established on ALL SGs with blowdown sampling in progress.- The RM-11 just alarmed and the NSO notes the following on Grid 1:1PR08J SG BLDN: DARK BLUE Based on this indication the crew will verify the automatic closure of

#9. Given:- Unit One is at 100% power.- The 0B Gas Decay Tank reached its maximum Curie limitation and was isolated.- Subsequently the 0B Gas Decay Tank relief valve inadvertently lifted and is stuck open.Based on this indication

#10. The sample pump on the 0PR035J MCR Turbine Building Intake radiation monitor can be operated (started or stopped) LOCALLY

#11. Given:- Unit 1 at 100% power steady-state.Case 1: 1CC9414 CC FROM RC PUMPS ISOL VLV inadvertently closed and will NOT reopen.Case 2: 1CC9438 CC FROM RC PUMPS THERM BARR ISOL VLV inadvertently closed and will NOT reopen.Comparing the two cases

#12. Given:- Unit 1 is in MODE 5.- At time T = 0 seconds the 1D RCP breaker was closed from the MCR.- The following 1D RCP observations are made over the next 40 seconds:Parameter 0.5 sec 1 sec 1.8 sec 30 sec 35 sec 40 secMotor Vibration 0.22 in/sec 0.22 in/sec 0.10 in/sec 0.10 in/sec 0.10 in/sec 0.10 in/secMotor Current 1200 amps 1200 amps 900 amps 755 amps 720 amps 500 ampsShaft Rotation Stationary Stationary Rotating Rotating Rotating RotatingBased on the above data the crew

#13. Given:- Unit 1 is 100% power.- Pressurizer Pressure control is selected to 1PT-455.- Pressurizer Level control is selected to 1LT-459.- The 1A Regen Heat Exchanger is in service.- Instrument Bus 111 just de-energized due to a ground fault.As a result

#14. Given:- Unit 1 at 100% power.- 120 gpm letdown is in service.- RCS boron concentration is 540 ppm.- The current B10 Ratio Fraction is 0.185.- Unit 1 BAT boron concentration is 7200 ppm.The boric acid flow controller 1FK-110 potentiometer setting required to ensure that automatic VCT makeup maintains RCS Tave stable is

#15. Given the following sequence of events:- Unit 1 was at 100% power normal alignment.- An RCS LOCA and auto SI occur.- 1A RH pump tripped and will NOT re-start.- All other equipment functioned as designed.The crew has just completed ALL steps of 1BwEP ES-1.3 TRANSFER TO COLD LEG RECIRCULATION.With the 1A RH pump unavailable the cold leg recirc alignment status of the U1 CV pumps will be…

#16. Given:- Unit 1 experienced a LOCA in each of the following cases.- In BOTH cases the crew has entered 1BwEP ES-1.3 TRANSFER TO COLD LEG RECIRCULATION.Case 1: Containment Pressure is 6 psig and rising.Case 2: Containment Pressure is 3 psig and stable.The difference in the two cases is that

#17. Given:- Unit 1 initially at 100% powerWhich of the following will result in PRT level staying constant?

#18. Given:- Unit 1 is in mode 4.- 1A RH train is aligned for shutdown cooling with RH letdown in service.- 1A CC pump is RUNNING.- 1B CC pump is in standby.- 1D RCP is running.- U-0 CC pump is mechanically AND electrically aligned to Bus 142.- The crew is maintaining RCS temperature stable (1RH606 at 50% demand) at 300oF.- PZR level is 26%.The following timeline then occurs: 0 sec: 1A CC pump TRIPS on overcurrent.2 sec: A crew member places the 1B CC pump control switch to START but the pump breaker closes and immediately trips open. 4 sec: 1B CC pump is placed in pull-out.5 sec: 1PI-CC107 CC PUMP DSCH PRESS indicates 85 psig dropping.Assume the U-0 CC pump functions as designed.Based on the above conditions the U-0 CC pump …

#19. Given:- DC power to Inverter 113 was lost 2 hours ago.- Unit 1 at 100% power.- 1PT-455 failed low 2 minutes ago.- The crew just entered 1BwOA INST-2 OPERATION WITH A FAILED INSTRUMENT CHANNEL. – A loss of offsite power occurs.The crews NEXT actions will address

#20. Given:- Unit 1 is preparing to conduct a reactor startup per 1BwGP 100-2 PLANT STARTUP.- Both reactor trip breakers are CLOSED.- Due to a concern with SRNI N31 the startup has been suspended.- Control Bank A is at 113 steps.- SRNI N32 indicates 55 cps.- IMD has placed the LEVEL TRIP BYPASS switch for N31 in BYPASS per a troubleshooting plan.Which of the following can be performed WITHOUT causing a reactor trip?

#21. During a loss of offsite power (LOOP) a loss of which of the following would prevent 1B CC and 1B SX pumps from sequencing on to perform their safety function?

