#1. A differential temperature between the bottom of the RPV and the RPV flange thatis greater than 80F on LOA-RR-101; Attachment B; Monitoring of the Reactor WaterTemperature / Pressure During Loss of Both RR Pumps is indicative of…
#2. Assume that AC Electrical Power is lost to the Division 1; 125 vde BatteryChargers.Continuing to operate without restoring AC Electrical Power to the Division 1; 125 vdeBattery Chargers will result in …
#3. Why will the Unit-1 reactor automatically scram as a result of simultaneous loss of111¥ and 112Y?
#4. Given the following initial conditions:- Reactor Power at 20% of RTP- Normal electrical lineup for Mode 1Considering the above initial conditions; which one of the following states the status of the eightwhite RPS Group Scram lights immediately following a Main Turbine trip when Turbine StopValve #1 sticks OPEN?
#5. Following a manual reactor scram from rated conditions; RPV water leveldecreased to -25 inches then started to recover.The RPV water level response is …
#6. LGA-001 entry conditions have been met. Which one of the following conditions would require entering LGA-010?
#7. You have been directed to transfer RHR from Suppression Pool ool Cooling toShutdown Cooling at the Remote Shutdown Panel (RSP).While performing the above task; there are NO interlocks that would prevent you from opening .1E12-F006B; Shutdown Cooling Suction if is already OPEN.|
#8. The 1A Diesel Generator (DG) Cooling Water Pump tripped while the 1A DG was |running under load during surveillance testing.impact on continued 1A DG operation?|Assuming no operator action; which one of the following statements describes the expected |
#9. With the unit operating at near full power and the Off-Gas system in a normaloperating configuration; Instrument Air (IA) pressure to the Off-Gas system components startsto decrease and can NOT be corrected. Which one of the following describes the effect on the 2N62-F300A and 2N62-F300BCondenser Off-Gas Outlet valves as JA pressure decreases? ;
#10. The unit is operating in Mode 3 when it is discovered that 1E12-F009; Shutdown |Cooling Suction Inboard Isolation Valve will NOT open.The Unit Supervisor directs the following:- using 1A RHR to establish reactor water level +190 to +260 inches- opening 3 SRVs- throttling 1A RHR Full Flow Test valve (1E12-F024A) to maintain reactor water level in theband and a flow rate of 6500 gpm through the 1A RHR pumpFollowing the Unit Supervisor’s instructions will …
#11. The Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup (FC) system was operating with the 1A FCPump running and both Filter Demineralizers (F/Ds) were in service. The 1B FC Pump was instandby.Subsequently a large leak develops in the refueling bellows.Which one of the following correctly states the expected response assuming NO mitigatingoperator actions are taken?
#12. An event occurred resulting in the following conditions:- Reactor scrammed; all control rods are full-in- HPCS; LPCS and LPCI automatically initiated- All three DGs are operating- RCIC is in standby- All plant equipment operated as designed The above response is expected when is the only initiating parameter.
#13. Per the Technical Specification LCO; Drywell and Suppression Chamber pressure shall be maintained >-0.5 psig and in MODES 1; 2; and 3.
#14. Due to LOCA conditions in the Drywell; the following conditions exist:- Suppression Pool Temperature is 195F- Suppression Pool Level is +6 inches- Suppression Chamber Pressure is +0.5 psig- Drywell temperature is 195F- One Containment Vacuum Breaker is stuck OPENWhich one of the following would DECREASE the probability of damaging the LPCS pump ifoperated under the above conditions?
#15. A LOCA has occurred resulting in the following plant conditions:- Drywell Temperature indicates 290F- RPV Pressure indicates 50 psig- Reactor Building Temperature indicates 155F- Narrow Range Level indicates 0 inches- Wide Range Level indicates -90 inches- Upset Range Level indicates +20 inches- Shutdown Range Level indicates +20 inches- Fuel Zone Level indicates -120 inchesBased on the above conditions; which one of the following statements about RPV levelindication is true?
