In the LaSalle 2000 NRC exam both RO and SRO candidates answered 100 questions. The first 100 questions of this exam are RO only.
#1. Unit 2 is shutdown with the current conditions: – ‘A’ RR pump running. – All ‘B’ RR pump breakers are open. – The total of ‘A’ loop indicated jet pump flows is 23 Mlb/hr. – The total of ‘B’ loop indicated jet pump flows is 1.2 Mlb/hr. Which of the following values should the total core flow recorder on 2H13-P603 indicate?
#2. Which of the following nuclear boiler instrumentation indication becomes SIGNIFICANTLY MORE accurate as forced core flow circulation is reduced?
#3. Unit 1 is at rated power with a normal electrical lineup. If Bus 141Y voltage drops to 65% of its normal voltage…
#4. A loss of all Unit 1 125 DC battery chargers has occurred. ASSUME equal loads of 25 amps are being supplied by each divisional battery. Which of the following lists the expected relationship between the Unit 1 batteries’ voltages?
#5. Unit 2 is starting up. The turbine load is at 35% of rated capacity. A short in the bypass jack causes the turbine bypass valves to sequentially open until all five bypass valves are open. The turbine control valves throttle as designed reducing first stage pressure to 75 psig. Which of the following describes the INITIAL plant response if a manual turbine trip were initiated at this time?
#6. The plant is operating at 100% power; when a spurious signal causes a scram signal on RPS channel ‘A’ ONLY. Which of the following responses correctly completes the following: The ‘A’ scram pilot solenoid The ‘B’ scram pilot solenoid valves (117’s) are: valves (118’s) are:
#7. Unit 1 initial conditions are as follows: – Rx power: 28 % – T-G Load: 365 MWe – Load Set 390 MWe – Bypass position: 0 % The operator withdraws a control rod which increases Rx power to 29 %. Which of the following describe the expected response of the Turbine EHC Control System?
#8. Unit 1 reactor is operating at 100% power with the following conditions: The turbine throttle pressure signal to the selected EHC pressure regulator fails low (sends 0 psig signal). – All other equipment functions as designed. – No operator actions are taken Which of the following describes the reactor power/pressure response?
#9. Unit 2 is in Condition 4. Reactor water level is being controlled between 70 and 90 inches. A plant operator discovered a leak on reactor water cleanup suction line. The leak was stopped by closing the RWCU inboard and outboard isolation valves (2G33-F001 and 2G33-F004). Reactor water level is increasing due to CRD cooling flow. A RHR is running in the shutdown cooling mode. Which of the following flow paths could be utilized to drain the vessel to MAINTAIN the desired reactor water level?
#10. Which of the following interlocks is designed to reduce reactor power in response to a trip of an operating feedwater pump from 100% power?
#11. Unit 1 is at rated conditions. Nitrogen makeup is aligned to the drywell with the pressure controller in automatic set for +0.2 psig. The controller fails such that the regulating valve slowly opens fully. With NO operator action; which of the following will be the first to terminate the nitrogen flow to the drywell?
#12. Following a loss of primary containment cooling; the crew is preparing to perform non-emergency containment venting to control drywell pressure. While venting the drywell in this condition; the operator is directed to monitor the Standby Gas Treatment or Stack WRGM to…
#13. Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when the 16A High Pressure Heater Normal Drain Valve failed closed. In responding to this failure; the operators were directed to refer to LOA-RR-101; as well as several other procedures. Assume proper operator actions and no additional equipment problems. The guidance in LOA-RR-101 likely applied to this event when the change in Heater Drain flow led to…
#14. During an ATWS; the Emergency Operating Procedures direct the operator NOT to depressurize until the reactor is shutdown without boron injection or the cold shutdown weight of boron has been injected. The reason for this requirement is…
#15. During performance of LGA-NB-01; Alternate Rod Insert; Single Rod Insertion; the operator is directed to place the MODE SELECT switch in BYP for the Rod Worth Minimizer. The above action bypasses …
#16. A severe fire with thick smoke forced an immediate evacuation of the control room. The reactor was not scrammed prior to exiting. Which of the following is the PREFERRED method of scramming the reactor from outside of the control room?