#22. Given:- Unit 1 at 100% power.- CNMT CHILLER 1A is running.- 1WO01PA CHILLED WATER Pump 1A just tripped due to an internal ground.As a result of the chilled water pump trip CNMT CHILLER 1A will

#23. Given:- Unit 1 at 100% power all systems normally aligned.- Local investigation has determined the breaker for 1CS019B EDUC 1B SPRAY VLV is TRIPPED and will NOT reclose.- 1CS019B has been locally verified to be in its normal position at full power.With the above conditions if a U1 CS Signal is actuated the 1B CS pump will:

#24. Given:- Both units were at 100% power.- A fire in the MCR has occurred.- The crew is implementing 1BwOA PRI-5 and 2BwOA PRI-5 CONTROL ROOM INACCESSIBILITY.(1) LOCAL Equipment Operator/Reactor Operator actions include(2) What if any is/are the impact(s) of this/these actions?

#25. Given:- At 14:45 Unit 1 experienced a SGTR on 1D SG from full power.- The crew implemented appropriate emergency procedures and is now conducting a plant cooldown per 1BwEP ES-3.1 POST-SGTR COOLDOWN USING BACKFILL.- The following data has been recorded on 1BwOSR RCS PRESSURE/TEMPERATURE LIMIT SURVEILLANCE and 1BwOS TRM 3.4.c.1 PRESSURIZER TEMPERATURE LIMIT SURVEILLANCE.____________1BwOSR _________1BwOS TRM 3.4.c.1______Loop A Cold Temp (F) Rate Temp Change PZR Rate Temp ChangeTime Leg Temp Change (F/hr) in 1 hr Period Water Temp (F/hr) in 1 hr Period1500 557F 0 0 0 650 0 01515 485F 72 288 72 581 276 691530 480F 5 20 77 540 164 1101545 479F 1 4 78 535 20 1151600 450F 29 116 107 530 20 1201615 430F 20 80 55 524 24 571630 425F 5 20 55 520 16 201645 420F 5 20 59 518 8 171700 418F 2 4 32 516 8 14The FIRST time a Tech Spec or TRM cooldown limit was exceeded was ___(1)____ on the ____(2)_____.

#26. Given:- Unit 1 is at 62% power (780 Mwe) ramping toward 100% power.- The 1A Motor Driven FW pump is out of service.- The 1C TDFWP just tripped.- Annunciator 1-16-E1 FW PUMP NPSH LOW is in ALARM.- The BOP confirms that an NPSH actuation has occurred.Expected plant response includes

#27. Given:- Case 1- Unit 1 is at 100% power.- The potentiometer at 1PM06J for 1AF005A 1A SG FLOW CONT VLV failed to a value of 50%.- Case 2- A fire required MCR evacuation.- The potentiometer at 1PL04J for 1AF005A 1A SG FLOW CONT VLV failed to a value of 50%.- The 1AF005A Local-Remote switch at 1PL04J is placed in LOCAL.The 1AF005A

#28. Given:- The Unit 1 reactor is at full power.- A grid problem has JUST lowered ESF bus 141 & 142 voltage to 3700 volts (at time = 0 seconds).With NO operator action and ESF bus 141 & 142 voltages remaining at 3700 volts until the plant responds to this condition what is the SEQUENCE of events that will occur before the ESF bus loads are sequenced on?

#29. Given the following conditions (consider each independently):1 – Battery charger 111 DC output breaker CB-2 TRIPPED2 – Battery to bus feed breaker AF-2 TRIPPED3 – Bus 131X Voltage Low alarmThe condition(s) that would cause 125VDC Battery Charger 111 AC input breaker CB-1 to open is/are

#30. Given:- Unit 1 at 100% power.Consider each event separately:- Event 1: Loss of DC bus 111.- Event 2: SAT 142-1 fault with a Bus 158 ABT failure.- Event 3: SAT 142-1 fault with a Bus 156 ABT failure.Of the events listed _______ result(s) in a Mode change within 1 hour.

#31. Given:- Unit 1 is at 100% power.- Major external corrosion and leakage have been discovered on the 1A and 1C EDG Fuel Oil Storage Tanks.- Both tanks are isolated and drained.As a result ________ meet the Technical Specification requirements for Diesel Fuel Oil.

#32. Given:- Both Units were at 100% power.- A tornado swept through the switchyard causing a loss of offsite power (LOOP).- BOTH reactors tripped.- Unit 2 experienced a loss of all AC power.- Bus 141 is now supplying bus 241.The following indications have been present for the past 2 hours:1JI-DG002 DIESEL GEN 1A OUTPUT WATTS: 6100 KW1II-DG001 DIESEL GEN 1A OUTPUT CURRENT: 1010 AMPS1II-AP053 BUS 241 FEED TO BUS 141 CURRENT: 930 AMPSBased on the readings provided

#33. Given:- You are in the process of performing a Gaseous Release of 0A GDT.- Concurrently a High Rad bag of material must be moved past 0PR02J GAS DECAY TANK EFFLUENT RADIATION MONITOR.Given:- ONLY one of the below cases will result in automatically terminating the release due to moving the Hi-Rad bag past the monitor.- Case 1: walking 1 meter away from 0PR02J with a 5 second transit time.- Case 2: walking 2 meters away from 0PR02J with a 20 second transit time.- Case 3: walking 3 meters away from 0PR02J with a 1 minute transit time.- Case 4: walking 5 meters away from 0PR02J with a 5 minute transit timeConsider the bag a point source.The release will automatically be terminated during Case

#34. Given:- Unit 1 at 100% power.- The NSO selects Grid 1 on the RM-11 and notes the following:- 1PR08J SG BLDN radiation monitor indicates White.- 1PR27J SJAE GS EXH radiation monitor indicates Magenta.- All OTHER process radiation monitors indicate Green.Grid one indicates that the 1PR08J status is ____(1)____ and 1PR27J is ____(2)____.