#16. Given the following initial plant conditions:- Suppression Pool Level is -3 feet- Suppression Pool Temperature is 210F- Drywell Pressure is 8 psig- Suppression Chamber Pressure is 3 psigWhich one of the following would most likely cause system damage while operating the 1BRHR pump in the LPCI mode?
#17. When using the Standby Liquid Control System injection line as an alternateinjection flowpath; the NSO can monitor proper operation by observing thatrunning with discharge pressure greater than reactor pressure and SBLC squib valve continuitylights out.|
#18. While operating at full power in a normal electrical lineup; an event has occurred on Unit-1 and the following conditions exist:- Both RPS Motor Generator Sets have tripped- The Rod Worth Minimizer (RWM) shows multiple control rods are NOT full-in Assuming no operator action; how would you determine if Reactor Power is above 3%?
#19. The lowest E-Plan event classification level that REQUIRES activation of theassembly siren based on off-site release rate with no danger to on-site personnel is …
#20. The control room received a report of an electrical fire in the 1B Diesel GeneratorRoom.The fire should be classified as a (1) type fire; and the immediate hazard toconsider when entering the room ts (2) in the area.
#21. Which one of the following actions are taken by the control room operators; toPREVENT cold water injection during an ATWS? |
#22. Following a reactor water level transient on Unit-2 the following conditions exist:- Reactor automatically scrammed on low reactor water level- All control rod are full-in~— – RCIC is in standby- The Emergency Diesel Generators are in standby The following valves indicate CLOSED on both the PCIS Status CRTs and the control panels: All other PCIS valves are in their normal; expected positions based on the transient. Based on the valve positions; a spurious PCIS_________ isolation has occurred.
#23. Unit-1 is pulling rods for a startup. The reactor is critical below the Point of AddingHeat (POAH) when the following annunciators are received:- 1H13-P603-A303; CRD Feed Pump Suction Filter DP Hi- 1H13-P603-A103; 1A CRD Feed Pump Auto Trip- 1H13-P603-A204; CRD Charging Wtr Press LoThe NSO observes CRD Charging Header pressure at 1000 psig and pressure has decreased 30psig over the last minute.Based on the above information; the NSO’s first priority is to …
#24. Which one of the following would explain an increase in HCU pressure with noaccumulator trouble alarm?
#25. Unit-1 is operating near full power with two Circulating Water (CW) Pumpsoperating. Condensate Polisher (CP) inlet temperature is 128F.Differential pressure across one of the operating traveling screens increases to 16 inches ofwater.This would cause CP inlet temperature to …
#26. Unit-1 is operating at full power with Reactor Building Ventilation (VR) in thefollowing lineup:- 1C VR Supply Fan OFF- 1B VR Exhaust Fan OFF- Two Unit-1 VR Supply and two Unit-1 VR Exhaust Fans are running- Unit-2 VR is shutdown and no Unit-2 VR fans are runningAssuming NO operator actions are taken; how will the VR System respond to a trip of the 1AVR Exhaust Fan?
#27. The rounds NLO reports that the Unit-2 Northwest Reactor Building corner room ~sump is overflowing due to a blown pump shaft seal in the northwest corner room.Closing the suction isolation valve on which one of the following pumps would most likelyisolate the leak?
#28. The following conditions exist on Unit-1:- 100% power; steady state- All ECCS systems are lined up for STANDB. An ECCS initiation signal occurs concurrently with Bus 142Y undervoltage.When Bus 142Y re-energizes; the (1) starts immediately and (2) startsapproximately 5-seconds later.