#17. A failure of the RHR heat exchanger has resulted in an offsite release above the alarm setpoint. With NO operator action; the SPDS RADIATION RELEASE box letters will…
#18. Unit 1 has been operating with a known leaking fuel assembly. An increase in the assembly leakage rate results in an Off Gas System automatic isolation. Which of the following describes the purpose of the isolation and the initial plant response without operator action?
#19. Unit 1 is at 80% power. A Group II isolation was caused by an invalid signal. The Unit Supervisor directs a 10% power reduction to reduce the containment heat load. Which of the following describes the method(s); if any; AVAILABLE to the Unit NSO to reduce reactor power by only 10%?
#20. Unit 2 was at 100% power. Group 1 AND Group 10 isolations were caused by an instrument failure. The failure requires extended operation while aligned to the backup instrument air supply. The operators should monitor…
#21. Unit 2 is in Condition 4 with the following conditions: – Reactor water level is 40 inches on the Narrow Range. – Reactor Recirculation pumps are off. – A loss of shutdown cooling has occurred due to an erroneous signal. The Unit Supervisor should direct the NSO to raise reactor water level to +75 inches on the Shutdown Range to…
#22. During Unit-2 core reload; a fuel bundle was inadvertently dropped while attempting to place it in the core. Bubbles were observed rising from the area of the dropped bundle. Alarms were received for: Div I and II Fuel Pool Ventilation Radiation (PRM reading 23 mr/hr) Refuel Floor Area High Radiation (ARM reading 1200 mr/hr) Reactor Building Overhead Crane Area Radiation Monitor (reading 250 mr/hr) The operators should verify the…
#23. Unit One is in Condition 3 with the following conditions: – Reaclor waler evel is 68″. Reactor pressure is 645 psig and increasing very slowly. A rupture in the drywell has depressurized all low pressure IN piping and accumulators. The operator should control reactor pressure by…
#24. Which of the following conditions could be expected to cause RHR system damage? Provide LGA Fig V Suppression Suppression Chamber Pool Pressure (psig) Temperature (F)
#25. Unit 1 has just scrammed due to a large LOCA. Drywell Temperature has risen to 350 0 F. What are the concerns; if any?
#26. With Unit 2 operating at 100% power; an unisolable break at an ECCS pump suppression pool suction penetration caused suppression pool level to drop rapidly. Under these conditions; the actions directed by the Emergency Operating Procedures would primarily address which of the following issues?
#27. Unit 2 was at rated conditions. The operators noted Main Steam Line Tunnel temperature had increased to 165 F. The crew: – Scrammed the reactor – Closed all MSIVs and MSL drains. – Closed the Feedwater Line Outboard Isolation Valves – Started RCIC in level control mode. The STA reports that tunnel temperature is NOT decreasing. The Radwaste operator reports that the Aux. Bldg Floor Drain Sump ODA01 is pumping down continuously. Which of the following actions should be taken?
#28. Why do radiation levels in the Secondary Containment in excess of Maximum Normal Radiation Levels require a GSEP Unusual Event be declared? The radiation level would…
#29. Unit 1 is starting up with the following conditions: Drywell inerting is in progress. – Drywell pressure is 0.3 psig. The ‘DIV 2 RB VENT RAD HI-HI’ alarm energizes due to both Division 2 Reactor Building Ventilation Radiation trip units reaching their trip setpoint. What would the automatic response of Primary Containment Vent and Purge Valves be; if any? (Consider ONLY the actions associated with this alarm.)
#30. Given a constant input of contaminated water to the Unit 1 RB Northeast Floor Drain Sump (1 RE07) AND a failure of both associated sump pumps; contamination/radiation levels in the room will ….
#31. Unit 2 is experiencing an ATWS. RMCS has tripped. Actions were taken to rescram the reactor. Which of the following can be utilized to determine if ALL control rods were inserted?
#32. The Shift Manager is filling out a NARS due to a High Off-site Release from the Unit 2 Reactor Building and has requested you to determine wind speed and wind direction. Which of the following describes the control room panel(s) where the information must be obtained?
#33. A transient has occurred causing Unit 2 reactor fuel failure. – The crew closed the MSIVs and MSL drains due to elevated steam line radiation ten minutes ago. – Groups II; IV; VII; and X isolations initiated and were verified to be complete ten minutes ago. – The STA reports that the SBGT WRGM value has increased in the last ten minutes to 7E6 pCi/sec. The most likely source of the increasing release rate is leakage FROM the …
#34. The procedure for Operation of the Post-LOCA Combustible Gas Control System provides a precaution that “during a LOCA Environment; flows may be increased up to 200 scfm.” Which of the following is the reason for this restriction on system flow?