#35. Given:- BOTH units are at 100% power.- The 0B MCR Ventilation train is in service. – The 2A Containment Chiller is in service.- Unit 0 CC Hx is aligned to Unit 1.- 1SX005 CC HX 0 Inlet Valve is OPEN.- 2SX005 CC HX 0 Inlet Valve is CLOSED.- 2A SX pump is OOS for bearing replacement.- 1A SX pump is running.- 2B SX pump recently tripped.In response

#36. Given the following plant conditions on Units 1 & 2:- The U-1 SAC has just been made available (clearance order recently cleared).- The crew is preparing to start the U-1 SAC per BwOP SA-1 S TARTUP AND OPERATION OF STATION AIR COMPRESSORS.- The U-0 and the U-2 SACs are NOT available for a start.- IA pressure is currently 35 psig on the MCB.- Local control cabinet supply pressure for the U-1 SAC indicates 28 psig (due to a large leak that has been temporarily repaired).Under these conditions a Nitrogen bottle ____(1)____ be procedurally required to be used for the U-1 SAC startup and the U-1 SAC ____(2)____ .

#37. Given:- Unit 1 was at 25% power in a normal alignment for this power level.- A large plant transient has just occurred.With the above conditions which of the following MCR indications would procedurally require an immediate reactor trip?

#38. Given:- Unit 2 is in MODE 3 preparing for a reactor startup.- All Shutdown banks are withdrawn.- Redundant Steam Pressure instrumentation failures resulted in an inadvertent safety injection.- Both malfunctioning Steam Pressure channels are failed LOW.Subsequently:- Five minutes later the crew has depressed BOTH SI RESET pushbuttons.Regarding restoration of the normal containment cooling alignment (RCFCs and Containment Chillers)

#39. Given:- Unit One at 100% power.- 1BwOSR SSPS REACTOR TRIP BREAKER AND REACTOR TRIP BYPASS BREAKER SURVEILLANCE (TRAIN A) testing is in progress.- The last manipulation results in the following reactor trip/bypass breaker indications at 1PM05J:Note: Color Indications:- Bypass Permissive Status Light P4 RX TRIP is fast flashing after acknowledgment.- PRNIs N41-N44 ALL indicate 5% dropping.- ALL rod bottom lights are lit.- IRNI SUR is negative.Of the following the NEXT procedurally required action is to

#40. Given the following plant conditions on Unit 1:- The crew is responding to a reactor trip and SI.- 1BwEP-1 “LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT” is in progress at step 2.- PZR level has risen continuously.- RCS pressure has dropped continuously.Based on these conditions the failure is a leak through the

#41. Given:- Unit One initially at 100% power.- The 1A CV pump was OOS.- A LOCA occurred 10 minutes ago.- Bus 142 is faulted.- Containment pressure just peaked at 21 psig.- RCS pressure is 520 psig and STABLE.- RWST level is 75% and dropping at 0.3% per minute.- Assume all equipment responds as designed with the aforementioned exceptions.Of the following the parameter that is expected to RISE over the next five minutes is

#42. Given:- Unit 1 at 100% power.- 1B RCP #1 Seal Leakoff reads 6.8 gpm.- 1B RCP #2 Seal Leakoff has been reported at 1.4 gpm.- Other RCP parameters are initially normal.Based on the above conditions which ONE of the following correctly describes the required operator actions?

#43. Given:- Unit 1 is in MODE 3.- 1BwGP 100-1 Plant Heatup is in progress. – 1SI8808A-D SI Accumulator Isolation Valves are being restored to their normal at power alignment.- 1A CV pump is RUNNING.- The following then occurs:- 1A CV pump TRIPs.- The crew has implemented 1BwOA PRI-15 Loss of Normal Charging.- NO abnormal charging system indications were observed prior to the 1A CV pump trip. The crew will

#44. Given:- Unit 1 PZR is solid.- RCS temperature is 120oF.- RCS pressure is 100 psig.- The 1A RH train is operating in the shutdown cooling mode.- All Narrow Range SG levels are 20%.- 1RY8000A and B PORV ISOL VLVs are closed and de-energized.In this situation

#45. Given:- Both units at 100% power.- The 0 CC HX and pump are aligned to Unit 2.Subsequently:- A CC system malfunction has resulted in placing ALL CC pumps aligned to Unit 2 in PTL.The current situation has resulted in