#29. Unit-1 has been in Cold Shutdown for 7 days following an extended run:- 1B RHR is operating in Shutdown Cooling with a stable suction temperature of 190F- 1A RHR Pump is OOS- RPV water level is +145 inches- LA RR Pump is in slow speed- 1B RR Pump is OOSWhich one of the following describes the response of the Reactor Recirculation pump suctiontemperatures 15 minutes after a trip of the 1B RHR pump (assume NO operator action)? 1A RR Pump Pump Suction Temperature | 1B RR Suction Temperature
#30. Given the following initial plant conditions:- Low Pressure Core Spray (LPCS) was running for a surveillance.- Full Flow Test Valve; 1E21-F012 was throttled to achieve rated pump discharge pressure— – Injection Valve; 1E21-F005 was closed- Minimum Flow Valve 1E21-F011 was closedSubsequently a loss of Division 1; 125 vdc occurs; followed by Drywell pressure increasing to2.0 psig.Assuming no operator actions have been taken; what is the final status of the following LPCScomponents?! Full Flow Test Minimum Flow |Valve 1E21-F012 Valve 1E21-F011!: I
#31. The Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) system is running for a surveillance inthe Condensate Storage Tank (CST) to CST test mode when a vehicle drives into the side of the |CST leaving only 2 feet of water in the tank. Suppression Pool (SP) level is normal.The RCIC turbine will continue to mun…|
#32. DEGRADATION of the HPCS Water Leg pump will …
#33. An event has occurred on Unit-1 resulting in the following conditions:- Drywell pressure has increased to 1.0 psig- All ECCS pumps have automatically startedSubsequently RPV level reached +66 inches and then decreased to -10 inches.Which one of the following actions would cause the HPCS system to inject water into the RPV? ‘
#34. During an ATWS; the NSO started the 1A Standby Liquid Control (SBLC) systemper the Scram Hardcard and verified proper operation of SBLC. After pumping 1000 gallons of boron solution; Bus 141Y tripped on overcurrent.Which one of the following actions should the NSO take; and why?
#35. Unit-1 was operating at 25% RTP with the 1B21-F028A; Main Steam IsolationValve closed. Subsequently MSIV 1B21-F022C spuriously closed .Based on the above MSIV closures; RPS relays in …
#36. Unit-1 is performing a startup. The reactor is critical below the point of adding heat. Using the figure below; which one of the following lights are expected to be lit for theconditions provided?
#37. During a reactor startup; the NSO can more closely monitor the SRMs by …
#38. As the Local Power Range Monitor (LPRM) detectors age; the output of theAverage Power Range Monitors (APRMs) will .[Assume initial APRM Gain Adjustment Factors (AGAFs) were equal to 1.00 and actual powerremains the same as the LPRM ages.]
#39. Unit-1 is operating at 15% RTP following a reactor startup. During performance ofthe control room rounds; it is discovered that the AMBER light for the LPRM labeled 5D-40-25is lit on back panel 1H13-P608. Which one of the following would cause the above indication?
#40. How would a loss of 250 vde bus 121Y affect the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling(RCIC) system?RCIC (1) automatically start following an automatic initiation signal; and(2) automatically isolate following a PCIS high RCIC room temperatureisolation signal.
#41. An event has occurred on Unit-1 resulting in the following conditions:- Bus 112Y is de-energized- Division 1 ADS High Drywell pressure transmitters are inoperable and transmitting 0 psig- Actual Drywell pressure is 2.0 psig- RPV pressure is approximately 450 psig and steadyRPV Level has just reached the Level-1 setpoint.Low pressure ECCS systems will start to inject …
#42. LGA entry conditions exist on Unit-1 with the following conditions:- reactor pressure = 790 psig- Drywell pressure = 5 psig- Bus 111Y is de-energized. After depressing all four ADS Manual Initiation pushbuttons; you take the following SRV Tailpipe temperature readings from the appropriate back panel recorders:Based on the above tailpipe temperatures; how many ADS valves are open?
#43. While operating at 100%; level indicating switch 1B21-N704C which supports -PCIS Group 2 and 3; has failed downscale. This particular switch is powered from RPS A.Subsequently a leak in the Drywell has resulted in RPV level dropping to -100 inches. Levelthen returned to the normal control band. Based on the above event; PCIS Group 2 and 3 valves willisolate.