#35. Which of the following identifies the individual(s) and location to which they should be dispatched in response to a Unit 1 Red NON-CO2 fire panel alarm? Individual(s) Location
#36. Which of the following Unit 2 fire alarms would indicate that a Halon system had an initiation signal present?
#37. Following a reactor scram; the pressure equalization valves associated with the CRD Hydraulic system function to…
#38. Given that a Backup Subloop is available; which of the following conditions will cause the reactor recirc hydraulic system to be shutdown with the FCV hydraulically locked in position?
#39. Unit 2 is at rated conditions when an electrician inadvertently disconnects the 2A TDRFP discharge valve open limit switch causing alarm 2H13-P603-A410; 2A/2B TDRFP NOT READY; to annunciate in the control room. Which of the following describes the response of the RR FCVs to this event?
#40. Immediately following exercising of a 1A RHR system valve for post maintenance testing; a low pressure alarm was received for the 1A RHR system. With respect to the 1A RHR system; which of the following actions is appropriate?
#41. Unit 1 experienced a LOCA including the following: – Drywell pressure reached 5 psig. – The operator opened 1 El 2-F027B; B RHR SP Spray Isol. – The operator throttled 1 E12-F024B; B RHR Test to SP VIv until flow indicated 6000 gpm. – Several minutes later Annunciator 1H13-P601- B405; DIV 2 RHR INJ VLV LO RX PRESS PERMISSIVE is received. Which of the following statements describes the response of the RHR valves following receipt of the alarm? 1 E1 2-F024B 1 E12-F027B B RHR Test to SP VIv B RHR SP Spray Isol
#42. Regarding the Reactor Water Cleanup system; what automatic actions take place when reactor water level drops to -60 inches?
#43. 135Y-2 has tripped. Which of the following valves are affected?
#44. Unit 1 was operating at 100% reactor power when a LOCA occurred resulting in the following: – The reactor has scrammed – RPV pressure is 480 psig – RPV level is -140 inches – HPCS and RCIC are injecting to the RPV Based on these conditions; the LPCS pump is (1) and the LPCS injection line check valve is (2)
#45. Unit 2 has scrammed due to a LOCA. HPCS initiated on Level 2 and re-filled the RPV to a level above Level 8. Level subsequently decreased to -25 inches and is stable. Which of the following describes the action(s) the operator must take to re-establish HPCS flow to the RPV?
#46. Unit 2 is shutdown with the following conditions: SBLC has been initiated. Which of the following describes how SBLC will respond to a loss of Instrument Air?
#47. A manufacturing defect caused a flow path between the outer tube of the SBLC injection line and the bottom head area. Provide Figure 28-08 w/o labels. Which of the following describes the consequences of this failure?
#48. Unit 2 is operating at 35% reactor power with the following conditions: – MSV-1 slowly drifted close. – CV-1 RETS pressure is 0 psig. – All others valves remain in their normal position. Which one of the following describes the effect of these conditions on the RPS logic?
#49. Unit 2 is starting up. Which of the following would occur if the ‘A’ IRM were to fail upscale? RPS will generate…
#50. Unit 2 is at rated conditions. A control rod is at its withdraw limit at position 46. The control rod has a complete failure of its collet fingers. Which of the following will FIRST indicate the condition to the operators?
#51. Which of the following identifies the APRM channel and its power supply that can provide a reference power input to the ‘A’ RBM? APRM Channel Power Supply
#52. What is the power supply to the A and B channels of the Rod Block Monitoring (RBM) system?
#53. Unit 1 is starting up with the following conditions: The Reactor Operator has just stopped withdrawing control rods and determined that the reactor is critical. The ‘A’ IRM / ‘C’ IRM RECORDER is accidentally de-energized. Which of the following describes how the ‘A’ and ‘C’ IRM alarms and trips are affected by this failure and the actions; if any; which are required? The ‘A’ and ‘C’ IRM alarms and trips are …
#54. Unit 1 is in Operational Condition 3. An explosion occurs in the 1A 24/48 VDC battery that results in a loss of power to the distribution panel. Which of the following Technical Specifications LCOs is affected?