#46. Given:- Unit 1 is at 100% power.- 1PK-455A Master PZR Pressure Controller output failed as is.- 1PK-455A will NOT transfer to Manual control.- A grid loss results in a rapid runback to 70% power.- The US directs the RO to manually operate Pressurizer Pressure controls during the runback.- Current parameters are as follows:- PZR Level 66% – PZR Pressure 2280 psig The RO will

#47. Given:- Unit 1 has experienced a SGTR on the 1A SG.- Failures of BOTH SI and CV pumps occurred during the event.- The initial RCS cooldown has been completed.- The TSC has expressed concern that the RCS is experiencing reflux boiling.NOTE:- 1BwCA-3.1: SGTR WITH LOSS OF REACTOR COOLANT-SUBCOOLED RECOVERY DESIRED- 1BwCA-3.2: SGTR WITH LOSS OF REACTOR COOLANT-SATURATED RECOVERY DESIRED- 1BwEP-3: STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTUREIf the TSC is correct the RCS is/has

#48. Given:- Unit 2 at 100% power.Subsequently:- A fault occurred on the 2B SG inside containment.- ALL MSIVs failed to close.- Currently:- AFW flow is 45-50 gpm per SG.- ALL NR SG levels are 0%.- ALL WR SG levels are 30-40%.- Containment pressure is 18 psig dropping.- ONLY the 2A Train CS train actuated and is running.- The crew is implementing 2BwCA-2.1 UNCONTROLLED DEPRESSURIZATION OF ALL STEAM GENERATORS Step 4 Check Pzr PORVs and Isolation Valves.- 2BwFR-H.1 RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK was previously entered and exited.- 2MS001B Loop 2B MSIV just closed.- 2MS001A 2MS001C and 2MS001D MSIVs remain OPEN.- 2A 2C and 2D SG pressures are 70 psig and rising.In response to this event the crew will

#49. Given:- Unit 2 at 100% power.- The crew is implementing 2BwOA SEC-1 SECONDARY PUMP TRIP in response to a loss of the 2B FW pump.- A turbine runback was initiated.(1) In response to this event a reactor trip is most likely to occur as a result of (2) This is prevented by …

#50. Given:- Unit 1 has experienced a Loss of All AC Power.- The crew is performing the immediate actions of 1BwCA-0.0 LOSS OF ALL AC POWER.The basis for verifying ALL MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves closed at step 2 is to

#51. Given:- Unit 1 experienced a reactor trip from full power.- One minute later a loss of offsite power occurred.Currently (90 minutes after the loss of offsite power):- The crew is implementing 1BwEP ES-0.2 NATURAL CIRCULATION COOLDOWN.- RCS pressure is 885 psig.- SG pressures are ALL 763 psig.- CETCs indicate 532oF on 1PM05J.- RCS cold leg temperatures indicate 515.5oF .- SATURATED conditions are indicated in the ___(1)___ . – In response operators will ____(2)____.

#52. Given:- Unit 1 at 100% power.- Pressurizer Level control is selected to 459/460.- A simultaneous loss of Instrument Bus 111 and the redundant power supply for 1PA01J occurs.In response to this event

#53. Given:- Diagnostic monitoring is in progress to locate a suspected 0.5 gpm primary leak.- Normal charging and letdown are aligned with the 1A Regenerative Heat Exchanger in service.- You are monitoring computer points for:- Letdown flow- RCP Seal injection flowSubsequently:- A loss of DC bus 111 occurs.Which of the following indications will you observe on the two computer points?Letdown Flow RCP Seal Flow

#54. Given:- Both Units at 100% power.- Unit 0 CC HX and Pump are aligned to Unit 2.- 1A SX pump is OOS for bearing replacement.- 1B SX pump is running.- 2A SX pump is running.The following sequence of events then occurs:- 2A SX pump TRIPs on overcurrent.- 2B SX pump CANNOT be started.- The crew has implemented 2BwOA PRI-8 Essential Service Water Malfunction.Based on the above conditions PRIOR to OPENING 1SX005 Unit 0 CC HEAT EXCHANGER INLET VLV the crew MUST…

#55. Given:- Unit 1 at 100% power.- Normal charging aligned to 1B RC loop.- 1A Regenerative HX is aligned.- A malfunction results in isolation of Instrument Air to Unit 1 Containment.Annunciator 1-7-A2 RCP SEAL WTR INJ FLTR P HIGH is in alarm due to the position of

#56. Given:- Unit 1 at 100% power in a normal alignment. – 1VI-MP006 MAIN GENERATOR 1 OUTPUT VARS indicates 200 MVAR out.Subsequently:- A grid disturbance results in grid voltage rising.- Power Team reports NO lines were lost and total grid reactive load did NOT change.In response to this event Unit 1 MVAR out

#57. Given:- Unit 2 at 90% power.- Control Bank D is at 210 steps with rods in AUTOMATIC control.Which of the following will INITIALLY cause the ROD OUT light to light at 2PM05J?