#44. Which one of the following would be an indication that an SRV tail pipe hast|sheared at the T-quencher and the T-quencher is no longer performing as designed?
#45. Unit-1 is at 100% power with both TDRFPs in 3-element contro]. The level setpointis set at +36 inches.A fuse blows de-energizing 1A Narrow Range (NR) Level transmitter; 1C34-N004A.Assuming NO operator action; the reactor …
#46. Standby Gas Treatment (VG) is being used to vent the containment. Drywellpressure is 1.4 psig and steady when the VG Train Flow Transmitter fails to 5000 cfm.Based on the VG train automatic response to this failure; Drywell pressure will …
#47. Standby Gas Treatment (VG) has automatically initiated. Ten minutes later theNSO recognizes that the VG Outlet Isolation Damper (1 VG003) indicates intermediate.Which one of the following would confirm to the NSO that the 1VG003 is NOT full open?
#48. Unit-1 is shutdown with the UAT unavailable. Unit-2 is in a normal full powerelectrical lineup.Subsequently a spurious trip of the SAT Feed to 141 Y (breaker 1412) occurred.The 0 DG is running loaded with the following breaker lineup per the AC Power Abnormalprocedure LOA-AP-101:- SAT is available and carrying 142X; 142Y; and 143- ACB 1411; UAT Feed to 141X is OPEN (and NOT available)- ACB 1412; SAT Feed to 141 Y is OPEN (and NOT available)- ACB 1413; 0 DG Output is CLOSED- ACB 1414; Unit Tie Breaker is OPEN (and available)- ACB 1415; 141X/Y Tie Breaker is CLOSEDWhile operating in the above lineup; an ECCS initiation signal is received on Unit-1.The operator should expect (1) and then enter the appropriate section of :LOA-AP-101; Unit-1 AC Power System Abnormal; to (2)
#49. Which one of the following would indicate that the Plant Process Computer (PPC) |Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) should have automatically transferred to the AlternateSource?
#50. A loss of ALL 125 vde Battery Chargers has occurred on Unit-1.Assume equal loads of 25 amperes are being supplied by each battery; which one of thefollowing lists the expected relationship between the Unit-1 battery voltages after 2 hours?
#51. You have been directed by the Unit Supervisor to place the 1B DGMaintenance-Auto Transfer Switch in the MAINT position.Where is the switch located?
#52. With Unit-1 operating at full power; a spurious PCIS Group 10 isolation occurred.During the recovery; the NLO reports that the IN Rupture Disc; LIN22M has ruptured and needsto be replaced.Based on the above event; which one of the following describes the minimum actions requiredto ensure the Inboard MSIVs will remain open during the replacement of 1IN22M?NOTE:1) 1IN059 – DW Nitrogen Inst Air Downstream Stop Valve2) 1IN060 – DW Nitrogen Inst Air Upstream Stop Valve3) 1INO17 – DW Inst N2 Regulated Hdr Drywell Supply Valve
#53. Loss of bus 241Y will render inoperable due to loss of power.