#55. During a reactor startup; the NSO can more closely monitor the SRMs by…
#56. Unit 2 is shutting down. An NSO is driving a control rod from 48 to 00. The NSO should expect the B LPRM meters to noticeably decrease as the rod passes through positions
#57. Unit 2 is at 100% power with the following conditions: – ” Narrow Range is selected for RWLC. – Power is lost to the ‘C’ Narrow Range. Reactor water level will
#58. Unit 1 is scrammed with the following conditions: – Feedwater flow has been lost. – Drywell pressure is 2.5 psig. – Reactor water level is stable. – Wide Range Level instruments are indicating -120 inches. – Fuel Zone Level instruments are indicating -194 inches. – Reactor pressure is 510 psig and decreasing at 220 psig/hr. – ‘A’ and ‘B’ RHR are aligned for containment cooling. When possible; ‘A’ and ‘B’ RHR should be…
#59. When the ADS system 9 minute timer times out; automatic initiation of ADS can occur without the…
#60. Unit 2 has suffered a major accident with the following conditions: – Containment pressure is 12 psig. – HG system is in operation. – Instrument air pressure in the reactor building has been lost. – The STA reports that pressure spiked to 16 psig in the containment and then returned to 12 psig. – Reactor building area radiation monitor values are now increasing. Which of the following describes the probable cause for the increasing area radiation monitor values? The pressure spike caused the …
#61. Unit 2 is in STARTUP with the following conditions: Reactor pressure is 150 psig. – RWCU blowdown is open 25% to maintain level during the heatup. An RBCCW valve failure causes a loss of RBCCW flow to the non regenerative heat exchanger. Which one of the following describes the resultant response of the valves listed? (1) 2G33-F001 RWCU Inboard Isolation Valve (2) 2G33-F004 Outboard RWCU Isolation Valve (3) 2G33-F033 RWCU Blowdown Header Control Valve
#62. Unit 2 has experienced a LOCA with the following conditions: – Reactor pressure is 175 psig. – The condenser hotwell is empty. – HPCS is OOS. – RCIC and ‘C’ RHR are maintaining reactor water level at 36 inches. – ‘A’ RHR is supplying Drywell and Suppression Chamber sprays. – ‘B’ RHR is in Suppression Pool cooling. Which of the following describe the primary concern if 241Y were lost?
#63. Unit 1 is scrammed due to a LOCA with the following conditions: – Containment pressure 5 psig – Reactor pressure 250 psig – ‘IA’ RHR is aligned for Suppression Chamber Spray and Suppression Pool Cooling – A grid transient causes a loss of off-site power. How will the RHR Test To Suppression Pool valve and the Suppression Chamber Spray Isolation valve respond if 141Y is re-energized? RHR Test To Suppression Suppression Pool Chamber Spray Valve Isolation Valve 1 E12-F024A 1 El 2-F027A
#64. RHR loop A has automatically initiated in the LPCI mode on a high drywell pressure condition. It is injecting to the core through 1 E12-F042A (RHR loop A injection valve). Which one of the following describes the response when the 1 El 2-F027A control switch is placed in the OPEN position? A RHR A RHR Suppression Chamber Spray Injection Isolation Valve Valve 1 El 2-F027A 1 El 2-F042A
#65. Which of the following describes the expected change in skimmer surge tank level if the first fuel pool cooling pump is started with the discharge valve full open AND the wier gate set at its highest position? Skimmer surge tank level …
#66. With the plant operating at power what effect; if any; would depressing the B Manual Isolation pushbutton; located on 1(2)H13P601; have on PCIS Group 1 valves?
#67. Unit 2 is shutdown with the following conditions: – Reactor pressure 1000 psig – MSIVs are closed. – MDRFP is in single element control. – Reactor water level is approximately 45″ on the Narrow Range. Which of the following describes the expected response if an SRV were opened? Reactor water level will…
#68. Unit 2 is in Run with the following conditions: – Reactor power – 30% – LOAD SELECT- 40% If reactor power were increased by 20%; which of the following would occur? Turbine Control Turbine Bypass Valves Valves
#69. Which of the following identifies the expected positions of the turbine control valves (TCVs); intermediate control valves (ICVs); and extraction steam dump valves (ESDVs) following a turbine trip? TCVs ICVs ESDVs
#70. Unit 2 is at 20% Reactor Power conducting a normal Unit Startup. – The MDRFP is not running. – One Turbine Driven Reactor Feedwater Pump (TDRFP) is in automatic controlling reactor water level. – The main turbine is on the line with all of the turbine bypass valves closed. – The main turbine unexpectedly trips. The TDRFP High Pressure control valve will ….