#58. Given:- Unit 1 at 75%.- PDMS is operable.- During the ramp to 100% power rod H8 in CBD stopped moving at 162 steps (determined NOT mechanically bound-misalignment was determined to exist starting two hours ago).- CBD rods (other than H8) are at 180 steps.- Appropriate Tech Spec actions are in progress.- It is estimated that the CRDM for rod H-8 will be functional in three hours. Per 1BwOA ROD-3 DROPPED OR MISALIGNED ROD to recover the misaligned rod:(1) What will be moved?(2) What is the maximum power level that will allow the recovery to begin?

#59. Given:- Unit 2 is performing a plant startup.- At 15% power a rod control malfunction resulted in the crew tripping the unit.- The crew has just manually re-energized the SRNIs. Currently:- BOTH SRNIs indicate 1.5 x 104 cps.- IRNI N35 indicates 5 x 10-11 amps.- IRNI N36 indicates 5 x 10-10 amps.Based on these indications

#60. Given:- Unit 1 is in a refueling outage. Which of the following would be the FIRST indication of a malfunction of the portable RCCA change tool dropping an RCCA onto a fuel assembly and causing a loss of cladding integrity?

#61. Given:- A liquid release is in progress.- A faulty valve disc to stem interface results in CW blowdown flowrate dropping to 5200 gpm.In response to this event Monitor 0PR01J as indicated on the RM-11 display OPS101 LIQ RADWASTE 0WX01T will be

#62. Given:- General radiation levels are rising in the Fuel Handling Building.The following timeline applies: (Time annotated in HR:MIN)00:00 0AR55J Fuel Handling Building Incident went into ALERT.00:30 0AR56J Fuel Handling Building Incident went into ALERT.00:40 0AR55J Fuel Handling Building Incident went into ALARM.00:50 0AR56J Fuel Handling Building Incident went into ALARM.In response to this event- 0VA04CA FHB Booster Fan 0A started and the Train A Charcoal Absorber automatically aligned at ____(1)____.- 0VA04CB FHB Booster Fan 0B ____(2)____.

#63. Given the following plant conditions on Unit 1:

#64. Given:- Unit 1 initially at 100% power.Subsequently:- A reactor trip and loss of offsite power occurred.- The reactor trip occurred 3 hours ago.- Bus 143 and 144 have been re-energized.- The crew is implementing 1BwEP ES-0.4 NATURAL CIRCULATION COOLDOWN WITH STEAM VOID IN VESSEL (WITHOUT RVLIS).- Pressurizer level is 94%.- RCS temperature is 370oF.- 1A CV pump is running.- 1B CV pump is in standby.- Both SI pumps are in standby.- Normal letdown is established. – BOTH Pressurizer PORV control switches are selected to AUTO.The crew action(s) that will restore compliance with a Technical Specification license condition that is NOT CURRENTLY MET is/are to

#65. The parameter and criteria that is FIRST evaluated to determine if a RED PATH exists on the INTEGRITY status tree is:Parameter Criteria

#66. Given:- A new ILT student assigned to Operations is performing his six month familiarization time.- The new student intends to come into the Main Control Room to observe shift operations. – He intends to walk down the Unit One main control boards including walking on the colored carpeting (Zone of Control) immediately adjacent to the control panels.The student will obtain

#67. During the 1st quarter of the year an NSO took the shift as the Unit NSO as indicated below:Jan. 03 2012 – 8 hours plus turnovers.Jan. 13 2012 – 12 hours plus turnovers.Feb. 01 2012 – 8 hours plus turnovers.Mar. 25 2012 – 12 hours plus turnovers Mar. 31 2012 – 8 hours plus turnovers.The NSO was on medical leave from April 15 2012 through July 30 2012.This NSO’s license became INACTIVE on ________ because ______ more 8 hour shift(s) was/were required to maintain an active license.

#68. Given:- Unit 1 at 26% power.- The crew is performing a plant startup following a forced outage near the end of a fuel cycle.- Steam dumps are in the Tave mode.Subsequently:- The main turbine trips.Assuming NO operator action and that all equipment operates as designed

#69. – The Reactor Core Safety Limits in section 2.0 of Technical Specifications include limits on ____(1)_____.- The functioning of the ____(2)_____ are credited to AUTOMATICALLY preserve the Reactor Core Safety Limits.

#70. Given:- Unit 1 is at 10% power- A plant transient occurs resulting in the following: – Loop 1A Tave = 550 oF.- Loop 1B Tave = 551 oF.- Loop 1C Tave = 549 oF.- Loop 1D Tave = 550 oF.Under these conditions Technical Specifications require the crew to

#71. Given:- Both units are at full power normal alignment.- The 0A VC train is in standby.- The 0B VC train is in normal operation.The following occurs:- An event that has the potential for an accidental radioactive release in the Unit 2 Auxiliary Building is reported to the MCR. – The MCR SRO directs an RO to monitor control room intake air for elevated radiation trends.- The RO notes all MCR rad monitor icons on the RM-11 GRID 2 PROCESS AIR MONITORS are currently GREEN.With the above conditions to monitor control room intake air on the RM-11 the RO will trend the…

#72. Given:- A RCS LOCA resulted in core damage on Unit 1.Which ONE of the following correctly describes the evolution that constitutes the LEAST potentialfor RAISING radiation levels in the Auxiliary Building?