#54. Unit-1 is operating at 60% reactor power on a 80% Flow Control Line.A control rod is being positioned from position 10 to 08. While settling; it is discovered that acomplete failure of the collet fingers has occurred.Based on the above failure and NO operator action; total core flow will …
#55. A rod position being displayed in magenta on the RWM indicates that …
#56. A seal failure on the 1A Reactor Recirculation (RR) pump develops while operatingin Mode 1 with power <25%. This causes the following:- Drywell pressure increases to 2.0 psig- 1A RR pump trips on overcurrent- Narrow Range level indication remains on-scale during the eventWhich one of the following correctly states the expected loop flow controller indications for theRR Flow Control Valves (FC Vs) following the event?1A RR-FCV 1B RR-FCVPosition Position
#57. Following a reactor scram from full power; when the RWM Scram Mode isenabled; IF multiple rods are at unknown positions due to Rod Position Information System(RPIS) failures; and all other control rods indicate full-in; the box will say …
#58. The Unit-1 is at 100% power.An NLO reports that an RPV Instrument Line is cracked and is slowly venting to the Unit-1Reactor Building atmosphere.The NSO scanned RPV pressure and RPV level instruments associated with the crackedinstrument line.Which one of the following sets of readings would indicate that the leak is associated with aninstrument reference leg?Indicated IndicatedRPV Pressure: RPV Level:
#59. Unit-2; Division 2 RHR is running in Suppression Pool Cooling with flowestablished at 5000 gpm. 2E12-F048B; RHR Heat Exchanger Bypass and 2E12-F003B; RHRHeat Exchanger Outlet valves have been adjusted to mid-position in order to establish therequired cooldown rate. The Suppression Pool cooldown rate has NOT required adjustment forapproximately 1 hour.Subsequently a short causes the 2E12-F048B valve to travel to the full CLOSED position.As a result of the above event; the Suppression Pool cooldown rate will (1)and the NSO must throttle the 2E12-F003B; RHR Heat Exchanger Outlet valve in the(2) direction in order to re-establish the previous cooldown rate.
#60. Under which one of the following conditions would you expect the SuppressionChamber-to-Drywell Vacuum Breakers to remain CLOSED?
#61. Unit-1 is operating in Mode 1. After receiving annunciator 1H13-P603-A508; 1A RPS MG Set Trouble; the following valvesindicate OPEN in the main control room:- 1E51-F086; RCIC Turbine Exhaust Vacuum Breaker Upstream Isolation Valve- 1B21-F019; MSIV Drain Header Outboard Stop Valve- 1CM022A; 1A Post LOCA H2/02 Monitor Drywell Suction Valve- 1WR040; RBCCW Return Header Outboard Isolation ValveWhich one of the listed valves is NOT in its expected position?
#62. An LGA event occurred on Unit-!:- the reactor scrammed following a trip of both TDRFPs- MSIVs automatically closed on low level— – RCIC is out of service for emergent maintenance- All control rods are full-in- Bus 152 tripped on overcurrent- HPCS has tripped on overcurrent- RPV level is -130 inches on WR and decreasing consistent with decay heat loadBased on the above conditions; which one of the following level control strategies would beappropriate?
#63. Which one of the following tank levels will increase as a result of the Unit-1Drywell Equipment Drain Sump (1 REO2) pumping down?
#64. All of the following will result in Reactor Building Differential Pressure becomingLESS negative; EXCEPT?1|
#65. Reactor Pressure Vessel Internal design provides for installation of Core Orifices inthe …|
#66. A licensed operator worked on the following safety related hours during aseven-day period: All work periods began at 08:00 on each work day. Upon review; it was determined that thisemployee exceeded the overtime guidelines stated in LS-AA-119; Overtime Controls.When did the employee exceed the overtime guidelines?
#67. Unit-1 and Unit-2 are both operating in Mode 1 with no equipment out of service. Avalving error caused Fire Protection Header Pressure to drop to 116 psig for 30 seconds.Based on the above event; the control room NSOs should verify proper operation of the DieselFire Pumps (DFPs) by observing on…
#68. Which one of the following is considered a formal Temporary ConfigurationChange that would require an entry in the Operations Temporary Change Tracking Log asdescribed in CC-AA-112; Temporary Configuration Changes?
#69. Refer to the ACTIONs Table provided in Technical Specification Example 1.3-6below to answer the following question. One channel is declared inoperable at 08:00 on June 1. The designated SurveillanceRequirement (SR 3.x.x.x) is completed at 12:00 on June 1.Including any extensions permitted by Technical Specifications; which one of the followingdescribes the LATEST time and date to perform the Surveillance next without requiring entryinto Condition B?
#70. Who maintains the master copy of the Nuclear Component Transfer List (NCTL)and is responsible for signing off the completed NCTL sheets while performing componentmovements within the Unit-2 reactor or spent fuel storage pool.