#71. Unit 1 is at rated conditions. The high high level switch for the 11 C heater fails in the tripped condition. In fifteen seconds the running feed pump will be MUCH lower.
#72. Unit 2 is at 100% power with the following conditions: – Both TDRFPs in 3 element control – Level setpoint at 36 inches. If the selected level input channel slowly fails downscale; the RPV water level will …
#73. A trainee is synchronizing the ‘0’ DG to bus 141Y. While synchronizing the generator the following indications are present: The incoming voltage is slightly HIGHER than the running voltage. The synchroscope is rotating slowly (45 seconds beat) in the FAST (clockwise) direction. The trainee turns the ‘0’ DG output breaker to the close position when the synchroscope is at the 3 o’clock position. Which of the following describe the expected breaker response? The ‘0’ DG output breaker will…
#74. The station is experiencing a station blackout. Which of the following is energizing the U-1 process computer?
#75. Unit 1 is at rated conditions. A fire in the TSC UPS caused it to de-energize. Which of the following describe the effect this will have on TDRFP operation? The TDRFP’s…
#76. LOP-VX-01; “Switchgear Heat Removal System Startup” has a precaution which states in part that “the Battery Exhaust Fans should be operated continuously.” Which of the following describes the reason for this precaution?
#77. The 1A DG Cooling Water pump tripped while the 1A DG was running under load for a surveillance. Assuming no operator action; which of the following describes the expected impact on continued 1A DG operation?
#78. The ‘0’ Diesel Generator is paralleled to the SAT and Bus 141Y and loaded as follows: – 1;000 KW – 200 KVARS Assuming the load on the system was constant; how would Real load (KW) and Reactive load (KVARS) be expected to respond if the ‘0’ Diesel Generator Voltage control switch was momentarily placed in the ‘Raise’ position? Real Load (KW) Reactive load (KVARS)
#79. Unit 2 was at rated conditions. The flow switch for the OG 2nd Stage Steam Flow failed resulting in an OG isolation. The NSO verified the isolation signal was invalid. Which of the following describes the action necessary to re-open the valves that closed?
#80. Unit 1 is at rated condition. Which of the following describe the listed valve’s position if BOTH Unit 1 OG Post Treatment PRMs go downscale? Off Gas Air Off Gas Ejector Suction Valves Discharge Valve (1 N62-F300A and B) (1 N62-F057)
#81. Automatic fire suppression is delayed from activation in the DG rooms to…
#82. Unit 2 is in Run with the following conditions: – Reactor Building Exhaust Air Flow has increased. – Reactor Building to Outside Differential Pressure is -1″WC and getting more negative. (the pointer is moving toward the bottom of the meter). – ‘2A’ and ‘2B’ VR Supply fans are running. – ‘2A’ and ‘2B’ VR Exhaust fans are running. Which of the following identifies the potential cause of this event? Loss of Instrument Air pressure to the…
#83. During a loss of feedwater heating transient MFLCPR exceeds a value of 1.003. The number of fuel clad failures will …
#84. Unit 1 is in Run with the following conditions: The plant is operating at 40% power The Jet Pump operability surveillance indicates that one jet pump has failed Technical Specifications require the plant to be in hot shutdown within 12 hours Which of the following describes why such a severe restriction is placed on continued operation for the given conditions?
#85. The Control Room Ventilation System is aligned for normal operations (not in purge) and smoke is detected in the RETURN AIR supply duct. Which of the following describes the response of the VC System?
#86. Excess control room intake radiation levels will …
#87. A transient has resulted in a loss of power to the in-service station air dryer; OSA02D. Which of the following describes the air dryer’s response to the loss of power?
#88. Unit 1 is in Run with the following conditions: Provide Tech Spec pages 1-19 to 1-22 SBLC tank volume 4800 gal SBLC tank concentration 13% SBLC tank temperature 70F Which of the following describes the status of the system?