#73. Given:- BOTH Units are at 100% power all systems are normally aligned.- The Unit 1 Unit Supervisor receives a report from the NRC via the red ENS phone that an airborne threat is PROBABLE.- The crew has implemented 0BwOA SECURITY-1 Security Threat.Based on the EXISTING threat status AND assuming it is safe to send personnel into the plant which ONE of the following correctly describes an action the crew will perform as directed by 0BwOA SECURITY-1?

#74. Given:- Unit 1 experienced a loss of all AC power.- 1BwCA-0.0 LOSS OF ALL AC POWER is in progress at step 10.- STA informs the US of the following Status Tree results:Subcriticality: GreenCore Cooling: OrangeHeat Sink: RedIntegrity: RedContainment: YellowInventory: YellowUnder these conditions the crew will…

#75. Given:- Unit 1 was initially at 100% power.- A LOCA occurred.Currently:- The crew is implementing 1BwEP ES-1.2 POST LOCA COOLDOWN AND DEPRESSURIZATION.- Step 8 Initiate RCS Cooldown to 200oF has just been initiated.- RCS WR pressure is 1315 psig- PZR level is 0%.- CETCs indicate 512oF.The NEXT mitigating strategy the crew will implement is

#76. Given:- Both units at 100% power.- 1A SX pump is running.- 2A SX pump is OOS.Subsequently:- A LOCA occurs on Unit 1.- 1A SX pump tripped.- 1B SX pump would NOT start. – RCS pressure is currently 1700 psig.- Unit 2 SX is cross-tied to Unit 1 per 1BwOA PRI-8 ESSENTIAL SERVICE WATER MALFUNCTION. .- Unit 2 SX pump discharge pressure is 82 psig.- 1A and 1B CV pump bearing temperatures are rising and within 3oF of the Table A VITAL EQUIPMENT TEMPERATURE LIMITS in 1BwOA PRI-8.(1) With NO further operator action(2) Under CURRENT conditions 1BwOA PRI-8 directs

#77. Given:CASE 1:- Unit 1 in Mode 1.- Bus 141 is de-energized for 1 hour to allow maintenance to replace a grounded breaker cubicle connector.CASE 2:- Unit 1 is in Mode 4.- SAT 142-1 requires an emergent OOS and is de-energized.- Bus 141 is energized by the 1A EDG during the OOS.CASE 3:- Unit 1 is in Mode 3.- Maintenance is replacing the motor for 1SX027A 1A & 1C SX INLT VLV over the next 24 hours.- The 1A and 1C RCFC breakers are all in PTL per the clearance order.In accordance with Braidwood Technical Specifications LCO 3.6.6 Containment Spray and Cooling Systems Condition C One or more containment cooling trains inoperable must be entered for

#78. Given:- Unit 1 is in Mode 4.- 1A RH train is aligned for shutdown cooling.- 1A CC pump is RUNNING.- 1B CC pump is OOS.- 1D RCP is running.- U-0 CC pump is mechanically AND electrically aligned to Bus 142.- The crew is maintaining RCS temperature stable at 210oF.- PZR level is 26%.Subsequently:- CC surge tank level rapidly dropped to 9% before stabilizing.- 1A RH pump discharge temperature indicates 212oF and rising.- The crew entered 1BwOA PRI-6 COMPONENT COOLING MALFUNCTION.- ALL CC pumps are in pull-out and the crew has stopped the 1D RCP.Of the following the NEXT action the US will direct the crew to perform is to…

#79. Given:- Unit 2 is in Mode 6.- All required Technical Specification LCOs for Mode 6 are met.- SSPS is restored to at power configuration.- Final reactor vessel head bolt tensioning is in progress for preparation to enter Mode 5.Then:- PRNI N41 failed to a value of 15%.- PRNI N42 failed high.- The NI failures resulted from faulty detectors that CANNOT be immediately replaced due to parts availability.- Assume all other equipment is OPERABLE as needed for higher Tech Spec Modes.- Assume the PRNIs remain in the current condition.(1) The above conditions have resulted in ____(1)______.(2) Currently the HIGHEST Mode Unit 2 may enter is _____(2)______.

#80. Given:- Unit 1 at 100% power.- The controlling Pressurizer Pressure Channel failed HIGH.- The crew is implementing 1BwOA INST-2 OPERATION WITH A FAILED INSTRUMENT CHANNEL.- Pressurizer Pressure Control has been swapped to an operable channel.- 1RY455B PZR SPRAY VLV remains stuck full OPEN.NOTE the following procedure list:1BwEP-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION.1BwEP ES-0.1 REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE.1BwEP ES-1.1 SI TERMINATIONIn accordance with 1BwOA INST-2 the crew will manually trip the reactor then ___(1)____.The crew will then ___(2)___.