#71. You are a 25 year old Occupational Radiation Worker and have NOT exceeded anylegal or administrative exposure limits through the year 2003.In 2004 you received 3.0 Rem of Routine Exposure and 4.0 Rem of authorized Planned SpecialExposure (PSE).What is your 10 CFR 20 NRC Exposure Limit; for Routine Occupational Radiation Work; |during the year 2005?
#72. The Station Emergency Director is assigned the non-delegable responsibilityfor authorizing personnel exposure under emergency conditions recommended NOT toexceed Rem TEDE for protecting valuable property.
#73. Per HU-AA-101; Human Performance Tools and Verification Practices; which oneof the following correctly states the philosophy to be applied while performing IndependentVerification (IV) of safety related valves located in the Outboard MSIV Room while operatingin Mode 1? |
#74. During a ATWS with power greater than 3%; which one of the following actionscan the panel operators take without Unit Supervisor direction?
#75. LOA-RX-101; Unit-1 Control Room Evacuation Abnormal procedure directs you to;OPEN RPS System A and B feed breakers (CB2A and CB2B) located at the |(1) on the 749 foot elevation of the Auxiliary Building. These breakers areleft open until recovery to (2)i
#76. A breaker trip event occurred on Unit-2; some of the equipment de-energized islisted below:- 2A Diesel Cooling Water Pump- 2C and 2D RHR Service Water Pump- 2B Fuel Pool Emergency Makeup Pump- 2B Primary Containment Vent Fan- 2B Primary Containment ChillerTechnical Specification (Primary Containment Hydrogen Recombiner) is not being metbecause (1) Hydrogen Recombiner is OPERABLE for Unit-2; and the UnitSupervisor should direct actions to recover power per LOA-AP-201; Unit-2 AC Power SystemAbnormal for (2)
#77. While operating at full power with the RCIC turbine running at 600 gpm for asurveillance; an event occurred on Unit-1. ;The NSO observed the following indications as a direct result of the event:- RCIC turbine tripped on overspeed but no trip alarm was received- Division 1 Post LOCA monitor automatically started- All SRV OPEN and CLOSED position indicating lights are out- PCIS Group 4 outboard valves automatically closedAs the Unit Supervisor; your FIRST priority is to direct the NSO to enter …
#78. The Remote Shutdown Monitoring System LCO provides for operability ofinstrumentation that is required for all of the following EXCEPT?
#79. Unit-1 is in Mode 4 with reactor coolant temperature at 190F. The |operating loop of Shutdown Cooling trips and can NOT be restarted. Both Reactor |Recirculation pumps are out of service and Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) is isolated. |It has been determined that it will take 2 hours to align and start the standby Shutdown |||Cooling loop.As the Shift Manager you should …
#80. An event occurs on Unit-2 that results in the following alarms:~ 2H13-P601-E306; Fuel Pool Vent Rad Hi- 1H13-P601-E306; Fuel Pool Vent Rad Hi- 2H13-P601-F205; Div 1 Fuel Pool Rad Hi-HiAn Extra NSO verified that Fuel Pool Monitors 2A and 2B have tripped.The crew should be directed to enter (1) to verify isolations are complete toprevent (2)
#81. Unit-1 was manually scrammed due to a small leak in the primary containment. The |following conditions exist:- Drywell pressure is 2.0 psig and slowly rising- Drywell temperature is 215F and slowly rising|||Which one of the following identifies whether LGA-VP-01; Primary Containment TemperatureReduction can be used to reduce Drywell temperature and the basis for that decision?