#89. Unit 2 is in STARTUP with the following conditions: It has been 24 hours following a scram from an extended full-power run. Reactor temperature is 138F. Source range counts have been allowed to stabilize at 30;000 cps while the second verifier checks rod positions. You notice that source range counts begin to SLOWLY increase above 30;000 cps. The increasing counts are …
#90. You are getting ready to perform a task and have just copied the procedure you are going to use from the Work Execution Center. You are …
#91. The Plant Supervisor has ordered you to perform a RCIC operability test following maintenance using LOS-RI-Q3; Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) System Pump Operability and Valve Inservice Tests In Conditions 1; 2; and 3. During the RCIC pump run; this surveillance would require the performance of ?
#92. Unit 1 is in a refueling outage. A single fuel bundle is being loaded into the core. The signal-to-noise ratio is 15 to 1. The MINIMUM count rate to verify the required SRMs operable is __ counts per second.
#93. Which of the following describe the required communication between the Control Room and the Refueling Bridge during core alterations?
#94. Regarding station Out Of Services; which situation would utilize a Dual Function Checklist? Performing…
#95. Which of the following must be in service prior to performing a containment purge when the unit is at power?
#96. You have been directed to independently verify the Closed position of a system drain valve. To complete the task you will have to spend approximately 10 minutes in the general area of the valve. The dose rate in the general area of the valve is 50 mRem/hr. Which of the following is the correct approach to fulfilling this task?
#97. Unit one Radwaste Discharge Tank 1WF05T is being discharged to the lake blowdown line. While hanging an outage for service water; the inlet and outlet valves for the liquid Radwaste PRM are mistakenly closed. Which of the following describes actions that will occur due to this valve operation?
#98. Unit 2 is shutdown with the following conditions: A large LOCA has occurred. Containment pressure quickly exceeded the Pressure Suppression Pressure Limit. Which of the following describes the sequence of steps to be attempted to mitigate the containment pressure increase?
#99. A reactor scram has occurred and not all rods have inserted. Which of the following conditions would allow the SRO to make the determination that the “Reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions?”
#100. Both Unit-1 and Unit-2 are at normal rated full power conditions. You were the off-going NSO on Unit-2. You were properly relieved. While sitting in your car you remember that you left your lunch box in the Service Building. You re-enter the protected area and as you approach the Service Building a passer-by informs you that a Site Emergency has been declared and the station is about to perform a site assembly. You then hear the Assembly Siren. Based on the above information; you must…
#101. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. Unit 2 is in a refueling outage with fuel shuffle activities in progress. A scheduled Out of Service activity has left switchgear 241Y isolated and deenergized. Which of the following technical specifications sections would require entry into an action statement?
#102. Unit One is at rated condition. Provide T.S. The DIV 2 125V DC BATT CHARGER TROUBLE alarm has come in. The Battery Charger voltage indicates 120 volts. Which of the following describes the impact this situation has on the continued operation of the plant?
#103. Unit 1 is at rated power with the following conditions: – ‘A’ Narrow Range Level instrument is selected. – Both TDRFPs are in 3-element control. Which of the following; without operator intervention; would trip the TDRFPs and require entry into LGP-3-2? De-pressurization over fifteen minutes of the…
#104. Unit two is at 50% power – A high-high level in the 23A heater has occurred – The NSO reports that feedwater temperature has decreased by ten degrees. – The Assist NSO reports: – the associated Extraction Steam Inlet have failed to close. – the associated Extraction Non-Return valves have failed to close. – The NSO scrams the reactor and trips the Main Turbine. The NSO’s actions were…
#105. Unit 2 is operating at rated power with the following conditions: Instrument Maintenance is performing calibration checks of the ‘C’ Narrow Range Level instrument and reports that the trip setpoint is currently 55.7 inches and cannot be adjusted lower at this time. Which one of the following describes the applicable requirements? Provide T.S. pg. 3-86 to 3-89
#106. Unit 1 is in Run with recirculation loop flow mismatch of 3000 gpm. Which of the following is the MAXIMUM percentage of core flow that is allowed to exist WITHOUT entering a Technical Specification Action statement?
#107. LOP-MP-05; Isolating the Main Transformers; the Unit 1(2) Generator and the Unit Auxiliary Transformer; provides a precaution to notify the Load Dispatcher prior to placing the sudden pressure cutout switch to the OFF position or restoring the switch to the ON position. Which of the following describes the reason for this precaution? The Load Dispatcher…
#108. Unit 1 is shutdown with the following conditions: Drywell pressure is 1.8 psig and increasing due to a small coolant leak. Drywell temperature is 175F and increasing slowly. Which of the following lists the MINIMUM set of actions to be completed?