#81. Given:- A Unit 1 Main Turbine runback is in progress from 100% power due to a secondary pump trip.- The crew is performing 1BwOA SEC-1 SECONDARY PUMP TRIP.- Annunciator 1-10-A6 ROD BANK LO-2 INSERTION LIMIT is NOT lit.- Annunciator 1-10-B6 ROD BANK LOW INSERTION LIMIT is LITCurrently:- Main Generator Load is 820 Mwe dropping (runback still in progress).- All feed flows are LESS THAN steam flows.- ALL NR SG levels 25-28% SLOWLY LOWERING. – Control Rods are stepping IN.With the above conditions the US will direct the crew to…

#82. Given:- Unit 1 is in Mode 5.- The pressurizer is in SOLID condition.- 1B RH shutdown cooling is in service with RH letdown established.- 1A CV pump is running.- Unit 1 Station Air Compressor is supplying ALL instrument and service air loads.- Unit 2 is at 100% power.- Unit 2 Station Air Compressor is OOS.- The Unit 0 SAC is in standby.Subsequently:- A four inch diameter turbine building SERVICE AIR header ruptures.- The Unit 0 Station Air Compressor failed to start. (1) In response to this event _____(1)_____.(2) Unit 1 RCS pressure is now 402 psig and rising. In response the crew will _____(2)_____.

#83. Given:- Unit 1 is at 100% power.- Unit 2 is in Mode 3.- Current sample results and levels for each of the Unit Specific Spray Additive tanks are shown below:- Unit 1:Level: 79%NaOH Concentration: 29%- Unit 2:Level: 77%NaOH Concentration: 30% Based on these conditions ___(1)___ the requirements of LCO 3.6.7 Spray Additive System and ___(2)___.

#84. Given the following plant conditions on Unit 1:- At 1200 an RCS LOCA occurred.- At 1230 the following conditions exist:- RCS pressure is 200 psig and dropping.- CETCs are 546 F and stable.- RWST level is 48% and dropping.- Containment floor water level is 18 inches.At 1700 the RH pumps suction will be aligned from the ____(1)____ and provide water to the RCS ____(2)____.___(1)___ ___(2)___

#85. Given:- Unit 1 was initially at 100% power.- The following equipment is OOS: – 1B CV pump- 1B SI pumpSubsequently:- An ATWS occurred.- The crew performed 1BwFR-S.1 RESPONSE TO NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION/ATWS.- A loss of offsite power occurred.- Bus 141 faulted.- 1B AF pump started then failed catastrophically.- SI actuated during the event. – The following parameters/trends exist:PRNIs 0%IRNI SURs -0.25 DPMCETCs 720oF RISINGSG NR levels 0%SG WR levels 30-31% DROPPINGWR RCS Loop Temps 670-700 oFContainment Pressure 4.0 psig STEADYThe crew transitioned from 1BwFR-S.1 to 1BwEP-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION and are currently at step 5. Starting with the current plant conditions and ASSUMING IDENTIFIED TRENDS CONTINUE as described the crew will NEXT implementNOTE:1BwFR-C.1 RESPONSE TO INADEQUATE CORE COOLING1BwFR-C.2 RESPONSE TO DEGRADED CORE COOLING1BwFR-H.1 RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK

#86. Given:- Unit 1 experienced a fault inside containment on the 1A SG from 100% power.- The reactor was manually tripped and appropriate ESF actuations initiated.- ALL RCPs were tripped.- The crew has completed 1BwEP-2 FAULTED STEAM GENERATOR ISOLATION.- The 1A CENT CHG pump was stopped at step 4 of 1BwEP ES-1.1 SI TERMINATION.- The crew is at step 5 Check RCS Pressure of 1BwEP ES-1.1.The following indications are noted:- Annunciator 1-9-E1 CHG PUMP ISOLATION VALVE CLOSED just CLEARED.- Subsequently Bypass Permissive P-11 CLEARED.- 1B 1C & 1D SG pressures: 740 psig STABLEIn response to the latest indications the crew will

#87. Given:- Unit 2 was at 100% power.Subsequently:

#88. Given the following on Unit 1:- A RCS LOCA occurred from full power.- 1A RH pump tripped and could NOT be started.- 1B RH pump is running.- RWST level is 46%.- 1BwEP ES-1.3 TRANSFER TO COLD LEG RECIRCULATION has just been entered.- 1SI8811A CNMT SUMP 1A ISOL VALVE is closed.- 1SI8811B CNMT SUMP 1B ISOL VALVE is open.- Cnmt pressure is 8 psig.- Cnmt floor water level is 9 inches.In response to this event the crew will

#89. Given:- Unit 1 is recovering from a loss of Heat Sink condition.- Bleed and Feed was NOT established during the event.- Feed flow has been established to the 1C and 1D SGs per Attachment B of 1BwFR-H.1 RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK.- The following conditions currently exist:- 1C and 1D Narrow Range SG levels: 2% SLOWLY RISING.- 1A and 1B Wide Range SG levels: 30% STABLE.- RCS temperature: 558oF.- NO RCPs are running.- Both reactor trip breakers are OPEN- Containment pressure: 0.2 psig STABLE.- The crew is currently in 1BwEP ES-0.1 REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE at step 9 CHECK RCP 1D RUNNING.In order to comply with current Technical Specification requirements for RCS Loops the