#82. An ATWS event has occurred on Unit-1.- Drywell pressure is +0.5 psig- A PCIS Group 1 Isolation has occurred- One SRV was open and maintaining reactor pressure in LLSYou are maintaining RPV level per the level band prescribed by step 9 of LGA-010 when the;Unit NSO reports that at -100 inches on the Wide Range the SRV went closed. Reactor pressure |is approximately 900 psig and steady.As the Unit Supervisor; you should …
#83. Unit-2 was operating in Mode 2. RWCU Reject to the Main Condenser is beingused to control RPV level per LOP-RT-09; RWCU Sytem – Coolant Rejection.- RPV Water Level was +34 inches and steadyThe NSO made an adjustment to the blowdown flow rate; and 20 minutes later the RPV LowWater Level alarm (Level-4) was received.Based on the above information; the NSO increased the reject flow rate by approximately(1) and the Unit Supervisor should then direct the NSO to restore RPV levelto the band directed by (2)
#84. During a reactor pressure transient; 4 Safety Relief Valves (SRVs) automaticallyopened when RPV pressure reached 1090 psig. All other SRVs have remained closed during the |transient. Which one of the following correctly states the status of the SRVs and the actions that should bedirected by the Unit Supervisor?
#85. Following an event on Unit-1; the control room operators gather the followinginformation:- RB RCIC Room Area Radiation Monitor is pegged high- RB North HCU Area Radiation Monitor is pegged high- SBGT Area Radiation Monitor is reading 100 mrem/hr- RCIC has received an isolation signal however the isolation valves have failed to close- Unit-1 continues to operate in MODE 1The above conditions require a (1) because two (2) valuesfor the same parameter have been exceeded.
#86. A transient has occurred on Unit-1 resulting in the following conditions:- 142Y is de-energized- RPV pressure is 290 psig and slowly decreasing- RPV level is -30 inches and rising at 50 inches per minuteSubsequently; annunciator 1PMO01J-A313 Feed to 135X/Y 133 Auto Trip (SER R-point R0O218Bus 141Y Fd Bkr to 135X/Y A-Trip) is received.Based on the above conditions; the Unit Supervisor should direct action to …
#87. Unit-2 was operating at full rated conditions when an event occurred requiring amanual scram:1) The NSO armed and depressed all manual scram pushbuttons2) All group scram lights remained lit and control rods did NOT move3) The NSO manually initiated both divisions of ARI4) All control rods fully inserted following ARI initiationBased on the above event; (1) and therefore; (2) arerequired to be notified per Nuclear Accident Reporting System (NARS)
#88. Several hours after an automatic initiation during a LOCA; and with the initiationsignal still present; the Unit-1 Standby Gas Treatment Primary Fan trips.After the trip; the Unit-1 Assist NSO observed the following at panel 1PM07J:- SBGT Primary Fan – OFF- SBGT Cooling Fan – OFF- SBGT Heater – OFF- SBGT Flow – 0 scfm- 1VG001; SBGT Inlet Isolation damper – CLOSED- 1¥VG003; SBGT Outlet Isolation damper – OPENThe SBGT train (1) to the Primary Fan trip and the Unit Supervisor shoulddirect the operator to (2) .
#89. Unit-1 is being shutdown for emergent maintenance. The Shutdown CoolingIsolation Interlocks have just cleared and Main Turbine Bypass valves are being used tocontro! reactor pressure.While troubleshooting ADS Accmulator alarms; the FIN Team reports that the ADSAccumulator Supply header pressures are reading 145 psig.Based on the above information; which one of the following is appropriate for the UnitSupervisor?
#90. Unit-1 is operating at full power and Unit-2 is in an extended maintenance outage.The Ice Melt Line was just taken out of service to support emergent maintenance activities onthe Unit-2 Circulating Water Piping. Maintenance is expected to last another 4 days.The following conditions exit:- Circulating Water Inlet temperature is 55F- Outside Air Temperature is 10F and forecasted to drop over the coming week- The 0A Service Water Jockey Pump is the only Service Water Pump running- Service Water Pressure is 107 psigOver the next week; Service Water pressure is expected to (1) ; and the UnitSupervisor should direct system pressure be controlled by (2)
#91. The Shift Manager is REQUIRED to notify the Duty Station Manager perOP-AA-106-101; Significant Event Reporting; for which one of the following events?