#109. Unit 1 was at rated power when an earthquake occurred resulting in the following conditions: Suppression Pool Level has decreased to 698′ 4″ and is stable – The Reactor Operator reported that initially; six SRVs were open simultaneously. – ‘A’ RHR is in drywell spray mode. Which of the following lists (1) the procedure to correct the Suppression Pool Level condition AND (2) the best indication of the average Suppression Pool temperature?
#110. Unit 2 is shutdown with the following conditions: – A Group I isolation occurred due to personnel error. – Reactor pressure is being controlled from 900-1000 psig by RCIC in the pressure control mode. – RB North HCU radiation level has increased to 20 mr/hr. – RCIC pipe route temperature has increased to 175F. Which of the following describes the required actions? PROVIDE LGA-002 (with entry conditions blanked out)
#111. With the plant at rated power; Control Rod Accumulator Trouble alarms are received for two fully-withdrawn Control Rods within one minute. Investigation revealed that the alarms are both due to low accumulator pressures. The operators must
#112. Unit 1 has just scrammed due to a loss of the SAT. LGP-3-2; “Reactor Scram” is being performed. LOA-AP-101; “Unit 1; AC Power System Abnormal” is being performed. Two minutes later suppression pool temperature is 106 0 F and increasing. Which of the following actions are required?
#113. Unit 1 is at rated power. PROVIDE Tech Spec pages 3/4 6-38 and 3/4 6-39 Reactor Building Ventilation supply damper 1VR04YA is found to have an isolation time of 90 seconds. Which of the following describes the response to this situation?
#114. Unit 2 is shutdown. While returning the ‘2A’ RHR pump to service; the control power fuse for the breaker CAN NOT be located. The preferred method for determining a replacement fuse is by using the …
#115. Unit 1 was at rated power when the following occurred: – A station blackout occurred. – Reactor water level is below the narrow range. – Five control rods are fully withdrawn. – The HPCS DG is running Which of the following describes the expected crew response? Scram; Turn Mode Switch to Shutdown;….
#116. What is the HIGHEST level of station management that must review and approve the ODCM prior to purging the containment?
#117. Authorization to receive radiological exposures in excess of 10CFR20 limits is the responsibility of the
#118. LOS-RH-R1 -R2; LPCI Injection Line Check Valve Inservice Test can be utilized to perform which of the following?
#119. Unit 2 is in a refueling outage. It is a weekend. A new system engineer has requested that the Unit 2 HPCS pump be started with the full flow test valve throttled to 75% open to determine starting current. The evolution is not described in current procedures or the Safety Analysis Report. Which of the following would describes the correct response to the request? The Shift Manager may…
#120. Unit 2 is experiencing an ATWS with the following conditions: Reactor water level is 10 inches and is being rapidly lowered. – The Reactor operator reports that APRMs are oscillating between two and sixteen percent. Which of the following actions should be taken?
#121. Unit 2 is operating at rated power with the following conditions: – Primary Containment Vent Fan 2VP02CB is OOS. Primary Containment Vent Fan 2VP02CA trips. Which of the following describe the expected crew response to this event? Enter LGA-003…
#122. Unit 1 is at rated conditions with NO LCO action statements in effect. Electrical maintenance has requested permission to de-energize the LPCS minimum flow valve in the closed position while they perform a required breaker inspection. Which of the following describes the shortest time clock that would be entered if you allowed the maintenance to start?Provide Tech Specs 3.5.1 ;; and 3.6.3.
#123. Unit 2 is at rated power with the following conditions: – HD tank level increasing. – HD Pump Minimum Flow Valves opening. – HD Pump Forward Valves closing. – LP Heater Emergency Spills Valve opening. Which of the following is responsible for all of the conditions AND which procedure(s) should be implemented?
#124. Unit 2 is operating near full power when instrument maintenance technicians discovered that three turbine stop valve closure channels that input to RPS are inoperable. PROVIDE T.S. 3.3. 1. Which of the following actions is required?
#125. Unit 2 is in Hot Shutdown with the following conditions: Both of the running VR exhaust fans have tripped. Reactor building differential pressure is +0.01 inch H20. Which of the following is the overriding document for this situation?