#90. Given:- Unit 1 initially at 100% power.Subsequently:- A LOCA inside containment occurred.- The crew is evaluating if RCS Cooldown and Depressurization is required per 1BwEP-1 LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT.- Current indications include the following:- PRNIs: 0%- IRNIs SUR: fluctuating between negative 0.2 and zero DPM.- CETCs: 620oF.- Containment Pressure: 2.0 psig RISING.- PZR Level: Offscale LOW.- WR RCS Pressure: 1800 psig DROPPING slowly.Based on these conditions the crew will transition to

#91. Given:- BOTH units at 100% power.- A fire has initiated in the Auxiliary Electrical Equipment Room.Consider each condition separately:(1) MCR evacuation is required.(2) The fire is NOT extinguished in 30 minutes.(3) Donning SCBAs is necessary in the MCR.Under which of the following conditions must the US order a reactor trip?

#92. Given:- Unit 1 is in Mode 1.- Unit 1 Main Control Room is being evacuated in accordance with 1BwOA PRI-5 CONTROL ROOM INACCESSIBILITY.- NO fire is present in the MCR. Based on the above conditions and in accordance with 1BwOA PRI-5 EACH of the following actions/verifications is REQUIRED PRIOR TO evacuating the main control room EXCEPT…

#93. Given:- Unit 1 has been at 100% power for 3 weeks following a refueling outage.- A review of work packages has just determined that blocking devices were NOT removed from ONE Unit 1 SG safety valve on EACH of the four steam generators.- Of the following choices which ones must be REDUCED in accordance with Braidwood Technical Specifications?(1) OTT reactor trip setpoint.(2) OPT reactor trip setpoint.(3) Power Range neutron flux high reactor trip setpoint.(4) Reactor power.

#94. Given:- Core reload on Unit 1 is in progress.- The 14th fuel assembly is being lowered into the reactor vessel (has penetrated the plane of the Reactor Vessel flange).- The following has occurred:- The most recent successive RCS boron concentration samples show an UNEXPECTED DROP from 2340 ppm to 2310 ppm.In response to this event of the following options

#95. Each of the following are Licensed SRO fuel handling supervision responsibilities EXCEPT…

#96. Which of the following work control activities REQUIRES a Senior Reactor Operator and CANNOT be delegated to someone else?

#97. Given:- Unit 2 at 100% power.- An idle RCFC train was recently started.- 2BwOS RF-1 CONTAINMENT FLOOR DRAIN MONITORING SYSTEM NON ROUTINE SURVEILLANCE is current using Containment Floor Water Level Meters 2LI-PC002 and 2LI-PC003.With the above conditions a Tech Spec LCO entry would result from _____(1)_____.This would ______(2)_____.

#98. In accordance with RP-BR-980 CONTAINMENT VENT AND MINI PURGE GASEOUSEFFLUENTS which of the following is an SRO responsibility for a containment release?

#99. Given:- BOTH Units were at 100% power.Subsequently:- A plant transient caused a Unit 1 reactor trip.- A SAT 142-1 fault occurred.- The 1B EDG failed to start.- The 1A EDG is running unloaded.- The crew has just entered 1BwCA-0.0 LOSS OF ALL AC POWER.- Bus 141 Breakers 1413 1411 1412 & 1414 have been placed in PTL.- RCS subcooling is ACCEPTABLE per ICONIC DISPLAY.- Pressurizer level is 27% STABLE.- Containment pressure is 0.2 psig STABLE.- NO ECCS equipment actuates upon power restoration.- The following annunciators are LIT:1-21-A7 BUS 141 FD BRKR 1412 TRIP1-21-B9 DG 1A OVERLOAD1-21-C7 BUS 141 OVERLOAD OR VOLT LOW1-21-C8 DG 1A TROUBLE/FAIL TO STARTIn response to this event the Unit 1 US will direct the crew to cross-tie

#100. Given:- An inadequate core cooling event is in progress on Unit 1.- The crew is performing 1BwFR-C.1 RESPONSE TO INADEQUATE CORE COOLING.- At step 3 CHECK RCP SUPPORT CONDITIONS support conditions were NOT established due to NO seal injection flow and high RCP leakoff temperatures.- Continued attempts to re-establish RCP support conditions have been UNSUCCESSFUL so far.- Currently the crew is at step 16 CHECK IF RCPs SHOULD BE STARTED.- All RCPs are shutdown. – CETCs are 35oF ABOVE the 1BwFR-C.1 entry condition and slowly rising.- RCS pressure is 1500 psig.- 1A and 1B CV pumps are unavailable.- 1RE-AR020 and 021 High Range Containment Radiation Monitors indicate 3 x 105 R/hr.- SG NR Levels are as follows:1A 38 27 34 28% With the above conditions the US will direct the crew to…