#92. An ATWS and LOCA have occurred on Unit-1 and the appropriate LGAs havebeen entered. Power was 6% and the NSO was trying to maintain level at -130 inches; howeverlevel continued to drop slowly. |The following conditions exist now:- Power is 5% and decreasing slowly- Seven ADS valves are open- RPV Pressure is 40 psig and decreasing slowly- Drywell pressure is 22 psig and steady- Suppression Pool temperature is 102F and rising slowly- Drywell temperature is 290F and steady |- Fuel Zone is reading upscale- All other RPV water level instruments indicate on-scale and rising quickly |Which one of the following represents the next required LGA action and why?
#93. During a refueling outage the reactor core is being loaded.- All SRMs are fully inserted- All control rods are fully inserted- The signal to noise ratio for all SRMs is 15:1- There are at least 6 fuel assemblies adjacent to each SRM- There are more than 10 fuel assemblies loaded in each quadrant- Fuel assemblies are being loaded into the same quadrant where SRM A is located While lowering a Fuel Assembly into the same quadrant as SRM A is located; the NSO takes thefollowing SRM readings:SRM A = 2.5 SRM B= 2.0 SRM C = 4.0 SRM D = 3.0Based on the above SRM indications core alterations should be …|
#94. Unit-1 is performing a normal unit shutdown. The containment is being de-inertedwhen annunciator 1H13-P603-B501; Pri Cnmt Pressure Hi/Lo is received. Drywell pressureindication is verified to read negative 0.6 psig (-0.6 psig).The NEXT action required by Technical Specifications is to …
#95. A casualty has occurred resulting in the following:- A leak has developed in the Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) Heat Exchanger room andoff-site release rates are increasing- RWCU has failed to automatically isolate and can NOT be isolated from the main contro]rooma!Ten minutes following the initial transient; it was deemed necessary to dispatch an NLO tomanually close the 1G33-F004; RWCU Suction Outboard Isolation valve. It is estimated that theNLO will exceed his federal exposure limits.The Technical Support Center (TSC) is NOT ready to assume command and control.As the Unit Supervisor; you should …
#96. Unit-1 is in Mode 1 at 100% power:- at 12:00 on June 1; the 1A RHR WS pump is declared inoperable- at 20:00 on June 1; the 1B RHR WS pump is declared inoperable- at 15:00 on June 2; the 1A RHR WS pump is restored to OPERABLEIncluding any extensions permitted by Technical Specifications; which one of the following isthe latest time and date allowed to restore the 1B RHR WS pump to OPERABLE status withoutentering a shutdown timeclock?
#97. You are the Unit Supervisor when an IMD Technician requests to troubleshootsluggish response of the selected CRD Flow Valve. The troubleshooting activity would involvethe lowering CRD Flow Controller Setpoint by 5 gpm; then returning the controller to itsoriginal setpoint while IMD observes the CRD Flow Contro! Valve in the field. As the Unit Supervisor; you should …
#98. Rad Protection (RP) has surveyed a work site and determined that personnelworking in the area would be exposed to 300 mrem/hr gamma radiation. During an ALARAreview; four options were discussed.Which one of the following four options listed would be in alignment with ALARA principles?
#99. Given the following plant conditions:- Suppression Pool level is +15 inches and slowly increasing- Suppression Chamber pressure is 11 psig and slowly increasing- Drywell pressure is 15 psig and slowly increasing- Suppression Pool temperature is 190F and steady- RPV level is -165 inches and decreasing- RPV pressure is 200 psig and steady- All control rods are full-in- RCIC is injecting into the RPV |- RR Pumps are in Pull-To-Lock- MSIVs are isolatedWhen returmed to service; the Unit Supervisor should direct the 2B RHR Pump to be used … !
#100. Unit-1 is at 100% power and Unit-2 is in Cold Shutdown. The 0A VC/VE Trainis_out-of-service for scheduled maintenance and the appropriate Technical Specification timeclocks per LCO 3.7.4 have been entered.Subsequently the 0B VC Supply Fan trips and can NOT be restarted.Which one of the following actions is directed by Technical Specifications?